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Number of items: 376.

Tamhane, Tushar V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kamachi Mudali, U. ; Natarajan, R. ; Patil, R. N. (2012) Axial mixing in annular centrifugal extractors Chemical Engineering Journal, 207-208 . pp. 462-472. ISSN 1385-8947

Ganguli, Arijit A. ; Gudekar, Ajitkumar S. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2012) A novel method to improve the efficiency of a cooking device via thermal insulation The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 90 (5). pp. 1212-1223. ISSN 0008-4034

Tamhane, T. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Mudali, Kamachi ; Natarajan, R. ; Patil, R. N. (2012) Measurement of drop size characteristics in annular centrifugal extractors using phase Doppler particle analyzer (PDPA) Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90 (8). pp. 985-997. ISSN 0263-8762

Manna, Subhankar ; Karthik, Phani ; Mukherjee, Abhishek ; Banerjee, Joydipta ; Roy, Saswati B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2012) Study of calcinations of ammonium diuranate at different temperatures Journal of Nuclear Materials, 426 (1-3). pp. 229-232. ISSN 0022-3115

Kalaga, Dinesh V. ; Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Dalvi, Sameer V. ; Nandkumar, K. (2012) Liquid phase axial mixing in solid–liquid circulating multistage fluidized bed: CFD modeling and RTD measurements Chemical Engineering Journal, 191 . pp. 475-490. ISSN 1385-8947

Gandhi, Mayurkumar S. ; Ganguli, Arijit A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Vijayan, Pallippattu K. (2012) CFD simulation for steam distribution in header and tube assemblies Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90 (4). pp. 487-506. ISSN 0263-8762

Shah, Manish S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kalsi, Avtar S. ; Prasad, C. S. R. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2012) Analysis of flow through an orifice meter: CFD simulation Chemical Engineering Science, 71 . pp. 300-309. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Patel, Shirish B. ; Singhal, Rekha S. ; Bhide, Govind. K. ; Mariwala, Kishore V. ; Devidayal, Bhagwat A. ; Danao, Sanjay P. ; Gudekar, Ajitkumar S. ; Shinde, Yogesh H. (2012) Development of efficient designs of cooking systems. I. experimental Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (4). pp. 1878-1896. ISSN 0888-5885

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Patel, Shirish B. ; Singhal, Rekha S. ; Bhide, Govind.K. ; Mariwala, Kishore V. ; Devidayal, Bhagwat A. ; Danao, Sanjay P. ; Ganguli, Arijit A. ; Gudekar, Ajitkumar S. (2012) Development of efficient designs of cooking systems. II. computational fluid dynamics and optimization Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (4). pp. 1897-1922. ISSN 0888-5885

Singhal, Rekha S. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Patel, Shirish B. ; Danao, Sanjay P. ; Shinde, Yogesh H. ; Gudekar, Ajitkumar S. ; Bineesh, Nisha P. ; Tarade, Kavita M. (2012) Development of efficient designs of cooking systems. III. kinetics of cooking and quality of cooked food, including nutrients, anti-nutrients, taste, and flavor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (4). pp. 1923-1937. ISSN 0888-5885

Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2011) Design and selection of sparger for bubble column reactor. Part I. Performance of different spargers Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89 (10). pp. 1972-1985. ISSN 0263-8762

Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2011) Design and selection of sparger for bubble column reactor. Part II. Optimum sparger type and design Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89 (10). pp. 1986-1995. ISSN 0263-8762

Ganguli, Arijit A. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Vijayan, Pallippattu K. (2011) Hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of a centrally heated cylindrical enclosure: CFD simulations and experimental measurements Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89 (10). pp. 2024-2037. ISSN 0263-8762

Panse, S. V. ; Jadhav, A. S. ; Gudekar, A. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2011) Inclined solar chimney for power production Energy Conversion and Management, 52 (10). pp. 3096-3102. ISSN 0196-8904

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Rane, Chinmay V. ; Murthy, B. N. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2011) CFD simulation of stirred tanks: comparison of turbulence models (Part II: Axial flow impellers, multiple impellers and multiphase dispersions) The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89 (4). pp. 754-816. ISSN 0008-4034

Dasgupta, Kinshuk ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Banerjee, Srikumar (2011) Fluidized bed synthesis of carbon nanotubes - a review Chemical Engineering Journal, 171 (3). pp. 841-869. ISSN 1385-8947

Sathe, Mayur J. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Khan, Zoheb ; Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2011) Investigation of flow structures and transport phenomena in bubble columns using particle image velocimetry and miniature pressure sensors Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (14). pp. 3087-3107. ISSN 0009-2509

Gandhi, Mayurkumar S. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Vijayan, Pallippattu K. (2011) Two phase natural convection: CFD simulations and PIV measurement Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (14). pp. 3152-3171. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Rane, Chinmay V. ; Murthy, B. N. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2011) CFD simulation of stirred tanks: comparison of turbulence models. Part I: Radial flow impellers The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89 (1). pp. 23-82. ISSN 0008-4034

Ghatage, Swapnil V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2011) Optimisation of vertical axis wind turbine: CFD simulations and experimental measurements The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering . ISSN 0008-4034

Danao, S. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (2011) Parametric study of optical and thermal efficiency of solar cooker Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 77 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 0370-0046

Danao, S. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (2011) Solar cooking: optimization of paraboloidal concentrator Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 77 . pp. 1-16. ISSN 0370-0046

Kulkarni, Rohit P. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kataria, Kamal L. ; Tandon, Deepak ; Kumar, Man Mohan (2010) Visbreaking studies in the presence of soaker internals Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (22). pp. 11221-11231. ISSN 0888-5885

Gandhi, Ankit B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) Unified correlation for overall gas hold-up in bubble column reactors for various gas-liquid systems using hybrid genetic algorithm-support vector regression technique The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 88 (5). pp. 758-776. ISSN 0008-4034

Dahikar, Sachin K. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) Investigation of flow and temperature patterns in direct contact condensation using PIV, PLIF and CFD Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (16). pp. 4606-4620. ISSN 0009-2509

Ganguli, Arijit A. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyestharaj B. ; Vijayan, Pallippattu K. (2010) Hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of passive decay heat removal systems: CFD simulations and experimental measurements Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (11). pp. 3457-3473. ISSN 0009-2509

Gandhi, Ankit B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) Estimation of heat transfer coefficient in bubble column reactors using support vector regression Chemical Engineering Journal, 160 (1). pp. 302-310. ISSN 1385-8947

Sathe, Mayur J. ; Thaker, Iqbal H. ; Strand, Tyson E. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) Advanced PIV/LIF and shadowgraphy system to visualize flow structure in two-phase bubbly flows Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (8). pp. 2431-2442. ISSN 0009-2509

Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Nandakumar, K. ; Minev, Peter D. (2010) Direct numerical simulations of a freely falling sphere using fictitious domain method: breaking of axisymmetric wake Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (6). pp. 2159-2171. ISSN 0009-2509

Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) CFD modeling of pressure drop and drag coefficient in fixed beds: wall effects Particuology, 8 (1). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1674-2001

Dahikar, Sachin K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Shah, Manish S. ; Kalsi, Avtar S. ; RamaPrasad, Chaganti S. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2010) Experimental and computational fluid dynamic study of reacting gas jet in liquid: flow pattern and heat transfer Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2). pp. 827-849. ISSN 0009-2509

