Items where Year is 2015
Number of items: 2431. .., . (2015) Global, regional, and national age–sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 The Lancet, 385 (9963). pp. 117-171. ISSN 0140-6736 AA., Anila H. ; G., Upendar Reddy ; Ali, Firoj ; Taye, Nandaraj ; Chattopadhyay, Samit ; Das, Amitava (2015) A reagent for specific recognition of cysteine in aqueous buffer and in natural milk: imaging studies, enzymatic reaction and analysis of whey protein Chemical Communications, 51 (85). pp. 15592-15595. ISSN 1359-7345 ACHARYYA, SUMAN ; AMRITKAR, R E (2015) Synchronization-optimized networks for coupled nearly identical oscillators and their structural analysis Pramana, 84 (2). pp. 173-182. ISSN 0304-4289 Aasi, J. ; Abadie, J. ; Abbott, B. P. ; Abbott, R. ; Abbott, T. ; Abernathy, M. R. ; Accadia, T. ; Acernese, F. ; Adams, C. ; Adams, T. ; Addesso, P. ; Adhikari, R. X. ; Affeldt, C. ; Agathos, M. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguiar, O. D. ; Ajith, P. ; Allen, B. ; Allocca, A. ; Amador Ceron, E. ; Amariutei, D. ; Anderson, R. A. ; Anderson, S. B. ; Anderson, W. G. ; Arai, K. ; Araya, M. C. ; Arceneaux, C. ; Areeda, J. ; Ast, S. ; Aston, S. M. ; Astone, P. ; Aufmuth, P. ; Aulbert, C. ; Austin, L. ; Aylott, B. E. ; Babak, S. ; Baker, P. T. ; Ballardin, G. ; Ballmer, S. W. ; Barayoga, J. C. ; Barker, D. ; Barnum, S. H. ; Barone, F. ; Barr, B. ; Barsotti, L. ; Barsuglia, M. ; Barton, M. A. ; Bartos, I. ; Bassiri, R. ; Basti, A. ; Batch, J. ; Bauchrowitz, J. ; Bauer, Th. S. ; Bebronne, M. ; Behnke, B. ; Bejger, M. ; Beker, M. G. ; Bell, A. S. ; Bell, C. ; Belopolski, I. ; Bergmann, G. ; Berliner, J. M. ; Bersanetti, D. ; Bertolini, A. ; Bessis, D. ; Betzwieser, J. ; Beyersdorf, P. T. ; Bhadbhade, T. ; Bilenko, I. A. ; Billingsley, G. ; Birch, J. ; Biscans, S. ; Bitossi, M. ; Bizouard, M. A. ; Black, E. ; Blackburn, J. K. ; Blackburn, L. ; Blair, D. ; Blom, M. ; Bock, O. ; Bodiya, T. P. ; Boer, M. ; Bogan, C. ; Bond, C. ; Bondu, F. ; Bonelli, L. ; Bonnand, R. ; Bork, R. ; Born, M. ; Boschi, V. ; Bose, S. ; Bosi, L. ; Bowers, J. ; Bradaschia, C. ; Brady, P. R. ; Braginsky, V. B. ; Branchesi, M. ; Brannen, C. A. ; Brau, J. E. ; Breyer, J. ; Briant, T. ; Bridges, D. O. ; Brillet, A. ; Brinkmann, M. ; Brisson, V. ; Britzger, M. ; Brooks, A. F. ; Brown, D. A. ; Brown, D. D. ; Brückner, F. ; Bulik, T. ; Bulten, H. J. ; Buonanno, A. ; Buskulic, D. ; Buy, C. ; Byer, R. L. ; Cadonati, L. ; Cagnoli, G. ; Calderón Bustillo, J. ; Calloni, E. ; Camp, J. B. ; Campsie, P. ; Cannon, K. C. ; Canuel, B. ; Cao, J. ; Capano, C. D. ; Carbognani, F. ; Carbone, L. ; Caride, S. ; Castiglia, A. ; Caudill, S. ; Cavaglià, M. ; Cavalier, F. ; Cavalieri, R. ; Cella, G. ; Cepeda, C. ; Cesarini, E. ; Chakraborty, R. ; Chalermsongsak, T. ; Chao, S. ; Charlton, P. ; Chassande-Mottin, E. ; Chen, X. ; Chen, Y. ; Chincarini, A. ; Chiummo, A. ; Cho, H. S. ; Chow, J. ; Christensen, N. ; Chu, Q. ; Chua, S. S. Y. ; Chung, S. ; Ciani, G. ; Clara, F. ; Clark, D. E. ; Clark, J. A. ; Cleva, F. ; Coccia, E. ; Cohadon, P.-F. ; Colla, A. ; Colombini, M. ; Constancio, M. ; Conte, A. ; Cook, D. ; Corbitt, T. R. ; Cordier, M. ; Cornish, N. ; Corsi, A. ; Costa, C. A. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Coulon, J. P. ; Countryman, S. ; Couvares, P. ; Coward, D. M. ; Cowart, M. ; Coyne, D. C. ; Craig, K. ; Creighton, J. D. E. ; Creighton, T. D. ; Crowder, S. G. ; Cumming, A. ; Cunningham, L. ; Cuoco, E. ; Dahl, K. ; Dal Canton, T. ; Damjanic, M. ; Danilishin, S. L. ; D’Antonio, S. ; Danzmann, K. ; Dattilo, V. ; Daudert, B. ; Daveloza, H. ; Davier, M. ; Davies, G. S. ; Daw, E. J. ; Day, R. ; Dayanga, T. ; Debreczeni, G. ; Degallaix, J. ; Deleeuw, E. ; Deléglise, S. ; Del Pozzo, W. ; Denker, T. ; Dent, T. ; Dereli, H. ; Dergachev, V. ; DeRosa, R. T. ; De Rosa, R. ; DeSalvo, R. ; Dhurandhar, S. ; Díaz, M. ; Dietz, A. ; Di Fiore, L. ; Di Lieto, A. ; Di Palma, I. ; Di Virgilio, A. ; Dmitry, K. ; Donovan, F. ; Dooley, K. L. ; Doravari, S. ; Drago, M. ; Drever, R. W. P. ; Driggers, J. C. ; Du, Z. ; Dumas, J.-C. ; Dwyer, S. ; Eberle, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Effler, A. ; Ehrens, P. ; Eichholz, J. ; Eikenberry, S. S. ; Endrőczi, G. ; Essick, R. ; Etzel, T. ; Evans, K. ; Evans, M. ; Evans, T. ; Factourovich, M. ; Fafone, V. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Fang, Q. ; Farr, B. ; Farr, W. ; Favata, M. ; Fazi, D. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Feldbaum, D. ; Ferrante, I. ; Ferrini, F. ; Fidecaro, F. ; Finn, L. S. ; Fiori, I. ; Fisher, R. ; Flaminio, R. ; Foley, E. ; Foley, S. ; Forsi, E. ; Fotopoulos, N. ; Fournier, J.-D. ; Franco, S. ; Frasca, S. ; Frasconi, F. ; Frede, M. ; Frei, M. ; Frei, Z. ; Freise, A. ; Frey, R. ; Fricke, T. T. ; Fritschel, P. ; Frolov, V. V. ; Fujimoto, M.-K. ; Fulda, P. ; Fyffe, M. ; Gair, J. ; Gammaitoni, L. ; Garcia, J. ; Garufi, F. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gemme, G. ; Genin, E. ; Gennai, A. ; Gergely, L. ; Ghosh, S. ; Giaime, J. A. ; Giampanis, S. ; Giardina, K. D. ; Giazotto, A. ; Gil-Casanova, S. ; Gill, C. ; Gleason, J. ; Goetz, E. ; Goetz, R. ; Gondan, L. ; González, G. ; Gordon, N. ; Gorodetsky, M. L. ; Gossan, S. ; Goßler, S. ; Gouaty, R. ; Graef, C. ; Graff, P. B. ; Granata, M. ; Grant, A. ; Gras, S. ; Gray, C. ; Greenhalgh, R. J. S. ; Gretarsson, A. M. ; Griffo, C. ; Grote, H. ; Grover, K. ; Grunewald, S. ; Guidi, G. M. ; Guido, C. ; Gushwa, K. E. ; Gustafson, E. K. ; Gustafson, R. ; Hall, B. ; Hall, E. ; Hammer, D. ; Hammond, G. ; Hanke, M. ; Hanks, J. ; Hanna, C. ; Hanson, J. ; Harms, J. ; Harry, G. M. ; Harry, I. W. ; Harstad, E. D. ; Hartman, M. T. ; Haughian, K. ; Hayama, K. ; Heefner, J. ; Heidmann, A. ; Heintze, M. ; Heitmann, H. ; Hello, P. ; Hemming, G. ; Hendry, M. ; Heng, I. S. ; Heptonstall, A. W. ; Heurs, M. ; Hild, S. ; Hoak, D. ; Hodge, K. A. ; Holt, K. ; Hong, T. ; Hooper, S. ; Horrom, T. ; Hosken, D. J. ; Hough, J. ; Howell, E. J. ; Hu, Y. ; Hua, Z. ; Huang, V. ; Huerta, E. A. ; Hughey, B. ; Husa, S. ; Huttner, S. H. ; Huynh, M. ; Huynh-Dinh, T. ; Iafrate, J. ; Ingram, D. R. ; Inta, R. ; Isogai, T. ; Ivanov, A. ; Iyer, B. R. ; Izumi, K. ; Jacobson, M. ; James, E. ; Jang, H. ; Jang, Y. J. ; Jaranowski, P. ; Jiménez-Forteza, F. ; Johnson, W. W. ; Jones, D. I. ; Jones, D. ; Jones, R. ; Jonker, R. J. G. ; Ju, L. ; K., Haris ; Kalmus, P. ; Kalogera, V. ; Kandhasamy, S. ; Kang, G. ; Kanner, J. B. ; Kasprzack, M. ; Kasturi, R. ; Katsavounidis, E. ; Katzman, W. ; Kaufer, H. ; Kaufman, K. ; Kawabe, K. ; Kawamura, S. ; Kawazoe, F. ; Kéfélian, F. ; Keitel, D. ; Kelley, D. B. ; Kells, W. ; Keppel, D. G. ; Khalaidovski, A. ; Khalili, F. Y. ; Khazanov, E. A. ; Kim, B. K. ; Kim, C. ; Kim, K. ; Kim, N. ; Kim, W. ; Kim, Y.-M. ; King, E. ; King, P. J. ; Kinzel, D. L. ; Kissel, J. S. ; Klimenko, S. ; Kline, J. ; Koehlenbeck, S. ; Kokeyama, K. ; Kondrashov, V. ; Koranda, S. ; Korth, W. Z. ; Kowalska, I. ; Kozak, D. ; Kremin, A. ; Kringel, V. ; Krishnan, B. ; Królak, A. ; Kucharczyk, C. ; Kudla, S. ; Kuehn, G. ; Kumar, A. ; Kumar, D. Nanda ; Kumar, P. ; Kumar, R. ; Kurdyumov, R. ; Kwee, P. ; Landry, M. ; Lantz, B. ; Larson, S. ; Lasky, P. D. ; Lawrie, C. ; Lazzarini, A. ; Leaci, P. ; Lebigot, E. O. ; Lee, C.-H. ; Lee, H. K. ; Lee, H. M. ; Lee, J. J. ; Lee, J. ; Leonardi, M. ; Leong, J. R. ; Le Roux, A. ; Leroy, N. ; Letendre, N. ; Levine, B. ; Lewis, J. B. ; Lhuillier, V. ; Li, T. G. F. ; Lin, A. C. ; Littenberg, T. B. ; Litvine, V. ; Liu, F. ; Liu, H. ; Liu, Y. ; Liu, Z. ; Lloyd, D. ; Lockerbie, N. A. ; Lockett, V. ; Lodhia, D. ; Loew, K. ; Logue, J. ; Lombardi, A. L. ; Lorenzini, M. ; Loriette, V. ; Lormand, M. ; Losurdo, G. ; Lough, J. ; Luan, J. ; Lubinski, M. J. ; Lück, H. ; Lundgren, A. P. ; Macarthur, J. ; Macdonald, E. ; Machenschalk, B. ; MacInnis, M. ; Macleod, D. M. ; Magana-Sandoval, F. ; Mageswaran, M. ; Mailand, K. ; Majorana, E. ; Maksimovic, I. ; Malvezzi, V. ; Man, N. ; Manca, G. M. ; Mandel, I. ; Mandic, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mantovani, M. ; Marchesoni, F. ; Marion, F. ; Márka, S. ; Márka, Z. ; Markosyan, A. ; Maros, E. ; Marque, J. ; Martelli, F. ; Martellini, L. ; Martin, I. W. ; Martin, R. M. ; Martini, G. ; Martynov, D. ; Marx, J. N. ; Mason, K. ; Masserot, A. ; Massinger, T. J. ; Matichard, F. ; Matone, L. ; Matzner, R. A. ; Mavalvala, N. ; May, G. ; Mazumder, N. ; Mazzolo, G. ; McCarthy, R. ; McClelland, D. E. ; McGuire, S. C. ; McIntyre, G. ; McIver, J. ; Meacher, D. ; Meadors, G. D. ; Mehmet, M. ; Meidam, J. ; Meier, T. ; Melatos, A. ; Mendell, G. ; Mercer, R. A. ; Meshkov, S. ; Messenger, C. ; Meyer, M. S. ; Miao, H. ; Michel, C. ; Mikhailov, E. ; Milano, L. ; Miller, J. ; Minenkov, Y. ; Mingarelli, C. M. F. ; Mitra, S. ; Mitrofanov, V. P. ; Mitselmakher, G. ; Mittleman, R. ; Moe, B. ; Mohan, M. ; Mohapatra, S. R. P. ; Mokler, F. ; Moraru, D. ; Moreno, G. ; Morgado, N. ; Mori, T. ; Morriss, S. R. ; Mossavi, K. ; Mours, B. ; Mow-Lowry, C. M. ; Mueller, C. L. ; Mueller, G. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Mullavey, A. ; Munch, J. ; Murphy, D. ; Murray, P. G. ; Mytidis, A. ; Nagy, M. F. ; Nardecchia, I. ; Nash, T. ; Naticchioni, L. ; Nayak, R. ; Necula, V. ; Neri, I. ; Neri, M. ; Newton, G. ; Nguyen, T. ; Nishida, E. ; Nishizawa, A. ; Nitz, A. ; Nocera, F. ; Nolting, D. ; Normandin, M. E. ; Nuttall, L. K. ; Ochsner, E. ; O’Dell, J. ; Oelker, E. ; Ogin, G. H. ; Oh, J. J. ; Oh, S. H. ; Ohme, F. ; Oppermann, P. ; O’Reilly, B. ; Ortega Larcher, W. ; O’Shaughnessy, R. ; Osthelder, C. ; Ottaway, D. J. ; Ottens, R. S. ; Ou, J. ; Overmier, H. ; Owen, B. J. ; Padilla, C. ; Pai, A. ; Palomba, C. ; Pan, Y. ; Pankow, C. ; Paoletti, F. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paris, H. ; Pasqualetti, A. ; Passaquieti, R. ; Passuello, D. ; Pedraza, M. ; Peiris, P. ; Penn, S. ; Perreca, A. ; Phelps, M. ; Pichot, M. ; Pickenpack, M. ; Piergiovanni, F. ; Pierro, V. ; Pinard, L. ; Pindor, B. ; Pinto, I. M. ; Pitkin, M. ; Poeld, J. ; Poggiani, R. ; Poole, V. ; Postiglione, F. ; Poux, C. ; Predoi, V. ; Prestegard, T. ; Price, L. R. ; Prijatelj, M. ; Privitera, S. ; Prodi, G. A. ; Prokhorov, L. ; Puncken, O. ; Punturo, M. ; Puppo, P. ; Quetschke, V. ; Quintero, E. ; Quitzow-James, R. ; Raab, F. J. ; Rabeling, D. S. ; Rácz, I. ; Radkins, H. ; Raffai, P. ; Raja, S. ; Rajalakshmi, G. ; Rakhmanov, M. ; Ramet, C. ; Rapagnani, P. ; Raymond, V. ; Re, V. ; Reed, C. M. ; Reed, T. ; Regimbau, T. ; Reid, S. ; Reitze, D. H. ; Ricci, F. ; Riesen, R. ; Riles, K. ; Robertson, N. A. ; Robinet, F. ; Rocchi, A. ; Roddy, S. ; Rodriguez, C. ; Rodruck, M. ; Roever, C. ; Rolland, L. ; Rollins, J. G. ; Romano, J. D. ; Romano, R. ; Romanov, G. ; Romie, J. H. ; Rosińska, D. ; Rowan, S. ; Rüdiger, A. ; Ruggi, P. ; Ryan, K. ; Salemi, F. ; Sammut, L. ; Sandberg, V. ; Sanders, J. ; Sannibale, V. ; Santiago-Prieto, I. ; Saracco, E. ; Sassolas, B. ; Sathyaprakash, B. S. ; Saulson, P. R. ; Savage, R. ; Schilling, R. ; Schnabel, R. ; Schofield, R. M. S. ; Schreiber, E. ; Schuette, D. ; Schulz, B. ; Schutz, B. F. ; Schwinberg, P. ; Scott, J. ; Scott, S. M. ; Seifert, F. ; Sellers, D. ; Sengupta, A. S. ; Sentenac, D. ; Sequino, V. ; Sergeev, A. ; Shaddock, D. ; Shah, S. ; Shahriar, M. S. ; Shaltev, M. ; Shapiro, B. ; Shawhan, P. ; Shoemaker, D. H. ; Sidery, T. L. ; Siellez, K. ; Siemens, X. ; Sigg, D. ; Simakov, D. ; Singer, A. ; Singer, L. ; Sintes, A. M. ; Skelton, G. R. ; Slagmolen, B. J. J. ; Slutsky, J. ; Smith, J. R. ; Smith, M. R. ; Smith, R. J. E. ; Smith-Lefebvre, N. D. ; Soden, K. ; Son, E. J. ; Sorazu, B. ; Souradeep, T. ; Sperandio, L. ; Staley, A. ; Steinert, E. ; Steinlechner, J. ; Steinlechner, S. ; Steplewski, S. ; Stevens, D. ; Stochino, A. ; Stone, R. ; Strain, K. A. ; Straniero, N. ; Strigin, S. ; Stroeer, A. S. ; Sturani, R. ; Stuver, A. L. ; Summerscales, T. Z. ; Susmithan, S. ; Sutton, P. J. ; Swinkels, B. ; Szeifert, G. ; Tacca, M. ; Talukder, D. ; Tang, L. ; Tanner, D. B. ; Tarabrin, S. P. ; Taylor, R. ; ter Braack, A. P. M. ; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. ; Thomas, M. ; Thomas, P. ; Thorne, K. A. ; Thorne, K. S. ; Thrane, E. ; Tiwari, V. ; Tokmakov, K. V. ; Tomlinson, C. ; Toncelli, A. ; Tonelli, M. ; Torre, O. ; Torres, C. V. ; Torrie, C. I. ; Travasso, F. ; Traylor, G. ; Tse, M. ; Ugolini, D. ; Unnikrishnan, C. S. ; Vahlbruch, H. ; Vajente, G. ; Vallisneri, M. ; van den Brand, J. F. J. ; Van Den Broeck, C. ; van der Putten, S. ; van der Sluys, M. V. ; van Heijningen, J. ; van Veggel, A. A. ; Vass, S. ; Vasúth, M. ; Vaulin, R. ; Vecchio, A. ; Vedovato, G. ; Veitch, P. J. ; Veitch, J. ; Venkateswara, K. ; Verkindt, D. ; Verma, S. ; Vetrano, F. ; Viceré, A. ; Vincent-Finley, R. ; Vinet, J.-Y. ; Vitale, S. ; Vitale, S. ; Vlcek, B. ; Vo, T. ; Vocca, H. ; Vorvick, C. ; Vousden, W. D. ; Vrinceanu, D. ; Vyachanin, S. P. ; Wade, A. ; Wade, L. ; Wade, M. ; Waldman, S. J. ; Walker, M. ; Wallace, L. ; Wan, Y. ; Wang, J. ; Wang, M. ; Wang, X. ; Wanner, A. ; Ward, R. L. ; Was, M. ; Weaver, B. ; Wei, L.-W. ; Weinert, M. ; Weinstein, A. J. ; Weiss, R. ; Welborn, T. ; Wen, L. ; Wessels, P. ; West, M. ; Westphal, T. ; Wette, K. ; Whelan, J. T. ; White, D. J. ; Whiting, B. F. ; Wibowo, S. ; Wiesner, K. ; Wilkinson, C. ; Williams, L. ; Williams, R. ; Williams, T. ; Willis, J. L. ; Willke, B. ; Wimmer, M. ; Winkelmann, L. ; Winkler, W. ; Wipf, C. C. ; Wittel, H. ; Woan, G. ; Worden, J. ; Yablon, J. ; Yakushin, I. ; Yamamoto, H. ; Yancey, C. C. ; Yang, H. ; Yeaton-Massey, D. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yum, H. ; Yvert, M. ; Zadrożny, A. ; Zanolin, M. ; Zendri, J.-P. ; Zhang, F. ; Zhang, L. ; Zhao, C. ; Zhu, H. ; Zhu, X. J. ; Zotov, N. ; Zucker, M. E. ; Zweizig, J. (2015) Searching for stochastic gravitational waves using data from the two colocated LIGO Hanford detectors Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91 (2). Article ID 022003. ISSN 1550-7998 Aasi, J. ; Abadie, J. ; Abbott, B. P. ; Abbott, R. ; Abbott, T. ; Abernathy, M. R. ; Accadia, T. ; Acernese, F. ; Adams, C. ; Adams, T. ; Adhikari, R. X. ; Affeldt, C. ; Agathos, M. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguiar, O. D. ; Ajith, P. ; Allen, B. ; Allocca, A. ; Ceron, E. Amador ; Amariutei, D. ; Anderson, R. A. ; Anderson, S. B. ; Anderson, W. G ; Arai, K. ; Araya, M. C. ; Arceneaux, C. ; Areeda, J. ; Ast, S. ; Aston, S. M. ; Astone, P. ; Aufmuth, P. ; Aulbert, C. ; Austin, L. ; Aylott, B. E. ; Babak, S. ; Baker, P. T. ; Ballardin, G. ; Ballmer, S. W. ; Barayoga, J. C. ; Barker, D. ; Barnum, S. H. ; Barone, F. ; Barr, B. ; Barsotti, L. ; Barsuglia, M. ; Barton, M. A. ; Bartos, I. ; Bassiri, R. ; Basti, A. ; Batch, J. ; Bauchrowitz, J. ; Bauer, Th S. ; Bebronne, M. ; Behnke, B. ; Bejger, M. ; Beker, M. G. ; Bell, A. S. ; Bell, C. ; Belopolski, I. ; Bergmann, G. ; Berliner, J. M. ; Bertolini, A. ; Bessis, D. ; Betzwieser, J. ; Beyersdorf, P.T. ; Bhadbhade, T. ; Bilenko, I. A. ; Billingsley, G. ; Birch, J. ; Bitossi, M. ; Bizouard, M. A. ; Black, E. ; Blackburn, J. K. ; Blackburn, L. ; Blair, D. ; Blom, M. ; Bock, O. ; Bodiya, T. P. ; Boer, M. ; Bogan, C. ; Bond, C. ; Bondu, F. ; Bonelli, L. ; Bonnand, R. ; Bork, R. ; Born, M. ; Bose, S. ; Bosi, L. ; Bowers, J. ; Bradaschia, C. ; Brady, P. R. ; Braginsky, V. B. ; Branchesi, M. ; Brannen, C. A. ; Brau, J. E. ; Breyer, J. ; Briant, T. ; Bridges, D. O. ; Brillet, A. ; Brinkmann, M. ; Brisson, V. ; Britzger, M. ; Brooks, A. F. ; Brown, D. A. ; Brown, D. D. ; Brückner, F. ; Bulik, T. ; Bulten, H. J. ; Buonanno, A. ; Buskulic, D. ; Buy, C. ; Byer, R. L. ; Cadonati, L. ; Cagnoli, G. ; Bustillo, J. Calderón ; Calloni, E. ; Camp, J. B. ; Campsie, P. ; Cannon, K. C. ; Canuel, B. ; Cao, J. ; Capano, C. D. ; Carbognani, F. ; Carbone, L. ; Caride, S. ; Castiglia, A. ; Caudill, S. ; Cavagliá, M. ; Cavalier, F. ; Cavalieri, R. ; Cella, G. ; Cepeda, C. ; Cesarini, E. ; Chakraborty, R. ; Chalermsongsak, T. ; Chao, S. ; Charlton, P. ; Chassande-Mottin, E. ; Chen, X. ; Chen, Y. ; Chincarini, A. ; Chiummo, A. ; Cho, H. S. ; Chow, J. ; Christensen, N. ; Chu, Q. ; Chua, S. S. Y. ; Chung, S. ; Ciani, G. ; Clara, F. ; Clark, D. E. ; Clark, J. A. ; Cleva, F. ; Coccia, E. ; Cohadon, P. F. ; Colla, A. ; Colombini, M. ; Constancio Jr, M. ; Conte, A. ; Conte, R. ; Cook, D. ; Corbitt, T. R. ; Cordier, M. ; Cornish, N. ; Corsi, A. ; Costa, C. A. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Coulon, J. P. ; Countryman, S. ; Couvares, P. ; Coward, D. M. ; Cowart, M. ; Coyne, D. C. ; Craig, K. ; Creighton, J. D. E. ; Creighton, T. D. ; Crowder, S. G. ; Cumming, A. ; Cunningham, L. ; Cuoco, E. ; Dahl, K. ; Canton, T. Dal ; Damjanic, M. ; Danilishin, S. L. ; D’Antonio, S. ; Danzmann, K. ; Dattilo, V. ; Daudert, B. ; Daveloza, H. ; Davier, M. ; Davies, G. S. ; Daw, E. J. ; Day, R. ; Dayanga, T. ; Debreczeni, G. ; Degallaix, J. ; Deleeuw, E. ; Deléglise, S. ; Pozzo, W. Del ; Denker, T. ; Dent, T. ; Dereli, H. ; Dergachev, V. ; Rosa, R. De ; DeRosa, R. T. ; DeSalvo, R. ; Dhurandhar, S. ; Dí az, M. ; Dietz, A. ; Fiore, L. Di ; Lieto, A. Di ; Palma, I. Di ; Virgilio, A. Di ; Dmitry, K. ; Donovan, F. ; Dooley, K. L. ; Doravari, S. ; Drago, M. ; Drever, R. W. P. ; Driggers, J. C. ; Du, Z. ; Dumas, J. C. ; Dwyer, S. ; Eberle, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Effler, A. ; Ehrens, P. ; Eichholz, J. ; Eikenberry, S. S. ; Endröczi, G. ; Essick, R. ; Etzel, T. ; Evans, K. ; Evans, M. ; Evans, T. ; Factourovich, M. ; Fafone, V. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Fang, Q. ; Farr, B. ; Farr, W. ; Favata, M. ; Fazi, D. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Feldbaum, D. ; Ferrante, I. ; Ferrini, F. ; Fidecaro, F. ; Finn, L. S. ; Fiori, I. ; Fisher, R. ; Flaminio, R. ; Foley, E. ; Foley, S. ; Forsi, E. ; Forte, L. A. ; Fotopoulos, N. ; Fournier, J. D. ; Franco, S ; Frasca, S. ; Frasconi, F. ; Frede, M. ; Frei, M. ; Frei, Z. ; Freise, A. ; Frey, R. ; Fricke, T. T. ; Fritschel, P. ; Frolov, V. V. ; Fujimoto, M. K. ; Fulda, P. ; Fyffe, M. ; Gair, J. ; Gammaitoni, L. ; Garcia, J. ; Garufi, F. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gemme, G. ; Genin, E. ; Gennai, A. ; Gergely, L. ; Ghosh, S. ; Giaime, J. A. ; Giampanis, S. ; Giardina, K. D. ; Giazotto, A. ; Gil-Casanova, S ; Gill, C. ; Gleason, J. ; Goetz, E. ; Goetz, R. ; Gondan, L. ; González, G. ; Gordon, N. ; Gorodetsky, M. L. ; Gossan, S. ; Goßler, S. ; Gouaty, R. ; Graef, C. ; Graff, P. B. ; Granata, M. ; Grant, A. ; Gras, S. ; Gray, C. ; Greenhalgh, R. J. S. ; Gretarsson, A. M. ; Griffo, C. ; Grote, H. ; Grover, K. ; Grunewald, S. ; Guidi, G. M. ; Guido, C. ; Gushwa, K. E. ; Gustafson, E. K. ; Gustafson, R. ; Hall, B. ; Hall, E. ; Hammer, D. ; Hammond, G. ; Hanke, M. ; Hanks, J. ; Hanna, C. ; Hanson, J. ; Harms, J. ; Harry, G. M. ; Harry, I. W. ; Harstad, E. D. ; Hartman, M. T. ; Haughian, K. ; Hayama, K. ; Heefner, J. ; Heidmann, A. ; Heintze, M. ; Heitmann, H. ; Hello, P. ; Hemming, G. ; Hendry, M. ; Heng, I. S. ; Heptonstall, A. W. ; Heurs, M. ; Hild, S. ; Hoak, D. ; Hodge, K. A. ; Holt, K. ; Hong, T. ; Hooper, S. ; Horrom, T. ; Hosken, D. J. ; Hough, J. ; Howell, E J. ; Hu, Y. ; Hua, Z. ; Huang, V. ; Huerta, E. A. ; Hughey, B. ; Husa, S. ; Huttner, S H.. ; Huynh, M. ; Huynh-Dinh, T. ; Iafrate, J. ; Ingram, D. R. ; Inta, R. ; Isogai, T. ; Ivanov, A. ; Iyer, B. R. ; Izumi, K. ; Jacobson, M. ; James, E. ; Jang, H. ; Jang, Y. J. ; Jaranowski, P. ; Jiménez-Forteza, F. ; Johnson, W. W. ; Jones, D. ; Jones, D. I. ; Jones, R. ; Jonker, R. J. G. ; Ju, L. ; K, Haris ; Kalmus, P. ; Kalogera, V. ; Kandhasamy, S. ; Kang, G. ; Kanner, J. B. ; Kasprzack, M. ; Kasturi, R. ; Katsavounidis, E. ; Katzman, W. ; Kaufer, H. ; Kaufman, K. ; Kawabe, K. ; Kawamura, S. ; Kawazoe, F. ; Kéfélian, F. ; Keitel, D. ; Kelley, D. B. ; Kells, W. ; Keppel, D. G. ; Khalaidovski, A. ; Khalili, F. Y. ; Khazanov, E. A. ; Kim, B. K. ; Kim, C. ; Kim, K. ; Kim, N. ; Kim, W. ; Kim, Y. M. ; King, E. J. ; King, P. J. ; Kinzel, D. L. ; Kissel, J. S. ; Klimenko, S. ; Kline, J. ; Koehlenbeck, S. ; Kokeyama, K. ; Kondrashov, V. ; Koranda, S. ; Korth, W. Z. ; Kowalska, I. ; Kozak, D. ; Kremin, A. ; Kringel, V. ; Krishnan, B. ; Królak, A. ; Kucharczyk, C. ; Kudla, S. ; Kuehn, G. ; Kumar, A. ; Kumar, D. Nanda ; Kumar, P. ; Kumar, R. ; Kurdyumov, R. ; Kwee, P. ; Landry, M. ; Lantz, B. ; Larson, S. ; Lasky, P. D. ; Lawrie, C. ; Lazzarini, A. ; Leaci, P. ; Lebigot, E. O. ; Lee, C. H. ; Lee, H. K. ; Lee, H. M. ; Lee, J. ; Lee, J. ; Leonardi, M. ; Leong, J. R. ; Roux, A. Le ; Leroy, N. ; Letendre, N. ; Levine, B. ; Lewis, J. B. ; Lhuillier, V. ; Li, T. G. F. ; Lin, A. C. ; Littenberg, T. B. ; Litvine, V. ; Liu, F. ; Liu, H. ; Liu, Y. ; Liu, Z. ; Lloyd, D. ; Lockerbie, N. A. ; Lockett, V. ; Lodhia, D. ; Loew, K. ; Logue, J. ; Lombardi, A. L. ; Lorenzini, M. ; Loriette, V. ; Lormand, M. ; Losurdo, G. ; Lough, J. ; Luan, J. ; Lubinski, M. J. ; Lück, H. ; Lundgren, A. P. ; Macarthur, J. ; Macdonald, E. ; Machenschalk, B. ; MacInnis, M. ; Macleod, D. M. ; Magana-Sandoval, F. ; Mageswaran, M. ; Mailand, K. ; Majorana, E. ; Maksimovic, I. ; Malvezzi, V. ; Man, N. ; Manca, G. M. ; Mandel, I. ; Mandic, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mantovani, M. ; Marchesoni, F. ; Marion, F. ; Márka, S. ; Márka, Z. ; Markosyan, A. ; Maros, E. ; Marque, J. ; Martelli, F. ; Martellini, L. ; Martin, I. W. ; Martin, R. M. ; Martynov, D. ; Marx, J. N. ; Mason, K. ; Masserot, A. ; Massinger, T. J. ; Matichard, F. ; Matone, L. ; Matzner, R. A. ; Mavalvala, N. ; May, G. ; Mazumder, N. ; Mazzolo, G. ; McCarthy, R. ; McClelland, D. E. ; McGuire, S. C. ; McIntyre, G. ; McIver, J. ; Meacher, D. ; Meadors, G. D. ; Mehmet, M. ; Meidam, J. ; Meier, T. ; Melatos, A. ; Mendell, G. ; Mercer, R. A. ; Meshkov, S. ; Messenger, C. ; Meyer, M. S. ; Miao, H. ; Michel, C. ; Mikhailov, E. E. ; Milano, L. ; Miller, J. ; Minenkov, Y. ; Mingarelli, C. M. F. ; Mitra, S. ; Mitrofanov, V. P. ; Mitselmakher, G. ; Mittleman, R. ; Moe, B. ; Mohan, M. ; Mohapatra, S. R. P. ; Mokler, F. ; Moraru, D. ; Moreno, G. ; Morgado, N. ; Mori, T. ; Morriss, S. R. ; Mossavi, K. ; Mours, B ; Mow-Lowry, C. M. ; Mueller, C. L. ; Mueller, G. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Mullavey, A. ; Munch, J. ; Murphy, D. ; Murray, P. G. ; Mytidis, A. ; Nagy, M. F. ; Nardecchia, I. ; Nash, T. ; Naticchioni, L. ; Nayak, R. ; Necula, V. ; Neri, I. ; Newton, G. ; Nguyen, T. ; Nishida, E. ; Nishizawa, A. ; Nitz, A. ; Nocera, F. ; Nolting, D. ; Normandin, M. E. ; Nuttall, L. K. ; Ochsner, E. ; O’Dell, J. ; Oelker, E. ; Ogin, G. H. ; Oh, J. J. ; Oh, S. H. ; Ohme, F. ; Oppermann, P. ; O’Reilly, B. ; Larcher, W. Ortega ; O’Shaughnessy, R. ; Osthelder, C. ; Ott, C. D. ; Ottaway, D. J. ; Ottens, R. S. ; Ou, J. ; Overmier, H. ; Owen, B. J. ; Padilla, C. ; Pai, A. ; Palomba, C. ; Pan, Y. ; Pankow, C. ; Paoletti, F. ; Paoletti, R. ; Papa, M. A. ; Paris, H. ; Pasqualetti, A. ; Passaquieti, R. ; Passuello, D. ; Pedraza, M. ; Peiris, P. ; Penn, S. ; Perreca, A. ; Phelps, M. ; Pichot, M. ; Pickenpack, M. ; Piergiovanni, F. ; Pierro, V. ; Pinard, L. ; Pindor, B. ; Pinto, I. M. ; Pitkin, M. ; Poeld, J. ; Poggiani, R. ; Poole, V. ; Poux, C. ; Predoi, V. ; Prestegard, T. ; Price, L. R. ; Prijatelj, M. ; Principe, M. ; Privitera, S. ; Prodi, G. A. ; Prokhorov, L. ; Puncken, O. ; Punturo, M. ; Puppo, P. ; Quetschke, V. ; Quintero, E. ; Quitzow-James, R. ; Raab, F. J. ; Rabeling, D. S. ; Rácz, I. ; Radkins, H. ; Raffai, P. ; Raja, S. ; Rajalakshmi, G. ; Rakhmanov, M. ; Ramet, C. ; Rapagnani, P. ; Raymond, V. ; Re, V. ; Reed, C. M. ; Reed, T. ; Regimbau, T. ; Reid, S. ; Reitze, D. H. ; Ricci, F. ; Riesen, R. ; Riles, K. ; Robertson, N. A. ; Robinet, F. ; Rocchi, A. ; Roddy, S. ; Rodriguez, C. ; Rodruck, M. ; Roever, C. ; Rolland, L. ; Rollins, J. G. ; Romano, R. ; Romanov, G. ; Romie, J. H. ; Rosińska, D. ; Rowan, S. ; Rüdiger, A. ; Ruggi, P. ; Ryan, K. ; Salemi, F. ; Sammut, L. ; Sandberg, V. ; Sanders, J. ; Sannibale, V. ; Santiago-Prieto, I. ; Saracco, E. ; Sassolas, B. ; Sathyaprakash, B. S. ; Saulson, P. R. ; Savage, R. ; Schilling, R. ; Schnabel, R. ; Schofield, R. M. S. ; Schreiber, E. ; Schuette, D. ; Schulz, B. ; Schutz, B. F. ; Schwinberg, P. ; Scott, J. ; Scott, S. M. ; Seifert, F. ; Sellers, D. ; Sengupta, A. S. ; Sentenac, D. ; Sergeev, A. ; Shaddock, D. ; Shah, S. ; Shahriar, M. S. ; Shaltev, M. ; Shapiro, B. ; Shawhan, P. ; Shoemaker, D. H. ; Sidery, T. L. ; Siellez, K. ; Siemens, X. ; Sigg, D. ; Simakov, D. ; Singer, A. ; Singer, L. ; Sintes, A. M. ; Skelton, G. R. ; Slagmolen, B. J. J. ; Slutsky, J. ; Smith, J. R. ; Smith, M. R. ; Smith, R. J. E. ; Smith-Lefebvre, N. D. ; Soden, K. ; Son, E. J. ; Sorazu, B. ; Souradeep, T. ; Sperandio, L. ; Staley, A. ; Steinert, E. ; Steinlechner, J. ; Steinlechner, S. ; Steplewski, S. ; Stevens, D. ; Stochino, A. ; Stone, R. ; Strain, K. A. ; Strigin, S. ; Stroeer, A. S. ; Sturani, R. ; Stuver, A. L. ; Summerscales, T. Z. ; Susmithan, S. ; Sutton, P. J. ; Swinkels, B. ; Szeifert, G. ; Tacca, M. ; Talukder, D. ; Tang, L. ; Tanner, D. B. ; Tarabrin, S. P. ; Taylor, R. ; Braack, A. .P M. ter ; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. ; Thomas, M. ; Thomas, P. ; Thorne, K. A. ; Thorne, K. S. ; Thrane, E. ; Tiwari, V. ; Tokmakov, K. V. ; Tomlinson, C. ; Toncelli, A. ; Tonelli, M. ; Torre, O. ; Torres, C. V. ; Torrie, C. I. ; Travasso, F. ; Traylor, G. ; Tse, M. ; Ugolini, D. ; Unnikrishnan, C. S. ; Vahlbruch, H. ; Vajente, G. ; Vallisneri, M. ; Brand, J. F. J. Van den ; Broeck, C. Van Den ; Putten, S. Van der ; Sluys, M. V. Van der ; Heijningen, J. Van ; Veggel, A. A. Van ; Vass, S. ; Vasúth, M. ; Vaulin, R. ; Vecchio, A. ; Vedovato, G. ; Veitch, J. ; Veitch, P. J. ; Venkateswara, K. ; Verkindt, D. ; Verma, S. ; Vetrano, F. ; Viceré, A. ; Vincent-Finley, R. ; Vinet, J. Y. ; Vitale, S. ; Vlcek, B. ; Vo, T. ; Vocca, H. ; Vorvick, C. ; Vousden, W. D. ; Vrinceanu, D. ; Vyachanin, S. P. ; Wade, A. ; Wade, L. ; Wade, M. ; Waldman, S. J. ; Walker, M. ; Wallace, L. ; Wan, Y. ; Wang, J. ; Wang, M. ; Wang, X. ; Wanner, A. ; Ward, R. L. ; Was, M. ; Weaver, B. ; Wei, L. W. ; Weinert, M. ; Weinstein, A. J. ; Weiss, R. ; Welborn, T. ; Wen, L. ; Wessels, P. ; West, M. ; Westphal, T. ; Wette, K. ; Whelan, J. T. ; Whitcomb, S. E. ; White, D. J. ; Whiting, B. F. ; Wibowo, S. ; Wiesner, K. ; Wilkinson, C. ; Williams, L. ; Williams, R. ; Williams, T. ; Willis, J. L. ; Willke, B. ; Wimmer, M. ; Winkelmann, L. ; Winkler, W. ; Wipf, C. C. ; Wittel, H. ; Woan, G. ; Worden, J. ; Yablon, J. ; Yakushin, I. ; Yamamoto, H. ; Yancey, C. C. ; Yang, H. ; Yeaton-Massey, D. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yum, H. ; Yvert, M. ; Zadrożny, A. ; Zanolin, M. ; Zendri, J.P. ; Zhang, F. ; Zhang, L. ; Zhao, C. ; Zhu, H. ; Zhu, X. J. ; Zotov, N. ; Zucker, M. E. ; Zweizig, J. (2015) Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science run Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32 (11). No pp. given. ISSN 0264-9381 Aasi, J. ; Abbott, B. P. ; Abbott, R. ; Abbott, T. ; Abernathy, M. R. ; Acernese, F. ; Ackley, K. ; Adams, C. ; Adams, T. ; Adams, T. ; Addesso, P. ; Adhikari, R. X. ; Adya, V. ; Affeldt, C. ; Agathos, M. ; Agatsuma, K. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguiar, O. D. ; Ain, A. ; Ajith, P. ; Alemic, A. ; Allen, B. ; Allocca, A. ; Amariutei, D. ; Anderson, S. B. ; Anderson, W. G. ; Arai, K. ; Araya, M. C. ; Arceneaux, C. ; Areeda, J. S. ; Ashton, G. ; Ast, S. ; Aston, S. M. ; Astone, P. ; Aufmuth, P. ; Aulbert, C. ; Aylott, B. E. ; Babak, S. ; Baker, P. T. ; Baldaccini, F. ; Ballardin, G. ; Ballmer, S. W. ; Barayoga, J. C. ; Barbet, M. ; Barclay, S. ; Barish, B. C. ; Barker, D. ; Barone, F. ; Barr, B. ; Barsotti, L. ; Barsuglia, M. ; Bartlett, J. ; Barton, M. A. ; Bartos, I. ; Bassiri, R. ; Basti, A. ; Batch, J. C. ; Bauer, Th. S. ; Baune, C. ; Bavigadda, V. ; Behnke, B. ; Bejger, M. ; Belczynski, C. ; Bell, A. S. ; Bell, C. ; Benacquista, M. ; Bergman, J. ; Bergmann, G. ; Berry, C. P. L. ; Bersanetti, D. ; Bertolini, A. ; Betzwieser, J. ; Bhagwat, S. ; Bhandare, R. ; Bilenko, I. A. ; Billingsley, G. ; Birch, J. ; Biscans, S. ; Bitossi, M. ; Biwer, C. ; Bizouard, M. A. ; Blackburn, J. K. ; Blackburn, L. ; Blair, C. D. ; Blair, D. ; Bloemen, S. ; Bock, O. ; Bodiya, T. P. ; Boer, M. ; Bogaert, G. ; Bojtos, P. ; Bond, C. ; Bondu, F. ; Bonelli, L. ; Bonnand, R. ; Bork, R. ; Born, M. ; Boschi, V. ; Bose, Sukanta ; Bradaschia, C. ; Brady, P. R. ; Braginsky, V. B. ; Branchesi, M. ; Brau, J. E. ; Briant, T. ; Bridges, D. O. ; Brillet, A. ; Brinkmann, M. ; Brisson, V. ; Brooks, A. F. ; Brown, D. A. ; Brown, D. D. ; Brown, N. M. ; Buchman, S. ; Buikema, A. ; Bulik, T. ; Bulten, H. J. ; Buonanno, A. ; Buskulic, D. ; Buy, C. ; Cadonati, L. ; Cagnoli, G. ; Calderón Bustillo, J. ; Calloni, E. ; Camp, J. B. ; Cannon, K. C. ; Cao, J. ; Capano, C. D. ; Carbognani, F. ; Caride, S. ; Caudill, S. ; Cavaglià, M. ; Cavalier, F. ; Cavalieri, R. ; Cella, G. ; Cepeda, C. ; Cesarini, E. ; Chakraborty, R. ; Chalermsongsak, T. ; Chamberlin, S. J. ; Chao, S. ; Charlton, P. ; Chassande-Mottin, E. ; Chen, Y. ; Chincarini, A. ; Chiummo, A. ; Cho, H. S. ; Cho, M. ; Chow, J. H. ; Christensen, N. ; Chu, Q. ; Chua, S. ; Chung, S. ; Ciani, G. ; Clara, F. ; Clark, J. A. ; Cleva, F. ; Coccia, E. ; Cohadon, P.-F. ; Colla, A. ; Collette, C. ; Colombini, M. ; Cominsky, L. ; Constancio, M. ; Conte, A. ; Cook, D. ; Corbitt, T. R. ; Cornish, N. ; Corsi, A. ; Costa, C. A. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Coulon, J.-P. ; Countryman, S. ; Couvares, P. ; Coward, D. M. ; Cowart, M. J. ; Coyne, D. C. ; Coyne, R. ; Craig, K. ; Creighton, J. D. E. ; Creighton, T. D. ; Cripe, J. ; Crowder, S. G. ; Cumming, A. ; Cunningham, L. ; Cuoco, E. ; Cutler, C. ; Dahl, K. ; Canton, T. Dal ; Damjanic, M. ; Danilishin, S. L. ; D’Antonio, S. ; Danzmann, K. ; Dartez, L. ; Dattilo, V. ; Dave, I. ; Daveloza, H. ; Davier, M. ; Davies, G. S. ; Daw, E. J. ; Day, R. ; DeBra, D. ; Debreczeni, G. ; Degallaix, J. ; De Laurentis, M. ; Deléglise, S. ; Del Pozzo, W. ; Denker, T. ; Dent, T. ; Dereli, H. ; Dergachev, V. ; De Rosa, R. ; DeRosa, R. T. ; DeSalvo, R. ; Dhurandhar, S. ; Díaz, M. ; Di Fiore, L. ; Di Lieto, A. ; Di Palma, I. ; Di Virgilio, A. ; Dojcinoski, G. ; Dolique, V. ; Dominguez, E. ; Donovan, F. ; Dooley, K. L. ; Doravari, S. ; Douglas, R. ; Downes, T. P. ; Drago, M. ; Driggers, J. C. ; Du, Z. ; Ducrot, M. ; Dwyer, S. ; Eberle, T. ; Edo, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Edwards, M. ; Effler, A. ; Eggenstein, H.-B. ; Ehrens, P. ; Eichholz, J. ; Eikenberry, S. S. ; Essick, R. ; Etzel, T. ; Evans, M. ; Evans, T. ; Factourovich, M. ; Fafone, V. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Fan, X. ; Fang, Q. ; Farinon, S. ; Farr, B. ; Farr, W. M. ; Favata, M. ; Fays, M. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Fejer, M. M. ; Feldbaum, D. ; Ferrante, I. ; Ferreira, E. C. ; Ferrini, F. ; Fidecaro, F. ; Fiori, I. ; Fisher, R. P. ; Flaminio, R. ; Fournier, J.-D. ; Franco, S. ; Frasca, S. ; Frasconi, F. ; Frei, Z. ; Freise, A. ; Frey, R. ; Fricke, T. T. ; Fritschel, P. ; Frolov, V. V. ; Fuentes-Tapia, S. ; Fulda, P. ; Fyffe, M. ; Gair, J. R. ; Gammaitoni, L. ; Gaonkar, S. ; Garufi, F. ; Gatto, A. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gemme, G. ; Gendre, B. ; Genin, E. ; Gennai, A. ; Gergely, L. Á. ; Ghosh, S. ; Giaime, J. A. ; Giardina, K. D. ; Giazotto, A. ; Gleason, J. ; Goetz, E. ; Goetz, R. ; Gondan, L. ; González, G. ; Gordon, N. ; Gorodetsky, M. L. ; Gossan, S. ; Goßler, S. ; Gouaty, R. ; Gräf, C. ; Graff, P. B. ; Granata, M. ; Grant, A. ; Gras, S. ; Gray, C. ; Greco, G. ; Greenhalgh, R. J. S. ; Gretarsson, A. M. ; Groot, P. ; Grote, H. ; Grunewald, S. ; Guidi, G. M. ; Guido, C. J. ; Guo, X. ; Gushwa, K. ; Gustafson, E. K. ; Gustafson, R. ; Hacker, J. ; Hall, E. D. ; Hammond, G. ; Hanke, M. ; Hanks, J. ; Hanna, C. ; Hannam, M. D. ; Hanson, J. ; Hardwick, T. ; Harms, J. ; Harry, G. M. ; Harry, I. W. ; Hart, M. ; Hartman, M. T. ; Haster, C.-J. ; Haughian, K. ; Hee, S. ; Heidmann, A. ; Heintze, M. ; Heinzel, G. ; Heitmann, H. ; Hello, P. ; Hemming, G. ; Hendry, M. ; Heng, I. S. ; Heptonstall, A. W. ; Heurs, M. ; Hewitson, M. ; Hild, S. ; Hoak, D. ; Hodge, K. A. ; Hofman, D. ; Hollitt, S. E. ; Holt, K. ; Hopkins, P. ; Hosken, D. J. ; Hough, J. ; Houston, E. ; Howell, E. J. ; Hu, Y. M. ; Huerta, E. ; Hughey, B. ; Husa, S. ; Huttner, S. H. ; Huynh, M. ; Huynh-Dinh, T. ; Idrisy, A. ; Indik, N. ; Ingram, D. R. ; Inta, R. ; Islas, G. ; Isler, J. C. ; Isogai, T. ; Iyer, B. R. ; Izumi, K. ; Jacobson, M. ; Jang, H. ; Jaranowski, P. ; Jawahar, S. ; Ji, Y. ; Jiménez-Forteza, F. ; Johnson, W. W. ; Jones, D. I. ; Jones, R. ; Jonker, R. J. G. ; Ju, L. ; Haris, K. ; Kalogera, V. ; Kandhasamy, S. ; Kang, G. ; Kanner, J. B. ; Kasprzack, M. ; Katsavounidis, E. ; Katzman, W. ; Kaufer, H. ; Kaufer, S. ; Kaur, T. ; Kawabe, K. ; Kawazoe, F. ; Kéfélian, F. ; Keiser, G. M. ; Keitel, D. ; Kelley, D. B. ; Kells, W. ; Keppel, D. G. ; Key, J. S. ; Khalaidovski, A. ; Khalili, F. Y. ; Khazanov, E. A. ; Kim, C. ; Kim, K. ; Kim, N. G. ; Kim, N. ; Kim, Y.-M. ; King, E. J. ; King, P. J. ; Kinzel, D. L. ; Kissel, J. S. ; Klimenko, S. ; Kline, J. ; Koehlenbeck, S. ; Kokeyama, K. ; Kondrashov, V. ; Korobko, M. ; Korth, W. Z. ; Kowalska, I. ; Kozak, D. B. ; Kringel, V. ; Krishnan, B. ; Królak, A. ; Krueger, C. ; Kuehn, G. ; Kumar, A. ; Kumar, P. ; Kuo, L. ; Kutynia, A. ; Landry, M. ; Lantz, B. ; Larson, S. ; Lasky, P. D. ; Lazzarini, A. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Le, J. ; Leaci, P. ; Leavey, S. ; Lebigot, E. ; Lebigot, E. O. ; Lee, C. H. ; Lee, H. K. ; Lee, H. M. ; Leonardi, M. ; Leong, J. R. ; Leroy, N. ; Letendre, N. ; Levin, Y. ; Levine, B. ; Lewis, J. ; Li, T. G. F. ; Libbrecht, K. ; Libson, A. ; Lin, A. C. ; Littenberg, T. B. ; Lockerbie, N. A. ; Lockett, V. ; Logue, J. ; Lombardi, A. L. ; Lorenzini, M. ; Loriette, V. ; Lormand, M. ; Losurdo, G. ; Lough, J. ; Lubinski, M. J. ; Lück, H. ; Lundgren, A. P. ; Lynch, R. ; Ma, Y. ; Macarthur, J. ; MacDonald, T. ; Machenschalk, B. ; MacInnis, M. ; Macleod, D. M. ; Magaña-Sandoval, F. ; Magee, R. ; Mageswaran, M. ; Maglione, C. ; Mailand, K. ; Majorana, E. ; Maksimovic, I. ; Malvezzi, V. ; Man, N. ; Mandel, I. ; Mandic, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mansell, G. L. ; Mantovani, M. ; Marchesoni, F. ; Marion, F. ; Márka, S. ; Márka, Z. ; Markosyan, A. ; Maros, E. ; Martelli, F. ; Martellini, L. ; Martin, I. W. ; Martin, R. M. ; Martynov, D. ; Marx, J. N. ; Mason, K. ; Masserot, A. ; Massinger, T. J. ; Matichard, F. ; Matone, L. ; Mavalvala, N. ; Mazumder, N. ; Mazzolo, G. ; McCarthy, R. ; McClelland, D. E. ; McCormick, S. ; McGuire, S. C. ; McIntyre, G. ; McIver, J. ; McLin, K. ; McWilliams, S. ; Meacher, D. ; Meadors, G. D. ; Meidam, J. ; Meinders, M. ; Melatos, A. ; Mendell, G. ; Mercer, R. A. ; Meshkov, S. ; Messenger, C. ; Meyers, P. M. ; Mezzani, F. ; Miao, H. ; Michel, C. ; Middleton, H. ; Mikhailov, E. E. ; Milano, L. ; Miller, A. ; Miller, J. ; Millhouse, M. ; Minenkov, Y. ; Ming, J. ; Mirshekari, S. ; Mishra, C. ; Mitra, S. ; Mitrofanov, V. P. ; Mitselmakher, G. ; Mittleman, R. ; Moe, B. ; Moggi, A. ; Mohan, M. ; Mohanty, S. D. ; Mohapatra, S. R. P. ; Moore, B. ; Moraru, D. ; Moreno, G. ; Morriss, S. R. ; Mossavi, K. ; Mours, B. ; Mow-Lowry, C. M. ; Mueller, C. L. ; Mueller, G. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Mullavey, A. ; Munch, J. ; Murphy, D. ; Murray, P. G. ; Mytidis, A. ; Nagy, M. F. ; Nardecchia, I. ; Nash, T. ; Naticchioni, L. ; Nayak, R. K. ; Necula, V. ; Nedkova, K. ; Nelemans, G. ; Neri, I. ; Neri, M. ; Newton, G. ; Nguyen, T. ; Nielsen, A. B. ; Nissanke, S. ; Nitz, A. H. ; Nocera, F. ; Nolting, D. ; Normandin, M. E. N. ; Nuttall, L. K. ; Ochsner, E. ; O’Dell, J. ; Oelker, E. ; Ogin, G. H. ; Oh, J. J. ; Oh, S. H. ; Ohme, F. ; Oppermann, P. ; Oram, R. ; O’Reilly, B. ; Ortega, W. ; O’Shaughnessy, R. ; Osthelder, C. ; Ottaway, D. J. ; Ottens, R. S. ; Overmier, H. ; Owen, B. J. ; Padilla, C. ; Pai, A. ; Pai, S. ; Palashov, O. ; Palomba, C. ; Pal-Singh, A. ; Pan, H. ; Pankow, C. ; Pannarale, F. ; Pant, B. C. ; Paoletti, F. ; Papa, M. A. ; Paris, H. ; Pasqualetti, A. ; Passaquieti, R. ; Passuello, D. ; Patrick, Z. ; Pedraza, M. ; Pekowsky, L. ; Pele, A. ; Penn, S. ; Perreca, A. ; Phelps, M. ; Pichot, M. ; Piergiovanni, F. ; Pierro, V. ; Pillant, G. ; Pinard, L. ; Pinto, I. M. ; Pitkin, M. ; Poeld, J. ; Poggiani, R. ; Post, A. ; Poteomkin, A. ; Powell, J. ; Prasad, J. ; Predoi, V. ; Premachandra, S. ; Prestegard, T. ; Price, L. R. ; Prijatelj, M. ; Principe, M. ; Privitera, S. ; Prodi, G. A. ; Prokhorov, L. ; Puncken, O. ; Punturo, M. ; Puppo, P. ; Pürrer, M. ; Qin, J. ; Quetschke, V. ; Quintero, E. ; Quiroga, G. ; Quitzow-James, R. ; Raab, F. J. ; Rabeling, D. S. ; Rácz, I. ; Radkins, H. ; Raffai, P. ; Raja, S. ; Rajalakshmi, G. ; Rakhmanov, M. ; Ramirez, K. ; Rapagnani, P. ; Raymond, V. ; Razzano, M. ; Re, V. ; Reed, C. M. ; Regimbau, T. ; Rei, L. ; Reid, S. ; Reitze, D. H. ; Reula, O. ; Ricci, F. ; Riles, K. ; Robertson, N. A. ; Robie, R. ; Robinet, F. ; Rocchi, A. ; Rolland, L. ; Rollins, J. G. ; Roma, V. ; Romano, R. ; Romanov, G. ; Romie, J. H. ; Rosińska, D. ; Rowan, S. ; Rüdiger, A. ; Ruggi, P. ; Ryan, K. ; Sachdev, S. ; Sadecki, T. ; Sadeghian, L. ; Saleem, M. ; Salemi, F. ; Sammut, L. ; Sandberg, V. ; Sanders, J. R. ; Sannibale, V. ; Santiago-Prieto, I. ; Sassolas, B. ; Sathyaprakash, B. S. ; Saulson, P. R. ; Savage, R. ; Sawadsky, A. ; Scheuer, J. ; Schilling, R. ; Schmidt, P. ; Schnabel, R. ; Schofield, R. M. S. ; Schreiber, E. ; Schuette, D. ; Schutz, B. F. ; Scott, J. ; Scott, S. M. ; Sellers, D. ; Sengupta, A. S. ; Sentenac, D. ; Sequino, V. ; Serafinelli, R. ; Sergeev, A. ; Serna, G. ; Sevigny, A. ; Shaddock, D. A. ; Shah, S. ; Shahriar, M. S. ; Shaltev, M. ; Shao, Z. ; Shapiro, B. ; Shawhan, P. ; Shoemaker, D. H. ; Sidery, T. L. ; Siellez, K. ; Siemens, X. ; Sigg, D. ; Silva, A. D. ; Simakov, D. ; Singer, A. ; Singer, L. ; Singh, R. ; Sintes, A. M. ; Slagmolen, B. J. J. ; Smith, J. R. ; Smith, M. R. ; Smith, R. J. E. ; Smith-Lefebvre, N. D. ; Son, E. J. ; Sorazu, B. ; Souradeep, T. ; Staley, A. ; Stebbins, J. ; Steinke, M. ; Steinlechner, J. ; Steinlechner, S. ; Steinmeyer, D. ; Stephens, B. C. ; Steplewski, S. ; Stevenson, S. ; Stone, R. ; Strain, K. A. ; Straniero, N. ; Strigin, S. ; Sturani, R. ; Stuver, A. L. ; Summerscales, T. Z. ; Sutton, P. J. ; Swinkels, B. ; Szczepanczyk, M. ; Szeifert, G. ; Tacca, M. ; Talukder, D. ; Tanner, D. B. ; Tápai, M. ; Tarabrin, S. P. ; Taracchini, A. ; Taylor, R. ; Tellez, G. ; Theeg, T. ; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. ; Thomas, M. ; Thomas, P. ; Thorne, K. A. ; Thorne, K. S. ; Thrane, E. ; Tiwari, V. ; Tomlinson, C. ; Tonelli, M. ; Torres, C. V. ; Torrie, C. I. ; Travasso, F. ; Traylor, G. ; Tse, M. ; Tshilumba, D. ; Ugolini, D. ; Unnikrishnan, C. S. ; Urban, A. L. ; Usman, S. A. ; Vahlbruch, H. ; Vajente, G. ; Vajente, G. ; Valdes, G. ; Vallisneri, M. ; van Bakel, N. ; van Beuzekom, M. ; van den Brand, J. F. J. ; van den Broeck, C. ; van der Sluys, M. V. ; van Heijningen, J. ; van Veggel, A. A. ; Vass, S. ; Vasúth, M. ; Vaulin, R. ; Vecchio, A. ; Vedovato, G. ; Veitch, J. ; Veitch, J. ; Veitch, P. J. ; Venkateswara, K. ; Verkindt, D. ; Vetrano, F. ; Viceré, A. ; Vincent-Finley, R. ; Vinet, J.-Y. ; Vitale, S. ; Vo, T. ; Vocca, H. ; Vorvick, C. ; Vousden, W. D. ; Vyatchanin, S. P. ; Wade, A. R. ; Wade, L. ; Wade, M. ; Walker, M. ; Wallace, L. ; Walsh, S. ; Wang, H. ; Wang, M. ; Wang, X. ; Ward, R. L. ; Warner, J. ; Was, M. ; Weaver, B. ; Wei, L.-W. ; Weinert, M. ; Weinstein, A. J. ; Weiss, R. ; Welborn, T. ; Wen, L. ; Wessels, P. ; Westphal, T. ; Wette, K. ; Whelan, J. T. ; White, D. J. ; Whiting, B. F. ; Wilkinson, C. ; Williams, L. ; Williams, R. ; Williamson, A. R. ; Willis, J. L. ; Willke, B. ; Wimmer, M. ; Winkler, W. ; Wipf, C. C. ; Wittel, H. ; Woan, G. ; Worden, J. ; Xie, S. ; Yablon, J. ; Yakushin, I. ; Yam, W. ; Yamamoto, H. ; Yancey, C. C. ; Yang, Q. ; Yvert, M. ; Zadrożny, A. ; Zanolin, M. ; Zendri, J.-P. ; Zhang, Fan ; Zhang, L. ; Zhang, M. ; Zhang, Y. ; Zhao, C. ; Zhou, M. ; Zhu, X. J. ; Zucker, M. E. ; Zuraw, S. ; Zweizig, J. (2015) Narrow-band search of continuous gravitational-wave signals from Crab and Vela pulsars in Virgo VSR4 data Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91 (2). Article ID 022004. ISSN 1550-7998 Aasi, J. ; Abbott, B. P. ; Abbott, R. ; Abbott, T. ; Abernathy, M. R. ; Acernese, F. ; Ackley, K. ; Adams, C. ; Adams, T. ; Addesso, P. ; Adhikari, R. X. ; Adya, V. ; Affeldt, C. ; Agathos, M. ; Agatsuma, K. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguiar, O. D. ; Ain, A. ; Ajith, P. ; Alemic, A. ; Allen, B. ; Allocca, A. ; Amariutei, D. ; Anderson, S. B. ; Anderson, W. G. ; Arai, K. ; Araya, M. C. ; Arceneaux, C. ; Areeda, J. S. ; Arnaud, N. ; Ashton, G. ; Ast, S. ; Aston, S. M. ; Astone, P. ; Aufmuth, P. ; Aulbert, C. ; Aylott, B. E. ; Babak, S. ; Baker, P. T. ; Baldaccini, F. ; Ballardin, G. ; Ballmer, S. W. ; Barayoga, J. C. ; Barbet, M. ; Barclay, S. ; Barish, B. C. ; Barker, D. ; Barone, F. ; Barr, B. ; Barsotti, L. ; Barsuglia, M. ; Bartlett, J. ; Barton, M. A. ; Bartos, I. ; Bassiri, R. ; Basti, A. ; Batch, J. C. ; Bauer, Th. S. ; Baune, C. ; Bavigadda, V. ; Behnke, B. ; Bejger, M. ; Belczynski, C. ; Bell, A. S. ; Bell, C. ; Benacquista, M. ; Bergman, J. ; Bergmann, G. ; Berry, C. P. L. ; Bersanetti, D. ; Bertolini, A. ; Betzwieser, J. ; Bhagwat, S. ; Bhandare, R. ; Bilenko, I. A. ; Billingsley, G. ; Birch, J. ; Biscans, S. ; Bitossi, M. ; Biwer, C. ; Bizouard, M. A. ; Blackburn, J. K. ; Blackburn, L. ; Blair, C. D. ; Blair, D. ; Bloemen, S. ; Bock, O. ; Bodiya, T. P. ; Boer, M. ; Bogaert, G. ; Bojtos, P. ; Bond, C. ; Bondu, F. ; Bonelli, L. ; Bonnand, R. ; Bork, R. ; Born, M. ; Boschi, V. ; Bose, Sukanta ; Bradaschia, C. ; Brady, P. R. ; Braginsky, V. B. ; Branchesi, M. ; Brau, J. E. ; Briant, T. ; Bridges, D. O. ; Brillet, A. ; Brinkmann, M. ; Brisson, V. ; Brooks, A. F. ; Brown, D. A. ; Brown, D. D. ; Brown, N. M. ; Buchman, S. ; Buikema, A. ; Bulik, T. ; Bulten, H. J. ; Buonanno, A. ; Buskulic, D. ; Buy, C. ; Cadonati, L. ; Cagnoli, G. ; Calderón Bustillo, J. ; Calloni, E. ; Camp, J. B. ; Cannon, K. C. ; Cao, J. ; Capano, C. D. ; Capocasa, E. ; Carbognani, F. ; Caride, S. ; Diaz, J. Casanueva ; Caudill, S. ; Cavaglià, M. ; Cavalier, F. ; Cavalieri, R. ; Cella, G. ; Cepeda, C. ; Cesarini, E. ; Chakraborty, R. ; Chalermsongsak, T. ; Chamberlin, S. J. ; Chao, S. ; Charlton, P. ; Chassande-Mottin, E. ; Chen, Y. ; Chincarini, A. ; Chiummo, A. ; Cho, H. S. ; Cho, M. ; Chow, J. H. ; Christensen, N. ; Chu, Q. ; Chua, S. ; Chung, S. ; Ciani, G. ; Clara, F. ; Clark, J. A. ; Cleva, F. ; Coccia, E. ; Cohadon, P.-F. ; Colla, A. ; Collette, C. ; Colombini, M. ; Cominsky, L. ; Constancio, M. ; Conte, A. ; Cook, D. ; Corbitt, T. R. ; Cornish, N. ; Corsi, A. ; Costa, C. A. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Coulon, J.-P. ; Countryman, S. ; Couvares, P. ; Coward, D. M. ; Cowart, M. J. ; Coyne, D. C. ; Coyne, R. ; Craig, K. ; Creighton, J. D. E. ; Creighton, T. D. ; Cripe, J. ; Crowder, S. G. ; Cumming, A. ; Cunningham, L. ; Cuoco, E. ; Cutler, C. ; Dahl, K. ; Canton, T. Dal ; Damjanic, M. ; Danilishin, S. L. ; D’Antonio, S. ; Danzmann, K. ; Dartez, L. ; Dattilo, V. ; Dave, I. ; Daveloza, H. ; Davier, M. ; Davies, G. S. ; Daw, E. J. ; Day, R. ; DeBra, D. ; Debreczeni, G. ; Degallaix, J. ; De Laurentis, M. ; Deléglise, S. ; Del Pozzo, W. ; Denker, T. ; Dent, T. ; Dereli, H. ; Dergachev, V. ; De Rosa, R. ; DeRosa, R. T. ; DeSalvo, R. ; Dhurandhar, S. ; Díaz, M. ; Di Fiore, L. ; Di Lieto, A. ; Di Palma, I. ; Di Virgilio, A. ; Dojcinoski, G. ; Dolique, V. ; Dominguez, E. ; Donovan, F. ; Dooley, K. L. ; Doravari, S. ; Douglas, R. ; Downes, T. P. ; Drago, M. ; Driggers, J. C. ; Du, Z. ; Ducrot, M. ; Dwyer, S. ; Eberle, T. ; Edo, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Edwards, M. ; Effler, A. ; Eggenstein, H.-B. ; Ehrens, P. ; Eichholz, J. ; Eikenberry, S. S. ; Essick, R. ; Etzel, T. ; Evans, M. ; Evans, T. ; Factourovich, M. ; Fafone, V. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Fan, X. ; Fang, Q. ; Farinon, S. ; Farr, B. ; Farr, W. M. ; Favata, M. ; Fays, M. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Fejer, M. M. ; Feldbaum, D. ; Ferrante, I. ; Ferreira, E. C. ; Ferrini, F. ; Fidecaro, F. ; Fiori, I. ; Fisher, R. P. ; Flaminio, R. ; Fournier, J.-D. ; Franco, S. ; Frasca, S. ; Frasconi, F. ; Frei, Z. ; Freise, A. ; Frey, R. ; Fricke, T. T. ; Fritschel, P. ; Frolov, V. V. ; Fuentes-Tapia, S. ; Fulda, P. ; Fyffe, M. ; Gair, J. R. ; Gammaitoni, L. ; Gaonkar, S. ; Garufi, F. ; Gatto, A. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gemme, G. ; Gendre, B. ; Genin, E. ; Gennai, A. ; Gergely, L. Á. ; Germain, V. ; Ghosh, S. ; Giaime, J. A. ; Giardina, K. D. ; Giazotto, A. ; Gleason, J. ; Goetz, E. ; Goetz, R. ; Gondan, L. ; González, G. ; Gordon, N. ; Gorodetsky, M. L. ; Gossan, S. ; Goßler, S. ; Gouaty, R. ; Gräf, C. ; Graff, P. B. ; Granata, M. ; Grant, A. ; Gras, S. ; Gray, C. ; Greenhalgh, R. J. S. ; Gretarsson, A. M. ; Groot, P. ; Grote, H. ; Grunewald, S. ; Guidi, G. M. ; Guido, C. J. ; Guo, X. ; Gushwa, K. ; Gustafson, E. K. ; Gustafson, R. ; Hacker, J. ; Hall, E. D. ; Hammond, G. ; Hanke, M. ; Hanks, J. ; Hanna, C. ; Hannam, M. D. ; Hanson, J. ; Hardwick, T. ; Harms, J. ; Harry, G. M. ; Harry, I. W. ; Hart, M. ; Hartman, M. T. ; Haster, C.-J. ; Haughian, K. ; Heidmann, A. ; Heintze, M. ; Heinzel, G. ; Heitmann, H. ; Hello, P. ; Hemming, G. ; Hendry, M. ; Heng, I. S. ; Heptonstall, A. W. ; Heurs, M. ; Hewitson, M. ; Hild, S. ; Hoak, D. ; Hodge, K. A. ; Hofman, D. ; Hollitt, S. E. ; Holt, K. ; Hopkins, P. ; Hosken, D. J. ; Hough, J. ; Houston, E. ; Howell, E. J. ; Hu, Y. M. ; Huerta, E. ; Hughey, B. ; Husa, S. ; Huttner, S. H. ; Huynh, M. ; Huynh-Dinh, T. ; Idrisy, A. ; Indik, N. ; Ingram, D. R. ; Inta, R. ; Islas, G. ; Isler, J. C. ; Isogai, T. ; Iyer, B. R. ; Izumi, K. ; Jacobson, M. ; Jang, H. ; Jaranowski, P. ; Jawahar, S. ; Ji, Y. ; Jiménez-Forteza, F. ; Johnson, W. W. ; Jones, D. I. ; Jones, R. ; Jonker, R. J. G. ; Ju, L. ; Haris, K. ; Kalogera, V. ; Kandhasamy, S. ; Kang, G. ; Kanner, J. B. ; Kasprzack, M. ; Katsavounidis, E. ; Katzman, W. ; Kaufer, H. ; Kaufer, S. ; Kaur, T. ; Kawabe, K. ; Kawazoe, F. ; Kéfélian, F. ; Keiser, G. M. ; Keitel, D. ; Kelley, D. B. ; Kells, W. ; Keppel, D. G. ; Key, J. S. ; Khalaidovski, A. ; Khalili, F. Y. ; Khazanov, E. A. ; Kim, C. ; Kim, K. ; Kim, N. G. ; Kim, N. ; Kim, Y.-M. ; King, E. J. ; King, P. J. ; Kinzel, D. L. ; Kissel, J. S. ; Klimenko, S. ; Kline, J. ; Koehlenbeck, S. ; Kokeyama, K. ; Kondrashov, V. ; Korobko, M. ; Korth, W. Z. ; Kowalska, I. ; Kozak, D. B. ; Kringel, V. ; Krishnan, B. ; Królak, A. ; Krueger, C. ; Kuehn, G. ; Kumar, A. ; Kumar, P. ; Kuo, L. ; Kutynia, A. ; Landry, M. ; Lantz, B. ; Larson, S. ; Lasky, P. D. ; Lazzarini, A. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Le, J. ; Leaci, P. ; Leavey, S. ; Lebigot, E. ; Lebigot, E. O. ; Lee, C. H. ; Lee, H. K. ; Lee, H. M. ; Leonardi, M. ; Leong, J. R. ; Leroy, N. ; Letendre, N. ; Levin, Y. ; Levine, B. ; Lewis, J. ; Li, T. G. F. ; Libbrecht, K. ; Libson, A. ; Lin, A. C. ; Littenberg, T. B. ; Lockerbie, N. A. ; Lockett, V. ; Logue, J. ; Lombardi, A. L. ; Lorenzini, M. ; Loriette, V. ; Lormand, M. ; Losurdo, G. ; Lough, J. ; Lubinski, M. J. ; Lück, H. ; Lundgren, A. P. ; Lynch, R. ; Ma, Y. ; Macarthur, J. ; MacDonald, T. ; Machenschalk, B. ; MacInnis, M. ; Macleod, D. M. ; Magaña-Sandoval, F. ; Magee, R. ; Mageswaran, M. ; Maglione, C. ; Mailand, K. ; Majorana, E. ; Maksimovic, I. ; Malvezzi, V. ; Man, N. ; Mandel, I. ; Mandic, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mansell, G. L. ; Mantovani, M. ; Marchesoni, F. ; Marion, F. ; Márka, S. ; Márka, Z. ; Markosyan, A. ; Maros, E. ; Martelli, F. ; Martellini, L. ; Martin, I. W. ; Martin, R. M. ; Martynov, D. ; Marx, J. N. ; Mason, K. ; Masserot, A. ; Massinger, T. J. ; Matichard, F. ; Matone, L. ; Mavalvala, N. ; Mazumder, N. ; Mazzolo, G. ; McCarthy, R. ; McClelland, D. E. ; McCormick, S. ; McGuire, S. C. ; McIntyre, G. ; McIver, J. ; McLin, K. ; McWilliams, S. ; Meacher, D. ; Meadors, G. D. ; Meidam, J. ; Meinders, M. ; Melatos, A. ; Mendell, G. ; Mercer, R. A. ; Meshkov, S. ; Messenger, C. ; Meyers, P. M. ; Mezzani, F. ; Miao, H. ; Michel, C. ; Middleton, H. ; Mikhailov, E. E. ; Milano, L. ; Miller, A. ; Miller, J. ; Millhouse, M. ; Minenkov, Y. ; Ming, J. ; Mirshekari, S. ; Mishra, C. ; Mitra, S. ; Mitrofanov, V. P. ; Mitselmakher, G. ; Mittleman, R. ; Moe, B. ; Moggi, A. ; Mohan, M. ; Mohanty, S. D. ; Mohapatra, S. R. P. ; Moore, B. ; Moraru, D. ; Moreno, G. ; Morriss, S. R. ; Mossavi, K. ; Mours, B. ; Mow-Lowry, C. M. ; Mueller, C. L. ; Mueller, G. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Mullavey, A. ; Munch, J. ; Murphy, D. ; Murray, P. G. ; Mytidis, A. ; Nagy, M. F. ; Nardecchia, I. ; Nash, T. ; Naticchioni, L. ; Nayak, R. K. ; Necula, V. ; Nedkova, K. ; Nelemans, G. ; Neri, I. ; Neri, M. ; Newton, G. ; Nguyen, T. ; Nielsen, A. B. ; Nissanke, S. ; Nitz, A. H. ; Nocera, F. ; Nolting, D. ; Normandin, M. E. N. ; Nuttall, L. K. ; Ochsner, E. ; O’Dell, J. ; Oelker, E. ; Ogin, G. H. ; Oh, J. J. ; Oh, S. H. ; Ohme, F. ; Oppermann, P. ; Oram, R. ; O’Reilly, B. ; Ortega, W. ; O’Shaughnessy, R. ; Osthelder, C. ; Ott, C. D. ; Ottaway, D. J. ; Ottens, R. S. ; Overmier, H. ; Owen, B. J. ; Padilla, C. ; Pai, A. ; Pai, S. ; Palashov, O. ; Palomba, C. ; Pal-Singh, A. ; Pan, H. ; Pankow, C. ; Pannarale, F. ; Pant, B. C. ; Paoletti, F. ; Papa, M. A. ; Paris, H. ; Pasqualetti, A. ; Passaquieti, R. ; Passuello, D. ; Patrick, Z. ; Pedraza, M. ; Pekowsky, L. ; Pele, A. ; Penn, S. ; Perreca, A. ; Phelps, M. ; Pichot, M. ; Piergiovanni, F. ; Pierro, V. ; Pillant, G. ; Pinard, L. ; Pinto, I. M. ; Pitkin, M. ; Poeld, J. ; Poggiani, R. ; Post, A. ; Poteomkin, A. ; Powell, J. ; Prasad, J. ; Predoi, V. ; Premachandra, S. ; Prestegard, T. ; Price, L. R. ; Prijatelj, M. ; Principe, M. ; Privitera, S. ; Prix, R. ; Prodi, G. A. ; Prokhorov, L. ; Puncken, O. ; Punturo, M. ; Puppo, P. ; Pürrer, M. ; Qin, J. ; Quetschke, V. ; Quintero, E. ; Quiroga, G. ; Quitzow-James, R. ; Raab, F. J. ; Rabeling, D. S. ; Rácz, I. ; Radkins, H. ; Raffai, P. ; Raja, S. ; Rajalakshmi, G. ; Rakhmanov, M. ; Ramirez, K. ; Rapagnani, P. ; Raymond, V. ; Razzano, M. ; Re, V. ; Reed, C. M. ; Regimbau, T. ; Rei, L. ; Reid, S. ; Reitze, D. H. ; Reula, O. ; Ricci, F. ; Riles, K. ; Robertson, N. A. ; Robie, R. ; Robinet, F. ; Rocchi, A. ; Rolland, L. ; Rollins, J. G. ; Roma, V. ; Romano, R. ; Romanov, G. ; Romie, J. H. ; Rosińska, D. ; Rowan, S. ; Rüdiger, A. ; Ruggi, P. ; Ryan, K. ; Sachdev, S. ; Sadecki, T. ; Sadeghian, L. ; Saleem, M. ; Salemi, F. ; Sammut, L. ; Sandberg, V. ; Sanders, J. R. ; Sannibale, V. ; Santiago-Prieto, I. ; Sassolas, B. ; Sathyaprakash, B. S. ; Saulson, P. R. ; Savage, R. ; Sawadsky, A. ; Scheuer, J. ; Schilling, R. ; Schmidt, P. ; Schnabel, R. ; Schofield, R. M. S. ; Schreiber, E. ; Schuette, D. ; Schutz, B. F. ; Scott, J. ; Scott, S. M. ; Sellers, D. ; Sengupta, A. S. ; Sentenac, D. ; Sequino, V. ; Sergeev, A. ; Serna, G. ; Sevigny, A. ; Shaddock, D. A. ; Shah, S. ; Shahriar, M. S. ; Shaltev, M. ; Shao, Z. ; Shapiro, B. ; Shawhan, P. ; Shoemaker, D. H. ; Sidery, T. L. ; Siellez, K. ; Siemens, X. ; Sigg, D. ; Silva, A. D. ; Simakov, D. ; Singer, A. ; Singer, L. ; Singh, R. ; Sintes, A. M. ; Slagmolen, B. J. J. ; Smith, J. R. ; Smith, M. R. ; Smith, R. J. E. ; Smith-Lefebvre, N. D. ; Son, E. J. ; Sorazu, B. ; Souradeep, T. ; Staley, A. ; Stebbins, J. ; Steinke, M. ; Steinlechner, J. ; Steinlechner, S. ; Steinmeyer, D. ; Stephens, B. C. ; Steplewski, S. ; Stevenson, S. ; Stone, R. ; Strain, K. A. ; Straniero, N. ; Strigin, S. ; Sturani, R. ; Stuver, A. L. ; Summerscales, T. Z. ; Sutton, P. J. ; Swinkels, B. ; Szczepanczyk, M. ; Szeifert, G. ; Tacca, M. ; Talukder, D. ; Tanner, D. B. ; Tápai, M. ; Tarabrin, S. P. ; Taracchini, A. ; Taylor, R. ; Tellez, G. ; Theeg, T. ; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. ; Thomas, M. ; Thomas, P. ; Thorne, K. A. ; Thorne, K. S. ; Thrane, E. ; Tiwari, V. ; Tomlinson, C. ; Tonelli, M. ; Torres, C. V. ; Torrie, C. I. ; Travasso, F. ; Traylor, G. ; Tse, M. ; Tshilumba, D. ; Turconi, M. ; Ugolini, D. ; Unnikrishnan, C. S. ; Urban, A. L. ; Usman, S. A. ; Vahlbruch, H. ; Vajente, G. ; Vajente, G. ; Valdes, G. ; Vallisneri, M. ; van Bakel, N. ; van Beuzekom, M. ; van den Brand, J. F. J. ; van den Broeck, C. ; van der Sluys, M. V. ; van Heijningen, J. ; van Veggel, A. A. ; Vass, S. ; Vasúth, M. ; Vaulin, R. ; Vecchio, A. ; Vedovato, G. ; Veitch, J. ; Veitch, J. ; Veitch, P. J. ; Venkateswara, K. ; Verkindt, D. ; Vetrano, F. ; Viceré, A. ; Vincent-Finley, R. ; Vinet, J.-Y. ; Vitale, S. ; Vo, T. ; Vocca, H. ; Vorvick, C. ; Vousden, W. D. ; Vyatchanin, S. P. ; Wade, A. R. ; Wade, L. ; Wade, M. ; Walker, M. ; Wallace, L. ; Walsh, S. ; Wang, H. ; Wang, M. ; Wang, X. ; Ward, R. L. ; Warner, J. ; Was, M. ; Was, M. ; Weaver, B. ; Wei, L.-W. ; Weinert, M. ; Weinstein, A. J. ; Weiss, R. ; Welborn, T. ; Wen, L. ; Wessels, P. ; Westphal, T. ; Wette, K. ; Whelan, J. T. ; White, D. J. ; Whiting, B. F. ; Wilkinson, C. ; Williams, L. ; Williams, R. ; Williamson, A. R. ; Willis, J. L. ; Willke, B. ; Wimmer, M. ; Winkler, W. ; Wipf, C. C. ; Wittel, H. ; Woan, G. ; Worden, J. ; Xie, S. ; Yablon, J. ; Yakushin, I. ; Yam, W. ; Yamamoto, H. ; Yancey, C. C. ; Yang, Q. ; Yvert, M. ; Zadrożny, A. ; Zanolin, M. ; Zendri, J.-P. ; Zhang, Fan ; Zhang, L. ; Zhang, M. ; Zhang, Y. ; Zhao, C. ; Zhou, M. ; Zhu, X. J. ; Zucker, M. E. ; Zuraw, S. ; Zweizig, J. (2015) Directed search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with initial LIGO data Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91 (6). Article ID 062008. ISSN 1550-7998 Aasi, J. ; Abbott, B. P. ; Abbott, R. ; Abbott, T. ; Abernathy, M. R. ; Acernese, F. ; Ackley, K. ; Adams, C. ; Adams, T. ; Addesso, P. ; Adhikari, R. X. ; Adya, V. ; Affeldt, C. ; Agathos, M. ; Agatsuma, K. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguiar, O. D. ; Ain, A. ; Ajith, P. ; Alemic, A. ; Allen, B. ; Allocca, A. ; Amariutei, D. ; Anderson, S. B. ; Anderson, W. G. ; Arai, K. ; Araya, M. C. ; Arceneaux, C. ; Areeda, J. S. ; Ast, S. ; Aston, S. M. ; Astone, P. ; Aufmuth, P. ; Aulbert, C. ; Aylott, B. E. ; Babak, S. ; Baker, P. T. ; Baldaccini, F. ; Ballardin, G. ; Ballmer, S. W. ; Barayoga, J. C. ; Barbet, M. ; Barclay, S. ; Barish, B. C. ; Barker, D. ; Barone, F. ; Barr, B. ; Barsotti, L. ; Barsuglia, M. ; Bartlett, J. ; Barton, M. A. ; Bartos, I. ; Bassiri, R. ; Basti, A. ; Batch, J. C. ; Bauer, Th. S. ; Baune, C. ; Bavigadda, V. ; Behnke, B. ; Bejger, M. ; Belczynski, C. ; Bell, A. S. ; Bell, C. ; Benacquista, M. ; Bergman, J. ; Bergmann, G. ; Berry, C. P. L. ; Bersanetti, D. ; Bertolini, A. ; Betzwieser, J. ; Bhagwat, S. ; Bhandare, R. ; Bilenko, I. A. ; Billingsley, G. ; Birch, J. ; Biscans, S. ; Bitossi, M. ; Biwer, C. ; Bizouard, M. A. ; Blackburn, J. K. ; Blackburn, L. ; Blair, C. D. ; Blair, D. ; Bloemen, S. ; Bock, O. ; Bodiya, T. P. ; Boer, M. ; Bogaert, G. ; Bojtos, P. ; Bond, C. ; Bondu, F. ; Bonelli, L. ; Bonnand, R. ; Bork, R. ; Born, M. ; Boschi, V. ; Bose, Sukanta ; Bradaschia, C. ; Brady, P. R. ; Braginsky, V. B. ; Branchesi, M. ; Brau, J. E. ; Briant, T. ; Bridges, D. O. ; Brillet, A. ; Brinkmann, M. ; Brisson, V. ; Brooks, A. F. ; Brown, D. A. ; Brown, D. D. ; Brown, N. M. ; Buchman, S. ; Buikema, A. ; Bulik, T. ; Bulten, H. J. ; Buonanno, A. ; Buskulic, D. ; Buy, C. ; Cadonati, L. ; Cagnoli, G. ; Bustillo, J. Calderón ; Calloni, E. ; Camp, J. B. ; Cannon, K. C. ; Cao, J. ; Capano, C. D. ; Carbognani, F. ; Caride, S. ; Caudill, S. ; Cavaglià, M. ; Cavalier, F. ; Cavalieri, R. ; Cella, G. ; Cepeda, C. ; Cesarini, E. ; Chakraborty, R. ; Chalermsongsak, T. ; Chamberlin, S. J. ; Chao, S. ; Charlton, P. ; Chassande-Mottin, E. ; Chen, Y. ; Chincarini, A. ; Chiummo, A. ; Cho, H. S. ; Cho, M. ; Chow, J. H. ; Christensen, N. ; Chu, Q. ; Chua, S. ; Chung, S. ; Ciani, G. ; Clara, F. ; Clark, J. A. ; Cleva, F. ; Coccia, E. ; Cohadon, P.-F. ; Colla, A. ; Collette, C. ; Colombini, M. ; Cominsky, L. ; Jr, M. Constancio ; Conte, A. ; Cook, D. ; Corbitt, T. R. ; Cornish, N. ; Corsi, A. ; Costa, C. A. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Coulon, J.-P. ; Countryman, S. ; Couvares, P. ; Coward, D. M. ; Cowart, M. J. ; Coyne, D. C. ; Coyne, R. ; Craig, K. ; Creighton, J. D. E. ; Creighton, T. D. ; Cripe, J. ; Crowder, S. G. ; Cumming, A. ; Cunningham, L. ; Cuoco, E. ; Cutler, C. ; Dahl, K. ; Canton, T. Dal ; Damjanic, M. ; Danilishin, S. L. ; D’Antonio, S. ; Danzmann, K. ; Dartez, L. ; Dattilo, V. ; Dave, I. ; Daveloza, H. ; Davier, M. ; Davies, G. S. ; Daw, E. J. ; Day, R. ; DeBra, D. ; Debreczeni, G. ; Degallaix, J. ; Laurentis, M. De ; Deléglise, S. ; Pozzo, W. Del ; Denker, T. ; Dent, T. ; Dereli, H. ; Dergachev, V. ; Rosa, R. De ; DeRosa, R. T. ; DeSalvo, R. ; Dhurandhar, S. ; Díaz, M. ; Fiore, L. Di ; Lieto, A. Di ; Palma, I. Di ; Virgilio, A. Di ; Dojcinoski, G. ; Dolique, V. ; Dominguez, E. ; Donovan, F. ; Dooley, K. L. ; Doravari, S. ; Douglas, R. ; Downes, T. P. ; Drago, M. ; Driggers, J. C. ; Du, Z. ; Ducrot, M. ; Dwyer, S. ; Eberle, T. ; Edo, T. ; Edwards, M. ; Edwards, M. ; Effler, A. ; Eggenstein, H.-B. ; Ehrens, P. ; Eichholz, J. ; Eikenberry, S. S. ; Essick, R. ; Etzel, T. ; Evans, M. ; Evans, T. ; Factourovich, M. ; Fafone, V. ; Fairhurst, S. ; Fan, X. ; Fang, Q. ; Farinon, S. ; Farr, B. ; Farr, W. M. ; Favata, M. ; Fays, M. ; Fehrmann, H. ; Fejer, M. M. ; Feldbaum, D. ; Ferrante, I. ; Ferreira, E. C. ; Ferrini, F. ; Fidecaro, F. ; Fiori, I. ; Fisher, R. P. ; Flaminio, R. ; Fournier, J.-D. ; Franco, S. ; Frasca, S. ; Frasconi, F. ; Frei, Z. ; Freise, A. ; Frey, R. ; Fricke, T. T. ; Fritschel, P. ; Frolov, V. V. ; Fuentes-Tapia, S. ; Fulda, P. ; Fyffe, M. ; Gair, J. R. ; Gammaitoni, L. ; Gaonkar, S. ; Garufi, F. ; Gatto, A. ; Gehrels, N. ; Gemme, G. ; Gendre, B. ; Genin, E. ; Gennai, A. ; Gergely, L. Á. ; Ghosh, S. ; Giaime, J. A. ; Giardina, K. D. ; Giazotto, A. ; Gleason, J. ; Goetz, E. ; Goetz, R. ; Gondan, L. ; González, G. ; Gordon, N. ; Gorodetsky, M. L. ; Gossan, S. ; Gossler, S. ; Gouaty, R. ; Gräf, C. ; Graff, P. B. ; Granata, M. ; Grant, A. ; Gras, S. ; Gray, C. ; Greenhalgh, R. J. S. ; Gretarsson, A. M. ; Groot, P. ; Grote, H. ; Grunewald, S. ; Guidi, G. M. ; Guido, C. J. ; Guo, X. ; Gushwa, K. ; Gustafson, E. K. ; Gustafson, R. ; Hacker, J. ; Hall, E. D. ; Hammond, G. ; Hanke, M. ; Hanks, J. ; Hanna, C. ; Hannam, M. D. ; Hanson, J. ; Hardwick, T. ; Harms, J. ; Harry, G. M. ; Harry, I. W. ; Hart, M. ; Hartman, M. T. ; Haster, C.-J. ; Haughian, K. ; Heidmann, A. ; Heintze, M. ; Heinzel, G. ; Heitmann, H. ; Hello, P. ; Hemming, G. ; Hendry, M. ; Heng, I. S. ; Heptonstall, A. W. ; Heurs, M. ; Hewitson, M. ; Hild, S. ; Hoak, D. ; Hodge, K. A. ; Hofman, D. ; Hollitt, S. E. ; Holt, K. ; Hopkins, P. ; Hosken, D. J. ; Hough, J. ; Houston, E. ; Howell, E. J. ; Hu, Y. M. ; Huerta, E. ; Hughey, B. ; Husa, S. ; Huttner, S. H. ; Huynh, M. ; Huynh-Dinh, T. ; Idrisy, A. ; Indik, N. ; Ingram, D. R. ; Inta, R. ; Islas, G. ; Isler, J. C. ; Isogai, T. ; Iyer, B. R. ; Izumi, K. ; Jacobson, M. ; Jang, H. ; Jaranowski, P. ; Jawahar, S. ; Ji, Y. ; Jiménez-Forteza, F. ; Johnson, W. W. ; Jones, D. I. ; Jones, R. ; Jonker, R. J. G. ; Ju, L. ; K, Haris ; Kalogera, V. ; Kandhasamy, S. ; Kang, G. ; Kanner, J. B. ; Kasprzack, M. ; Katsavounidis, E. ; Katzman, W. ; Kaufer, H. ; Kaufer, S. ; Kaur, T. ; Kawabe, K. ; Kawazoe, F. ; Kéfélian, F. ; Keiser, G. M. ; Keitel, D. ; Kelley, D. B. ; Kells, W. ; Keppel, D. G. ; Key, J. S. ; Khalaidovski, A. ; Khalili, F. Y. ; Khazanov, E. A. ; Kim, C. ; Kim, K. ; Kim, N. G. ; Kim, N. ; Kim, Y.-M. ; King, E. J. ; King, P. J. ; Kinzel, D. L. ; Kissel, J. S. ; Klimenko, S. ; Kline, J. ; Koehlenbeck, S. ; Kokeyama, K. ; Kondrashov, V. ; Korobko, M. ; Korth, W. Z. ; Kowalska, I. ; Kozak, D. B. ; Kringel, V. ; Krishnan, B. ; Królak, A. ; Krueger, C. ; Kuehn, G. ; Kumar, A. ; Kumar, P. ; Kuo, L. ; Kutynia, A. ; Landry, M. ; Lantz, B. ; Larson, S. ; Lasky, P. D. ; Lazzarini, A. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Lazzaro, C. ; Le, J. ; Leaci, P. ; Leavey, S. ; Lebigot, E. ; Lebigot, E. O. ; Lee, C. H. ; Lee, H. K. ; Lee, H. M. ; Leonardi, M. ; Leong, J. R. ; Leroy, N. ; Letendre, N. ; Levin, Y. ; Levine, B. ; Lewis, J. ; Li, T. G. F. ; Libbrecht, K. ; Libson, A. ; Lin, A. C. ; Littenberg, T. B. ; Lockerbie, N. A. ; Lockett, V. ; Logue, J. ; Lombardi, A. L. ; Lorenzini, M. ; Loriette, V. ; Lormand, M. ; Losurdo, G. ; Lough, J. ; Lubinski, M. J. ; Lück, H. ; Lundgren, A. P. ; Lynch, R. ; Ma, Y. ; Macarthur, J. ; MacDonald, T. ; Machenschalk, B. ; MacInnis, M. ; Macleod, D. M. ; na-Sandoval, F. Magaña ; Magee, R. ; Mageswaran, M. ; Maglione, C. ; Mailand, K. ; Majorana, E. ; Maksimovic, I. ; Malvezzi, V. ; Man, N. ; Mandel, I. ; Mandic, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mangano, V. ; Mansell, G. L. ; Mantovani, M. ; Marchesoni, F. ; Marion, F. ; Márka, S. ; Márka, Z. ; Markosyan, A. ; Maros, E. ; Martelli, F. ; Martellini, L. ; Martin, I. W. ; Martin, R. M. ; Martynov, D. ; Marx, J. N. ; Mason, K. ; Masserot, A. ; Massinger, T. J. ; Matichard, F. ; Matone, L. ; Mavalvala, N. ; Mazumder, N. ; Mazzolo, G. ; McCarthy, R. ; McClelland, D. E. ; McCormick, S. ; McGuire, S. C. ; McIntyre, G. ; McIver, J. ; McLin, K. ; McWilliams, S. ; Meacher, D. ; Meadors, G. D. ; Meidam, J. ; Meinders, M. ; Melatos, A. ; Mendell, G. ; Mercer, R. A. ; Meshkov, S. ; Messenger, C. ; Meyers, P. M. ; Mezzani, F. ; Miao, H. ; Michel, C. ; Middleton, H. ; Mikhailov, E. E. ; Milano, L. ; Miller, A. ; Miller, J. ; Millhouse, M. ; Minenkov, Y. ; Ming, J. ; Mirshekari, S. ; Mishra, C. ; Mitra, S. ; Mitrofanov, V. P. ; Mitselmakher, G. ; Mittleman, R. ; Moe, B. ; Moggi, A. ; Mohan, M. ; Mohanty, S. D. ; Mohapatra, S. R. P. ; Moore, B. ; Moraru, D. ; Moreno, G. ; Morriss, S. R. ; Mossavi, K. ; Mours, B. ; Mow-Lowry, C. M. ; Mueller, C. L. ; Mueller, G. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Mullavey, A. ; Munch, J. ; Murphy, D. ; Murray, P. G. ; Mytidis, A. ; Nagy, M. 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ISSN 1021-9722 Agarwal, Kshitij ; Gaur, Shailendra Nath ; Chowdhary, Anuradha (2015) The role of fungal sensitisation in clinical presentation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Mycoses, 58 (9). pp. 531-535. ISSN 0933-7407 Agarwala, Prachi ; Kumar, Santosh ; Pandey, Satyaprakash ; Maiti, Souvik (2015) Human telomeric RNA G-quadruplex response to point mutation in the G-quartets The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (13). pp. 4617-4627. ISSN 1520-6106 Agarwala, Prachi ; Pandey, Satyaprakash ; Maiti, Souvik (2015) The tale of RNA G-quadruplex Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 13 (20). pp. 5570-5585. ISSN 1477-0520 Aggarwal, Amita ; Singh, Sushma ; Singh, Ratender ; Poddar, Banani ; Baronia, Arvind (2015) Procalcitonin kinetics as a prognostic marker in severe sepsis/septic shock Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 19 (3). pp. 140-146. 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ISSN 1613-6810 Banerjee, Abhishek ; Chandrakumar, Narayanan (2015) Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Exploiting Spin Echoes To Maximize Information Content by Suppression of Diagonal Peaks in Homonuclear Experiments The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (3). pp. 482-487. ISSN 1089-5639 Banerjee, Arghya ; Santra, Sourav Kumar ; Khatun, Nilufa ; Ali, Wajid ; Patel, Bhisma K. (2015) Oxidant controlled regioselective mono- and di-functionalization reactions of coumarins Chemical Communications, 51 (84). pp. 15422-15425. ISSN 1359-7345 Banerjee, Arghya ; Santra, Sourav Kumar ; Mishra, Aniket ; Khatun, Nilufa ; Patel, Bhisma K. (2015) Copper(I)-promoted cycloalkylation–peroxidation of unactivated alkenes via sp3 C–H functionalisation Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 13 (5). pp. 1307-1312. ISSN 1477-0520 Banerjee, Arghya ; Santra, Sourav Kumar ; Mohanta, Prakash Ranjan ; Patel, Bhisma K. 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Krishna (2015) A New Self-Training-Based Unsupervised Satellite Image Classification Technique Using Cluster Ensemble Strategy IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12 (4). pp. 741-745. ISSN 1545-598X Banerjee, Chandranath ; Chaudhury, Kaustav ; Majumder, Arun Kumar ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Swirling flow hydrodynamics in hydrocyclone Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (1). pp. 522-528. ISSN 0888-5885 Banerjee, Deb Ranjan ; Biswas, Rupam ; Das, Amit K. ; Basak, Amit (2015) Design, synthesis and characterization of dual inhibitors against new targets FabG4 and HtdX of Mycobacterium tuberculosis European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 100 . pp. 223-234. ISSN 0223-5234 Banerjee, Deb Ranjan ; Senapati, Kalyan ; Biswas, Rupam ; Das, Amit K. ; Basak, Amit (2015) Inhibition of M. tuberculosis β-ketoacyl CoA reductase FabG4 (Rv0242c) by triazole linked polyphenol–aminobenzene hybrids: Comparison with the corresponding gallate counterparts Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25 (6). pp. 1343-1347. ISSN 0960-894X Banerjee, Debasis ; Cairns, Amy J. ; Liu, Jian ; Motkuri, Radha K. ; Nune, Satish K. ; Fernandez, Carlos A. ; Krishna, Rajamani ; Strachan, Denis M. ; Thallapally, Praveen K. (2015) Potential of metal–organic frameworks for separation of xenon and krypton Accounts of Chemical Research, 48 (2). pp. 211-219. ISSN 0001-4842 Banerjee, Kacoli ; Banerjee, Shubhadeep ; Das, Subhayan ; Mandal, Mahitosh (2015) Probing the potential of apigenin liposomes in enhancing bacterial membrane perturbation and integrity loss Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 453 . pp. 48-59. ISSN 0021-9797 Banerjee, Kacoli ; Mandal, Mahitosh (2015) Oxidative stress triggered by naturally occurring flavone apigenin results in senescence and chemotherapeutic effect in human colorectal cancer cells Redox Biology, 5 . pp. 153-162. ISSN 2213-2317 Banerjee, P. ; Majumder, P. ; Halder, S. ; Drew, M. G. B. ; Bhattacharya, S. ; Mazumder, S. (2015) Comparative anti-proliferative activity of some new 2-(arylazo)phenolate–palladium (II) complexes and cisplatin against some human cancer cell lines Free Radical Research, 49 (3). pp. 253-268. ISSN 1071-5762 Banerjee, Pujarini ; Chakraborty, Tapas (2015) Gas-phase molecular spectroscopy in the past five decades: bearings of the advancements in light source technologies Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 85 (4). pp. 501-505. ISSN 0369-8203 Banerjee, Pujarini ; Mukhopadhyay, Deb Pratim ; Chakraborty, Tapas (2015) On the origin of donor O–H bond weakening in phenol-water complexes The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (20). Article ID 204306. ISSN 0021-9606 Banerjee, R. ; Sanyal, M. K. ; Bera, M. K. ; Gibaud, A. ; Lin, B. ; Meron, M. (2015) Reversible monolayer-to-crystalline phase transition in amphiphilic silsesquioxane at the air-water interface Scientific Reports, 5 (1). Article ID 8497. ISSN 2045-2322 Banerjee, Rakesh ; Parida, Sheetal ; Maiti, Chiranjit ; Mandal, Mahitosh ; Dhara, Dibakar (2015) pH-degradable and thermoresponsive water-soluble core cross-linked polymeric nanoparticles as potential drug delivery vehicle for doxorubicin RSC Advances, 5 (102). pp. 83565-83575. ISSN 2046-2069 Banerjee, Samya ; Chakravarty, Akhil R. (2015) Metal Complexes of Curcumin for Cellular Imaging, Targeting, and Photoinduced Anticancer Activity Accounts of Chemical Research, 48 (7). pp. 2075-2083. ISSN 0001-4842 Banerjee, Samya ; Dixit, Akanksha ; Karande, Anjali A. ; Chakravarty, Akhil R. (2015) Remarkable Selectivity and Photo‐Cytotoxicity of an Oxidovanadium(IV) Complex of Curcumin in Visible Light European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 (3). pp. 447-457. ISSN 1434-1948 Banerjee, Samya ; Pant, Ila ; Khan, Imran ; Prasad, Puja ; Hussain, Akhtar ; Kondaiah, Paturu ; Chakravarty, Akhil R. (2015) Remarkable enhancement in photocytotoxicity and hydrolytic stability of curcumin on binding to an oxovanadium(iv) moiety Dalton Transactions, 44 (9). pp. 4108-4122. ISSN 1477-9226 Banerjee, Shankha ; Mandal, Tanumoy ; Mellado, Bruce ; Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup (2015) Cornering dimension-6 HV V interactions at high energy LHC: the role of event ratios Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (9). Article ID 057. 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ISSN 1463-9076 Carstensen, Carsten ; Gallistl, Dietmar ; Nataraj, Neela (2015) Comparison Results of Nonstandard P2 Finite Element Methods for the Biharmonic Problem ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 49 (4). pp. 977-990. ISSN 0764-583X Carstensen, Carsten ; Nataraj, Neela ; Pani, Amiya K. (2015) Comparison results and unified analysis for first-order finite volume element methods for a Poisson model problem IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (3). pp. 1120-1142. ISSN 0272-4979 Carugo, Dario ; Capretto, Lorenzo ; Roy, Bibhas ; Carboni, Michele ; Caine, Marcus ; Lewis, Andrew L. ; Hill, Martyn ; Chakraborty, Suman ; Zhang, Xunli (2015) Spatiotemporal dynamics of doxorubicin elution from embolic beads within a microfluidic network Journal of Controlled Release, 214 . pp. 62-75. ISSN 0168-3659 Casals, Roger ; Pancholi, Dishant M. ; Presas, Francisco (2015) Contact blow-up Expositiones Mathematicae, 33 (1). pp. 78-100. ISSN 0723-0869 Catherine, J. K. ; Gahalaut, V. 