Sathe, Mayur J. ; Deshmukh, Sandesh S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Koganti, Sudhir B. (2010) Computational fluid dynamics simulation and experimental investigation: study of two-phase liquid-liquid flow in a vertical Taylor-Couette contactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (1). pp. 14-28. ISSN 0888-5885

Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Tabib, Mandar V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kumar, V. Ravi ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2010) Analysis of flow structures and energy spectra in chemical process equipment Journal of Turbulence, 11 (5). No pp. given. ISSN 1468-5248

Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Jin, Shi ; Nandakumar, K. ; Minev, Peter D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2010) Direct numerical simulation of free falling sphere in creeping flow International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 24 (3-4). pp. 109-120. ISSN 1061-8562

Dasgupta, K. ; Sen, D. ; Mazumder, S. ; Basak, C. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Banerjee, S. (2010) Optimization of parameters by Taguchi method for controlling purity of carbon nanotubes in chemical vapour deposition technique Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (6). pp. 4030-4037. ISSN 1533-4880

Ingale, N. D. ; Chatterjee, I. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2009) Role of nitrous acid decomposition in absorber and bleacher in nitric acid plant Chemical Engineering Journal, 155 (3). pp. 851-858. ISSN 1385-8947

Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Badgandi, Shrikant V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Design of ring and spider type spargers for bubble column reactor: experimental measurements and CFD simulation of flow and weeping Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87 (12). pp. 1612-1630. ISSN 0263-8762

Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Gulawani, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ravi Kumar, V. (2009) Effect of flow structures on heat transfer in single and multiphase jet reactors Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (21). pp. 9428-9440. ISSN 0888-5885

Tabib, Mandar V. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) A hybridized snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition-discrete wavelet transform technique for the analysis of flow structures and their time evolution Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (21). pp. 4319-4340. ISSN 0009-2509

Kalaga, Dinesh V. ; Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Acharya, Rajesh ; Kumar, Umesh ; Singh, Gurusharan ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Some industrial applications of gamma-ray tomography Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 40 (6). pp. 602-612. ISSN 1876-1070

Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Computational and experimental fluid dynamics of jet loop reactor AIChE Journal, 55 (10). pp. 2526-2544. ISSN 0001-1541

Kadam, B. D. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Koganti, S. B. ; Patil, R. N. (2009) Dispersed phase hold-up, effective interfacial area and Sauter mean drop diameter in annular centrifugal extractors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87 (10). pp. 1379-1389. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Tabib, Mandar V. ; Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. (2009) Dynamics of flow structures and transport phenomena, 1. Experimental and numerical techniques for identification and energy content of flow structures Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (17). pp. 8244-8284. ISSN 0888-5885

Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Tabib, Mandar V. ; Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Dynamics of flow structures and transport phenomena, 2. Relationship with design objectives and design optimization Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (17). pp. 8285-8311. ISSN 0888-5885

Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) CFD modeling of solid-liquid fluidized beds of mono and binary particle mixtures Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (16). pp. 3641-3658. ISSN 0009-2509

Sawarkar, Ashish N. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Samant, Shriniwas D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Use of ultrasound in petroleum residue upgradation The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87 (3). pp. 329-342. ISSN 0008-4034

Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Evaluation of local turbulent energy dissipation rate using PIV in jet loop reactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (10). pp. 5046-5057. ISSN 0888-5885

Ganguli, A. A. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2009) CFD simulation of heat transfer in a two-dimensional vertical enclosure Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87 (5). pp. 711-727. ISSN 0263-8762

Kadam, B. D. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Patil, R. N. (2009) Hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of asymmetric rotating disc extractors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87 (5). pp. 756-769. ISSN 0263-8762

Gulawani, Sagar S. ; Dahikar, Sachin K. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Shah, Manish S. ; RamaPrasad, Chaganti S. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2009) Analysis of flow pattern and heat transfer in direct contact condensation Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (8). pp. 1719-1738. ISSN 0009-2509

Deshmukh, Sandesh S. ; Sathe, Mayur J. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Koganti, Sudhir B. (2009) Residence time distribution and flow patterns in the single-phase annular region of annular centrifugal extractor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 0888-5885

Gandhi, Ankit B. ; Gupta, Prashant P. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Jayaraman, Valadi K. ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D. (2009) Development of unified correlations for volumetric mass-transfer coefficient and effective interfacial area in bubble column reactors for various gas-liquid systems using support vector regression Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (9). pp. 4216-4236. ISSN 0888-5885

Chavan, Prakash V. ; Kalaga, Dinesh V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2009) Solid-liquid circulating multistage fluidized bed: hydrodynamic study Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (9). pp. 4592-4602. ISSN 0888-5885

Sathe, M. J. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Doroochi, E. ; Roberts, R. ; Evans, G. M. (2009) Stereo PIV/Shadowgraphy used to study bubble characteristics in turbulent flows Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry . pp. 25-28.

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Kataria, Kamal L. ; Kulkarni, Rohit P. ; Sawarkar, Ashish N. ; Tandon, Deepak ; Ram, Yad ; Kumar, Man Mohan (2008) Petroleum residue upgradation via visbreaking: a review Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (23). pp. 8960-8988. ISSN 0888-5885

Gandhi, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Kulkarni, A. A. ; Jayaraman, V. K. ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2008) SVR-based prediction of point gas hold-up for bubble column reactor through recurrence quantification analysis of LDA time-series International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 34 (12). pp. 1099-1107. ISSN 0301-9322

Chavan, Prakash V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) Analysis of particle segregation and intermixing in solid-liquid fluidized beds Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (21). pp. 8458-8470. ISSN 0888-5885

Ekambara, Kalekudithi ; Nandakumar, Kumar ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) CFD simulation of bubble column reactor using population balance Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (21). pp. 8505-8516. ISSN 0888-5885

Murthy, B. N. ; Joshi, J. B. (2008) Assessment of standard k-ε, RSM and LES turbulence models in a baffled stirred vessel agitated by various impeller designs Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (22). pp. 5468-5495. ISSN 0009-2509

Deshpande, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ravi, V. ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2008) Identification and characterization of flow structures in chemical process equipment using multiresolution techniques Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (21). pp. 5330-5346. ISSN 0009-2509

Murthy, B. N. ; Kasundra, R. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2008) Hollow self-inducing impellers for gas-liquid-solid dispersion: experimental and computational study Chemical Engineering Journal, 141 (1-3). pp. 332-345. ISSN 1385-8947

Tabib, Mandar V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) Analysis of dominant flow structures and their flow dynamics in chemical process equipment using snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition technique Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (14). pp. 3695-3715. ISSN 0009-2509

Tabib, Mandar V. ; Roy, Swarnendu A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) CFD simulation of bubble column- an analysis of interphase forces and turbulence models Chemical Engineering Journal, 139 (3). pp. 589-614. ISSN 1385-8947

Deshmukh, Sandesh S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Koganti, Sudhir B. (2008) Flow visualization and three-dimensional CFD simulation of the annular region of an annular centrifugal extractor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (10). pp. 3677-3686. ISSN 0888-5885

Chatterjee, I. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2008) Modeling, simulation and optimization: mono pressure nitric acid process Chemical Engineering Journal, 138 (1-3). pp. 556-577. ISSN 1385-8947

Reddy, Rupesh K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) CFD modeling of pressure drop and drag coefficient in fixed and expanded beds Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 86 (5). pp. 444-453. ISSN 0263-8762

Gulawani, Sagar S. ; Dahikar, Sachin K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Shah, Manish S. ; RamaPrasad, Chaganti S. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2008) CFD simulation of flow pattern and plume dimensions in submerged condensation and reactive gas jets into a liquid bath Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (9). pp. 2420-2435. ISSN 0009-2509

Kasundra, Rupesh B. ; Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2008) Hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of single and multiple impeller hollow self-inducing reactors Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (8). pp. 2829-2841. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhole, M. R. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ramkrishna, D. (2008) CFD simulation of bubble columns incorporating population balance modeling Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (8). pp. 2267-2282. ISSN 0009-2509

Roy, S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2008) CFD study of mixing characteristics of bubble column and external loop airlift reactor Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 97-105. ISSN 1932-2143

Kadam, B. D. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Koganti, S. B. ; Patil, R. N. (2008) Hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of annular centrifugal extractors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 86 (3). pp. 233-244. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Tabib, M. V. ; Despande, S. S. ; Mathpati, C. S. (2008) Dynamics of flow structures and transport phenomena: analysis and application Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, National Meeting . pp. 17-21. ISSN 0065-7727

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Kataria, Kamal L. ; Kulkarni, Rohit P. ; Sawarkar, Ashish N. ; Tandon, Deepak ; Ram, Yad ; Kumar, Man Mohan (2008) Petroleum residue upgradation via visbreaking: a review Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (23). pp. 8960-8988. ISSN 0888-5885

Sathe, M. J. ; Thaker, I. H. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Strand, T. E. (2008) An advanced PIV/LIF shadography system to visualise flow structures in two phase bubbly flows 14th International Symposium on Applications of LASER Techniques to Fluid Mechanics . pp. 7-11.

Deshmukh, Sandesh S. ; Vedantam, Sreepriya ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) Computational flow modeling and visualization in the annular region of annular centrifugal extractor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (25). pp. 8343-8354. ISSN 0888-5885

Mathpati, C. S. ; Joshi , J. B. (2007) Insight into theories of heat and mass transfer at the solid-fluid interface using direct numerical simulation and large eddy simulation Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (25). pp. 8525-8557. ISSN 0888-5885

Murthy, B. N. ; Ghadge, R. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) CFD simulations of gas-liquid-solid stirred reactor: prediction of critical impeller speed for solid suspension Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (24). pp. 7184-7195. ISSN 0009-2509

Gandhi, Ankit B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Jayaraman, Valadi K. ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D. (2007) Development of support vector regression (SVR)-based correlation for prediction of overall gas hold-up in bubble column reactors for various gas-liquid systems Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (24). pp. 7078-7089. ISSN 0009-2509

Dahikar, Sachin K. ; Gulawani, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Shah, Manish S. ; Rama Prasad, Chaganti S. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2007) Effect of nozzle diameter and its orientation on the flow pattern and plume dimensions in gas-liquid jet reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (24). pp. 7471-7483. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, A. V. ; Roy, Swarnendu S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) Pressure and flow distribution in pipe and ring spargers: experimental measurements and CFD simulation Chemical Engineering Journal, 133 (1-3). pp. 173-186. ISSN 1385-8947

Ganguli, A. A. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) Numerical predictions of flow patterns due to natural convection in a vertical slot Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (16). pp. 4479-4495. ISSN 0009-2509

Murthy, B. N. ; Deshmukh, N. A. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) Hollow self-inducing impellers: flow visualization and CFD simulation Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (14). pp. 3839-3848. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhole, Manish R. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) Modelling gas holdup in flotation column froths The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85 (3). pp. 369-373. ISSN 0008-4034

Kumaresan, T. ; Kumar, Ajay ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) Modeling flow pattern induced by ultrasound: the influence of modeling approach and turbulence models Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (10). pp. 2936-2950. ISSN 0888-5885

Gulawani, S. S. ; Deshpande, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Shah, M. S. ; Prasad, C. S. R. ; Shukla, D. S. (2007) Submerged gas jet into a liquid bath: a review Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (10). pp. 3188-3218. ISSN 0888-5885

Murli, Srikumar V. ; Chavan, Prakash V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) Solid dispersion studies in expanded beds Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (6). pp. 1836-1842. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhole, M. R. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ramkrishna, D. (2007) Population balance modeling for bubble columns operating in the homogeneous regime AIChE Journal, 53 (3). pp. 579-588. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhole, M. R. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ramkrishna, D. (2007) Population balance modeling for bubble columns operating in the homogeneous regime AIChE Journal, 53 (3). pp. 579-588. ISSN 0001-1541

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) On the development of flow pattern in a bubble column reactor: experiments and CFD Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (4). pp. 1049-1072. ISSN 0009-2509

Sawarkar, Ashish N. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Samant, Shriniwas D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) Petroleum residue upgrading via delayed coking: a review The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0008-4034

Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) Design of a gas distributor: three-dimensional CFD simulation of a coupled system consisting of a gas chamber and a bubble column Chemical Engineering Journal, 125 (3). pp. 149-163. ISSN 1385-8947

Dhotre, Mahesh T. ; Ekambara, Kalekudithi ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2007) CFD simulation of the flow pattern for drag reducing fluids in turbulent pipe flows Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 40 (4). pp. 304-311. ISSN 0021-9592

Gandhi, Ankit B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Jayaraman, Valadi K. ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D. (2007) Data-driven dynamic modeling and control of a surface aeration system Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (25). pp. 8607-8613. ISSN 0888-5885

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Deshpande, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Kumar, V. Ravi ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2007) Effect of sparger design on the flow in a bubble column: symbolic analysis of LDA data Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (10). pp. 2996-3007. ISSN 0888-5885

Sawarkar, A. N. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2007) Studies in coking of Arabian mix vacuum residue Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 85 (4). pp. 481-491. ISSN 0263-8762

Bhole, Manish R. ; Roy, Swarnendu ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2006) Laser doppler anemometer measurements in bubble column: effect of sparger Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (26). pp. 9201-9207. ISSN 0888-5885

Kumar, Ajay ; Kumaresan, T. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2006) Characterization of flow phenomena induced by ultrasonic horn Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (22). pp. 7410-7420. ISSN 0009-2509

Deshmukh, N.A. ; Joshi, J.B. (2006) Surface aerators: power number, mass transfer coefficient, gas hold up profiles and flow patterns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (11). pp. 977-992. ISSN 0263-8762

Roy, S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Effect of liquid velocity on axial mixing in gas-liquid dispersions: a CFD simulation Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29 (9). pp. 1034-1041. ISSN 0930-7516

Vedantam, Sreepriya ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2006) CFD simulation of RTD and mixing in the annular region of a Taylor-Couette contactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (18). pp. 6360-6367. ISSN 0888-5885

Gulawani, Sagar S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Shah, Manish S. ; RamaPrasad, Chaganti S. ; Shukla, Daya S. (2006) CFD analysis of flow pattern and heat transfer in direct contact steam condensation Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (16). pp. 5204-5220. ISSN 0009-2509

Roy, S. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) CFD simulation of flow and axial dispersion in external loop airlift reactor Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (8). pp. 677-690. ISSN 0263-8762

Vedantam, S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Annular centrifugal contactors- a review Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (7). pp. 522-542. ISSN 0263-8762