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ISSN 2169-9380 Chakka, Deviprasanna ; Gudla, Ramurthy ; Madikonda, Ashok Kumar ; Pandeeti, Emmanuel Vijay Paul ; Parthasarathy, Sunil ; Nandavaram, Aparna ; Siddavattam, Dayananda (2015) The Organophosphate degradation (opd) island-borne esterase-induced metabolic diversion in Escherichia coli and its influence on p-nitrophenol degradation Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (50). pp. 29920-29930. ISSN 0021-9258 Chakka, Sai Kumar ; Kalamuddin, Mohammad ; Sundararaman, Srividhya ; Wei, Lianhu ; Mundra, Sourabh ; Mahesh, Radhakrishnan ; Malhotra, Pawan ; Mohmmed, Asif ; Kotra, Lakshmi P. (2015) Identification of novel class of falcipain-2 inhibitors as potential antimalarial agents Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23 (9). pp. 2221-2240. ISSN 0968-0896 Chakrabarty, A. ; Hazra, R.S. ; Sarkar, D. (2015) Limiting Spectral Distribution for Wigner Matrices with Dependent Entries In: Random Matrix Theory: Foundations and Applications, July 1–6, 2014, Kraków, Poland. Chakrabarty, Arijit ; Hazra, Rajat Subhra (2015) Remarks on absolute continuity in the context of free probability and random matrices Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (3). pp. 1335-1341. ISSN 0002-9939 Chakrabarty, Nabarun ; Ghosh, Dilip Kumar ; Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup ; Saha, Ipsita (2015) Dark matter, neutrino masses, and high scale validity of an inert Higgs doublet model Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 92 (1). Article ID 015002. ISSN 1550-7998 Chakrabarty, Nabarun ; Han, Tao ; Liu, Zhen ; Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup (2015) Radiative return for heavy Higgs boson at a muon collider Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 91 (1). Article ID 015008. ISSN 1550-7998 Chakrabarty, Sohom ; Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan (2015) A generalized reaching law for discrete time sliding mode control Automatica, 52 . pp. 83-86. ISSN 000-1098 Chakraborti, Anirban ; Challet, Damien ; Chatterjee, Arnab ; Marsili, Matteo ; Zhang, Yi-Cheng ; Chakrabarti, Bikas K. (2015) Statistical mechanics of competitive resource allocation using agent-based models Physics Reports, 552 . pp. 1-25. ISSN 03701573 Chakraborty, A. ; Chaudhuri, P. (2015) A Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-type test for infinite-dimensional data Biometrika, 102 (1). pp. 239-246. ISSN 0006-3444 Chakraborty, Anirvan ; Chaudhuri, Probal (2015) Paired Sample Tests in Infinite Dimensional Spaces Modern Nonparametric, Robust and Multivariate Methods . pp. 351-370. Chakraborty, Debashis ; Mandal, Dipa ; Ramkumar, Venkatachalam ; Subramanian, V. ; Vijaya Sundar, J. (2015) A new class of MPV type reduction in group 4 alkoxide complexes of salicylaldiminato ligands: Efficient catalysts for the ROP of lactides, epoxides and polymerization of ethylene Polymer, 56 . pp. 157-170. ISSN 0032-3861 Chakraborty, Debdutta ; Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar (2015) Confinement induced binding in noble gas atoms within a BN-doped carbon nanotube Chemical Physics Letters, 621 . pp. 29-34. ISSN 00092614 Chakraborty, Debdutta ; Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar (2015) In Quest of a Superhalogen Supported Covalent Bond Involving a Noble Gas Atom The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (12). pp. 3064-3074. ISSN 1089-5639 Chakraborty, Debdutta ; Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar (2015) Interaction of BN- and BP-doped graphene nanoflakes with some representative neutral molecules and anions Molecular Physics, 113 (19-20). pp. 2916-2929. ISSN 0026-8976 Chakraborty, Debdutta ; Kar, Susmita ; Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar (2015) Orbital free DFT versus single density equation: a perspective through quantum domain behavior of a classically chaotic system Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (47). pp. 31516-31529. ISSN 1463-9076 Chakraborty, Hirak ; Chattopadhyay, Amitabha (2015) Excitements and Challenges in GPCR Oligomerization: Molecular Insight from FRET ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 6 (1). pp. 199-206. ISSN 1948-7193 Chakraborty, Hirak ; Haldar, Sourav ; Chong, Parkson Lee-Gau ; Kombrabail, Mamata ; Krishnamoorthy, G. ; Chattopadhyay, Amitabha (2015) Depth-Dependent Organization and Dynamics of Archaeal and Eukaryotic Membranes: Development of Membrane Anisotropy Gradient with Natural Evolution Langmuir, 31 (42). pp. 11591-11597. ISSN 0743-7463 Chakraborty, Indrajit ; Biswas, Gautam ; Polepalle, Satyamurthy ; Ghoshdastidar, Partha S. (2015) Bubble formation and dynamics in a quiescent high-density liquid AIChE Journal, 61 (11). pp. 3996-4012. ISSN 0001-1541 Chakraborty, Kaustav ; Dasgupta, Swagata ; Pathak, Tanmaya (2015) Carboxylated acyclonucleosides: synthesis and RNase A inhibition Molecules, 20 (4). pp. 5924-5941. ISSN 1420-3049 Chakraborty, Keka R. ; Paul, Barnita ; Grover, Vinita ; Mukadam, M. D. ; Roy, Anushree ; Basu, S. ; Tyagi, A. K. ; Yusuf, S. M. (2015) Spin-phonon coupling in scandium doped gallium ferrite Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (12). Article ID 123915. ISSN 0021-8979 Chakraborty, Keka R. ; Shukla, Rakesh ; Kaushik, S. D. ; Mukadam, M. D. ; Siruguri, V. ; Tyagi, A. K. ; Yusuf, S. M. (2015) Tuning of magnetic ordering by Y substitution onto Tb site in the nanocrystalline TbMnO3 Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (16). Article ID 164307. ISSN 0021-8979 Chakraborty, Monojit ; Ghosh, Udita Uday ; Chakraborty, Suman ; DasGupta, Sunando (2015) Thermally enhanced self-propelled droplet motion on gradient surfaces RSC Advances, 5 (56). pp. 45266-45275. ISSN 2046-2069 Chakraborty, Niranjan ; Chakraborty, Subhra ; Rathi, Divya (2015) Proteomics of an Orphan Legume, Grasspea: Current Status and Future Strategy Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, 25 (1). pp. 117-141. ISSN 1817-3721 Chakraborty, Sandeep ; Britton, Monica ; Wegrzyn, Jill ; Butterfield, Timothy ; Martínez-García, Pedro José ; Reagan, Russell L. ; Rao, Basuthkar J. ; Leslie, Charles A. ; Aradhaya, Mallikarjuna ; Neale, David ; Woeste, Keith ; Dandekar, Abhaya M. (2015) YeATS - a tool suite for analyzing RNA-seq derived transcriptome identifies a highly transcribed putative extensin in heartwood/sapwood transition zone in black walnut F1000Research, 4 . Article ID 155, 15 pages. ISSN 2046-1402 Chakraborty, Sandeep ; Phu, My ; de Morais, Tamara Prado ; Nascimento, Rafael ; Goulart, Luiz Ricardo ; Rao, Basuthkar J. ; Asgeirsson, Bjarni ; Dandekar, Abhaya M. (2015) The PDB database is a rich source of alpha-helical anti-microbial peptides to combat disease causing pathogens F1000Research, 3 . Article ID 295, 15 pages. ISSN 2046-1402 Chakraborty, Sandeep ; Rao, Basuthkar J. ; Asgeirsson, Bjarni ; Dandekar, Abhaya M. (2015) Characterizing alpha helical properties of Ebola viral proteins as potential targets for inhibition of alpha-helix mediated protein-protein interactions F1000Research, 3 . Article ID 251-16 pages. ISSN 2046-1402 Chakraborty, Sandeep ; Rendón-Ramírez, Adela ; Ásgeirsson, Bjarni ; Dutta, Mouparna ; Ghosh, Anindya S. ; Oda, Masataka ; Venkatramani, Ravindra ; Rao, Basuthkar J. ; Dandekar, Abhaya M. ; Goni, Felix M. (2015) The dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors vildagliptin and K-579 inhibit a phospholipase C: a case of promiscuous scaffolds in proteins F1000Research, 2 . Article ID 286, 26 pages. ISSN 2046-1402 Chakraborty, Sangeeta ; Gogoi, Mayuri ; Chakravortty, Dipshikha (2015) Lactoylglutathione lyase, a critical enzyme in methylglyoxal detoxification, contributes to survival ofSalmonellain the nutrient rich environment Virulence, 6 (1). pp. 50-65. ISSN 2150-5594 Chakraborty, Sourav ; Arunachalam, M. ; Dutta, Ranjan ; Ghosh, Pradyut (2015) Arene platform based hexa-amide receptors for anion recognition: single crystal X-ray structural and thermodynamic studies RSC Advances, 5 (59). pp. 48060-48070. ISSN 2046-2069 Chakraborty, Sourav ; Dutta, Ranjan ; Ghosh, Pradyut (2015) Halogen bonding assisted selective removal of bromide Chemical Communications, 51 (79). pp. 14793-14796. ISSN 1359-7345 Chakraborty, Subhendu ; Kooi, Bob W. ; Biswas, Barasha ; Chattopadhyay, J. (2015) Revealing the role of predator interference in a predator–prey system with disease in prey population Ecological Complexity, 21 . pp. 100-111. ISSN 1476945X Chakraborty, Subhendu ; Tiwari, P.K. ; Misra, A.K. ; Chattopadhyay, J. (2015) Spatial dynamics of a nutrient–phytoplankton system with toxic effect on phytoplankton Mathematical Biosciences, 264 . pp. 94-100. ISSN 00255564 Chakraborty, Subhra ; Salekdeh, Ghasem Hosseini ; Yang, Pingfang ; Woo, Sun Hee ; Chin, Chiew Foan ; Gehring, Chris ; Haynes, Paul A. ; Mirzaei, Mehdi ; Komatsu, Setsuko (2015) Proteomics of important food crops in the Asia Oceania region: current status and future perspectives Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (7). pp. 2723-2744. ISSN 1535-3893 Chakraborty, T. ; Beig, G. ; Dentener, F.J. ; Wild, O. (2015) Atmospheric transport of ozone between Southern and Eastern Asia Science of the Total Environment, 523 . pp. 28-39. ISSN 0048-9697 Chakrapani, B. ; Narasimhan, T. Lakshmi ; Chockalingam, A. (2015) Generalized space-frequency index modulation: low-complexity encoding and detection In: 2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 6-10 December 2015, San Diego, CA, USA. Chakravarty, Devlina ; Chakraborti, Soumyananda ; Chakrabarti, Pinak (2015) Flexibility in the N-terminal actin-binding domain: Clues from in silico mutations and molecular dynamics Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 83 (4). pp. 696-710. ISSN 08873585 Chakravarty, Devlina ; Janin, Joël ; Robert, Charles H. ; Chakrabarti, Pinak (2015) Changes in protein structure at the interface accompanying complex formation IUCrJ, 2 (6). pp. 643-652. ISSN 2052-2525 Chakravorty, Geetanjali ; T J, Ramnath Babu ; Preethi, Sunkara ; Nath, Utpal ; Ananthasuresh, G.K. (2015) An Experimental Method To Estimate The Growth-Rate Of A Leaf Using Image Processing And Solving An Inverse-Growth-Problem In: 2nd International and 17th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, 16-19 Dec 2015, IIT Kanpur. Chalanga, Asif ; Bandyopadhyay, B. 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Chanda, Tanmoy ; Chowdhury, Sushobhan ; Anand, Namrata ; Koley, Suvajit ; Gupta, Ashutosh ; Singh, Maya Shankar (2015) Synthesis of 3-hydroxyindanones via potassium salt of amino acid catalyzed regioselective intramolecular aldolization of ortho-diacylbenzenes Tetrahedron Letters, 56 (8). pp. 981-985. ISSN 0040-4039 Chanda, Tanmoy ; Chowdhury, Sushobhan ; Koley, Suvajit ; Anand, Namrata ; Singh, Maya Shankar (2015) Thionyl chloride mediated dehydroxylation of 3-hydroxyindanones to indenones Tetrahedron Letters, 56 (31). pp. 4603-4606. ISSN 0040-4039 Chanda, Titas ; Das, Tamoghna ; Sadhukhan, Debasis ; Pal, Amit Kumar ; Sen(De), Aditi ; Sen, Ujjwal (2015) Reducing computational complexity of quantum correlations Physical Review A, 92 (6). ISSN 0031-899X (print); 1536-6065 (web) Chanda, Titas ; Pal, Amit Kumar ; Biswas, Anindya ; Sen(De), Aditi ; Sen, Ujjwal (2015) Freezing of quantum correlations under local decoherence Physical Review A, 91 (6). ISSN 0031-899X (print); 1536-6065 (web) Chandola-Saklani, Asha ; Negi, Kiran ; Kathait, Atul (2015) A brief exposure to thyroxine synchronizes the circannual testicular cycle and associated molt in the subtropical spotted munia (Lonchura punctulata) Journal of Ornithology, 156 (S1). pp. 453-461. ISSN 2193-7192 Chandra, Sunil ; Zhang, Haocheng ; Kushwaha, Pankaj ; Singh, K. P. ; Bottcher, M. ; Kaur, Navpreet ; Baliyan, K. S. (2015) Multi-wavelength study of flaring activity in BL lac object S5 0716+714 during the 2015 outburst The Astrophysical Journal, 809 (2). p. 130. ISSN 0004-637X Chandra, Amalendu (2015) Seeing Molecules in Motion in Aqueous Solutions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 85 (4). pp. 527-530. ISSN 0369-8203 Chandra, Amalendu ; Biswas, Ranjit ; Fleming, Graham R. (2015) Tribute to Biman Bagchi The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (34). pp. 10809-10812. 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ISSN 0309-1708 Chandra Ganguli, Somesh ; Singh, Harkirat ; Saraswat, Garima ; Ganguly, Rini ; Bagwe, Vivas ; Shirage, Parasharam ; Thamizhavel, Arumugam ; Raychaudhuri, Pratap (2015) Disordering of the vortex lattice through successive destruction of positional and orientational order in a weakly pinned Co0.0075NbSe2 single crystal Scientific Reports, 5 . Article ID 10613. ISSN 2045-2322 Chandrakala, K. ; Pandey, O.P. ; Prasad, A.S.S.S.R.S. ; Sain, K. (2015) Seismic imaging across the Eastern Ghats Belt-Cuddapah Basin collisional zone, southern Indian Shield and possible geodynamic implications Precambrian Research, 271 . pp. 56-64. ISSN 0301-9268 Chandrakesan, Muralidharan ; Bhowmik, Debanjan ; Sarkar, Bidyut ; Abhyankar, Rajiv ; Singh, Harwinder ; Kallianpur, Mamata ; Dandekar, Sucheta P. ; Madhu, Perunthiruthy K. ; Maiti, Sudipta ; Mithu, Venus Singh (2015) Steric crowding of the turn region alters the tertiary fold of amyloid-β18–35and makes it soluble Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (50). pp. 30099-30107. ISSN 0021-9258 Chandran, Sivasurender ; Saw, Shibu ; Kandar, A. K. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Sprung, M. ; Basu, J. K. (2015) Suspensions of polymer-grafted nanoparticles with added polymers—Structure and effective pair-interactions The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (8). 084902. ISSN 0021-9606 Chandrappa, Siddappa ; Madhusudana Reddy, M. B. ; Sonti, Rajesh ; Basuroy, Krishnayan ; Raghothama, Srinivasarao ; Balaram, Padmanabhan (2015) Directing peptide conformation with centrally positioned pre-organized dipeptide segments: studies of a 12-residue helix and β-hairpin Amino Acids, 47 (2). pp. 291-301. ISSN 0939-4451 Chandrasekhar, J. ; Raghavarao, K. S. M. S. (2015) Separation and concentration of anthocyanins from jamun: an integrated process Chemical Engineering Communications, 202 (10). pp. 1368-1379. ISSN 0098-6445 Chandrasekhar, J. ; Sonika, G. ; Madhusudhan, M. C. ; Raghavarao, K. S. M. S. (2015) Differential partitioning of betacyanins and betaxanthins employing aqueous two phase extraction Journal of Food Engineering, 144 . pp. 156-163. ISSN 0260-8774 Chandrasekhar, Srivari ; Kumar, Chintakunta Praveen ; Kumar, Togapur Pavan ; Haribabu, Kothapalli ; Jagadeesh, Bharatam ; Lakshmi, Jerripothula K. ; Mainkar, Prathama S. (2015) ChemInform Abstract: Peptidomimetic Organocatalysts: Efficient Michael Addition of Ketones onto Nitroolefins with Very Low Catalyst Loading. ChemInform, 46 (7). no-no. ISSN 09317597 Chattarji, Sumantra ; Tomar, Anupratap ; Suvrathan, Aparna ; Ghosh, Supriya ; Rahman, Mohammed Mostafizur (2015) Neighborhood matters: divergent patterns of stress-induced plasticity across the brain Nature Neuroscience, 18 (10). pp. 1364-1375. ISSN 1097-6256 Chatterjee, Soumi ; Maiti, Ramaprasad ; Saha, Shyamal Kumar ; Chakravorty, Dipankar (2015) Enhancement of electrical conductivity in CoO - SiO2 nanoglasses and large magnetodielectric effect in ZnO-nanoglass composites Journal of Applied Physics, 117 . Article ID 174303. ISSN 0021-8979 Chatterjee, Abhisek ; Chattopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti ; Chakrabarti, Gopal (2015) miR-16 targets Bcl-2 in paclitaxel-resistant lung cancer cells and overexpression of miR-16 along with miR-17 causes unprecedented sensitivity by simultaneously modulating autophagy and apoptosis Cellular Signalling, 27 (2). pp. 189-203. ISSN 08986568 Chatterjee, Arindam ; Choudhury, Arghya ; Datta, Amitava ; Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup (2015) Gluino mass limits with sbottom NLSP in coannihilation scenarios Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (1). Article ID 154. ISSN 1029-8479 Chatterjee, Arindom ; Biswas, Kanishka (2015) Solution-Based Synthesis of Layered Intergrowth Compounds of the Homologous PbmBi2nTe3n+mSeries as Nanosheets Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54 (19). pp. 5623-5627. ISSN 14337851 Chatterjee, Chandan ; Chatterjee, Mitali ; Mandal, Gautam (2015) Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Bougainvillea spectabilis in experimental animal models Pharmacognosy Research, 7 (1). p. 18. ISSN 0974-8490 Chatterjee, Dipankar ; Biswas, Gautam (2015) Dynamic behavior of flow around rows of square cylinders kept in staggered arrangement Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 136 . pp. 1-11. ISSN 0167-6105 Chatterjee, T. ; Gun, S. ; Rath, P. 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ISSN 00039861 Chattopadhyay, Amitabha ; Rao, Bhagyashree D. ; Jafurulla, Md. (2015) Solubilization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors Methods in Enzymology, 557 . pp. 117-134. ISSN 0076-6879 Chattopadhyay, Aparajeo ; Chatterjee, Piyali ; Chakraborty, Tapas (2015) Photo-oxidation of acetone to formic acid in synthetic air and its atmospheric implication The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (29). pp. 8146-8155. ISSN 1089-5639 Chattopadhyay, Joydev ; Pal, Nikhil ; Samanta, Sudip ; Venturino, Ezio ; Khan, Q.J.A. (2015) Chaos control via feeding switching in an omnivory system Biosystems, 138 . pp. 18-24. ISSN 03032647 Chattopadhyay, Pratyusha ; Rao, Ravi A. (2015) Equality of linear and symplectic orbits Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219 (12). pp. 5363-5386. ISSN 0022-4049 Chattopadhyay, Samit ; Yadav, Bhawna ; Malonia, SunilK ; Majumdar, SubeerS ; Gupta, Pushpa ; Wadhwa, Neerja ; Badhwar, Archana ; Gupta, UmeshD ; Katoch, VishwaM (2015) Constitutive expression of SMAR1 confers susceptibility to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a transgenic mouse model Indian Journal of Medical Research, 142 (6). p. 732. ISSN 0971-5916 Chattopadhyay, Sudip ; Chaudhuri, Rajat K. ; Mahapatra, Uttam Sinha (2015) State-specific multireference perturbation theory with improved virtual orbitals: Taming the ground state of F2, Be2,and N2 Journal of Computational Chemistry, 36 (12). pp. 907-925. ISSN 01928651 Chaudhari, Kamalesh ; Pradeep, Thalappil (2015) In vitro colocalization of plasmonic nano-biolabels and biomolecules using plasmonic and Raman scattering microspectroscopy Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20 (04). p. 1. 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ISSN 0141-8130 Chaurasia, Mohini ; Pawar, Vivek K. ; Jaiswal, Anil K. ; Dube, Anuradha ; Paliwal, Sarvesh K. ; Chourasia, Manish K. (2015) Chondroitin nanocapsules enhanced doxorubicin induced apoptosis against leishmaniasis via Th1 immune response International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 79 . pp. 27-36. ISSN 0141-8130 Chavan, Lahu N. ; Chegondi, Rambabu ; Chandrasekhar, Srivari (2015) Tandem organocatalytic approach to C28–C35 fragment of eribulin mesylate Tetrahedron Letters, 56 (29). pp. 4286-4288. ISSN 00404039 Chawla, I. ; Mujumdar, P. P. (2015) Isolating the impacts of land use and climate change on streamflow Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19 (8). pp. 3633-3651. ISSN 1027-5606 Chawla, S. K. ; Kaur, Prabhjyot ; Mudsainiyan, R. K. ; Meena, S. S. ; Yusuf, S. M. (2015) Effect of fuel on the synthesis, structural, and magnetic properties of M-type hexagonal SrFe12O19 nanoparticles Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 28 (5). pp. 1589-1599. 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ISSN 1549-9596 Choudhury, Samyaday ; Subramaniam, Annapurni ; Cole, Andrew A. (2015) Photometric metallicity map of the Large Magellanic Cloud Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455 (2). pp. 1855-1880. ISSN 0035-8711 Choudhury, Samyaday ; Subramaniam, Annapurni ; Piatti, Andres E. (2015) Deep Washington photometry of inconspicuous star cluster candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud Astronomical Journal, 149 (2). Article ID 52 -22 pages. ISSN 1538-3881 Chouhan, Rajiv K. ; Ulman, Kanchan ; Narasimhan, Shobhana (2015) Graphene oxide as an optimal candidate material for methane storage Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (4). 044704. ISSN 0021-9606 Chourasiya, Sumit S. ; Kathuria, Deepika ; Singh, Shaminder ; Sonawane, Vijay C. ; Chakraborti, Asit K. ; Bharatam, Prasad V. (2015) Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel unsymmetrical azines as quorum sensing inhibitors RSC Advances, 5 (97). pp. 80027-80038. 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ISSN 1664-302X Chowdhary, Anuradha ; Singh, Pradeep Kumar ; Kathuria, Shallu (2015) Reply to “Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight identification of Schizophyllum commune: Perspectives on the review by Chowdhary et al.” Medical Mycology, 53 (8). pp. 898-899. ISSN 1369-3786 Chowdhary, Anuradha ; Singh, Pradeep Kumar ; Kathuria, Shallu ; Hagen, Ferry ; Meis, Jacques F. (2015) Comparison of the EUCAST and CLSI Broth Microdilution Methods for Testing Isavuconazole, Posaconazole, and Amphotericin B against Molecularly Identified Mucorales Species Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 59 (12). pp. 7882-7887. ISSN 0066-4804 Chowdhury, Aniket ; Mukherjee, Partha Sarathi (2015) Electron-Rich Triphenylamine-Based Sensors for Picric Acid Detection Journal of Organic Chemistry, 80 (8). pp. 4064-4075. ISSN 0022-3263 Chowdhury, Ranadip ; Sinha, Bireshwar ; Sankar, Mari Jeeva ; Taneja, Sunita ; Bhandari, Nita ; Rollins, Nigel ; Bahl, Rajiv ; Martines, Jose (2015) Breastfeeding and maternal health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Acta Paediatrica, 104 . pp. 96-113. ISSN 0803-5253 Chowdhury, Subham Dutta ; David, Justin R. (2015) Anomalous transport at weak coupling Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (11). ISSN 1029-8479 Chowdhury, Sushobhan ; Chanda, Tanmoy ; Koley, Suvajit ; Ramulu, B. Janaki ; Jones, Raymond C.F. ; Singh, Maya Shankar (2015) Organoindium mediated Csp3–S cross-coupling/migratory allenylation/thioannulation cascade: expedient synthesis of highly substituted thiophene frameworks Tetrahedron, 71 (12). pp. 1844-1850. ISSN 0040-4020 Chowdhury, Sushobhan ; Koley, Suvajit ; Chanda, Tanmoy ; Singh, Maya Shankar (2015) In/I2 mediated functional group transformation: a direct approach toward the selective conversion of dithioester to ester Tetrahedron Letters, 56 (41). pp. 5553-5556. ISSN 0040-4039 Cipriani, Alessandra ; Hazra, Rajat Subhra (2015) Thick points for Gaussian free fields with different cut-offs Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B): Probability and Statistics, 53 (1). pp. 79-97. ISSN 0246-0203 Cipriani, Alessandra ; Hazra, Rajat Subhra (2015) Thick points for a Gaussian Free Field in 4 dimensions Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 125 (6). pp. 2383-2404. ISSN 0304-4149 Clayton, Andrew H.A. ; Chattopadhyay, Amitabha (2015) Get Your kICS by Measuring Membrane Protein Dynamics Biophysical Journal, 109 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0006-3495 Creel, S. ; Becker, M. ; Christianson, D. ; Droge, E. ; Hammerschlag, N. ; Hayward, M. W. ; Karanth, U. ; Loveridge, A. ; Macdonald, D. 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ISSN 2045-2322 Damle, Kedar (2015) Melting of three-sublattice order in easy-axis antiferromagnets on triangular and kagome lattices Physical Review Letters, 115 (12). Article ID 127204. ISSN 0031-9007 Dana, Jayanta ; Debnath, Tushar ; Maity, Partha ; Ghosh, Hirendra N. (2015) Enhanced charge separation in an epitaxial metal-semiconductor nanohybrid material anchored with an organic molecule Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (38). pp. 22181-22189. ISSN 1932-7447 Dana, Jayanta ; Debnath, Tushar ; Maity, Partha ; Ghosh, Hirendra N. (2015) Restriction of molecular rotation and intramolecular charge distribution in the photoexcited state of coumarin dyes on gold nanoparticle surface Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (4). pp. 2046-2052. ISSN 1932-7447 Dana, Suman ; Yadav, M. Ramu ; Sahoo, Akhila K. (2015) Ruthenium-Catalyzed C−N and C−O Bond-Forming Processes from C−H Bond Functionalization In: C-H Bond Activation and Catalytic Functionalization I. Part of the Topics in Organometallic Chemistry book series (TOPORGAN, volume 55), 55 . Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Springer, Cham, pp. 189-215. ISBN 978-3-319-24630-7 Dar, Reyaz Ahmad ; Chandra, Rakesh ; Romshoo, Shakil Ahmad ; Kowser, Nazia (2015) Micromorphological investigations of the Late Quaternary loess–paleosol sequences of the Kashmir Valley, India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111 . pp. 328-338. ISSN 1367-9120 Dar, Reyaz Ahmad ; Chandra, Rakesh ; Romshoo, Shakil Ahmad ; Lone, Mahjoor Ahmad ; Ahmad, Syed Masood (2015) Isotopic and micromorphological studies of Late Quaternary loess–paleosol sequences of the Karewa Group: Inferences for palaeoclimate of Kashmir Valley Quaternary International, 371 . pp. 122-134. ISSN 1040-6182 Dar, Reyaz Ahmad ; Chandra, Rakesh ; Romshoo, Shakil Ahmad ; Lone, Mahjoor Ahmad ; Ahmad, Syed Masood (2015) Reply to the comment by Shah on “Isotopic and micromorphological studies of Late Quaternary loess-paleosol sequences of the Karewa Group: inferences for palaeoclimate of Kashmir Valley” Quaternary International, 374 . pp. 200-202. ISSN 1040-6182 Dar, Srishti ; Kamerkar, Sukrut C. ; Pucadyil, Thomas J. (2015) A high-throughput platform for real-time analysis of membrane fission reactions reveals dynamin function Nature Cell Biology, 17 (12). pp. 1588-1596. ISSN 1465-7392 Das, Anand Kant ; Pandit, Rucha ; Maiti, Sudipta (2015) Effect of amyloids on the vesicular machinery: Implications for somatic neurotransmission Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences, 370 (1672). Article ID 20140187. ISSN 0080-4622 Das, Anindita ; Narayanan, Rishikesh (2015) Active dendrites mediate stratified gamma-range coincidence detection in hippocampal model neurons The Journal of Physiology, 593 (16). pp. 3549-3576. ISSN 0022-3751 Das, Ashis ; Sangaranarayanan, M. V. (2015) Electroanalytical Sensor Based on Unmodified Screen‐Printed Carbon Electrode for the Determination of Levo‐Thyroxine Electroanalysis, 27 (2). pp. 360-367. ISSN 1040-0397 Das, Ashok K. ; Panda, Sudhakar ; Santos, J. R. L. (2015) A path integral approach to the Langevin equation International Journal of Modern Physics A, 30 (07). p. 1550028. ISSN 0217-751X Das, Debanjan ; Shiladitya, Kumar ; Biswas, Karabi ; Dutta, Pranab Kumar ; Parekh, Aditya ; Mandal, Mahitosh ; Das, Soumen (2015) Wavelet-based multiscale analysis of bioimpedance data measured by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing for classification of cancerous and normal cells Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 92 (6). Article ID 062702. ISSN 1539-3755 Das, Debanjan ; Shiladitya, Kumar ; Biswas, Karabi ; Dutta, Pranab Kumar ; Parekh, Aditya ; Mandal, Mahitosh ; Das, Soumen (2015) Wavelet-based multiscale analysis of bioimpedance data measured by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing for classification of cancerous and normal cells Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 92 (6). Article ID 062702. ISSN 1539-3755 Das, Debapriya ; Banerjee, Dhruba ; Bhattacharjee, Jayanta K. (2015) Finding Limit Cycles in self-excited oscillators with infinite-series damping functions The European Physical Journal D, 69 (3). ISSN 1434-6060 Das, Gobinda ; Biswal, Bishnu P. ; Kandambeth, Sharath ; Venkatesh, V. ; Kaur, Gagandeep ; Addicoat, Matthew ; Heine, Thomas ; Verma, Sandeep ; Banerjee, Rahul (2015) Chemical sensing in two dimensional porous covalent organic nanosheets Chemical Science, 6 (7). pp. 3931-3939. ISSN 2041-6520 Das, Jayanta ; Biswas, Sananda ; Kundu, Asish K. ; Narasimhan, Shobhana ; Menon, Krishnakumar S. R. (2015) Structure of Cr monolayer on Ag(001): A buried two-dimensional c(2×2)antiferromagnet Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91 (12). ISSN 1098-0121 Das, Krishna Pada ; Chattopadhyay, J. (2015) A mathematical study of a predator–prey model with disease circulating in the both populations International Journal of Biomathematics, 08 (02). p. 1550015. ISSN 1793-5245 Das, Lakshmi Kanta ; Diaz, Carmen ; Ghosh, Ashutosh (2015) Antiferromagnetic mixed-valence Cu(I)–Cu(II) two-dimensional coordination polymers constructed by double oximato bridged Cu(II) dimers and CuISCN based one-dimensional anionic chains Crystal Growth and Design, 15 (8). pp. 3939-3949. ISSN 1528-7483 Das, Lakshmi Kanta ; Gomez-García, Carlos J. ; Drew, Michael G. B. ; Ghosh, Ashutosh (2015) Playing with different metalloligands [NiL] and Hg to [NiL] ratios to tune the nuclearity of Ni(II)–Hg(II) complexes: Formation of di-, tri-, hexa- and nona-nuclear Ni–Hg clusters Polyhedron, 87 . pp. 311-320. ISSN 0277-5387 Das, Lakshmi Kanta ; Gomez-García, Carlos J. ; Ghosh, Ashutosh (2015) Influence of the central metal ion in controlling the self-assembly and magnetic properties of 2D coordination polymers derived from [(NiL) 2M]2+ nodes (M = Ni, Zn and Cd) (H2L = salen-type di-Schiff base) and dicyanamide spacers Dalton Transactions, 44 (3). pp. 1292-1302. ISSN 1477-9226 Das, Manasmita ; Bandyopadhyay, Debarati ; Mishra, Debasish ; Datir, Satyajit ; Dhak, Prasanta ; Jain, Sanyog ; Maiti, Tapas Kumar ; Basak, Amit ; Pramanik, Panchanan (2015) Retraction of ‘“Clickable”, Trifunctional Magnetite Nanoparticles and Their Chemoselective Biofunctionalization’ Bioconjugate Chemistry, 26 (9). p. 1981. ISSN 1043-1802 Das, Moumita ; Agarwal, Vivek (2015) Novel High-Performance Stand-Alone Solar PV System With High-Gain High-Efficiency DC–DC Converter Power Stages IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 51 (6). pp. 4718-4728. ISSN 0093-9994 Das, Nandan ; Chatterjee, Subhasri ; Kumar, Satish ; Pradhan, Asima ; Panigrahi, Prasanta ; Vitkin, I. Alex ; Ghosh, Nirmalya (2015) Tissue multifractality and Born approximation in analysis of light scattering: a novel approach for precancers detection Scientific Reports, 4 (1). ISSN 2045-2322 Das, Nibedita ; Nath, Masood A. ; Thakur, Gohil S. ; Thirumal, M. ; Ganguli, Ashok K. (2015) Monoclinically distorted perovskites, A2ZnTiO6 (A=Pr, Gd): rietveld refinement, and dielectric studies Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 229 . pp. 97-102. ISSN 0022-4596 Das, Palashpriya ; Sarkar, Siddik ; Mandal, Mahitosh ; Sen, Ramkrishna (2015) Green surfactant of marine origin exerting a cytotoxic effect on cancer cell lines RSC Advances, 5 (65). pp. 53086-53094. ISSN 2046-2069 Das, Prasanta ; Das, Puspendu K. ; Arunan, E. (2015) Conformational Stability and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding in 1,2-Ethanediol and 1,4-Butanediol The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (16). pp. 3710-3720. ISSN 1089-5639 Das, Rabindra Nath ; Kumar, Y. Pavan ; Schütte, Ole Mathis ; Steinem, Claudia ; Dash, Jyotirmayee (2015) A DNA-Inspired Synthetic Ion Channel Based on G–C Base Pairing Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (1). pp. 34-37. ISSN 0002-7863 Das, Sanchita ; Shah, Priyanka ; Tandon, Rati ; Yadav, Narendra Kumar ; Sahasrabuddhe, Amogh A. ; Sundar, Shyam ; Siddiqi, Mohammad Imran ; Dube, Anuradha (2015) Over-expression of cysteine leucine rich protein is related to sag resistance in clinical isolates of Leishmania donovani PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (8). Article ID e0003992, 18 pages. ISSN 1935-2735 Das, Santanu ; Mukherjee, Suvodip ; Souradeep, Tarun (2015) Revised cosmological parameters after BICEP 2 and BOSS Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015 (02). No pp. given. ISSN 1475-7516 Das, Santanu ; Souradeep, Tarun (2015) Leakage of power from dipole to higher multipoles due to non-symmetric beam shape of the CMB missions Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015 (05). No pp. given. ISSN 1475-7516 Das, Santanu ; Wandelt, Benjamin D. ; Souradeep, Tarun (2015) Bayesian inference on the sphere beyond statistical isotropy Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015 (10). No pp. given. ISSN 1475-7516 Das, Sarbashis ; Pettersson, B. M. Fredrik ; Behra, Phani Rama Krishna ; Ramesh, Malavika ; Dasgupta, Santanu ; Bhattacharya, Alok ; Kirsebom, Leif A. (2015) Characterization of three Mycobacterium spp. with potential use in bioremediation by genome sequencing and comparative genomics Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (7). pp. 1871-1886. ISSN 1759-6653 Das, Shankar P. ; Sen Gupta, Bhaskar ; Singh, Sunil P. (2015) Nonequilibrium dynamics of a supercooled liquid using schematic and structural models Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 407 . pp. 44-50. ISSN 0022-3093 Das, Shyamsundar ; Ramana, Chepuri V. (2015) A formal total synthesis of (−)-kumausallene Tetrahedron, 71 (45). pp. 8577-8584. ISSN 0040-4020 Das, Soumi ; Biswas, Amitabh ; Kapoor, Mitali ; Bhargava, Balram ; Seth, Sandeep ; Rao, Vadlamudi R. (2015) Epidemiology of cardiomyopathy - A clinical and genetic study of dilated cardiomyopathy: The EPOCH-D study Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 30-34. ISSN 2395-5414 Das, Subha Narayan ; Madhuprakash, Jogi ; Sarma, P. V. S. R. N. ; Purushotham, Pallinti ; Suma, Katta ; Manjeet, Kaur ; Rambabu, Samudrala ; El Gueddari, Nour Eddine ; Moerschbacher, Bruno M. ; Podile, Appa Rao (2015) Biotechnological approaches for field applications of chitooligosaccharides (COS) to induce innate immunity in plants Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 35 (1). pp. 29-43. ISSN 0738-8551 Das, Sumit R ; Wadia, Spenta R (2015) Yoichiro Nambu: breaking the symmetry CERN Courier, 55 (10). pp. 27-30. Das, Supti ; Mitra, S. ; Combet, J. ; Mukhopadhyay, R. ; Bhattacharyya, Aninda J. (2015) Study of solvent relaxation of pristine succinonitrile and succinonitrile–salt mixtures using quasielastic neutron scattering Solid State Ionics, 279 . pp. 72-77. ISSN 0167-2738 Das, Supti ; Mitra, S. ; Combet, J. ; Mukhopadhyay, R. ; Bhattacharyya, Aninda J. (2015) Study of solvent relaxation of pristine succinonitrile and succinonitrile–salt mixtures using quasielastic neutron scattering Solid State Ionics, 279 . pp. 72-77. ISSN 0167-2738 Das, Tamoghna ; Prabhu, R. ; Sen(De), Aditi ; Sen, Ujjwal (2015) Distributed quantum dense coding with two receivers in noisy environments Physical Review A, 92 (5). ISSN 0031-899X (print); 1536-6065 (web) Das Gupta, Arnab Jyoti ; Murthy, A. S. Vasudeva ; Nanjundiah, Ravi S. (2015) A study of singularities in the inviscid linear theory of sea breezes International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 7 (1-2). pp. 33-37. ISSN 0975-0770 DasSarma, P. ; Negi, V.D. ; Balakrishnan, A. ; Kim, J.-M. ; Karan, R. ; Chakravortty, D. ; DasSarma, S. (2015) Haloarchaeal Gas Vesicle Nanoparticles Displaying Salmonella Antigens as a Novel Approach to Vaccine Development Procedia in Vaccinology, 9 . pp. 16-23. ISSN 1877-282X Dasgupta, Sayak ; Bhattacharya, Utso ; Dutta, Amit (2015) Phase transition in the periodically pulsed Dicke model Physical Review E, 91 (5). ISSN 1539-3755 Dasgupta, Suvankar ; Chowdhury, Aniket ; Mukherjee, Partha Sarathi (2015) Binding of carboxylatopillar[5]arene with alkyl and aryl ammonium salts in aqueous medium RSC Advances, 5 (104). pp. 85791-85798. ISSN 2046-2069 Datta, Tanumay ; Eshwaraiah, Harsha ; Chockalingam, Ananthanarayanan (2015) Generalized space and frequency index modulation IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology . ISSN 0018-9545 Datta, Ajanta ; Krishna Prasad, S. ; Banerjee, Dipankar (2015) Propagating disturbances along a coronal loop from simultaneous EUV imaging and spectroscopic observations Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 (7). pp. 1027-1035. ISSN 1674-4527 Datta, Amitabha ; Das, Kuheli ; Massera, Chiara ; Clegg, Jack K. ; Pfrunder, Michael C. ; Garribba, Eugenio ; Huang, Jui-Hsien ; Sinha, Chittaranjan ; Maji, Tapas Kumar ; Akitsu, Takashiro ; Orita, Shingo (2015) A 2-D coordination polymer incorporating cobalt(II), 2-sulfoterephthalate and the flexible bridging ligand 1,3-di(4-pyridyl)propane Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2 (2). pp. 157-163. ISSN 2052-1553 Datta, Dhrubajyoti ; Bera, Raj Kumar ; Jana, Saibal ; Manna, Bhaskar ; Roy, Debayan ; Anoop, Anakuthil ; Raj, C. Retna ; Pathak, Tanmaya (2015) A rationally designed thymidine-based self-assembled monolayer on a gold electrode for electroanalytical applications Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 10 (7). pp. 1554-1560. ISSN 1861-4728 Datta, Sayantan ; Ray, Anindita ; Singh, Richa ; Mondal, Pinaki ; Basu, Analabha ; De Sarkar, Navonil ; Majumder, Mousumi ; Maiti, Guruparasad ; Baral, Aradhita ; Jha, Ganga Nath ; Mukhopadhyay, Indranil ; Panda, Chinmay ; Chowdhury, Shantanu ; Ghosh, Saurabh ; Roychoudhury, Susanta ; Roy, Bidyut (2015) Sequence and expression variations in 23 genes involved in mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial apoptotic pathways and risk of oral leukoplakia and cancer Mitochondrion, 25 . pp. 28-33. ISSN 1567-7249 Datta, Shouvik ; David, Justin R. ; Kumar, S. Prem (2015) Conformal perturbation theory and higher spin entanglement entropy on the torus Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (4). ISSN 1029-8479 Datta, Sougata ; Bhattacharya, Santanu (2015) Ag+-induced reverse vesicle to helical fiber transformation in a self-assembly by adjusting the keto–enol equilibrium of a chiral salicylideneaniline Chemical Communications, 51 (73). pp. 13929-13932. ISSN 1359-7345 Datta, Sougata ; Bhattacharya, Santanu (2015) Differential response of cholesterol based pyrimidine systems with oxyethylene type spacers to gelation and mesogen formation in the presence of alkali metal ions Soft Matter, 11 (10). pp. 1945-1953. ISSN 1744-683X Datta, Sougata ; Bhattacharya, Santanu (2015) Multifarious facets of sugar-derived molecular gels: molecular features, mechanisms of self-assembly and emerging applications Chemical Society Reviews, 44 (15). pp. 5596-5637. ISSN 0306-0012 David, Justin R. ; Khetrapal, Surbhi (2015) Thermalization of Green functions and quasinormal modes Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (7). ISSN 1029-8479 Davoodi, Parisa ; Mahesh, P. A. ; Holla, Amrutha D. ; Ramachandra, Nallur B. (2015) A preliminary study on the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of interleukin 4 (IL4), IL13, IL4 receptor alpha (IL4Rα) & toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) genes with asthma in Indian adults Indian Journal of Medical Research, 142 (6). pp. 675-680. ISSN 0971-5916 Daya Sagar, B. S. ; Sin Liang Lim, (2015) Ranks for Pairs of Spatial Fields via Metric Based on Grayscale Morphological Distances IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 24 (3). pp. 908-918. ISSN 1057-7149 De, Chandan ; Ghara, Somnath ; Sundaresan, A. (2015) Effect of internal electric field on ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic TbMnO3 Solid State Communications, 205 . pp. 61-65. ISSN 0038-1098 De, Chandan ; Sundaresan, A. (2015) Possible coexistence of cycloidal phases, magnetic field reversal of polarization, and memory effect in multiferroic R0.5Dy0.5MnO3 (R = Eu and Gd) Applied Physics Letters, 107 (5). 052902. ISSN 0003-6951 De, Sandipan ; Kodiyalam, Vijay (2015) Note on infinite iterated crossed products of Hopf algebras and the Drinfeld double Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219 (12). pp. 5305-5313. ISSN 0022-4049 De, Soumita ; Sen, Tuhinadri ; Chatterjee, Mitali (2015) Reduction of oxidative stress by an ethanolic extract of leaves of Piper betle (Paan) Linn. decreased methotrexate-induced toxicity Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 409 (1). pp. 191-197. ISSN 0300-8177 De Pasquale, Massimiliano ; Kuin, N. P. M. ; Oates, S. ; Schulze, S. ; Cano, Z. ; Guidorzi, C. ; Beardmore, A. ; Evans, P. A. ; Uhm, Z. L. ; Zhang, B. ; Page, M. ; Kobayashi, S. ; Castro-Tirado, A. ; Gorosabel, J. ; Sakamoto, T. ; Fatkhullin, T. ; Pandey, S. B. ; Im, M. ; Chandra, P. ; Frail, D. ; Gao, H. ; Kopač, D. ; Jeon, Y. ; Akerlof, C. ; Huang, K. Y. ; Pak, S. ; Park, W.-K. ; Gomboc, A. ; Melandri, A. ; Zane, S. ; Mundell, C. G. ; Saxton, C. J. ; Holland, S. 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(2015) Subpicosecond exciton dynamics and biexcitonic feature in colloidal CuInS2 nanocrystals: role of In–Cu antisite defects Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6 (17). pp. 3458-3465. ISSN 1948-7185 Debnath, Tushar ; Maity, Partha ; Banerjee, Tanmay ; Das, Amitava ; Ghosh, Hirendra N. (2015) Ultrafast electron injection, hole transfer, and charge recombination dynamics in CdSe QD super-sensitized Re(I)-polypyridyl complexes with catechol and resorcinol moiety: effect of coupling Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (7). pp. 3522-3529. ISSN 1932-7447 Deepa, Mohan ; Grace, Mundu ; Binukumar, Bhaskarapillai ; Pradeepa, Rajendra ; Roopa, Shivashankar ; Khan, Hassan M. ; Fatmi, Zafar ; Kadir, Muhammad M. ; Naeem, Imran ; Ajay, Vamadevan S. ; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan ; Ali, Mohammed K. ; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj ; Tandon, Nikhil ; Mohan, Viswanathan ; Venkat Narayan, K. M. (2015) High burden of prediabetes and diabetes in three large cities in South Asia: The Center for cArdio-metabolic Risk Reduction in South Asia (CARRS) Study Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 110 (2). pp. 172-182. ISSN 0168-8227 Dennis, Robert V. ; Patil, Vikas ; Andrews, Justin L. ; Aldinger, Jeffrey P. ; Yadav, Ganapati D. ; Banerjee, Sarbajit (2015) Hybrid nanostructured coatings for corrosion protection of base metals: a sustainability perspective Materials Research Express, 2 . Article ID 032001. ISSN 2053-1591 Densmore, Alexander L. ; Sinha, Rajiv ; Sinha, Swati ; Tandon, S. K. ; Jain, Vikrant (2015) Sediment storage and release from Himalayan piggyback basins and implications for downstream river morphology and evolution Basin Research, 28 (4). pp. 446-461. ISSN 0950-091X Deo, Sagar ; Jain, Chinmay ; Singh, Bhim (2015) A PLL-less scheme for single-phase grid interfaced load compensating solar PV generation system IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 11 (3). pp. 692-699. ISSN 1551-3203 Deokar, Amit A. ; Kondawar, Vishwajith ; Kohli, Deshika ; Aslam, Mohammad ; Jain, Pradeep K. ; Karuppayil, S. Mohan ; Varshney, Rajeev K. ; Srinivasan, Ramamurthy (2015) The CarERF genes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and the identification of CarERF116 as abiotic stress responsive transcription factor Functional & Integrative Genomics, 15 (1). pp. 27-46. ISSN 1438-793X Deora, Tanvi ; Singh, Amit Kumar ; Sane, Sanjay P. (2015) Biomechanical basis of wing and haltere coordination in flies Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (5). pp. 1481-1486. ISSN 0027-8424 Deprez, Philippe ; Hazra, Rajat ; Wüthrich, Mario (2015) Inhomogeneous Long-Range Percolation for Real-Life Network Modeling Risks, 3 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2227-9091 Deshmukh, Abhijit S. ; Agarwal, Meetu ; Mehra, Parul ; Gupta, Ashish ; Gupta, Nidhi ; Doerig, Christian D. ; Dhar, Suman Kumar (2015) Regulation of Plasmodium falciparum Origin Recognition Complex subunit 1 (PfORC1) function through phosphorylation mediated by CDK-like kinase PK5 Molecular Microbiology, 98 (1). pp. 17-33. ISSN 0950-382X Devarajan, Krishnan ; Devaraj, Somasundaram ; Balasubramanian, Kalpattu K ; Bhagavathy, Shanmugasundaram (2015) An Unexpected Thermal [1,3]-[1,3]-paraRearrangement of Chromone-3-ylmethyl Aryl Ethers: Mechanism and Application of the Intercepted [1,3]-Rearranged Intermediates to the Synthesis ofcis-Homopterocarpans Chemistry Letters, 44 (4). pp. 551-553. ISSN 0366-7022 Devassy, Sachin ; Singh, Bhim (2015) Dynamic performance of solar PV integrated UPQC-P for critical loads In: 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 17-20 Dec. 2015, New Delhi, India. Devassy, Sachin ; Singh, Bhim (2015) Enhancement of power quality using solar PV integrated UPQC In: 2015 39th National Systems Conference (NSC), 14-16 Dec. 2015, Noida, India. Devi, Seema ; Ghosh, Nirmalya ; Pradhan, Asima (2015) A technique for correction of attenuations in synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 151 . pp. 1-9. ISSN 1011-1344 Dewangan, L. K. ; Luna, A. ; Ojha, D. K. ; Anandarao, B. G. ; Mallick, K. K. ; Mayya, Y. D. (2015) The physical environment of the massive star-forming region W42 The Astrophysical Journal, 811 (2). Article ID 79. ISSN 0004-637X Dewangan, L. K. ; Mayya, Y. D. ; Luna, A. ; Ojha, D. K. 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ISSN 2045-2322 Dey, Goutam ; Bharti, Rashmi ; Sen, Ramkrishna ; Mandal, Mahitosh (2015) Microbial amphiphiles: a class of promising new-generation anticancer agents Drug Discovery Today, 20 (1). pp. 136-146. ISSN 1359-6446 Dey, Kaushik Kumar ; Pal, Ipsita ; Bharti, Rashmi ; Dey, Goutam ; Prashanth Kumar, B. N. ; Rajput, Shashi ; Parekh, Aditya ; Parida, Sheetal ; Halder, Priyanka ; Kulavi, Indranil ; Mandal, Mahitosh (2015) Identification of RAB2A and PRDX1 as the potential biomarkers for oral squamous cell carcinoma using mass spectrometry-based comparative proteomic approach Tumor Biology, 36 (12). pp. 9829-9837. ISSN 1010-4283 Dey, Kaushik Kumar ; Sarkar, Siddik ; Pal, Ipsita ; Das, Subhasis ; Dey, Goutam ; Bharti, Rashmi ; Banik, Payel ; Roy, Joygopal ; Maity, Sukumar ; kulavi, Indranil ; Mandal, Mahitosh (2015) Mechanistic attributes of S100A7 (psoriasin) in resistance of anoikis resulting tumor progression in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity Cancer Cell International, 15 . Article ID 74-11 pages. ISSN 1475-2867 Dey, Ranabir ; Daga, Ashish ; DasGupta, Sunando ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Electrically modulated dynamic spreading of drops on soft surfaces Applied Physics Letters, 107 (3). Article ID 034101. ISSN 0003-6951 Dey, Ranabir ; Ghosh, Udita Uday ; Chakraborty, Suman ; DasGupta, Sunando (2015) Dynamics of electrically modulated colloidal droplet transport Langmuir, 31 (41). pp. 11269-11278. ISSN 0743-7463 Dey, Ranabir ; Kar, Shantimoy ; Joshi, Sumit ; Maiti, Tapas K. ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Ultra-low-cost 'paper-and-pencil' device for electrically controlled micromixing of analytes Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 19 (2). pp. 375-383. ISSN 1613-4982 Dey, Ranabir ; Shaik, Vaseem Akram ; Chakraborty, Debapriya ; Ghosal, Sandip ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) AC electric field-induced trapping of microparticles in pinched microconfinements Langmuir, 31 (21). pp. 5952-5961. ISSN 0743-7463 Dey, Soumyajit ; Mondal, Pritam ; Rath, Sankar Prasad (2015) Aggregation-controlled excimer emission in an axial anthracene–Sn(iv)porphyrin–anthracene triad in the solid and solution phases New Journal of Chemistry, 39 (5). pp. 4100-4108. ISSN 1144-0546 Dey, Soumyajit ; Sil, Debangsu ; Rath, Sankar Prasad (2015) A Highly Oxidized Cobalt Porphyrin Dimer: Spin Coupling and Stabilization of the Four-Electron Oxidation Product Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (3). pp. 996-1000. ISSN 1433-7851 Dey, Tuli ; Kundu, Banani ; Deb, Debanjana ; Pathak, Tanmaya ; Kundu, Subhas C. (2015) Cytotoxicity and sustained release of modified divinylsulfone from silk based 3D construct Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 26 (11). Article ID 263. ISSN 0957-4530 Dhaked, Devendra K. ; Bharatam, Prasad V. (2015) DFT study on the oxygen transfer mechanism in nitroethenediamine based H2-receptor antagonists using the bis-dithiolene complex as the model catalyst for N-oxide reductase enzyme Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 142 . pp. 84-91. ISSN 0162-0134 Dhamija, E. ; Paul, S.B. ; Gamanagatti, S.R. ; Acharya, S.K. (2015) Biliary complications of arterial chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 96 (11). pp. 1169-1175. ISSN 22115684 Dhamija, Neeru ; Choudhary, Deepika ; Ladha, Jayashree S. ; Pillai, Beena ; Mitra, Debashis (2015) Tat predominantly associates with host promoter elements in HIV-1-infected T-cells - regulatory basis of transcriptional repression of c-Rel FEBS Journal, 282 (3). pp. 595-610. ISSN 1742-464X Dhanuskodi, Sivasubramanian ; Rajeswari, Ponnusamy ; Sreekanth, P ; Philip, Reji (2015) Ensemble effect of intrinsic defects and Mn ions on the enhancement of third order nonlinearity of ZnO nanoparticles Nanotechnology, 26 (27). p. 275702. ISSN 0957-4484 Dhar, Deepak (2015) Fragmentation of a sheet by propagating, branching and merging cracks Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (17). Article ID 175001. ISSN 1751-8113 Dhar, Gopa ; Chakravarty, Devlina ; Hazra, Joyita ; Dhar, Jesmita ; Poddar, Asim ; Pal, Mahadeb ; Chakrabarti, Pinak ; Surolia, Avadhesha ; Bhattacharyya, Bhabatarak (2015) Actin–Curcumin Interaction: Insights into the Mechanism of Actin Polymerization Inhibition Biochemistry, 54 (4). pp. 1132-1143. ISSN 0006-2960 Dhar, Jayabrata ; Bandopadhyay, Aditya ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Taylor–Couette flow of electrorheological fluids under electrical double layer phenomenon Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 223 . pp. 165-175. ISSN 03770257 Dhar, Jayabrata ; Bandopadhyay, Aditya ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Taylor–Couette flow of electrorheological fluids under electrical double layer phenomenon Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 223 . pp. 165-175. ISSN 0377-0257 Dhar, Jayabrata ; Ghosh, Uddipta ; Chakraborty, Suman (2015) Electro-capillary effects in capillary filling dynamics of electrorheological fluids Soft Matter, 11 (35). pp. 6957-6967. ISSN 1744-683X Dhar, Jesmita ; Chakrabarti, Pinak (2015) Defining the loop structures in proteins based on composite β-turn mimics Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, 28 (6). pp. 153-161. ISSN 1741-0126 Dhar, Joydeep ; Karothu, Durga Prasad ; Patil, Satish (2015) Herringbone to cofacial solid state packing via H-bonding in diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) based molecular crystals: influence on charge transport Chemical Communications, 51 (1). pp. 97-100. ISSN 1359-7345 Dhar, Joydeep ; Mukhopadhay, Tushita ; Yaacobi-Gross, Nir ; Anthopoulos, Thomas D. ; Salzner, Ulrike ; Swaraj, Sufal ; Patil, Satish (2015) Effect of Chalcogens on Electronic and Photophysical Properties of Vinylene-Based Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (34). pp. 11307-11316. ISSN 1520-6106 Dhar, Joydeep ; Swathi, K. ; Karothu, Durga Prasad ; Narayan, K. S. ; Patil, Satish (2015) Modulation of Electronic and Self-Assembly Properties of a Donor–Acceptor–Donor-Based Molecular Materials via Atomistic Approach ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (1). pp. 670-681. ISSN 1944-8244 Dhara, Kalyan ; Mandal, Tirtha ; Das, Joydeb ; Dash, Jyotirmayee (2015) Synthesis of Carbazole Alkaloids by Ring‐Closing Metathesis and Ring Rearrangement–Aromatization Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54 (52). pp. 15831-15835. ISSN 1433-7851 Dhiman, Alisha ; Gopalani, Monisha ; Bhatnagar, Rakesh (2015) WalRK two component system of Bacillus anthracis responds to temperature and antibiotic stress Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 459 (4). pp. 623-628. ISSN 0006-291X Dhoke, Kunal ; Zanni, Martin ; Harbola, Upendra ; Venkatraman, Ravi Kumar ; Arunan, Elangannan ; Lin, King-Chuen ; Nenov, Artur ; Skelton, Jonathan ; Miller, R J Dwayne ; Hirst, Jonathan D. ; Aquilanti, Vincenzo ; Helliwell, John R. ; Keshavamurthy, Srihari ; Ramesh, Sai ; Ashfold, Mike ; Pallipurath, Anuradha ; Roy Chowdhury, Priyadarshi ; Mukhopadhyay, Sanghamitra ; E D, Jemmis ; Medhi, Himani ; Goswami, Debabrata ; Halder, Prasenjit ; Junge, Wolfgang ; Hariharan, Mahesh ; Singh, Santosh Kumar ; Umapathy, Siva ; Lakshmannam, Adithya ; Meedom Nielsen, Martin ; Aravamudhan, Sankarampadi ; Deckert, Volker ; Ghiggino, Kenneth ; Tominaga, Keisuke ; Edwards, Alison (2015) Dynamics of chemical bond: general discussion Faraday Discussions, 177 . pp. 121-154. ISSN 1359-6640 Dhupia, Neha ; Rathour, Rahul K. ; Narayanan, Rishikesh (2015) Dendritic atrophy constricts functional maps in resonance and impedance properties of hippocampal model neurons Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 8 . ISSN 1662-5102 Diao, Peter ; Guillot, Dominique ; Khare, Apoorva ; Rajaratnam, Bala (2015) Differential calculus on graphon space Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A, 133 . pp. 183-227. ISSN 0097-3165 Dillon, Joshua S. ; Neben, Abraham R. ; Hewitt, Jacqueline N. ; Tegmark, Max ; Barry, N. ; Beardsley, A. P. ; Bowman, J. D. ; Briggs, F. ; Carroll, P. ; de Oliveira-Costa, A. ; Ewall-Wice, A. ; Feng, L. ; Greenhill, L. J. ; Hazelton, B. J. ; Hernquist, L. ; Hurley-Walker, N. ; Jacobs, D. C. ; Kim, H. S. ; Kittiwisit, P. ; Lenc, E. ; Line, J. ; Loeb, A. ; McKinley, B. ; Mitchell, D. A. ; Morales, M. F. ; Offringa, A. R. ; Paul, S. ; Pindor, B. ; Pober, J. 