Kulkarni, A. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Estimation of hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of bubble column by analysis of wall pressure measurements and CFD simulations Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (7). pp. 601-609. ISSN 0263-8762

Vedantam, Sreepriya ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Koganti, Sudhir B. (2006) Three-dimensional CFD simulation of stratified two-fluid Taylor-Couette flow The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 84 (3). pp. 279-288. ISSN 0008-4034

Ekambara, K. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) CFD simulation of homogeneous reactions in turbulent pipe flows-Tubular non-catalytic reactors Chemical Engineering Journal, 117 (1). pp. 23-29. ISSN 1385-8947

Deshmukh, N. A. ; Patil, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Gas induction characteristics of hollow self-inducing impeller Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (2). pp. 124-132. ISSN 0263-8762

Kumaresan, T. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2006) Effect of impeller design on the flow pattern and mixing in stirred tanks Chemical Engineering Journal, 115 (3). pp. 173-193. ISSN 1385-8947

Vedantam, S. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Three-dimensional CFD simulation of Rayleigh-Benard convection for low Prandtl number fluids Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (1). pp. 29-37. ISSN 0263-8762

Vedantam, S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Koganti, S. B. (2006) CFD simulation of stratified two-fluid Taylor-Couette flow Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 84 . pp. 677-683. ISSN 0008-4034

Ghadge, Rajaram S. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2006) Combined effect of hydrodynamic and interfacial flow parameters on lysozyme deactivation in a stirred tank bioreactor Biotechnology Progress, 22 (3). pp. 660-672. ISSN 8756-7938

Kumaresan, T. ; Nere, N. N. ; Joshi, J. B. (2006) Effect of internals on the flow pattern and mixing in stirred tanks Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (13). p. 4849. ISSN 0888-5885

Kumaresan, T. ; Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Effect of internals on the flow pattern and mixing in stirred tanks Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (26). pp. 9951-9961. ISSN 0888-5885

Ekambara, K. ; Dhotre, Mahesh T. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) CFD simulations of bubble column reactors: 1D, 2D and 3D approach Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (23). pp. 6733-6746. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Measurement of eddy diffusivity in bubble column and validation based on the intermittency models Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22). pp. 6146-6159. ISSN 0009-2509

Ghadge, R. S. ; Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2005) Role of hydrodynamic flow parameters in lipase deactivation in bubble column reactor Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22). pp. 6320-6335. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhole, Manish R. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Stability analysis of bubble columns: predictions for regime transition Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (16). pp. 4493-4507. ISSN 0009-2509

Lorenz, O. ; Schumpe, A. ; Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2005) Liquid phase axial mixing in bubble columns operated at high pressures Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (13). pp. 3573-3586. ISSN 0009-2509

Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Fotedar, S. ; Mathew, T. (2005) Optimization of gas-liquid reactor using computational fluid dynamics Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (11). pp. 3081-3089. ISSN 0009-2509

Deshmukh, N. A. ; Goel, V. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Mathew, T. (2005) Kinetics of aerobic biological oxidation of purified terephthalic acid plant waste Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 83 (3). pp. 224-230. ISSN 0957-5820

Dhotre, Mahesh T. ; Vitankar, Vivek S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) CFD simulation of steady state heat transfer in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Journal, 108 (1-2). pp. 117-125. ISSN 1385-8947

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Bubble formation and bubble rise velocity in gas-liquid systems: a review Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (16). pp. 5873-5931. ISSN 0888-5885

Ekambara, Kalekudithi ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Computational fluid dynamics simulations in bubble-column reactors: laminar and transition regimes Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (5). pp. 1413-1423. ISSN 0888-5885

Patil, Swapnil S. ; Mundale, Vishwas D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Mechanism of gas induction in a self-inducting impeller Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (5). pp. 1322-1328. ISSN 0888-5885

Ghadge, R. S. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2005) Effect of flow pattern on cellulase deactivation in stirred tank bioreactors Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (4). pp. 1067-1083. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, Sudhir R. ; Kataria, Kamal L. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2005) Kinetics of oxidation of benzyl alcohol with dilute nitric acid Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (2). pp. 325-333. ISSN 0888-5885

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ramkrishna, Doraiswami (2004) Determination of bubble size distributions in bubble columns using LDA AIChE Journal, 50 (12). pp. 3068-3084. ISSN 0001-1541

Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) Axial mixing in laminar pipe flows Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (18). pp. 3929-3944. ISSN 0009-2509

Thatte, A. R. ; Ghadge, R. S. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Singh, G. (2004) Local gas holdup measurement in sparged and aerated tanks by γ-ray attenuation technique Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (17). pp. 5389-5399. ISSN 0888-5885

Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) Two-dimensional CFD model for the prediction of flow pattern, pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient in bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 82 (6). pp. 689-707. ISSN 0263-8762

Dhotre, Mahesh T. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2004) CFD simulation of heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (11). pp. 2816-2829. ISSN 0888-5885

Patil, Swapnil S. ; Deshmukh, Niteen A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2004) Mass-transfer characteristics of surface aerators and gas-inducing impellers Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (11). pp. 2765-2774. ISSN 0888-5885

Parasu Veera, U. ; Kataria, K. L. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) Effect of superficial gas velocity on gas hold-up profiles in foaming liquids in bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Journal, 99 (1). pp. 53-58. ISSN 1385-8947

Dhotre, M. T. ; Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) CFD simulation of sparger design and height to diameter ratio on gas hold-up profiles in bubble column reactors Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 28 (5). pp. 407-421. ISSN 0894-1777

Thorat, B. N. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) Regime transition in bubble columns: experimental and predictions Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 28 (5). pp. 423-430. ISSN 0894-1777

Kataria, Kamal L. ; Kulkarni, Rohit P. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kumar, Manmohan (2004) Kinetic studies of low severity visbreaking Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43 (6). pp. 1373-1387. ISSN 0888-5885

Patwardhan, A. W. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) Comments on "The role of convection and turbulent dispersion in blending" Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (3). pp. 727-728. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2004) Simultaneous measurement of flow pattern and mass transfer coefficient in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (2). pp. 271-281. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Joshi, J. B. (2004) The lift force on bubbles in a swarm: two phase flow modeling and experimentation 3rd International Symposium on Experimental Analysis . pp. 22-24.

Ghadge, R. S. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2003) Enzyme deactivation in a bubble column, a stirred vessel and an inclined plane Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (23-24). pp. 5125-5134. ISSN 0009-2509

Patwardhan, Janaki A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2003) Unified model for NOX absorption in aqueous alkaline and dilute acidic solutions AIChE Journal, 49 (11). pp. 2728-2748. ISSN 0001-1541

Ekambara, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (2003) CFD simulation of mixing and dispersion in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 81 (8). pp. 987-1002. ISSN 0263-8762

Patwardhan, A. W. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2003) The role of convection and turbulent dispersion in blending Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (13). pp. 2951-2962. ISSN 0009-2509

Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2003) Liquid-phase mixing in stirred vessels: turbulent flow regime Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (12). pp. 2661-2698. ISSN 0888-5885

Ekambara, K. ; Joshi , J. B. (2003) Axial mixing in pipe flows: turbulent and transition regions Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (12). pp. 2715-2724. ISSN 0009-2509

Dhotre, Mahesh T. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2003) CFD simulation of gas chamber for gas distributor design The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81 (3-4). pp. 677-683. ISSN 0008-4034

Ekambara, Kalekudithi ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2003) CFD simulation of residence time distribution and mixing in bubble column reactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81 (3-4). pp. 669-676. ISSN 0008-4034

Patil, Swapnil S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2003) Optimum design of multiple-impeller self-inducing system Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (6). pp. 1261-1265. ISSN 0888-5885

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Computational fluid dynamics for designing process equipment: expectations, present status and path forward Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (6). pp. 1115-1128. ISSN 0888-5885

Patwardhan, J. A. ; Pradhan, M. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (2002) Simulation of NOx gas absorption under adiabatic condition and comparison with plant data Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (22-23). pp. 4831-4844. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, J. B. ; Vitankar, V. S. ; Kulkarni, A. A. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Ekambara, K. (2002) Coherent flow structures in bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (16). pp. 3157-3183. ISSN 0009-2509

Vitankar, V. S. ; Dhotre, M. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (2002) A low Reynolds number k-ε model for the prediction of flow pattern and pressure drop in bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (16). pp. 3235-3250. ISSN 0009-2509

Vitankar, V. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2002) A comprehensive one-dimensional model for prediction of flow pattern in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 80 (5). pp. 499-512. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. (2002) Reduction of empiricism through flow visualization and computational fluid dynamics Chemical Engineering & Technology, 25 (3). pp. 321-328. ISSN 0930-7516

Thakre, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2002) Momentum, mass and heat transfer in single-phase turbulent flow Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 18 (2-3). pp. 83-293. ISSN 0167-8299

Thakre, Shirish S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2002) A low Reynolds number Reynolds stress modeling of turbulent pipe flow: flow pattern and energy balance Chemical Engineering Communications, 189 (6). pp. 759-785. ISSN 0098-6445

Parasu Veera, U. ; Kataria, Kamal L. ; Joshi, J. B. (2001) Gas hold-up profiles in foaming liquids in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Journal, 84 (3). pp. 247-256. ISSN 1385-8947

Joshi, J. B. (2001) Computational flow modelling and design of bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (21-22). pp. 5893-5933. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ravi, V. ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar Dattatraya (2001) Simultaneous measurement of hold-up profiles and interfacial area using LDA in bubble columns: predictions by multiresolution analysis and comparison with experiments Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (21-22). pp. 6437-6445. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ravi Kumar, V. ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2001) Identification of the principal time scales in bubble column by wavelet analysis Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (20). pp. 5739-5747. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kumar, V. Ravi ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D. (2001) Application of multiresolution analysis for simultaneous measurement of gas and liquid velocities and fractional gas hold-up in bubble column using LDA Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (17). pp. 5037-5048. ISSN 0009-2509

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Kumar, V. Ravi ; Kulkarni, Bhaskar D. (2001) Wavelet transform of velocity-time data for the analysis of turbulent structures in a bubble column Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (18). pp. 5305-5315. ISSN 0009-2509

Thorat, Bhaskar N. ; Kataria, Kamal ; Kulkarni, Anand V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2001) Pressure drop studies in bubble columns Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40 (16). pp. 3675-3688. ISSN 0888-5885

Thorat, B. N. ; Kulkarni, A. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (2001) Design of sieve plate spargers for bubble columns: role of weeping Chemical Engineering & Technology, 24 (8). pp. 815-828. ISSN 0930-7516

Mohanty, Madalasa ; Ghadge, R. S. ; Patil, N. S. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Deshpande, A. V. (2001) Deactivation of lipase at gas-liquid interface in stirred vessel Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (11). pp. 3401-3408. ISSN 0009-2509

Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2001) Prediction of flow pattern in stirred tanks: new constitutive equation for eddy viscosity Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40 (7). pp. 1755-1772. ISSN 0888-5885

Thakre, Shirish S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2001) A low Reynolds number k-ε modelling of turbulent pipe flow: flow pattern and energy balance The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 79 (2). pp. 214-226. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, S. R. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (2001) Oxidation of dibenzyl ethers by dilute nitric acid Organic Process Research & Development, 5 (2). pp. 152-157. ISSN 1083-6160

Joshi, J. B. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Patil, D. J. ; Kshatriya, S. S. ; Nere, N. K. (2001) Relation between flow pattern and de-activation of enzymes in stirred reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (2). pp. 443-452. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, J. B. ; Deshpande, N. S. ; Dinkar, M. ; Phanikumar, D. V. (2001) Hydrodynamic stability of multiphase reactors Advances in Chemical Engineering, 26 . pp. 1-130. ISSN 0065-2377

Parsu Veera, U. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. (2001) Measurement of gas hold-up profiles in stirred tank reactors by gamma ray attenuation technique Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 79 . pp. 684-688. ISSN 0263-8762

Gunjikar, Tejas P. ; Sawant, Sudhir B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (2001) Shear deactivation of cellulase, exoglucanase, endoglucanase, and β-glucosidase in a mechanically agitated reactor Biotechnology Progress, 17 (6). pp. 1166-1168. ISSN 8756-7938

Thakre, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2000) CFD modeling of heat transfer in turbulent pipe flows AIChE Journal, 46 (9). pp. 1798-1812. ISSN 0001-1541

Deshpande, N. S. ; Prasad, CH. V. ; Kulkarni, A. A. ; Joshi, J. B. (2000) Hydrodynamic characterization of dispersed two-phase flows by laser doppler velocimeter Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 78 (6). pp. 903-910. ISSN 0263-8762

Pradhan, M. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (2000) Absorption of NOx gases in plate column: selective manufacture of sodium nitrite Chemical Engineering Science, 55 (7). pp. 1269-1282. ISSN 0009-2509

Parasu Veera, U. ; Joshi, J. B. (2000) Measurement of gas hold-up profiles in bubble column by gamma ray tomography: effect of liquid phase properties Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 78 (3). pp. 425-434. ISSN 0263-8762

Ganesh, K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sawant, S. B. (2000) Cellulase deactivation in a stirred reactor Biochemical Engineering Journal, 4 (2). pp. 137-141. ISSN 1369-703X

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Patil, Nitin S. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Wangikar, Pramod P. ; Mukesh, D. (2000) Lipase-catalyzed esterification Catalysis Reviews, 42 (4). pp. 439-480. ISSN 0161-4940

Thakre, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (2000) Relative importance of turbulent diffusion and bulk motion to mixing in bubble columns International Symposium on Fundamental and Engineering Concepts for Ozone Reactor Design . pp. 311-315.

Thakre, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) CFD simulation of bubble column reactors: importance of drag force formulation Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (21). pp. 5055-5060. ISSN 0009-2509

Thakre, Shirish S. ; Phanikumar, Docca V. ; Khare, Ashok S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1999) CFD modeling of flow, macro-mixing and axial dispersion in a bubble column The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 77 (5). pp. 826-837. ISSN 0008-4034

Patil, Swapnil S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1999) Stability of gas-inducing type impellers The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 77 (5). pp. 793-803. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Patwardhan, A. W. (1999) CFD: an emerging tool for the design of stirred reactors Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Mixing & Indian Processes . pp. 13-20.

Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1999) Relation between flow pattern and blending in stirred tanks Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 38 (8). pp. 3131-3143. ISSN 0888-5885

Sahu, A. K. ; Kumar, P. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) CFD modelling and mixing in stirred tanks Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (13-14). pp. 2285-2293. ISSN 0009-2509

Parasu Veera, U. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) Measurement of gas hold-up profiles by gamma ray Tomography: effect of sparger design and height of dispersion in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 77 (4). pp. 303-317. ISSN 0263-8762

Ray, S. K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1999) Methanol selective membranes for separation of methanol-ethylene glycol mixtures by pervaporation Journal of Membrane Science, 154 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0376-7388

Joshi, S. R. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) Process development aspects of production of dibenzyl ether Organic Process Research & Development, 3 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 1083-6160

Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1999) Design of gas-inducing reactors Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 38 (1). pp. 49-80. ISSN 0888-5885

Pradhan, M. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) Absorption of NOx gases in aqueous NaOH solutions: selectivity and optimization AIChE Journal, 45 (1). pp. 38-50. ISSN 0001-1541

Joshi, J. B. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Patil, S. S. (1999) CFD modeling for the design of hollow pipe gas inducing impellers Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Mixing & Indian Processes .

Patil, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1999) Optimum design of stator-rotor assembly in gas inducing type mechanically agitated reactors Chemical Engineering Communications, 174 (1). pp. 215-231. ISSN 0098-6445

Prabhu, Anita V. ; Tambe, Shreehas P. ; Gandhi, Neena N. ; Sawant, Sudhir B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1999) Rice bran lipase: extraction, activity, and stability Biotechnology Progress, 15 (6). pp. 1083-1089. ISSN 8756-7938

Joshi, J. B. ; Sahu, A. K. ; Kumar, P. (1998) LDA measurements and CFD simulations of flow generated by impellers in mechanically agitated reactors Sadhana (Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences), 23 (5-6). pp. 505-539. ISSN 0256-2499

Mishra, V. P. ; Kumar, P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1998) Flow generated by a disc turbine in aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide Chemical Engineering Journal, 71 (1). pp. 11-21. ISSN 1385-8947

Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1998) Design of stirred vessels with gas entrained from free liquid surface The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 76 (3). pp. 339-364. ISSN 0008-4034

Sahu, A. K. ; Kumar, P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1998) Simulation of flow in stirred vessel with axial flow impeller: zonal modeling and optimization of parameters Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 37 (6). pp. 2116-2130. ISSN 0888-5885

Burshe, M. C. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1998) Dehydration of ethylene glycol by pervaporation using hydrophilic IPNs of PVA, PAA and PAAM membranes Separation and Purification Technology, 13 (1). pp. 47-56. ISSN 1383-5866

Ray, S. K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1998) Dehydration of acetic acid by pervaporation Journal of Membrane Science, 138 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0376-7388

Thorat, B. N. ; Shevade, A. V. ; Bhilegaonkar, K. N. ; Aglawe, R. H. ; Parasu Veera, U. ; Thakre, S. S. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1998) Effect of sparger design and height to diameter ratio on fractional gas hold-up in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 76 (7). pp. 823-834. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Parasu, U. V. ; Prasad, C. V. S. ; Phanikumar, D. V. ; Deshpande, N. S. ; Thorat, B. N. (1998) Gas hold - up structures in bubble column reactors Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 64A (4). pp. 441-567. ISSN 0370-0046

Joshi, J. B. ; Suchak, N. J. ; Pradhan, M. P. (1998) Manufacture of nitric acid : simulation and optimisation of NOX absorption Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 64A . pp. 27-46. ISSN 0370-0046

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1998) Pressure drop in fixed, expanded, fluidised beds and packed columns Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 14 (4-5). pp. 321-371. ISSN 0167-8299

Elias, C. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1998) Simultaneous measurements of gas and liquid phase velocities, and gas hold up using laser doppler velocimeter Chemical Engineering Communications, 59 (1). pp. 47-71. ISSN 0098-6445

Dagaonkar, M. V. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1998) Sorption and permeation of aqueous alkyl piperazines through hydrophilic and organophilic membranes: a transport analysis Separation Science and Technology, 33 (3). pp. 311-331. ISSN 0149-6395

Ray, Samit K. ; Sawant, Sudhir B. ; Joshi, Jyestharaj B. ; Pangarkar, Vishwas G. (1997) Development of new synthetic membranes for separation of benzene-cyclohexane mixtures by pervaporation: a solubility parameter approach Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 36 (12). pp. 5265-5276. ISSN 0888-5885

Pradhan, M. P. ; Suchak, N. J. ; Walse, P. R. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Multicomponent gas absorption with multiple reactions: modelling and simulation of NOx absorption in nitric acid manufacture Chemical Engineering Science, 52 (24). pp. 4569-4591. ISSN 0009-2509

Burshe, M. C. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1997) Sorption and permeation of binary water-alcohol systems through PVA membranes crosslinked with multifunctional crosslinking agents Separation and Purification Technology, 12 (2). pp. 145-156. ISSN 1383-5866

Kumar, Shiv ; Shah, J. N. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1997) Permeation in filled membranes: role of solute-filter interactions Journal of Membrane Science, 134 (2). pp. 225-233. ISSN 0376-7388

Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1997) Hydrodynamics of a stirred vessel equipped with a gas-inducing impeller Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 36 (9). pp. 3904-3914. ISSN 0888-5885

Saravanan, K. ; Patwardhan, A. W. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Critical impeller speed for solid suspension in gas inducing type mechanically agitated contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 75 (4). pp. 664-676. ISSN 0008-4034

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Mukesh, D. (1997) Deactivation of immobilized lipozyme: effect of butanol, temperature and water content Chemical Engineering Journal, 65 (3). pp. 159-164. ISSN 1385-8947

Pawar, P. A. ; Parasu Veera, U. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Enzyme mass transfer coefficient in aqueous two-phase systems: modified spray extraction columns The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 75 (4). pp. 751-758. ISSN 0008-4034

Save, S. S. ; Pandi, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Use of hydrodynamic cavitation for large scale microbial cell disruption Food and Bioproducts Processing, 75 (1). pp. 41-49. ISSN 0960-3085

Adarkar, J. N. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Extraction of amino acids using an immobilizer liquid membrane AIChE Journal, 13 . pp. 493-496. ISSN 0001-1541

Joshi, J. B. (1997) Fluid mixing: Science and Technology Ind. Chem. Engr, 39B . pp. 141-156.