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ISSN 0300-9084 Dixit, Manisha ; Raghuvanshi, Ashutosh ; Gupta, Chandra Prakash ; Kureel, Jyoti ; Mansoori, Mohd Nizam ; Shukla, Priyanka ; John, Aijaz A. ; Singh, Kavita ; Purohit, Dipak ; Awasthi, Pallavi ; Singh, Divya ; Goel, Atul (2015) Medicarpin, a Natural Pterocarpan, Heals Cortical Bone Defect by Activation of Notch and Wnt Canonical Signaling Pathways PLoS One, 10 . e0144541. ISSN 1932-6203 Dixit, Pratibha ; Awasthi, Shally ; Maurya, Nutan ; Agarwal, Sarita ; Srinivasan, M. (2015) CFTR Gene Mutations and Asthma in Indian Children: A Case–Control Study Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 30 (1). pp. 35-42. ISSN 0970-1915 Dixit, Yama ; Hodell, David A. ; Sinha, Rajiv ; Petrie, Cameron A. (2015) Oxygen isotope analysis of multiple, single ostracod valves as a proxy for combined variability in seasonal temperature and lake water oxygen isotopes Journal of Paleolimnology, 53 (1). pp. 35-45. ISSN 0921-2728 Doddamani, Dadakhalandar ; Khan, Aamir W. ; Katta, Mohan A. V. S. 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ISSN 0022-2313 Ghosh, Saptarshi ; Chakrabarty, Satrajit ; Bhowmik, Debipreeta ; Kumar, Gopinatha Suresh ; Chattopadhyay, Nitin (2015) Stepwise unfolding of bovine and human serum albumin by an anionic surfactant: an investigation using the proton transfer probe norharmane The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (6). pp. 2090-2102. ISSN 1089-5647 Ghosh, Saptarshi ; Chattopadhyay, Nitin (2015) Modification of the photophysics of 3-hydroxyflavone in aqueous solutions of imidazolium-based room temperature ionic liquids: a comparison between micelle-forming and non micelle-forming ionic liquids RSC Advances, 5 . pp. 49054-49061. ISSN 2046-2069 Ghosh, Anirban ; Chaudhuri, Rajat K. ; Chattopadhyay, Sudip ; Mahapatra, Uttam Sinha (2015) Relativistic state-specific multireference perturbation theory incorporating improved virtual orbitals: Application to the ground state single-bond dissociation Journal of Computational Chemistry, 36 (26). pp. 1954-1972. ISSN 01928651 Ghosh, Anish ; Royals, Robert (2015) An extension of the Khinchin–Groshev theorem Acta Arithmetica, 167 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0065-1036 Ghosh, Debaki ; Pal, Paramita ; Basak, Amit (2015) ChemInform Abstract: Sonogashira Coupling and Garratt-Braverman Cyclization in Tandem: Formation of Four C-C Bonds Leading to the Synthesis of Aryl Dihydro Isofurans and Isoindoles. ChemInform, 46 (30). no-no. ISSN 0931-7597 Ghosh, Debaki ; Pal, Paramita ; Basak, Amit (2015) Sonogashira coupling and Garratt–Braverman cyclization in tandem: formation of four C–C bonds leading to the synthesis of aryl dihydro isofurans and isoindoles Tetrahedron Letters, 56 (15). pp. 1964-1967. ISSN 0040-4039 Ghosh, Dhiman ; Singh, Pradeep K. ; Sahay, Shruti ; Jha, Narendra Nath ; Jacob, Reeba S. ; Sen, Shamik ; Kumar, Ashutosh ; Riek, Roland ; Maji, Samir K. (2015) Structure based aggregation studies reveal the presence of helix-rich intermediate during α-Synuclein aggregation Scientific Reports, 5 (1). 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ISSN 1932-7447 Ghosh, Priyadarshini ; Kumar, Shishir ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Kochat, Vidya ; Radhakrishnan, Madhavan ; Dhar, Sukanya ; Suwas, Satyam ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Ravishankar, N. ; Raghavan, Srinivasan (2015) Insights on defect-mediated heterogeneous nucleation of graphene on copper The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (5). pp. 2513-2522. ISSN 1932-7447 Ghosh, R. ; Samajdar, R. N. ; Bhattacharyya, Aninda Jiban ; Bagchi, B. (2015) Composition dependent multiple structural transformations of myoglobin in aqueous ethanol solution: A combined experimental and theoretical study The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (1). 015103. ISSN 0021-9606 Ghosh, R. ; Samajdar, R. N. ; Bhattacharyya, Aninda Jiban ; Bagchi, B. (2015) Composition dependent multiple structural transformations of myoglobin in aqueous ethanol solution: a combined experimental and theoretical study The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (1). Article ID 015103. 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ISSN 1059-1524 Ghosh, Souvik ; Bose, Mainak ; Ray, Anirban ; Bhattacharyya, Suvendra N. ; Weis, Karsten (2015) Polysome arrest restricts miRNA turnover by preventing exosomal export of miRNA in growth-retarded mammalian cells Molecular Biology of the Cell, 26 (6). pp. 1072-1083. ISSN 1059-1524 Ghosh, Sudeep Kumar ; Yadav, Umesh K. ; Shenoy, Vijay B. (2015) Baryon squishing in synthetic dimensions by effective SU(M)gauge fields Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics and Quantum Information, 92 (5). Article ID 051602(R). ISSN 2469-9926 Ghosh, Sudeshna ; Pandey, Nitin K. ; Bhattacharya, Susmita ; Roy, Anushree ; Nagy, Nóra Veronika ; Dasgupta, Swagata (2015) Evidence of two oxidation states of copper during aggregation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 76 . pp. 1-9. 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ISSN 1616-5187 John, Jerin Susan ; Sajan, D. ; Umadevi, T. ; Chaitanya, K. ; Sankar, Pranitha ; Philip, Reji (2015) Synthesis, crystal structure, vibrational spectral analysis and Z-scan studies of a new organic crystal N,N′dimethylurea ninhydrin: A scaled quantum mechanical force field study Optical Materials, 48 . pp. 233-242. ISSN 0925-3467 Joseph, Ajin George ; Bhatnagar, Shalabh (2015) A Stochastic Approximation Algorithm for Quantile Estimation In: Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Nov.9-12, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Joseph, Sudha ; Kumar, S. ; Bhadram, Venkata Srinu ; Narayana, Chandrabhas (2015) Stress states in individual Si particles of a cast Al–Si alloy: Micro-Raman analysis and microstructure based modeling Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 625 . pp. 296-308. ISSN 0925-8388 Joshi, Gopal ; Motiwala, Paresh D. ; Randale, G.D. ; Singh, Pitamber ; Agarwal, Vivek ; Kumar, Girish (2015) An offset tone based gain stabilization technique for mixed-signal RF measurement systems Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 795 . pp. 399-408. ISSN 01689002 Joshi, Gopal ; Motiwala, Paresh D. ; Randale, G.D. ; Singh, Pitamber ; Agarwal, Vivek ; Kumar, Girish (2015) An offset tone based gain stabilization technique for mixed-signal RF measurement systems Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 795 . pp. 399-408. ISSN 01689002 Joshi, Himanshu ; Dwaraknath, Anjan ; Maiti, Prabal K. (2015) Structure, stability and elasticity of DNA nanotubes Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2). pp. 1424-1434. ISSN 1463-9076 Joshi, Peter K. ; Esko, Tonu ; Mattsson, Hannele ; Eklund, Niina ; Gandin, Ilaria ; Nutile, Teresa ; Jackson, Anne U. ; Schurmann, Claudia ; Smith, Albert V. ; Zhang, Weihua ; Okada, Yukinori ; Stančáková, Alena ; Faul, Jessica D. ; Zhao, Wei ; Bartz, Traci M. ; Concas, Maria Pina ; Franceschini, Nora ; Enroth, Stefan ; Vitart, Veronique ; Trompet, Stella ; Guo, Xiuqing ; Chasman, Daniel I. ; O'Connel, Jeffrey R. ; Corre, Tanguy ; Nongmaithem, Suraj S. ; Chen, Yuning ; Mangino, Massimo ; Ruggiero, Daniela ; Traglia, Michela ; Farmaki, Aliki-Eleni ; Kacprowski, Tim ; Bjonnes, Andrew ; van der Spek, Ashley ; Wu, Ying ; Giri, Anil K. ; Yanek, Lisa R. ; Wang, Lihua ; Hofer, Edith ; Rietveld, Cornelius A. ; McLeod, Olga ; Cornelis, Marilyn C. ; Pattaro, Cristian ; Verweij, Niek ; Baumbach, Clemens ; Abdellaoui, Abdel ; Warren, Helen R. ; Vuckovic, Dragana ; Mei, Hao ; Bouchard, Claude ; Perry, John R. B. ; Cappellani, Stefania ; Mirza, Saira S. ; Benton, Miles C. ; Broeckel, Ulrich ; Medland, Sarah E. ; Lind, Penelope A. ; Malerba, Giovanni ; Drong, Alexander ; Yengo, Loic ; Bielak, Lawrence F. ; Zhi, Degui ; van der Most, Peter J. ; Shriner, Daniel ; Mägi, Reedik ; Hemani, Gibran ; Karaderi, Tugce ; Wang, Zhaoming ; Liu, Tian ; Demuth, Ilja ; Zhao, Jing Hua ; Meng, Weihua ; Lataniotis, Lazaros ; van der Laan, Sander W. ; Bradfield, Jonathan P. ; Wood, Andrew R. ; Bonnefond, Amelie ; Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S. ; Hall, Leanne M. ; Salvi, Erika ; Yazar, Seyhan ; Carstensen, Lisbeth ; de Haan, Hugoline G. ; Abney, Mark ; Afzal, Uzma ; Allison, Matthew A. ; Amin, Najaf ; Asselbergs, Folkert W. ; Bakker, Stephan J. L. ; Barr, R. Graham ; Baumeister, Sebastian E. ; Benjamin, Daniel J. ; Bergmann, Sven ; Boerwinkle, Eric ; Bottinger, Erwin P. ; Campbell, Archie ; Chakravarti, Aravinda ; Chan, Yingleong ; Chanock, Stephen J. ; Chen, Constance ; Chen, Y.-D. Ida ; Collins, Francis S. ; Connell, John ; Correa, Adolfo ; Cupples, L. Adrienne ; Smith, George Davey ; Davies, Gail ; Dörr, Marcus ; Ehret, Georg ; Ellis, Stephen B. ; Feenstra, Bjarke ; Feitosa, Mary F. ; Ford, Ian ; Fox, Caroline S. ; Frayling, Timothy M. ; Friedrich, Nele ; Geller, Frank ; Scotland, Generation ; Gillham-Nasenya, Irina ; Gottesman, Omri ; Graff, Misa ; Grodstein, Francine ; Gu, Charles ; Haley, Chris ; Hammond, Christopher J. ; Harris, Sarah E. ; Harris, Tamara B. ; Hastie, Nicholas D. ; Heard-Costa, Nancy L. ; Heikkilä, Kauko ; Hocking, Lynne J. ; Homuth, Georg ; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan ; Huang, Jinyan ; Huffman, Jennifer E. ; Hysi, Pirro G. ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Ingelsson, Erik ; Joensuu, Anni ; Johansson, Åsa ; Jousilahti, Pekka ; Jukema, J. Wouter ; Kähönen, Mika ; Kamatani, Yoichiro ; Kanoni, Stavroula ; Kerr, Shona M. ; Khan, Nazir M. ; Koellinger, Philipp ; Koistinen, Heikki A. ; Kooner, Manraj K. ; Kubo, Michiaki ; Kuusisto, Johanna ; Lahti, Jari ; Launer, Lenore J. ; Lea, Rodney A. ; Lehne, Benjamin ; Lehtimäki, Terho ; Liewald, David C.M. ; Lind, Lars ; Loh, Marie ; Lokki, Marja-Liisa ; London, Stephanie J. ; Loomis, Stephanie J. ; Loukola, Anu ; Lu, Yingchang ; Lumley, Thomas ; Lundqvist, Annamari ; Männistö, Satu ; Marques-Vidal, Pedro ; Masciullo, Corrado ; Matchan, Angela ; Mathias, Rasika A. ; Matsuda, Koichi ; Meigs, James B. ; Meisinger, Christa ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Menni, Cristina ; Mentch, Frank D. ; Mihailov, Evelin ; Milani, Lili ; Montasser, May E. ; Montgomery, Grant W. ; Morrison, Alanna ; Myers, Richard H. ; Nadukuru, Rajiv ; Navarro, Pau ; Nelis, Mari ; Nieminen, Markku S. ; Nolte, Ilja M. ; O'Connor, George T. ; Ogunniyi, Adesola ; Padmanabhan, Sandosh ; Palmas, Walter R. ; Pankow, James S. ; Patarcic, Inga ; Pavani, Francesca ; Peyser, Patricia A. ; Pietilainen, Kirsi ; Poulter, Neil ; Prokopenko, Inga ; Ralhan, Sarju ; Redmond, Paul ; Rich, Stephen S. ; Rissanen, Harri ; Robino, Antonietta ; Rose, Lynda M. ; Rose, Richard ; Sala, Cinzia ; Salako, Babatunde ; Salomaa, Veikko ; Sarin, Antti-Pekka ; Saxena, Richa ; Schmidt, Helena ; Scott, Laura J. ; Scott, William R. ; Sennblad, Bengt ; Seshadri, Sudha ; Sever, Peter ; Shrestha, Smeeta ; Smith, Blair H. ; Smith, Jennifer A. ; Soranzo, Nicole ; Sotoodehnia, Nona ; Southam, Lorraine ; Stanton, Alice V. ; Stathopoulou, Maria G. ; Strauch, Konstantin ; Strawbridge, Rona J. ; Suderman, Matthew J. ; Tandon, Nikhil ; Tang, Sian-Tsun ; Taylor, Kent D. ; Tayo, Bamidele O. ; Töglhofer, Anna Maria ; Tomaszewski, Maciej ; Tšernikova, Natalia ; Tuomilehto, Jaakko ; Uitterlinden, Andre G. ; Vaidya, Dhananjay ; van Hylckama Vlieg, Astrid ; van Setten, Jessica ; Vasankari, Tuula ; Vedantam, Sailaja ; Vlachopoulou, Efthymia ; Vozzi, Diego ; Vuoksimaa, Eero ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Ware, Erin B. ; Wentworth-Shields, William ; Whitfield, John B. ; Wild, Sarah ; Willemsen, Gonneke ; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S. ; Yao, Jie ; Zaza, Gianluigi ; Zhu, Xiaofeng ; Salem, Rany M. ; Melbye, Mads ; Bisgaard, Hans ; Samani, Nilesh J. ; Cusi, Daniele ; Mackey, David A. ; Cooper, Richard S. ; Froguel, Philippe ; Pasterkamp, Gerard ; Grant, Struan F.A. ; Hakonarson, Hakon ; Ferrucci, Luigi ; Scott, Robert A. ; Morris, Andrew D. ; Palmer, Colin N. A. ; Dedoussis, George ; Deloukas, Panos ; Bertram, Lars ; Lindenberger, Ulman ; Berndt, Sonja I. ; Lindgren, Cecilia M. ; Timpson, Nicholas J. ; Tönjes, Anke ; Munroe, Patricia B. ; Sørensen, Thorkild I. A. ; Rotimi, Charles N. ; Arnett, Donna K. ; Oldehinkel, Albertine J. ; Kardia, Sharon L. R. ; Balkau, Beverley ; Gambaro, Giovanni ; Morris, Andrew P. ; Eriksson, Johan G. ; Wright, Margie J. ; Martin, Nicholas G. ; Hunt, Steven C. ; Starr, John M. ; Deary, Ian J. ; Griffiths, Lyn R. ; Tiemeier, Henning ; Pirastu, Nicola ; Kaprio, Jaakko ; Wareham, Nicholas J. ; Pérusse, Louis ; Wilson, James G. ; Girotto, Giorgia ; Caulfield, Mark J. ; Raitakari, Olli ; Boomsma, Dorret I. ; Gieger, Christian ; van der Harst, Pim ; Hicks, Andrew A. ; Kraft, Peter ; Sinisalo, Juha ; Knekt, Paul ; Johannesson, Magnus ; Magnusson, Patrik K. E. ; Hamsten, Anders ; Schmidt, Reinhold ; Borecki, Ingrid B. ; Vartiainen, Erkki ; Becker, Diane M. ; Bharadwaj, Dwaipayan ; Mohlke, Karen L. ; Boehnke, Michael ; van Duijn, Cornelia M. ; Sanghera, Dharambir K. ; Teumer, Alexander ; Zeggini, Eleftheria ; Metspalu, Andres ; Gasparini, Paolo ; Ulivi, Sheila ; Ober, Carole ; Toniolo, Daniela ; Rudan, Igor ; Porteous, David J. ; Ciullo, Marina ; Spector, Tim D. ; Hayward, Caroline ; Dupuis, Josée ; Loos, Ruth J. F. ; Wright, Alan F. ; Chandak, Giriraj R. ; Vollenweider, Peter ; Shuldiner, Alan R. ; Ridker, Paul M. ; Rotter, Jerome I. ; Sattar, Naveed ; Gyllensten, Ulf ; North, Kari E. ; Pirastu, Mario ; Psaty, Bruce M. ; Weir, David R. ; Laakso, Markku ; Gudnason, Vilmundur ; Takahashi, Atsushi ; Chambers, John C. ; Kooner, Jaspal S. ; Strachan, David P. ; Campbell, Harry ; Hirschhorn, Joel N. ; Perola, Markus ; Polašek, Ozren ; Wilson, James F. (2015) Directional dominance on stature and cognition in diverse human populations Nature, 523 (7561). pp. 459-462. ISSN 0028-0836 Joshi, Peter K. ; Esko, Tonu ; Mattsson, Hannele ; Eklund, Niina ; Gandin, Ilaria ; Nutile, Teresa ; Jackson, Anne U. ; Schurmann, Claudia ; Smith, Albert V. ; Zhang, Weihua ; Okada, Yukinori ; Stančáková, Alena ; Faul, Jessica D. ; Zhao, Wei ; Bartz, Traci M. ; Concas, Maria Pina ; Franceschini, Nora ; Enroth, Stefan ; Vitart, Veronique ; Trompet, Stella ; Guo, Xiuqing ; Chasman, Daniel I. ; O'Connel, Jeffrey R. ; Corre, Tanguy ; Nongmaithem, Suraj S. ; Chen, Yuning ; Mangino, Massimo ; Ruggiero, Daniela ; Traglia, Michela ; Farmaki, Aliki-Eleni ; Kacprowski, Tim ; Bjonnes, Andrew ; van der Spek, Ashley ; Wu, Ying ; Giri, Anil K. ; Yanek, Lisa R. ; Wang, Lihua ; Hofer, Edith ; Rietveld, Cornelius A. ; McLeod, Olga ; Cornelis, Marilyn C. ; Pattaro, Cristian ; Verweij, Niek ; Baumbach, Clemens ; Abdellaoui, Abdel ; Warren, Helen R. ; Vuckovic, Dragana ; Mei, Hao ; Bouchard, Claude ; Perry, John R. B. ; Cappellani, Stefania ; Mirza, Saira S. ; Benton, Miles C. ; Broeckel, Ulrich ; Medland, Sarah E. ; Lind, Penelope A. ; Malerba, Giovanni ; Drong, Alexander ; Yengo, Loic ; Bielak, Lawrence F. ; Zhi, Degui ; van der Most, Peter J. ; Shriner, Daniel ; Mägi, Reedik ; Hemani, Gibran ; Karaderi, Tugce ; Wang, Zhaoming ; Liu, Tian ; Demuth, Ilja ; Zhao, Jing Hua ; Meng, Weihua ; Lataniotis, Lazaros ; van der Laan, Sander W. ; Bradfield, Jonathan P. ; Wood, Andrew R. ; Bonnefond, Amelie ; Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S. ; Hall, Leanne M. ; Salvi, Erika ; Yazar, Seyhan ; Carstensen, Lisbeth ; de Haan, Hugoline G. ; Abney, Mark ; Afzal, Uzma ; Allison, Matthew A. ; Amin, Najaf ; Asselbergs, Folkert W. ; Bakker, Stephan J. L. ; Barr, R. Graham ; Baumeister, Sebastian E. ; Benjamin, Daniel J. ; Bergmann, Sven ; Boerwinkle, Eric ; Bottinger, Erwin P. ; Campbell, Archie ; Chakravarti, Aravinda ; Chan, Yingleong ; Chanock, Stephen J. ; Chen, Constance ; Chen, Y.-D. Ida ; Collins, Francis S. ; Connell, John ; Correa, Adolfo ; Cupples, L. Adrienne ; Smith, George Davey ; Davies, Gail ; Dörr, Marcus ; Ehret, Georg ; Ellis, Stephen B. ; Feenstra, Bjarke ; Feitosa, Mary F. ; Ford, Ian ; Fox, Caroline S. ; Frayling, Timothy M. ; Friedrich, Nele ; Geller, Frank ; Scotland, Generation ; Gillham-Nasenya, Irina ; Gottesman, Omri ; Graff, Misa ; Grodstein, Francine ; Gu, Charles ; Haley, Chris ; Hammond, Christopher J. ; Harris, Sarah E. ; Harris, Tamara B. ; Hastie, Nicholas D. ; Heard-Costa, Nancy L. ; Heikkilä, Kauko ; Hocking, Lynne J. ; Homuth, Georg ; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan ; Huang, Jinyan ; Huffman, Jennifer E. ; Hysi, Pirro G. ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Ingelsson, Erik ; Joensuu, Anni ; Johansson, Åsa ; Jousilahti, Pekka ; Jukema, J. Wouter ; Kähönen, Mika ; Kamatani, Yoichiro ; Kanoni, Stavroula ; Kerr, Shona M. ; Khan, Nazir M. ; Koellinger, Philipp ; Koistinen, Heikki A. ; Kooner, Manraj K. ; Kubo, Michiaki ; Kuusisto, Johanna ; Lahti, Jari ; Launer, Lenore J. ; Lea, Rodney A. ; Lehne, Benjamin ; Lehtimäki, Terho ; Liewald, David C.M. ; Lind, Lars ; Loh, Marie ; Lokki, Marja-Liisa ; London, Stephanie J. ; Loomis, Stephanie J. ; Loukola, Anu ; Lu, Yingchang ; Lumley, Thomas ; Lundqvist, Annamari ; Männistö, Satu ; Marques-Vidal, Pedro ; Masciullo, Corrado ; Matchan, Angela ; Mathias, Rasika A. ; Matsuda, Koichi ; Meigs, James B. ; Meisinger, Christa ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Menni, Cristina ; Mentch, Frank D. ; Mihailov, Evelin ; Milani, Lili ; Montasser, May E. ; Montgomery, Grant W. ; Morrison, Alanna ; Myers, Richard H. ; Nadukuru, Rajiv ; Navarro, Pau ; Nelis, Mari ; Nieminen, Markku S. ; Nolte, Ilja M. ; O'Connor, George T. ; Ogunniyi, Adesola ; Padmanabhan, Sandosh ; Palmas, Walter R. ; Pankow, James S. ; Patarcic, Inga ; Pavani, Francesca ; Peyser, Patricia A. ; Pietilainen, Kirsi ; Poulter, Neil ; Prokopenko, Inga ; Ralhan, Sarju ; Redmond, Paul ; Rich, Stephen S. ; Rissanen, Harri ; Robino, Antonietta ; Rose, Lynda M. ; Rose, Richard ; Sala, Cinzia ; Salako, Babatunde ; Salomaa, Veikko ; Sarin, Antti-Pekka ; Saxena, Richa ; Schmidt, Helena ; Scott, Laura J. ; Scott, William R. ; Sennblad, Bengt ; Seshadri, Sudha ; Sever, Peter ; Shrestha, Smeeta ; Smith, Blair H. ; Smith, Jennifer A. ; Soranzo, Nicole ; Sotoodehnia, Nona ; Southam, Lorraine ; Stanton, Alice V. ; Stathopoulou, Maria G. ; Strauch, Konstantin ; Strawbridge, Rona J. ; Suderman, Matthew J. ; Tandon, Nikhil ; Tang, Sian-Tsun ; Taylor, Kent D. ; Tayo, Bamidele O. ; Töglhofer, Anna Maria ; Tomaszewski, Maciej ; Tšernikova, Natalia ; Tuomilehto, Jaakko ; Uitterlinden, Andre G. ; Vaidya, Dhananjay ; van Hylckama Vlieg, Astrid ; van Setten, Jessica ; Vasankari, Tuula ; Vedantam, Sailaja ; Vlachopoulou, Efthymia ; Vozzi, Diego ; Vuoksimaa, Eero ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Ware, Erin B. ; Wentworth-Shields, William ; Whitfield, John B. ; Wild, Sarah ; Willemsen, Gonneke ; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S. ; Yao, Jie ; Zaza, Gianluigi ; Zhu, Xiaofeng ; Salem, Rany M. ; Melbye, Mads ; Bisgaard, Hans ; Samani, Nilesh J. ; Cusi, Daniele ; Mackey, David A. ; Cooper, Richard S. ; Froguel, Philippe ; Pasterkamp, Gerard ; Grant, Struan F.A. ; Hakonarson, Hakon ; Ferrucci, Luigi ; Scott, Robert A. ; Morris, Andrew D. ; Palmer, Colin N. A. ; Dedoussis, George ; Deloukas, Panos ; Bertram, Lars ; Lindenberger, Ulman ; Berndt, Sonja I. ; Lindgren, Cecilia M. ; Timpson, Nicholas J. ; Tönjes, Anke ; Munroe, Patricia B. ; Sørensen, Thorkild I. A. ; Rotimi, Charles N. ; Arnett, Donna K. ; Oldehinkel, Albertine J. ; Kardia, Sharon L. R. ; Balkau, Beverley ; Gambaro, Giovanni ; Morris, Andrew P. ; Eriksson, Johan G. ; Wright, Margie J. ; Martin, Nicholas G. ; Hunt, Steven C. ; Starr, John M. ; Deary, Ian J. ; Griffiths, Lyn R. ; Tiemeier, Henning ; Pirastu, Nicola ; Kaprio, Jaakko ; Wareham, Nicholas J. ; Pérusse, Louis ; Wilson, James G. ; Girotto, Giorgia ; Caulfield, Mark J. ; Raitakari, Olli ; Boomsma, Dorret I. ; Gieger, Christian ; van der Harst, Pim ; Hicks, Andrew A. ; Kraft, Peter ; Sinisalo, Juha ; Knekt, Paul ; Johannesson, Magnus ; Magnusson, Patrik K. E. ; Hamsten, Anders ; Schmidt, Reinhold ; Borecki, Ingrid B. ; Vartiainen, Erkki ; Becker, Diane M. ; Bharadwaj, Dwaipayan ; Mohlke, Karen L. ; Boehnke, Michael ; van Duijn, Cornelia M. ; Sanghera, Dharambir K. ; Teumer, Alexander ; Zeggini, Eleftheria ; Metspalu, Andres ; Gasparini, Paolo ; Ulivi, Sheila ; Ober, Carole ; Toniolo, Daniela ; Rudan, Igor ; Porteous, David J. ; Ciullo, Marina ; Spector, Tim D. ; Hayward, Caroline ; Dupuis, Josée ; Loos, Ruth J. F. ; Wright, Alan F. ; Chandak, Giriraj R. ; Vollenweider, Peter ; Shuldiner, Alan R. ; Ridker, Paul M. ; Rotter, Jerome I. ; Sattar, Naveed ; Gyllensten, Ulf ; North, Kari E. ; Pirastu, Mario ; Psaty, Bruce M. ; Weir, David R. ; Laakso, Markku ; Gudnason, Vilmundur ; Takahashi, Atsushi ; Chambers, John C. ; Kooner, Jaspal S. ; Strachan, David P. ; Campbell, Harry ; Hirschhorn, Joel N. ; Perola, Markus ; Polašek, Ozren ; Wilson, James F. (2015) Directional dominance on stature and cognition in diverse human populations Nature, 523 (7561). pp. 459-462. ISSN 0028-0836 Joshi, Shivali Shirish ; Arankalle, Vidya Avinash (2015) Enhanced humoral response in pregnant mice immunized with liposome encapsulated recombinant neutralizing epitope protein of Hepatitis- E virus Virology Journal, 12 (1). ISSN 1743-422X Jyothibabu, R. ; Vinayachandran, P.N. ; Madhu, N.V. ; Robin, R.S. ; Karnan, C. ; Jagadeesan, L. ; Anjusha, A. (2015) Phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal modified by the Summer Monsoon Current and associated eddies: Implications on the vertical biogenic flux Journal of Marine Systems, 143 . pp. 98-119. ISSN 0924-7963 KK, Rama Gopal ; S.Md, Arafath ; G, Balakrishnaiah ; K, Raja Obul Reddy ; N, Siva Kumar Reddy ; A.P, Lingaswamy ; S, Pavan Kumari ; K, Uma Devi ; R.R, Reddy ; S, Suresh Babu (2015) Columnar-integrated aerosol optical properties and classification of different aerosol types over the semi-arid region, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh Science of the Total Environment, 527-52 . pp. 507-519. ISSN 0048-9697 K Ghosh, Kallol ; Gupta, Bhanushree ; Bhattacharya, Santanu (2015) Metallosurfactant Aggregates as Catalysts for the Hydrolytic Cleavage of Carboxylate and Phosphate Esters Current Organocatalysis, 3 (1). pp. 6-23. ISSN 2213-3372 K., AISHWARYA ; VINITHA, M.R. ; THOMAS, GEORGE ; SABU, M. (2015) A new species of Boesenbergia and rediscovery of B. rotunda (Zingiberaceae) from India Phytotaxa, 197 (3). p. 186. ISSN 1179-3155 K. V., Lalitha ; Fancher, Chris M. ; Jones, Jacob L. ; Ranjan, Rajeev (2015) Field induced domain switching as the origin of anomalous lattice strain along non-polar direction in rhombohedral BiScO3-PbTiO3 close to the morphotropic phase boundary Applied Physics Letters, 107 (5). 