Ray, S. K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1997) Perstraction of phenolic compounds from aqueous solution using a nonporous membrane Separation Science and Technology, 32 (16). pp. 2669-2683. ISSN 0149-6395

Burshe, M. C. ; Netke, S. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1997) Pervaporative dehydration of organic solvents Separation Science and Technology, 32 (8). pp. 1335-1349. ISSN 0149-6395

Deshpande, N. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1997) Simultaneous measurements of gas and liquid phase velocities and gas hold-up using laser-doppler velocimeter Chemical Engineering Communications, 162 (1). pp. 151-168. ISSN 0098-6445

Bhavasar, P. M. ; Jafarabad, K. R. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1996) Drop volumes and terminal velocities in aqueous two phase systems The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 74 (6). pp. 852-860. ISSN 0008-4034

Ingale, M. N. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Mahajani, V. V. ; Gada, M. K. (1996) Waste treatment of an aqueous waste stream from a cyclohexane oxidation unit: a case study Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 74 (4). pp. 265-272. ISSN 0957-5820

Saravanan, Kaliannagounder ; Mundale, Vishwas D. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1996) Power consumption in gas-inducing-type mechanically agitated contactors Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35 (5). pp. 1583-1602. ISSN 0888-5885

Joshi, J. B. ; Elias, C. B. ; Patole, M. S. (1996) Role of hydrodynamic shear in the cultivation of animal, plant and microbial cells The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, 62 (2). pp. 121-141. ISSN 0923-0467

Saravanan, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (1996) Fractional gas hold-up in gas inducing type of mechanically agitated contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 74 (1). pp. 16-30. ISSN 0008-4034

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Vijayalakshmi, V. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1996) Immobilization of Mucor miehei lipase on ion exchange resins The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, 61 (2). pp. 149-156. ISSN 0923-0467

Desai, R. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1996) Flow pattern in the vicinity of gas-liquid interface in a stirred cell Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 29 (4). pp. 568-576. ISSN 0021-9592

Save, S. S. ; Desai, R. B. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1996) Immobilization of Mucor miehei lipase on ion exchange resins Transaction of Institution of Chemical Engineers-C: Food & Bioproducts Processing, 74 . pp. 171-177. ISSN 0960-3085

Netke, S. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1995) Sorption and permeation of acetic acid through zeolite filled membrane Journal of Membrane Science, 107 (1-2). pp. 23-33. ISSN 0376-7388

Deshpande, N. S. ; Dinkar, M. ; Joshi, J. B. (1995) Disengagement of the gas phase in bubble columns International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 21 (6). pp. 1191-1201. ISSN 0301-9322

Kabra, M. M. ; Netke, S. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1995) Pervaporative separation of carboxylic acid-water mixtures Separations Technology, 5 (4). pp. 259-263. ISSN 0956-9618

Elias, Cynthia B. ; Desai, Rajiv B. ; Patole, Milind S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Mashelkar, Raghunath A. (1995) Turbulent shear stress-effect on mammalian cell culture and measurement using laser Doppler anemometer Chemical Engineering Science, 50 (15). pp. 2431-2440. ISSN 0009-2509

Saravanan, Kaliannagounder ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1995) Gas-inducing-type mechanically agitated contactors: hydrodynamic characteristics of multiple impellers Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34 (7). pp. 2499-2514. ISSN 0888-5885

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1995) Specificity of a lipase in ester synthesis: effect of alcohol Biotechnology Progress, 11 (3). pp. 282-287. ISSN 8756-7938

Desai, R. B. ; Kolhatkar, R. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Mashelkar, R. A. (1995) Turbulence structure in bubble disengagement zone: role of polymer addition AIChE Journal, 41 (5). pp. 1329-1332. ISSN 0001-1541

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1995) Studies on the lipozyme-catalyzed synthesis of butyl laurate Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 46 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0006-3592

Gandhi, Neena N. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Mukesh, D. (1995) Lipozyme deactivation by butanol and temperature Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 17 (4). pp. 373-380. ISSN 0141-0229

Mundale, V. D. ; Joshi, J. B. (1995) Optimization of impeller design for gas inducing type mechanically agitated contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 73 (2). pp. 161-172. ISSN 0008-4034

Sahu, Aksheya K. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1995) Simulation of flow in stirred vessels with axial flow impellers: effects of various numerical schemes and turbulence model parameters Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34 (2). pp. 626-639. ISSN 0888-5885

Mishra, Vedprakash S. ; Mahajani, Vijaykumar V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1995) Wet air oxidation Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34 (1). pp. 2-48. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhide, Anjali A. ; Patel, Rajesh M. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Pangarkar, Vishwas G. (1995) Affinity partitioning of enzymes using unbound triazine dyes in peg/phosphate system Separation Science and Technology, 30 (15). pp. 2989-3000. ISSN 0149-6395

Padiyar, V. ; Mishra, V. S. ; Mahajan, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1995) Cyanide detoxification: a review Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 73 (1). pp. 33-51. ISSN 0957-5820

Netke, S. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. ; Joshi, J. B. (1995) Pervaporative separation of acetone from aqueous mixtures Proceedings of Euromembrane '95, University of Bath, September 1995, 2 . pp. 116-122.

Mishra, V. S. ; Mahajani, V. V. ; Desai, J. D. ; Padiyar, V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1995) Treatment of acrylonitrile plant waste Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 73 . pp. 243-251. ISSN 0957-5820

Save, S. S. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) Microbial cell disruption: role of cavitation The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, 55 (3). B67-B72. ISSN 0923-0467

Saravanan, Kaliannagounder ; Mundale, Vishwas D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1994) Gas inducing type mechanically agitated contactors Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 33 (9). pp. 2226-2241. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhawsar, Prafulla C. M. ; Pandit, Aniruddha B. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1994) Enzyme mass transfer coefficient in a sieve plate extraction column The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, 55 (1-2). B1-B17. ISSN 0923-0467

Mishra, Vedprakash S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Mahajani, Vijaykumar V. (1994) Kinetics of wet air oxidation of diethanolamine and morpholine Water Research, 28 (7). pp. 1601-1608. ISSN 0043-1354

Suchak, N. J. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) Simulation and optimization of NOx absorption system in nitric acid manufacture AIChE Journal, 40 (6). pp. 944-956. ISSN 0001-1541

Netke, S. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1994) Sorption and permeation of aqueous picolines in elastomeric membranes Journal of Membrane Science, 91 (1-2). pp. 163-171. ISSN 0376-7388

Mhetras, M. B. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) Effect of agitator design on hydrodynamics and power consumption in mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Mixing, Cambridge . pp. 375-382.

Mishra, V. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) Flow generated by a disc turbine. IV: Multiple impellers Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 72 (5). pp. 657-668. ISSN 0263-8762

Mishra, V. P. ; Kumar, P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) LDA measurements of flow generated by multiple pitched blade turbine Proceedings of the Eigth European Conference on Mixing Cambridge . pp. 465-472.

Lele, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1994) Some design aspects of air-lift fluidized bed The Chemical Engineering Journal, 55 . pp. 145-146. ISSN 0300-9467

Lele, Smita S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Parulekar, Satish J. (1993) Underutilization of loop reactors due to desorption Chemical Engineering Science, 48 (21). pp. 3631-3645. ISSN 0009-2509

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1993) Hydrolysis of fatty oils: effect of cavitation Chemical Engineering Science, 48 (19). pp. 3440-3442. ISSN 0009-2509

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Deshpande, A. J. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1993) Gas hold-up behavior of mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors using pitched blade downflow turbines The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 71 (2). pp. 226-237. ISSN 0008-4034

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1993) Role of sparger design on gas dispersion in mechanically agitated gas-liquid contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 71 (2). pp. 278-291. ISSN 0008-4034

Pawar, P. A. ; Rostami Jafarabad, K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1993) Enzyme mass transfer coefficient in aqueous two phase systems: spray extraction columns Chemical Engineering Communications, 122 (1). pp. 151-169. ISSN 0098-6445

Mishra, V. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1993) Flow generated by a disc turbine. III: Effect of impeller diameter, impeller location and comparison with other radial flow turbines Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 71 (5). pp. 563-573. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Mishra, V. P. ; Saraph, V. S. ; Deshpande, G. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Comparison of axial flow impellers using a laser Doppler anemometer Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 31 (10). pp. 2370-2379. ISSN 0888-5885