052901. ISSN 0003-6951 K.T, Nishant ; Sanyal, Kaustuv (2015) The good, the bad, and the ugly: how to protect chromosome stability from potential threats BioEssays, 37 (7). pp. 717-720. ISSN 0265-9247 KUMAR, DEEPAK ; BANERJEE, ANJAN ; PATIL, SATISH ; SHUKLA, ASHOK K (2015) A 1 V supercapacitor device with nanostructured graphene oxide/polyaniline composite materials Bulletin of Materials Science, 38 (6). pp. 1507-1517. ISSN 0250-4707 Kabekkodu, Shama Prasada ; Chakrabarty, Sanjiban ; Shukla, Vaibhav ; Varghese, Vinay Koshy ; Singh, Keshav K. ; Thangaraj, Kumarasamy ; Satyamoorthy, Kapaettu (2015) Mitochondrial biology: from molecules to diseases Mitochondrion, 24 . pp. 93-98. ISSN 1567-7249 Kaderi Kibria, K. 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ISSN 0956-5663 Kakkar, Anupama ; Mohanty, Sujata ; Bhargava, Balram ; Airan, Balram (2015) Role of human cardiac biopsy derived conditioned media in modulating bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells toward cardiomyocyte-like cells Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 150-155. ISSN 2395-5414 Kakumani, Pavan Kumar ; Chinnappan, Mahendran ; Singh, Ashok K. ; Malhotra, Pawan ; Mukherjee, Sunil K. ; Bhatnagar, Raj K. (2015) Identification and characteristics of microRNAs from army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda cell line Sf21 PLoS One, 10 (2). Article ID e0116988. ISSN 1932-6203 Kakumani, Pavan Kumar ; Rajgokul, K. S. ; Ponia, Sanket Singh ; Kaur, Inderjeet ; Mahanty, Srikrishna ; Medigeshi, Guruprasad R. ; Banerjea, Akhil C. ; Chopra, Arun Prasad ; Malhotra, Pawan ; Mukherjee, Sunil K. ; Bhatnagar, Raj K. (2015) Dengue NS3, an RNAi suppressor, modulates the human miRNA pathways through its interacting partner Biochemical Journal, 471 (1). pp. 89-99. ISSN 0264-6021 Kakumani, Pavan Kumar ; Shanmugam, Rajgokul K. ; Kaur, Inderjeet ; Malhotra, Pawan ; Mukherjee, Sunil K. ; Bhatnagar, Raj K. (2015) Association of HADHA with human RNA silencing machinery Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 466 (3). pp. 481-485. ISSN 0006-291X Kakumani, Pavan Kumar ; Shukla, Rohit ; Todur, Vivek N. ; Malhotra, Pawan ; Mukherjee, Sunil K. ; Bhatnagar, Raj K. (2015) De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of Sf21 cells using illumina paired end sequencing Biology Direct, 10 . Article ID 44-7 pages. ISSN 1745-6150 Kalaskar, Abhijeet ; Rao, Badari Narayana ; Thomas, Tiju ; Ranjan, Rajeev (2015) Electric field induced short range to long range structural ordering and its influence on the Eu+3 photoluminescence in the lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (24). p. 244106. 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ISSN 0167-6369 Khachatryan, Vardan ; Sirunyan, Albert M ; Tumasyan, Armen ; Adam, Wolfgang ; Aşılar, Ece ; Bergauer, Thomas ; Brandstetter, Johannes ; Brondolin, Erica ; Dragicevic, Marko ; Erö, Janos ; Flechl, Martin ; Friedl, Markus ; Fruehwirth, Rudolf ; Ghete, Vasile Mihai ; Hartl, Christian ; Hörmann, Natascha ; Hrubec, Josef ; Jeitler, Manfred ; Knünz, Valentin ; König, Axel ; Krammer, Manfred ; Krätschmer, Ilse ; Liko, Dietrich ; Mikulec, Ivan ; Rabady, Dinyar ; Rahbaran, Babak ; Rohringer, Herbert ; Schieck, Jochen ; Schöfbeck, Robert ; Strauss, Josef ; Treberer-Treberspurg, Wolfgang ; Waltenberger, Wolfgang ; Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth ; Mossolov, Vladimir ; Shumeiko, Nikolai ; Suarez Gonzalez, Juan ; Alderweireldt, Sara ; Cornelis, Tom ; De Wolf, Eddi A ; Janssen, Xavier ; Knutsson, Albert ; Lauwers, Jasper ; Luyckx, Sten ; Ochesanu, Silvia ; Rougny, Romain ; Van De Klundert, Merijn ; Van Haevermaet, Hans ; Van Mechelen, Pierre ; Van Remortel, Nick ; Van Spilbeeck, Alex ; Abu Zeid, Shimaa ; Blekman, Freya ; D'Hondt, Jorgen ; Daci, Nadir ; De Bruyn, Isabelle ; Deroover, Kevin ; Heracleous, Natalie ; Keaveney, James ; Lowette, Steven ; Moreels, Lieselotte ; Olbrechts, Annik ; Python, Quentin ; Strom, Derek ; Tavernier, Stefaan ; Van Doninck, Walter ; Van Mulders, Petra ; Van Onsem, Gerrit Patrick ; Van Parijs, Isis ; Barria, Patrizia ; Caillol, Cécile ; Clerbaux, Barbara ; De Lentdecker, Gilles ; Delannoy, Hugo ; Dobur, Didar ; Fasanella, Giuseppe ; Favart, Laurent ; Gay, Arnaud ; Grebenyuk, Anastasia ; Léonard, Alexandre ; Mohammadi, Abdollah ; Perniè, Luca ; Randle-conde, Aidan ; Reis, Thomas ; Seva, Tomislav ; Thomas, Laurent ; Vander Velde, Catherine ; Vanlaer, Pascal ; Wang, Jian ; Zenoni, Florian ; Beernaert, Kelly ; Benucci, Leonardo ; Cimmino, Anna ; Crucy, Shannon ; Fagot, Alexis ; Garcia, Guillaume ; Gul, Muhammad ; Mccartin, Joseph ; Ocampo Rios, Alberto Andres ; Poyraz, Deniz ; Ryckbosch, Dirk ; Salva Diblen, Sinem ; Sigamani, Michael ; Strobbe, Nadja ; Thyssen, Filip ; Tytgat, Michael ; Van Driessche, Ward ; Yazgan, Efe ; Zaganidis, Nicolas ; Basegmez, Suzan ; Beluffi, Camille ; Bruno, Giacomo ; Castello, Roberto ; Caudron, Adrien ; Ceard, Ludivine ; Da Silveira, Gustavo Gil ; Delaere, Christophe ; Du Pree, Tristan ; Favart, Denis ; Forthomme, Laurent ; Giammanco, Andrea ; Hollar, Jonathan ; Jafari, Abideh ; Jez, Pavel ; Komm, Matthias ; Lemaitre, Vincent ; Mertens, Alexandre ; Nuttens, Claude ; Perrini, Lucia ; Pin, Arnaud ; Piotrzkowski, Krzysztof ; Popov, Andrey ; Quertenmont, Loic ; Selvaggi, Michele ; Vidal Marono, Miguel ; Beliy, Nikita ; Caebergs, Thierry ; Hammad, Gregory Habib ; Aldá Júnior, Walter Luiz ; Alves, Gilvan ; Brito, Lucas ; Correa Martins Junior, Marcos ; Dos Reis Martins, Thiago ; Hensel, Carsten ; Mora Herrera, Clemencia ; Moraes, Arthur ; Pol, Maria Elena ; Rebello Teles, Patricia ; Belchior Batista Das Chagas, Ewerton ; Carvalho, Wagner ; Chinellato, Jose ; Custódio, Analu ; Melo Da Costa, Eliza ; De Jesus Damiao, Dilson ; De Oliveira Martins, Carley ; Fonseca De Souza, Sandro ; Huertas Guativa, Lina Milena ; Malbouisson, Helena ; Matos Figueiredo, Diego ; Mundim, Luiz ; Nogima, Helio ; Prado Da Silva, Wanda Lucia ; Santaolalla, Javier ; Santoro, Alberto ; Sznajder, Andre ; Tonelli Manganote, Edmilson José ; Vilela Pereira, Antonio ; Ahuja, Sudha ; Bernardes, Cesar Augusto ; Dogra, Sunil ; Tomei, Thiago ; De Moraes Gregores, Eduardo ; Mercadante, Pedro G ; Novaes, Sergio F ; Padula, Sandra ; Romero Abad, David ; Ruiz Vargas, José Cupertino ; Aleksandrov, Aleksandar ; Genchev, Vladimir ; Hadjiiska, Roumyana ; Iaydjiev, Plamen ; Marinov, Andrey ; Piperov, Stefan ; Rodozov, Mircho ; Stoykova, Stefka ; Sultanov, Georgi ; Vutova, Mariana ; Dimitrov, Anton ; Glushkov, Ivan ; Litov, Leander ; Pavlov, Borislav ; Petkov, Peicho ; Ahmad, Muhammad ; Bian, Jian-Guo ; Chen, Guo-Ming ; Chen, He-Sheng ; Chen, Mingshui ; Cheng, Tongguang ; Du, Ran ; Jiang, Chun-Hua ; Plestina, Roko ; Romeo, Francesco ; Shaheen, Sarmad Masood ; Tao, Junquan ; Wang, Chunjie ; Wang, Zheng ; Asawatangtrakuldee, Chayanit ; Ban, Yong ; Chen, Geng ; Li, Qiang ; Liu, Shuai ; Mao, Yajun ; Qian, Si-Jin ; Wang, Dayong ; Wang, Mengmeng ; Wang, Qun ; Xu, Zijun ; Yang, Daneng ; Zhang, Fengwangdong ; Zhang, Linlin ; Zhang, Zhaoru ; Zou, Wei ; Avila, Carlos ; Cabrera, Andrés ; Chaparro Sierra, Luisa Fernanda ; Florez, Carlos ; Gomez, Juan Pablo ; Gomez Moreno, Bernardo ; Sanabria, Juan Carlos ; Godinovic, Nikola ; Lelas, Damir ; Polic, Dunja ; Puljak, Ivica ; Antunovic, Zeljko ; Kovac, Marko ; Brigljevic, Vuko ; Kadija, Kreso ; Luetic, Jelena ; Sudic, Lucija ; Attikis, Alexandros ; Mavromanolakis, Georgios ; Mousa, Jehad ; Nicolaou, Charalambos ; Ptochos, Fotios ; Razis, Panos A ; Rykaczewski, Hans ; Bodlak, Martin ; Finger, Miroslav ; Finger Jr, Michael ; Ali, Ahmed ; Aly, Reham ; Aly, Shereen ; Assran, Yasser ; Ellithi Kamel, Ali ; Lotfy, Ahmad ; Masod, Rehab ; Calpas, Betty ; Kadastik, Mario ; Murumaa, Marion ; Raidal, Martti ; Tiko, Andres ; Veelken, Christian ; Eerola, Paula ; Voutilainen, Mikko ; Härkönen, Jaakko ; Karimäki, Veikko ; Kinnunen, Ritva ; Lampén, Tapio ; Lassila-Perini, Kati ; Lehti, Sami ; Lindén, Tomas ; Luukka, Panja-Riina ; Mäenpää, Teppo ; Peltola, Timo ; Tuominen, Eija ; Tuominiemi, Jorma ; Tuovinen, Esa ; Wendland, Lauri ; Talvitie, Joonas ; Tuuva, Tuure ; Besancon, Marc ; Couderc, Fabrice ; Dejardin, Marc ; Denegri, Daniel ; Fabbro, Bernard ; Faure, Jean-Louis ; Favaro, Carlotta ; Ferri, Federico ; Ganjour, Serguei ; Givernaud, Alain ; Gras, Philippe ; Hamel de Monchenault, Gautier ; Jarry, Patrick ; Locci, Elizabeth ; Malcles, Julie ; Rander, John ; Rosowsky, André ; Titov, Maksym ; Zghiche, Amina ; Baffioni, Stephanie ; Beaudette, Florian ; Busson, Philippe ; Cadamuro, Luca ; Chapon, Emilien ; Charlot, Claude ; Dahms, Torsten ; Davignon, Olivier ; Filipovic, Nicolas ; Florent, Alice ; Granier de Cassagnac, Raphael ; Mastrolorenzo, Luca ; Miné, Philippe ; Naranjo, Ivo Nicolas ; Nguyen, Matthew ; Ochando, Christophe ; Ortona, Giacomo ; Paganini, Pascal ; Regnard, Simon ; Salerno, Roberto ; Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste ; Sirois, Yves ; Strebler, Thomas ; Yilmaz, Yetkin ; Zabi, Alexandre ; Agram, Jean-Laurent ; Andrea, Jeremy ; Aubin, Alexandre ; Bloch, Daniel ; Brom, Jean-Marie ; Buttignol, Michael ; Chabert, Eric Christian ; Chanon, Nicolas ; Collard, Caroline ; Conte, Eric ; Fontaine, Jean-Charles ; Gelé, Denis ; Goerlach, Ulrich ; Goetzmann, Christophe ; Le Bihan, Anne-Catherine ; Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre ; Skovpen, Kirill ; Van Hove, Pierre ; Gadrat, Sébastien ; Beauceron, Stephanie ; Beaupere, Nicolas ; Bernet, Colin ; Boudoul, Gaelle ; Bouvier, Elvire ; Brochet, Sébastien ; Carrillo Montoya, Camilo Andres ; Chasserat, Julien ; Chierici, Roberto ; Contardo, Didier ; Courbon, Benoit ; Depasse, Pierre ; El Mamouni, Houmani ; Fan, Jiawei ; Fay, Jean ; Gascon, Susan ; Gouzevitch, Maxime ; Ille, Bernard ; Laktineh, Imad Baptiste ; Lethuillier, Morgan ; Mirabito, Laurent ; Pequegnot, Anne-Laure ; Perries, Stephane ; Ruiz Alvarez, José David ; Sabes, David ; Sgandurra, Louis ; Sordini, Viola ; Vander Donckt, Muriel ; Verdier, Patrice ; Viret, Sébastien ; Xiao, Hong ; Tsamalaidze, Zviad ; Autermann, Christian ; Beranek, Sarah ; Bontenackels, Michael ; Edelhoff, Matthias ; Feld, Lutz ; Heister, Arno ; Kiesel, Maximilian Knut ; Klein, Katja ; Lipinski, Martin ; Ostapchuk, Andrey ; Preuten, Marius ; Raupach, Frank ; Sammet, Jan ; Schael, Stefan ; Schulte, Jan-Frederik ; Verlage, Tobias ; Weber, Hendrik ; Wittmer, Bruno ; Zhukov, Valery ; Ata, Metin ; Brodski, Michael ; Dietz-Laursonn, Erik ; Duchardt, Deborah ; Endres, Matthias ; Erdmann, Martin ; Erdweg, Sören ; Esch, Thomas ; Fischer, Robert ; Güth, Andreas ; Hebbeker, Thomas ; Heidemann, Carsten ; Hoepfner, Kerstin ; Klingebiel, Dennis ; Knutzen, Simon ; Kreuzer, Peter ; Merschmeyer, Markus ; Meyer, Arnd ; Millet, Philipp ; Olschewski, Mark ; Padeken, Klaas ; Papacz, Paul ; Pook, Tobias ; Radziej, Markus ; Reithler, Hans ; Rieger, Marcel ; Schmitz, Stefan Antonius ; Sonnenschein, Lars ; Teyssier, Daniel ; Thüer, Sebastian ; Cherepanov, Vladimir ; Erdogan, Yusuf ; Flügge, Günter ; Geenen, Heiko ; Geisler, Matthias ; Haj Ahmad, Wael ; Hoehle, Felix ; Kargoll, Bastian ; Kress, Thomas ; Kuessel, Yvonne ; Künsken, Andreas ; Lingemann, Joschka ; Nowack, Andreas ; Nugent, Ian Michael ; Pistone, Claudia ; Pooth, Oliver ; Stahl, Achim ; Aldaya Martin, Maria ; Asin, Ivan ; Bartosik, Nazar ; Behnke, Olaf ; Behrens, Ulf ; Bell, Alan James ; Borras, Kerstin ; Burgmeier, Armin ; Cakir, Altan ; Calligaris, Luigi ; Campbell, Alan ; Choudhury, Somnath ; Costanza, Francesco ; Diez Pardos, Carmen ; Dolinska, Ganna ; Dooling, Samantha ; Dorland, Tyler ; Eckerlin, Guenter ; Eckstein, Doris ; Eichhorn, Thomas ; Flucke, Gero ; Garay Garcia, Jasone ; Geiser, Achim ; Gizhko, Andrii ; Gunnellini, Paolo ; Hauk, Johannes ; Hempel, Maria ; Jung, Hannes ; Kalogeropoulos, Alexis ; Karacheban, Olena ; Kasemann, Matthias ; Katsas, Panagiotis ; Kieseler, Jan ; Kleinwort, Claus ; Korol, Ievgen ; Lange, Wolfgang ; Leonard, Jessica ; Lipka, Katerina ; Lobanov, Artur ; Mankel, Rainer ; Marfin, Ihar ; Melzer-Pellmann, Isabell-Alissandra ; Meyer, Andreas Bernhard ; Mittag, Gregor ; Mnich, Joachim ; Mussgiller, Andreas ; Naumann-Emme, Sebastian ; Nayak, Aruna ; Ntomari, Eleni ; Perrey, Hanno ; Pitzl, Daniel ; Placakyte, Ringaile ; Raspereza, Alexei ; Ribeiro Cipriano, Pedro M ; Roland, Benoit ; Sahin, Mehmet Özgür ; Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob ; Saxena, Pooja ; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas ; Schröder, Matthias ; Seitz, Claudia ; Spannagel, Simon ; Wissing, Christoph ; Blobel, Volker ; Centis Vignali, Matteo ; Draeger, Arne-Rasmus ; Erfle, Joachim ; Garutti, Erika ; Goebel, Kristin ; Gonzalez, Daniel ; Görner, Martin ; Haller, Johannes ; Hoffmann, Malte ; Höing, Rebekka Sophie ; Junkes, Alexandra ; Kirschenmann, Henning ; Klanner, Robert ; Kogler, Roman ; Lapsien, Tobias ; Lenz, Teresa ; Marchesini, Ivan ; Marconi, Daniele ; Nowatschin, Dominik ; Ott, Jochen ; Peiffer, Thomas ; Perieanu, Adrian ; Pietsch, Niklas ; Poehlsen, Jennifer ; Rathjens, Denis ; Sander, Christian ; Schettler, Hannes ; Schleper, Peter ; Schlieckau, Eike ; Schmidt, Alexander ; Seidel, Markus ; Sola, Valentina ; Stadie, Hartmut ; Steinbrück, Georg ; Tholen, Heiner ; Troendle, Daniel ; Usai, Emanuele ; Vanelderen, Lukas ; Vanhoefer, Annika ; Akbiyik, Melike ; Barth, Christian ; Baus, Colin ; Berger, Joram ; Böser, Christian ; Butz, Erik ; Chwalek, Thorsten ; Colombo, Fabio ; De Boer, Wim ; Descroix, Alexis ; Dierlamm, Alexander ; Feindt, Michael ; Frensch, Felix ; Giffels, Manuel ; Gilbert, Andrew ; Hartmann, Frank ; Husemann, Ulrich ; Katkov, Igor ; Kornmayer, Andreas ; Lobelle Pardo, Patricia ; Mozer, Matthias Ulrich ; Müller, Thomas ; Müller, Thomas ; Plagge, Michael ; Quast, Gunter ; Rabbertz, Klaus ; Röcker, Steffen ; Roscher, Frank ; Simonis, Hans-Jürgen ; Stober, Fred-Markus Helmut ; Ulrich, Ralf ; Wagner-Kuhr, Jeannine ; Wayand, Stefan ; Weiler, Thomas ; Wöhrmann, Clemens ; Wolf, Roger ; Anagnostou, Georgios ; Daskalakis, Georgios ; Geralis, Theodoros ; Giakoumopoulou, Viktoria Athina ; Kyriakis, Aristotelis ; Loukas, Demetrios ; Markou, Athanasios ; Psallidas, Andreas ; Topsis-Giotis, Iasonas ; Agapitos, Antonis ; Kesisoglou, Stilianos ; Panagiotou, Apostolos ; Saoulidou, Niki ; Tziaferi, Eirini ; Evangelou, Ioannis ; Flouris, Giannis ; Foudas, Costas ; Kokkas, Panagiotis ; Loukas, Nikitas ; Manthos, Nikolaos ; Papadopoulos, Ioannis ; Paradas, Evangelos ; Strologas, John ; Bencze, Gyorgy ; Hajdu, Csaba ; Hazi, Andras ; Hidas, Pàl ; Horvath, Dezso ; Sikler, Ferenc ; Veszpremi, Viktor ; Vesztergombi, Gyorgy ; Zsigmond, Anna Julia ; Beni, Noemi ; Czellar, Sandor ; Karancsi, János ; Molnar, Jozsef ; Palinkas, Jozsef ; Szillasi, Zoltan ; Bartók, Márton ; Makovec, Alajos ; Raics, Peter ; Trocsanyi, Zoltan Laszlo ; Mal, Prolay ; Mandal, Koushik ; Sahoo, Niladribihari ; Swain, Sanjay Kumar ; Bansal, Sunil ; Beri, Suman Bala ; Bhatnagar, Vipin ; Chawla, Ridhi ; Gupta, Ruchi ; Bhawandeep, Bhawandeep ; Kalsi, Amandeep Kaur ; Kaur, Anterpreet ; Kaur, Manjit ; Kumar, Ramandeep ; Mehta, Ankita ; Mittal, Monika ; Nishu, Nishu ; Singh, Jasbir ; Kumar, Ashok ; Kumar, Arun ; Bhardwaj, Ashutosh ; Choudhary, Brajesh C ; Kumar, Ajay ; Malhotra, Shivali ; Naimuddin, Md ; Ranjan, Kirti ; Sharma, Ramkrishna ; Sharma, Varun ; Banerjee, Sunanda ; Bhattacharya, Satyaki ; Chatterjee, Kalyanmoy ; Dey, Sourav ; Dutta, Suchandra ; Gomber, Bhawna ; Jain, Sandhya ; Jain, Shilpi ; Khurana, Raman ; Majumdar, Nayana ; Modak, Atanu ; Mondal, Kuntal ; Mukherjee, Swagata ; Mukhopadhyay, Supratik ; Roy, Ashim ; Roy, Debarati ; Roy Chowdhury, Suvankar ; Sarkar, Subir ; Sharan, Manoj ; Abdulsalam, Abdulla ; Dutta, Dipanwita ; Jha, Vishwajeet ; Kumar, Vineet ; Mohanty, Ajit Kumar ; Pant, Lalit Mohan ; Shukla, Prashant ; Topkar, Anita ; Aziz, Tariq ; Banerjee, Sudeshna ; Bhowmik, Sandeep ; Chatterjee, Rajdeep Mohan ; Dewanjee, Ram Krishna ; Dugad, Shashikant ; Ganguly, Sanmay ; Ghosh, Saranya ; Guchait, Monoranjan ; Gurtu, Atul ; Kole, Gouranga ; Kumar, Sanjeev ; Maity, Manas ; Majumder, Gobinda ; Mazumdar, Kajari ; Mohanty, Gagan Bihari ; Parida, Bibhuti ; Sudhakar, Katta ; Sur, Nairit ; Sutar, Bajrang ; Wickramage, Nadeesha ; Sharma, Seema ; Bakhshiansohi, Hamed ; Behnamian, Hadi ; Etesami, Seyed Mohsen ; Fahim, Ali ; Goldouzian, Reza ; Khakzad, Mohsen ; Mohammadi Najafabadi, Mojtaba ; Naseri, Mohsen ; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, Saeid ; Rezaei Hosseinabadi, Ferdos ; Safarzadeh, Batool ; Zeinali, Maryam ; Felcini, Marta ; Grunewald, Martin ; Abbrescia, Marcello ; Calabria, Cesare ; Caputo, Claudio ; Chhibra, Simranjit Singh ; Colaleo, Anna ; Creanza, Donato ; Cristella, Leonardo ; De Filippis, Nicola ; De Palma, Mauro ; Fiore, Luigi ; Iaselli, Giuseppe ; Maggi, Giorgio ; Maggi, Marcello ; Miniello, Giorgia ; My, Salvatore ; Nuzzo, Salvatore ; Pompili, Alexis ; Pugliese, Gabriella ; Radogna, Raffaella ; Ranieri, Antonio ; Selvaggi, Giovanna ; Sharma, Archana ; Silvestris, Lucia ; Venditti, Rosamaria ; Verwilligen, Piet ; Abbiendi, Giovanni ; Battilana, Carlo ; Benvenuti, Alberto ; Bonacorsi, Daniele ; Braibant-Giacomelli, Sylvie ; Brigliadori, Luca ; Campanini, Renato ; Capiluppi, Paolo ; Castro, Andrea ; Cavallo, Francesca Romana ; Codispoti, Giuseppe ; Cuffiani, Marco ; Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco ; Fabbri, Fabrizio ; Fanfani, Alessandra ; Fasanella, Daniele ; Giacomelli, Paolo ; Grandi, Claudio ; Guiducci, Luigi ; Marcellini, Stefano ; Masetti, Gianni ; Montanari, Alessandro ; Navarria, Francesco ; Perrotta, Andrea ; Rossi, Antonio ; Rovelli, Tiziano ; Siroli, Gian Piero ; Tosi, Nicolò ; Travaglini, Riccardo ; Cappello, Gigi ; Chiorboli, Massimiliano ; Costa, Salvatore ; Giordano, Ferdinando ; Potenza, Renato ; Tricomi, Alessia ; Tuve, Cristina ; Barbagli, Giuseppe ; Ciulli, Vitaliano ; Civinini, Carlo ; D'Alessandro, Raffaello ; Focardi, Ettore ; Gallo, Elisabetta ; Gonzi, Sandro ; Gori, Valentina ; Lenzi, Piergiulio ; Meschini, Marco ; Paoletti, Simone ; Sguazzoni, Giacomo ; Tropiano, Antonio ; Viliani, Lorenzo ; Benussi, Luigi ; Bianco, Stefano ; Fabbri, Franco ; Piccolo, Davide ; Calvelli, Valerio ; Ferro, Fabrizio ; Lo Vetere, Maurizio ; Robutti, Enrico ; Tosi, Silvano ; Dinardo, Mauro Emanuele ; Fiorendi, Sara ; Gennai, Simone ; Gerosa, Raffaele ; Ghezzi, Alessio ; Govoni, Pietro ; Lucchini, Marco Toliman ; Malvezzi, Sandra ; Manzoni, Riccardo Andrea ; Marzocchi, Badder ; Menasce, Dario ; Moroni, Luigi ; Paganoni, Marco ; Pedrini, Daniele ; Ragazzi, Stefano ; Redaelli, Nicola ; Tabarelli de Fatis, Tommaso ; Buontempo, Salvatore ; Cavallo, Nicola ; Di Guida, Salvatore ; Esposito, Marco ; Fabozzi, Francesco ; Iorio, Alberto Orso Maria ; Lanza, Giuseppe ; Lista, Luca ; Meola, Sabino ; Merola, Mario ; Paolucci, Pierluigi ; Sciacca, Crisostomo ; Azzi, Patrizia ; Bacchetta, Nicola ; Bisello, Dario ; Carlin, Roberto ; Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, Alexandra ; Checchia, Paolo ; Dall'Osso, Martino ; Dorigo, Tommaso ; Dosselli, Umberto ; Gasparini, Fabrizio ; Gasparini, Ugo ; Gozzelino, Andrea ; Lacaprara, Stefano ; Margoni, Martino ; Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa ; Pazzini, Jacopo ; Pegoraro, Matteo ; Pozzobon, Nicola ; Ronchese, Paolo ; Simonetto, Franco ; Torassa, Ezio ; Tosi, Mia ; Vanini, Sara ; Zanetti, Marco ; Zotto, Pierluigi ; Zucchetta, Alberto ; Zumerle, Gianni ; Gabusi, Michele ; Magnani, Alice ; Ratti, Sergio P ; Re, Valerio ; Riccardi, Cristina ; Salvini, Paola ; Vai, Ilaria ; Vitulo, Paolo ; Alunni Solestizi, Luisa ; Biasini, Maurizio ; Bilei, Gian Mario ; Ciangottini, Diego ; Fanò, Livio ; Lariccia, Paolo ; Mantovani, Giancarlo ; Menichelli, Mauro ; Saha, Anirban ; Santocchia, Attilio ; Spiezia, Aniello ; Androsov, Konstantin ; Azzurri, Paolo ; Bagliesi, Giuseppe ; Bernardini, Jacopo ; Boccali, Tommaso ; Broccolo, Giuseppe ; Castaldi, Rino ; Ciocci, Maria Agnese ; Dell'Orso, Roberto ; Donato, Silvio ; Fedi, Giacomo ; Fiori, Francesco ; Foà, Lorenzo ; Giassi, Alessandro ; Grippo, Maria Teresa ; Ligabue, Franco ; Lomtadze, Teimuraz ; Martini, Luca ; Messineo, Alberto ; Moon, Chang-Seong ; Palla, Fabrizio ; Rizzi, Andrea ; Savoy-Navarro, Aurore ; Serban, Alin Titus ; Spagnolo, Paolo ; Squillacioti, Paola ; Tenchini, Roberto ; Tonelli, Guido ; Venturi, Andrea ; Verdini, Piero Giorgio ; Barone, Luciano ; Cavallari, Francesca ; D'imperio, Giulia ; Del Re, Daniele ; Diemoz, Marcella ; Gelli, Simone ; Jorda, Clara ; Longo, Egidio ; Margaroli, Fabrizio ; Meridiani, Paolo ; Micheli, Francesco ; Organtini, Giovanni ; Paramatti, Riccardo ; Preiato, Federico ; Rahatlou, Shahram ; Rovelli, Chiara ; Santanastasio, Francesco ; Soffi, Livia ; Traczyk, Piotr ; Amapane, Nicola ; Arcidiacono, Roberta ; Argiro, Stefano ; Arneodo, Michele ; Bellan, Riccardo ; Biino, Cristina ; Cartiglia, Nicolo ; Casasso, Stefano ; Costa, Marco ; Covarelli, Roberto ; Degano, Alessandro ; Demaria, Natale ; Finco, Linda ; Kiani, Bilal ; Mariotti, Chiara ; Maselli, Silvia ; Mazza, Giovanni ; Migliore, Ernesto ; Monaco, Vincenzo ; Musich, Marco ; Obertino, Maria Margherita ; Pacher, Luca ; Pastrone, Nadia ; Pelliccioni, Mario ; Pinna Angioni, Gian Luca ; Romero, Alessandra ; Ruspa, Marta ; Sacchi, Roberto ; Solano, Ada ; Staiano, Amedeo ; Belforte, Stefano ; Candelise, Vieri ; Casarsa, Massimo ; Cossutti, Fabio ; Della Ricca, Giuseppe ; Gobbo, Benigno ; La Licata, Chiara ; Marone, Matteo ; Schizzi, Andrea ; Umer, Tomo ; Zanetti, Anna ; Chang, Sunghyun ; Kropivnitskaya, Anna ; Nam, Soon-Kwon ; Kim, Dong Hee ; Kim, Gui Nyun ; Kim, Min Suk ; Kong, Dae Jung ; Lee, Sangeun ; Oh, Young Do ; Park, Hyangkyu ; Sakharov, Alexandre ; Son, Dong-Chul ; Kim, Hyunsoo ; Kim, Tae Jeong ; Ryu, Min Sang ; Song, Sanghyeon ; Choi, Suyong ; Go, Yeonju ; Gyun, Dooyeon ; Hong, Byung-Sik ; Jo, Mihee ; Kim, Hyunchul ; Kim, Yongsun ; Lee, Byounghoon ; Lee, Kisoo ; Lee, Kyong Sei ; Lee, Songkyo ; Park, Sung Keun ; Roh, Youn ; Yoo, Hwi Dong ; Choi, Minkyoo ; Kim, Ji Hyun ; Lee, Jason Sang Hun ; Park, Inkyu ; Ryu, Geonmo ; Choi, Young-Il ; Choi, Young Kyu ; Goh, Junghwan ; Kim, Donghyun ; Kwon, Eunhyang ; Lee, Jongseok ; Yu, Intae ; Juodagalvis, Andrius ; Vaitkus, Juozas ; Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin ; Komaragiri, Jyothsna Rani ; Md Ali, Mohd Adli Bin ; Mohamad Idris, Faridah ; Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin ; Casimiro Linares, Edgar ; Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto ; De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard ; Heredia-de La Cruz, Ivan ; Hernandez-Almada, Alberto ; Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo ; Ramirez Sanchez, Gabriel ; Sánchez Hernández, Alberto ; Carrillo Moreno, Salvador ; Vazquez Valencia, Fabiola ; Carpinteyro, Severiano ; Pedraza, Isabel ; Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto Antonio ; Morelos Pineda, Antonio ; Krofcheck, David ; Butler, Philip H ; Reucroft, Steve ; Ahmad, Ashfaq ; Ahmad, Muhammad ; Hassan, Qamar ; Hoorani, Hafeez R ; Khan, Wajid Ali ; Khurshid, Taimoor ; Shoaib, Muhammad ; Bialkowska, Helena ; Bluj, Michal ; Boimska, Bożena ; Frueboes, Tomasz ; Górski, Maciej ; Kazana, Malgorzata ; Nawrocki, Krzysztof ; Romanowska-Rybinska, Katarzyna ; Szleper, Michal ; Zalewski, Piotr ; Brona, Grzegorz ; Bunkowski, Karol ; Doroba, Krzysztof ; Kalinowski, Artur ; Konecki, Marcin ; Krolikowski, Jan ; Misiura, Maciej ; Olszewski, Michal ; Walczak, Marek ; Bargassa, Pedrame ; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, Cristóvão ; Di Francesco, Agostino ; Faccioli, Pietro ; Ferreira Parracho, Pedro Guilherme ; Gallinaro, Michele ; Lloret Iglesias, Lara ; Nguyen, Federico ; Rodrigues Antunes, Joao ; Seixas, Joao ; Toldaiev, Oleksii ; Vadruccio, Daniele ; Varela, Joao ; Vischia, Pietro ; Afanasiev, Serguei ; Bunin, Pavel ; Gavrilenko, Mikhail ; Golutvin, Igor ; Gorbunov, Ilya ; Kamenev, Alexey ; Karjavin, Vladimir ; Konoplyanikov, Viktor ; Lanev, Alexander ; Malakhov, Alexander ; Matveev, Viktor ; Moisenz, Petr ; Palichik, Vladimir ; Perelygin, Victor ; Shmatov, Sergey ; Shulha, Siarhei ; Skatchkov, Nikolai ; Smirnov, Vitaly ; Toriashvili, Tengizi ; Zarubin, Anatoli ; Golovtsov, Victor ; Ivanov, Yury ; Kim, Victor ; Kuznetsova, Ekaterina ; Levchenko, Petr ; Murzin, Victor ; Oreshkin, Vadim ; Smirnov, Igor ; Sulimov, Valentin ; Uvarov, Lev ; Vavilov, Sergey ; Vorobyev, Alexey ; Andreev, Yuri ; Dermenev, Alexander ; Gninenko, Sergei ; Golubev, Nikolai ; Karneyeu, Anton ; Kirsanov, Mikhail ; Krasnikov, Nikolai ; Pashenkov, Anatoli ; Tlisov, Danila ; Toropin, Alexander ; Epshteyn, Vladimir ; Gavrilov, Vladimir ; Lychkovskaya, Natalia ; Popov, Vladimir ; Pozdnyakov, Ivan ; Safronov, Grigory ; Spiridonov, Alexander ; Vlasov, Evgueni ; Zhokin, Alexander ; Andreev, Vladimir ; Azarkin, Maksim ; Dremin, Igor ; Kirakosyan, Martin ; Leonidov, Andrey ; Mesyats, Gennady ; Rusakov, Sergey V ; Vinogradov, Alexey ; Baskakov, Alexey ; Belyaev, Andrey ; Boos, Edouard ; Dubinin, Mikhail ; Dudko, Lev ; Ershov, Alexander ; Gribushin, Andrey ; Klyukhin, Vyacheslav ; Kodolova, Olga ; Lokhtin, Igor ; Myagkov, Igor ; Obraztsov, Stepan ; Petrushanko, Sergey ; Savrin, Viktor ; Snigirev, Alexander ; Azhgirey, Igor ; Bayshev, Igor ; Bitioukov, Sergei ; Kachanov, Vassili ; Kalinin, Alexey ; Konstantinov, Dmitri ; Krychkine, Victor ; Petrov, Vladimir ; Ryutin, Roman ; Sobol, Andrei ; Tourtchanovitch, Leonid ; Troshin, Sergey ; Tyurin, Nikolay ; Uzunian, Andrey ; Volkov, Alexey ; Adzic, Petar ; Ekmedzic, Marko ; Milosevic, Jovan ; Rekovic, Vladimir ; Alcaraz Maestre, Juan ; Calvo, Enrique ; Cerrada, Marcos ; Chamizo Llatas, Maria ; Colino, Nicanor ; De La Cruz, Begona ; Delgado Peris, Antonio ; Domínguez Vázquez, Daniel ; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto ; Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina ; Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo ; Flix, Jose ; Fouz, Maria Cruz ; Garcia-Abia, Pablo ; Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar ; Goy Lopez, Silvia ; Hernandez, Jose M ; Josa, Maria Isabel ; Navarro De Martino, Eduardo ; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio María ; Puerta Pelayo, Jesus ; Quintario Olmeda, Adrián ; Redondo, Ignacio ; Romero, Luciano ; Senghi Soares, Mara ; Albajar, Carmen ; de Trocóniz, Jorge F ; Missiroli, Marino ; Moran, Dermot ; Brun, Hugues ; Cuevas, Javier ; Fernandez Menendez, Javier ; Folgueras, Santiago ; Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro ; Palencia Cortezon, Enrique ; Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel ; Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres ; Cabrillo, Iban Jose ; Calderon, Alicia ; Castiñeiras De Saa, Juan Ramon ; Duarte Campderros, Jordi ; Fernandez, Marcos ; Gomez, Gervasio ; Graziano, Alberto ; Lopez Virto, Amparo ; Marco, Jesus ; Marco, Rafael ; Martinez Rivero, Celso ; Matorras, Francisco ; Munoz Sanchez, Francisca Javiela ; Piedra Gomez, Jonatan ; Rodrigo, Teresa ; Rodríguez-Marrero, Ana Yaiza ; Ruiz-Jimeno, Alberto ; Scodellaro, Luca ; Vila, Ivan ; Vilar Cortabitarte, Rocio ; Abbaneo, Duccio ; Auffray, Etiennette ; Auzinger, Georg ; Bachtis, Michail ; Baillon, Paul ; Ball, Austin ; Barney, David ; Benaglia, Andrea ; Bendavid, Joshua ; Benhabib, Lamia ; Benitez, Jose F ; Berruti, Gaia Maria ; Bloch, Philippe ; Bocci, Andrea ; Bonato, Alessio ; Botta, Cristina ; Breuker, Horst ; Camporesi, Tiziano ; Cerminara, Gianluca ; Colafranceschi, Stefano ; D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria ; D'Enterria, David ; Dabrowski, Anne ; Daponte, Vincenzo ; David Tinoco Mendes, Andre ; De Gruttola, Michele ; De Guio, Federico ; De Roeck, Albert ; De Visscher, Simon ; Di Marco, Emanuele ; Dobson, Marc ; Dordevic, Milos ; Dupont-Sagorin, Niels ; Elliott-Peisert, Anna ; Franzoni, Giovanni ; Funk, Wolfgang ; Gigi, Dominique ; Gill, Karl ; Giordano, Domenico ; Girone, Maria ; Glege, Frank ; Guida, Roberto ; Gundacker, Stefan ; Guthoff, Moritz ; Hammer, Josef ; Hansen, Magnus ; Harris, Philip ; Hegeman, Jeroen ; Innocente, Vincenzo ; Janot, Patrick ; Kortelainen, Matti J ; Kousouris, Konstantinos ; Krajczar, Krisztian ; Lecoq, Paul ; Lourenco, Carlos ; Magini, Nicolo ; Malgeri, Luca ; Mannelli, Marcello ; Marrouche, Jad ; Martelli, Arabella ; Masetti, Lorenzo ; Meijers, Frans ; Mersi, Stefano ; Meschi, Emilio ; Moortgat, Filip ; Morovic, Srecko ; Mulders, Martijn ; Nemallapudi, Mythra Varun ; Neugebauer, Hannes ; Orfanelli, Styliani ; Orsini, Luciano ; Pape, Luc ; Perez, Emmanuelle ; Petrilli, Achille ; Petrucciani, Giovanni ; Pfeiffer, Andreas ; Piparo, Danilo ; Racz, Attila ; Rolandi, Gigi ; Rovere, Marco ; Ruan, Manqi ; Sakulin, Hannes ; Schäfer, Christoph ; Schwick, Christoph ; Sharma, Archana ; Silva, Pedro ; Simon, Michal ; Sphicas, Paraskevas ; Spiga, Daniele ; Steggemann, Jan ; Stieger, Benjamin ; Stoye, Markus ; Takahashi, Yuta ; Treille, Daniel ; Tsirou, Andromachi ; Veres, Gabor Istvan ; Wardle, Nicholas ; Wöhri, Hermine Katharina ; Zagoździńska, Agnieszka ; Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich ; Bertl, Willi ; Deiters, Konrad ; Erdmann, Wolfram ; Horisberger, Roland ; Ingram, Quentin ; Kaestli, Hans-Christian ; Kotlinski, Danek ; Langenegger, Urs ; Rohe, Tilman ; Bachmair, Felix ; Bäni, Lukas ; Bianchini, Lorenzo ; Buchmann, Marco-Andrea ; Casal, Bruno ; Dissertori, Günther ; Dittmar, Michael ; Donegà, Mauro ; Dünser, Marc ; Eller, Philipp ; Grab, Christoph ; Heidegger, Constantin ; Hits, Dmitry ; Hoss, Jan ; Kasieczka, Gregor ; Lustermann, Werner ; Mangano, Boris ; Marini, Andrea Carlo ; Marionneau, Matthieu ; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Pablo ; Masciovecchio, Mario ; Meister, Daniel ; Mohr, Niklas ; Musella, Pasquale ; Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca ; Pandolfi, Francesco ; Pata, Joosep ; Pauss, Felicitas ; Perrozzi, Luca ; Peruzzi, Marco ; Quittnat, Milena ; Rossini, Marco ; Starodumov, Andrei ; Takahashi, Maiko ; Tavolaro, Vittorio Raoul ; Theofilatos, Konstantinos ; Wallny, Rainer ; Weber, Hannsjoerg Artur ; Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe ; Amsler, Claude ; Canelli, Maria Florencia ; Chiochia, Vincenzo ; De Cosa, Annapaola ; Galloni, Camilla ; Hinzmann, Andreas ; Hreus, Tomas ; Kilminster, Benjamin ; Lange, Clemens ; Ngadiuba, Jennifer ; Pinna, Deborah ; Robmann, Peter ; Ronga, Frederic Jean ; Salerno, Daniel ; Taroni, Silvia ; Yang, Yong ; Cardaci, Marco ; Chen, Kuan-Hsin ; Doan, Thi Hien ; Ferro, Cristina ; Konyushikhin, Maxim ; Kuo, Chia-Ming ; Lin, Willis ; Lu, Yun-Ju ; Volpe, Roberta ; Yu, Shin-Shan ; Chang, Paoti ; Chang, You-Hao ; Chang, Yu-Wei ; Chao, Yuan ; Chen, Kai-Feng ; Chen, Po-Hsun ; Dietz, Charles ; Grundler, Ulysses ; Hou, George Wei-Shu ; Hsiung, Yee ; Liu, Yueh-Feng ; Lu, Rong-Shyang ; Miñano Moya, Mercedes ; Petrakou, Eleni ; Tsai, Jui-fa ; Tzeng, Yeng-Ming ; Wilken, Rachel ; Asavapibhop, Burin ; Singh, Gurpreet ; Srimanobhas, Norraphat ; Suwonjandee, Narumon ; Adiguzel, Aytul ; Cerci, Salim ; Dozen, Candan ; Girgis, Semiray ; Gokbulut, Gul ; Guler, Yalcin ; Gurpinar, Emine ; Hos, Ilknur ; Kangal, Evrim Ersin ; Kayis Topaksu, Aysel ; Onengut, Gulsen ; Ozdemir, Kadri ; Ozturk, Sertac ; Tali, Bayram ; Topakli, Huseyin ; Vergili, Mehmet ; Zorbilmez, Caglar ; Akin, Ilina Vasileva ; Bilin, Bugra ; Bilmis, Selcuk ; Isildak, Bora ; Karapinar, Guler ; Surat, Ugur Emrah ; Yalvac, Metin ; Zeyrek, Mehmet ; Albayrak, Elif Asli ; Gülmez, Erhan ; Kaya, Mithat ; Kaya, Ozlem ; Yetkin, Taylan ; Cankocak, Kerem ; Günaydin, Yusuf Oguzhan ; Vardarlı, Fuat Ilkehan ; Grynyov, Boris ; Levchuk, Leonid ; Sorokin, Pavel ; Aggleton, Robin ; Ball, Fionn ; Beck, Lana ; Brooke, James John ; Clement, Emyr ; Cussans, David ; Flacher, Henning ; Goldstein, Joel ; Grimes, Mark ; Heath, Greg P ; Heath, Helen F ; Jacob, Jeson ; Kreczko, Lukasz ; Lucas, Chris ; Meng, Zhaoxia ; Newbold, Dave M ; Paramesvaran, Sudarshan ; Poll, Anthony ; Sakuma, Tai ; Seif El Nasr-storey, Sarah ; Senkin, Sergey ; Smith, Dominic ; Smith, Vincent J ; Bell, Ken W ; Belyaev, Alexander ; Brew, Christopher ; Brown, Robert M ; Cockerill, David JA ; Coughlan, John A ; Harder, Kristian ; Harper, Sam ; Olaiya, Emmanuel ; Petyt, David ; Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire ; Thea, Alessandro ; Tomalin, Ian R ; Williams, Thomas ; Womersley, William John ; Worm, Steven ; Baber, Mark ; Bainbridge, Robert ; Buchmuller, Oliver ; Bundock, Aaron ; Burton, Darren ; Citron, Matthew ; Colling, David ; Corpe, Louie ; Cripps, Nicholas ; Dauncey, Paul ; Davies, Gavin ; De Wit, Adinda ; Della Negra, Michel ; Dunne, Patrick ; Elwood, Adam ; Ferguson, William ; Fulcher, Jonathan ; Futyan, David ; Hall, Geoffrey ; Iles, Gregory ; Karapostoli, Georgia ; Kenzie, Matthew ; Lane, Rebecca ; Lucas, Robyn ; Lyons, Louis ; Magnan, Anne-Marie ; Malik, Sarah ; Nash, Jordan ; Nikitenko, Alexander ; Pela, Joao ; Pesaresi, Mark ; Petridis, Konstantinos ; Raymond, David Mark ; Richards, Alexander ; Rose, Andrew ; Seez, Christopher ; Sharp, Peter ; Tapper, Alexander ; Uchida, Kirika ; Vazquez Acosta, Monica ; Virdee, Tejinder ; Zenz, Seth Conrad ; Cole, Joanne ; Hobson, Peter R ; Khan, Akram ; Kyberd, Paul ; Leggat, Duncan ; Leslie, Dawn ; Reid, Ivan ; Symonds, Philip ; Teodorescu, Liliana ; Turner, Mark ; Dittmann, Jay ; Hatakeyama, Kenichi ; Kasmi, Azeddine ; Liu, Hongxuan ; Pastika, Nathaniel ; Scarborough, Tara ; Charaf, Otman ; Cooper, Seth ; Henderson, Conor ; Rumerio, Paolo ; Avetisyan, Aram ; Bose, Tulika ; Fantasia, Cory ; Gastler, Daniel ; Lawson, Philip ; Rankin, Dylan ; Richardson, Clint ; Rohlf, James ; St John, Jason ; Sulak, Lawrence ; Zou, David ; Alimena, Juliette ; Berry, Edmund ; Bhattacharya, Saptaparna ; Cutts, David ; Demiragli, Zeynep ; Dhingra, Nitish ; Ferapontov, Alexey ; Garabedian, Alex ; Heintz, Ulrich ; Laird, Edward ; Landsberg, Greg ; Mao, Zaixing ; Narain, Meenakshi ; Sagir, Sinan ; Sinthuprasith, Tutanon ; Breedon, Richard ; Breto, Guillermo ; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Manuel ; Chauhan, Sushil ; Chertok, Maxwell ; Conway, John ; Conway, Rylan ; Cox, Peter Timothy ; Erbacher, Robin ; Gardner, Michael ; Ko, Winston ; Lander, Richard ; Mulhearn, Michael ; Pellett, Dave ; Pilot, Justin ; Ricci-Tam, Francesca ; Shalhout, Shalhout ; Smith, John ; Squires, Michael ; Stolp, Dustin ; Tripathi, Mani ; Wilbur, Scott ; Yohay, Rachel ; Cousins, Robert ; Everaerts, Pieter ; Farrell, Chris ; Hauser, Jay ; Ignatenko, Mikhail ; Rakness, Gregory ; Saltzberg, David ; Takasugi, Eric ; Valuev, Vyacheslav ; Weber, Matthias ; Burt, Kira ; Clare, Robert ; Ellison, John Anthony ; Gary, J William ; Hanson, Gail ; Heilman, Jesse ; Ivova Rikova, Mirena ; Jandir, Pawandeep ; Kennedy, Elizabeth ; Lacroix, Florent ; Long, Owen Rosser ; Luthra, Arun ; Malberti, Martina ; Olmedo Negrete, Manuel ; Shrinivas, Amithabh ; Sumowidagdo, Suharyo ; Wei, Hua ; Wimpenny, Stephen ; Branson, James G ; Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto ; Cittolin, Sergio ; D'Agnolo, Raffaele Tito ; Holzner, André ; Kelley, Ryan ; Klein, Daniel ; Kovalskyi, Dmytro ; Letts, James ; Macneill, Ian ; Olivito, Dominick ; Padhi, Sanjay ; Palmer, Christopher ; Pieri, Marco ; Sani, Matteo ; Sharma, Vivek ; Simon, Sean ; Tadel, Matevz ; Tu, Yanjun ; Vartak, Adish ; Wasserbaech, Steven ; Welke, Charles ; Würthwein, Frank ; Yagil, Avraham ; Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni ; Barge, Derek ; Bradmiller-Feld, John ; Campagnari, Claudio ; Dishaw, Adam ; Dutta, Valentina ; Flowers, Kristen ; Franco Sevilla, Manuel ; Geffert, Paul ; George, Christopher ; Golf, Frank ; Gouskos, Loukas ; Gran, Jason ; Incandela, Joe ; Justus, Christopher ; Mccoll, Nickolas ; Mullin, Sam Daniel ; Richman, Jeffrey ; Stuart, David ; To, Wing ; West, Christopher ; Yoo, Jaehyeok ; Anderson, Dustin ; Apresyan, Artur ; Bornheim, Adolf ; Bunn, Julian ; Chen, Yi ; Duarte, Javier ; Mott, Alexander ; Newman, Harvey B ; Pena, Cristian ; Pierini, Maurizio ; Spiropulu, Maria ; Vlimant, Jean-Roch ; Xie, Si ; Zhu, Ren-Yuan ; Azzolini, Virginia ; Calamba, Aristotle ; Carlson, Benjamin ; Ferguson, Thomas ; Iiyama, Yutaro ; Paulini, Manfred ; Russ, James ; Sun, Menglei ; Vogel, Helmut ; Vorobiev, Igor ; Cumalat, John Perry ; Ford, William T ; Gaz, Alessandro ; Jensen, Frank ; Johnson, Andrew ; Krohn, Michael ; Mulholland, Troy ; Nauenberg, Uriel ; Smith, James ; Stenson, Kevin ; Wagner, Stephen Robert ; Alexander, James ; Chatterjee, Avishek ; Chaves, Jorge ; Chu, Jennifer ; Dittmer, Susan ; Eggert, Nicholas ; Mirman, Nathan ; Nicolas Kaufman, Gala ; Patterson, Juliet Ritchie ; Ryd, Anders ; Skinnari, Louise ; Sun, Werner ; Tan, Shao Min ; Teo, Wee Don ; Thom, Julia ; Thompson, Joshua ; Tucker, Jordan ; Weng, Yao ; Wittich, Peter ; Abdullin, Salavat ; Albrow, Michael ; Anderson, Jacob ; Apollinari, Giorgio ; Bauerdick, Lothar AT ; Beretvas, Andrew ; Berryhill, Jeffrey ; Bhat, Pushpalatha C ; Bolla, Gino ; Burkett, Kevin ; Butler, Joel Nathan ; Cheung, Harry ; Chlebana, Frank ; Cihangir, Selcuk ; Elvira, Victor Daniel ; Fisk, Ian ; Freeman, Jim ; Gottschalk, Erik ; Gray, Lindsey ; Green, Dan ; Grünendahl, Stefan ; Gutsche, Oliver ; Hanlon, Jim ; Hare, Daryl ; Harris, Robert M ; Hirschauer, James ; Hooberman, Benjamin ; Hu, Zhen ; Jindariani, Sergo ; Johnson, Marvin ; Joshi, Umesh ; Jung, Andreas Werner ; Klima, Boaz ; Kreis, Benjamin ; Kwan, Simon ; Lammel, Stephan ; Linacre, Jacob ; Lincoln, Don ; Lipton, Ron ; Liu, Tiehui ; Lopes De Sá, Rafael ; Lykken, Joseph ; Maeshima, Kaori ; Marraffino, John Michael ; Martinez Outschoorn, Verena Ingrid ; Maruyama, Sho ; Mason, David ; McBride, Patricia ; Merkel, Petra ; Mishra, Kalanand ; Mrenna, Stephen ; Nahn, Steve ; Newman-Holmes, Catherine ; O'Dell, Vivian ; Prokofyev, Oleg ; Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth ; Soha, Aron ; Spalding, William J ; Spiegel, Leonard ; Taylor, Lucas ; Tkaczyk, Slawek ; Tran, Nhan Viet ; Uplegger, Lorenzo ; Vaandering, Eric Wayne ; Vernieri, Caterina ; Verzocchi, Marco ; Vidal, Richard ; Whitbeck, Andrew ; Yang, Fan ; Yin, Hang ; Acosta, Darin ; Avery, Paul ; Bortignon, Pierluigi ; Bourilkov, Dimitri ; Carnes, Andrew ; Carver, Matthew ; Curry, David ; Das, Souvik ; Di Giovanni, Gian Piero ; Field, Richard D ; Fisher, Matthew ; Furic, Ivan-Kresimir ; Hugon, Justin ; Konigsberg, Jacobo ; Korytov, Andrey ; Kypreos, Theodore ; Low, Jia Fu ; Ma, Peisen ; Matchev, Konstantin ; Mei, Hualin ; Milenovic, Predrag ; Mitselmakher, Guenakh ; Muniz, Lana ; Rank, Douglas ; Rinkevicius, Aurelijus ; Shchutska, Lesya ; Snowball, Matthew ; Sperka, David ; Wang, Sean-jiun ; Yelton, John ; Hewamanage, Samantha ; Linn, Stephan ; Markowitz, Pete ; Martinez, German ; Rodriguez, Jorge Luis ; Ackert, Andrew ; Adams, Jordon Rowe ; Adams, Todd ; Askew, Andrew ; Bochenek, Joseph ; Diamond, Brendan ; Haas, Jeff ; Hagopian, Sharon ; Hagopian, Vasken ; Johnson, Kurtis F ; Khatiwada, Ajeeta ; Prosper, Harrison ; Veeraraghavan, Venkatesh ; Weinberg, Marc ; Bhopatkar, Vallary ; Hohlmann, Marcus ; Kalakhety, Himali ; Mareskas-palcek, Darren ; Roy, Titas ; Yumiceva, Francisco ; Adams, Mark Raymond ; Apanasevich, Leonard ; Berry, Douglas ; Betts, Russell Richard ; Bucinskaite, Inga ; Cavanaugh, Richard ; Evdokimov, Olga ; Gauthier, Lucie ; Gerber, Cecilia Elena ; Hofman, David Jonathan ; Kurt, Pelin ; O'Brien, Christine ; Sandoval Gonzalez, Irving Daniel ; Silkworth, Christopher ; Turner, Paul ; Varelas, Nikos ; Wu, Zhenbin ; Zakaria, Mohammed ; Bilki, Burak ; Clarida, Warren ; Dilsiz, Kamuran ; Gandrajula, Reddy Pratap ; Haytmyradov, Maksat ; Khristenko, Viktor ; Merlo, Jean-Pierre ; Mermerkaya, Hamit ; Mestvirishvili, Alexi ; Moeller, Anthony ; Nachtman, Jane ; Ogul, Hasan ; Onel, Yasar ; Ozok, Ferhat ; Penzo, Aldo ; Sen, Sercan ; Snyder, Christina ; Tan, Ping ; Tiras, Emrah ; Wetzel, James ; Yi, Kai ; Anderson, Ian ; Barnett, Bruce Arnold ; Blumenfeld, Barry ; Fehling, David ; Feng, Lei ; Gritsan, Andrei ; Maksimovic, Petar ; Martin, Christopher ; Nash, Kevin ; Osherson, Marc ; Swartz, Morris ; Xiao, Meng ; Xin, Yongjie ; Baringer, Philip ; Bean, Alice ; Benelli, Gabriele ; Bruner, Christopher ; Gray, Julia ; Kenny III, Raymond Patrick ; Majumder, Devdatta ; Malek, Magdalena ; Murray, Michael ; Noonan, Daniel ; Sanders, Stephen ; Stringer, Robert ; Wang, Quan ; Wood, Jeffrey Scott ; Chakaberia, Irakli ; Ivanov, Andrew ; Kaadze, Ketino ; Khalil, Sadia ; Makouski, Mikhail ; Maravin, Yurii ; Saini, Lovedeep Kaur ; Skhirtladze, Nikoloz ; Svintradze, Irakli ; Lange, David ; Rebassoo, Finn ; Wright, Douglas ; Anelli, Christopher ; Baden, Drew ; Baron, Owen ; Belloni, Alberto ; Calvert, Brian ; Eno, Sarah Catherine ; Gomez, Jaime ; Hadley, Nicholas John ; Jabeen, Shabnam ; Kellogg, Richard G ; Kolberg, Ted ; Lu, Ying ; Mignerey, Alice ; Pedro, Kevin ; Shin, Young Ho ; Skuja, Andris ; Tonjes, Marguerite ; Tonwar, Suresh C ; Apyan, Aram ; Barbieri, Richard ; Baty, Austin ; Bierwagen, Katharina ; Brandt, Stephanie ; Busza, Wit ; Cali, Ivan Amos ; Di Matteo, Leonardo ; Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo ; Goncharov, Maxim ; Gulhan, Doga ; Klute, Markus ; Lai, Yue Shi ; Lee, Yen-Jie ; Levin, Andrew ; Luckey, Paul David ; Mcginn, Christopher ; Niu, Xinmei ; Paus, Christoph ; Ralph, Duncan ; Roland, Christof ; Roland, Gunther ; Stephans, George ; Sumorok, Konstanty ; Varma, Mukund ; Velicanu, Dragos ; Veverka, Jan ; Wang, Jing ; Wang, Ta-Wei ; Wyslouch, Bolek ; Yang, Mingming ; Zhukova, Victoria ; Dahmes, Bryan ; Finkel, Alexey ; Gude, Alexander ; Kao, Shih-Chuan ; Klapoetke, Kevin ; Kubota, Yuichi ; Mans, Jeremy ; Nourbakhsh, Shervin ; Rusack, Roger ; Tambe, Norbert ; Turkewitz, Jared ; Acosta, John Gabriel ; Oliveros, Sandra ; Avdeeva, Ekaterina ; Bloom, Kenneth ; Bose, Suvadeep ; Claes, Daniel R ; Dominguez, Aaron ; Fangmeier, Caleb ; Gonzalez Suarez, Rebeca ; Kamalieddin, Rami ; Keller, Jason ; Knowlton, Dan ; Kravchenko, Ilya ; Lazo-Flores, Jose ; Meier, Frank ; Monroy, Jose ; Ratnikov, Fedor ; Siado, Joaquin Emilo ; Snow, Gregory R ; Alyari, Maral ; Dolen, James ; George, Jimin ; Godshalk, Andrew ; Iashvili, Ia ; Kaisen, Josh ; Kharchilava, Avto ; Kumar, Ashish ; Rappoccio, Salvatore ; Alverson, George ; Barberis, Emanuela ; Baumgartel, Darin ; Chasco, Matthew ; Hortiangtham, Apichart ; Massironi, Andrea ; Morse, David Michael ; Nash, David ; Orimoto, Toyoko ; Teixeira De Lima, Rafael ; Trocino, Daniele ; Wang, Ren-Jie ; Wood, Darien ; Zhang, Jinzhong ; Hahn, Kristan Allan ; Kubik, Andrew ; Mucia, Nicholas ; Odell, Nathaniel ; Pollack, Brian ; Pozdnyakov, Andrey ; Schmitt, Michael Henry ; Stoynev, Stoyan ; Sung, Kevin ; Trovato, Marco ; Velasco, Mayda ; Won, Steven ; Brinkerhoff, Andrew ; Dev, Nabarun ; Hildreth, Michael ; Jessop, Colin ; Karmgard, Daniel John ; Kellams, Nathan ; Lannon, Kevin ; Lynch, Sean ; Marinelli, Nancy ; Meng, Fanbo ; Mueller, Charles ; Musienko, Yuri ; Pearson, Tessa ; Planer, Michael ; Ruchti, Randy ; Smith, Geoffrey ; Valls, Nil ; Wayne, Mitchell ; Wolf, Matthias ; Woodard, Anna ; Antonelli, Louis ; Brinson, Jessica ; Bylsma, Ben ; Durkin, Lloyd Stanley ; Flowers, Sean ; Hart, Andrew ; Hill, Christopher ; Hughes, Richard ; Kotov, Khristian ; Ling, Ta-Yung ; Liu, Bingxuan ; Luo, Wuming ; Puigh, Darren ; Rodenburg, Marissa ; Winer, Brian L ; Wulsin, Howard Wells ; Driga, Olga ; Elmer, Peter ; Hardenbrook, Joshua ; Hebda, Philip ; Koay, Sue Ann ; Lujan, Paul ; Marlow, Daniel ; Medvedeva, Tatiana ; Mooney, Michael ; Olsen, James ; Piroué, Pierre ; Quan, Xiaohang ; Saka, Halil ; Stickland, David ; Tully, Christopher ; Werner, Jeremy Scott ; Zuranski, Andrzej ; Barnes, Virgil E ; Benedetti, Daniele ; Bortoletto, Daniela ; Gutay, Laszlo ; Jha, Manoj ; Jones, Matthew ; Jung, Kurt ; Kress, Matthew ; Leonardo, Nuno ; Miller, David Harry ; Neumeister, Norbert ; Primavera, Federica ; Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles ; Shi, Xin ; Shipsey, Ian ; Silvers, David ; Sun, Jian ; Svyatkovskiy, Alexey ; Wang, Fuqiang ; Xie, Wei ; Xu, Lingshan ; Zablocki, Jakub ; Parashar, Neeti ; Stupak, John ; Adair, Antony ; Akgun, Bora ; Chen, Zhenyu ; Ecklund, Karl Matthew ; Geurts, Frank J.M. ; Li, Wei ; Michlin, Benjamin ; Northup, Michael ; Padley, Brian Paul ; Redjimi, Radia ; Roberts, Jay ; Rorie, Jamal ; Tu, Zhoudunming ; Zabel, James ; Betchart, Burton ; Bodek, Arie ; de Barbaro, Pawel ; Demina, Regina ; Eshaq, Yossof ; Ferbel, Thomas ; Galanti, Mario ; Garcia-Bellido, Aran ; Goldenzweig, Pablo ; Han, Jiyeon ; Harel, Amnon ; Hindrichs, Otto ; Khukhunaishvili, Aleko ; Petrillo, Gianluca ; Verzetti, Mauro ; Vishnevskiy, Dmitry ; Demortier, Luc ; Arora, Sanjay ; Barker, Anthony ; Chou, John Paul ; Contreras-Campana, Christian ; Contreras-Campana, Emmanuel ; Duggan, Daniel ; Ferencek, Dinko ; Gershtein, Yuri ; Gray, Richard ; Halkiadakis, Eva ; Hidas, Dean ; Hughes, Elliot ; Kaplan, Steven ; Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Raghav ; Lath, Amitabh ; Panwalkar, Shruti ; Park, Michael ; Salur, Sevil ; Schnetzer, Steve ; Sheffield, David ; Somalwar, Sunil ; Stone, Robert ; Thomas, Scott ; Thomassen, Peter ; Walker, Matthew ; Foerster, Mark ; Rose, Keith ; Spanier, Stefan ; York, Andrew ; Bouhali, Othmane ; Castaneda Hernandez, Alfredo ; Dalchenko, Mykhailo ; De Mattia, Marco ; Delgado, Andrea ; Dildick, Sven ; Eusebi, Ricardo ; Flanagan, Will ; Gilmore, Jason ; Kamon, Teruki ; Krutelyov, Vyacheslav ; Montalvo, Roy ; Mueller, Ryan ; Osipenkov, Ilya ; Pakhotin, Yuriy ; Patel, Rishi ; Perloff, Alexx ; Roe, Jeffrey ; Rose, Anthony ; Safonov, Alexei ; Suarez, Indara ; Tatarinov, Aysen ; Ulmer, Keith ; Akchurin, Nural ; Cowden, Christopher ; Damgov, Jordan ; Dragoiu, Cosmin ; Dudero, Phillip Russell ; Faulkner, James ; Kovitanggoon, Kittikul ; Kunori, Shuichi ; Lamichhane, Kamal ; Lee, Sung Won ; Libeiro, Terence ; Undleeb, Sonaina ; Volobouev, Igor ; Appelt, Eric ; Delannoy, And |