Shnip, A. I. ; Kolhatkar, R. V. ; Swamy, D. ; Joshi , J. B. (1992) Criteria for the transition from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous regime in two-dimensional bubble column reactors International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 18 (5). pp. 705-726. ISSN 0301-9322

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Effect of addition of alcohol on the design parameters of mechanically agitated three-phase reactors The Chemical Engineering Journal, 49 (2). pp. 107-117. ISSN 0300-9467

Lele, Smita S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Modelling of air-lift fluidized bed: optimization of mass transfer with respect to design and operational parameters The Chemical Engineering Journal, 49 (2). pp. 89-105. ISSN 0300-9467

Shenoy, V. R. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Kinetics of oxidation of aqueous sulphite solution by nitric oxide Water Research, 26 (7). pp. 997-1003. ISSN 0043-1354

Shirgaonkar, Irfan Z. ; Joglekar, Hemant S. ; Mundale, Vishwas D. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1992) Adsorption equilibrium data for substituted phenols on activated carbon Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 37 (2). pp. 175-179. ISSN 0021-9568

Abraham, Mathew ; Khare, Ashok S. ; Sawant, Sudhirprakash B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1992) Critical gas velocity for suspension of solid particles in three-phase bubble columns Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 31 (4). pp. 1136-1147. ISSN 0888-5885

Gharat, S. D. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Transport phenomena in bubble column reactors I: Flow pattern The Chemical Engineering Journal, 48 (3). pp. 141-151. ISSN 0300-9467

Gharat, S. D. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Transport phenomena in bubble colunm reactor II: Pressure drop The Chemical Engineering Journal, 48 (3). pp. 153-166. ISSN 0300-9467

Joshi, J. B. (1992) Comments "On flow mapping in bubble columns using CARPT" Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (2). pp. 508-509. ISSN 0009-2509

Rostami Jafarabad, K. ; Patil, T. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Enzyme and protein mass transfer coefficient in aqueous two-phase systems- II. York-Scheibel extraction column Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (1). pp. 69-73. ISSN 0009-2509

Rostami Jafarabad, K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sikdar, S. K. (1992) Enzyme and protein mass transfer coefficient in aqueous two-phase systems-I. Spray extraction columns Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (1). pp. 57-68. ISSN 0009-2509

Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Comparitive performance of extraction equipment for the purification of proteins and enzymes using aqueous two-phase systems Proceedings of Int. Symposium in Downstream Processings . pp. 11-17.

Jethani, K. R. ; Suchak, N. J. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Modeling and simulation of a spray column for NOx absorption Computers & Chemical Engineering, 16 (1). pp. 11-25. ISSN 0098-1354

Lele, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Modelling of bioreactors: optimization of the mass transfer with respect to design and operational parameters Proceedings of International Conference in Biochemical Engineering . pp. 425-428.

Lele, Smita S. ; Shirgaonkar, Irfan Z. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1992) Thermal pretreatment of concentrated distillery spent wash Water Environment Research, 64 (3). pp. 248-257. ISSN 1061-4303

Rewatkar, Vilas B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1991) Role of sparger design in mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors. Part II: Liquid phase mixing Chemical Engineering & Technology, 14 (6). pp. 386-393. ISSN 0930-7516

Mvndale, V. D. ; Joglekar, H. S. ; Kalam, Abul ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Regeneration of spent activated carbon by wet air oxidation The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 69 (5). pp. 1149-1159. ISSN 0008-4034

Rewatkar, Vilas B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1991) Role of sparger design in mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors. Part I: Power consumption Chemical Engineering & Technology, 14 (5). pp. 333-347. ISSN 0930-7516

Rewatkar, Vilas B. ; Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1991) Critical impeller speed for solid suspension in mechanically agitated three-phase reactors. 1. Experimental part Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30 (8). pp. 1770-1784. ISSN 0888-5885

Rewatkar, Vilas B. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. (1991) Critical impeller speed for solid suspension in mechanically agitated three-phase reactors. 2. Mathematical model Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30 (8). pp. 1784-1791. ISSN 0888-5885

Raghav Rao, K. S. M. S. ; SzIag, David S. ; Sikdar, Subhas K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sawant, S. B. (1991) Protein extraction in a spray column using a polyethylene glycol-maltodextrin two-phase polymer system The Chemical Engineering Journal, 46 (3). B75-B81. ISSN 0300-9467

Patil, T. A. ; Rostami Jafarabad, K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Enzyme mass transfer coefficient in aqueous two phase system using a packed extraction column The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 69 (2). pp. 548-556. ISSN 0008-4034

Pathak, S. P. ; Sudha, S. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) New salt-polyethylene-glycol systems for two-phase aqueous extraction The Chemical Engineering Journal, 46 (1). B31-B34. ISSN 0300-9467

Suchak, N. J. ; Jethani, K. R. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Modeling and simulation of NOx absorption in pilot-scale packed columns AIChE Journal, 37 (3). pp. 323-339. ISSN 0001-1541

Joglekar, H. S. ; Samant, S. D. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Kinetics of wet air oxidation of phenol and substituted phenols Water Research, 25 (2). pp. 135-145. ISSN 0043-1354

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Effect of impeller design on liquid phase mixing in mechanically agitated reactors Chemical Engineering Communications, 102 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Bourne, J. R. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Fluid mechanics and blending in agitated tanks Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (8). pp. 1883-1893. ISSN 0009-2509

Mishra, V. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) LDA measurements of gas-liquid flows in mechanically agitated reactors Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Mixing . pp. 247-255.

Joshi, J. B. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Gharat, S. D. ; Lele, S. S. (1990) Sparged loop reactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 68 (5). pp. 705-741. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Patil, T. A. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Shah, Y. T. (1990) Measurement of hydrodynamic parameters in multiphase sparged reactors Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 6 (2-3). pp. 73-227. ISSN 0167-8299

Suchak, Naresh J. ; Jethani, Kanhaiya ; Joshi, Jyeshthraj B. (1990) Absorption of nitrogen oxides in alkaline solutions: selective manufacture of sodium nitrite Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 29 (7). pp. 1492-1502. ISSN 0888-5885

Khare, Ashok S. ; Dharwadkar, Sanjeev V. ; Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Sharma, Man Mohan (1990) Liquid- and solid-phase mixing in sectionalized bubble column slurry reactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 29 (7). pp. 1503-1509. ISSN 0888-5885

Khare, A. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Effect of fine particles on gas hold-up in three-phase sparged reactors The Chemical Engineering Journal, 44 (1). pp. 11-25. ISSN 0300-9467

Sawant, S. B. ; Sikdar, S. K. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in two-phase aqueous extraction using spray columns Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 36 (2). pp. 109-115. ISSN 0006-3592

Jethani, K. R. ; Suchak, N. J. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Selection of reactive solvent for pollution abatement of NOx Gas Separation & Purification, 4 (1). pp. 8-28. ISSN 0950-4214

Joshi, J. B. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Patil, T. A. ; Khosro, R. ; Sikdar, S. K. (1990) Continuous counter-current two-phase aqueous extraction Bioseparation, 1 (3-4). pp. 311-324. ISSN 0923-179X

Rostami Jafarabad, K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Kale, D. D. (1990) Effect of viscosity and drag reducing agents on mass transfer in liquid-liquid spray columns Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 8 (4-5). pp. 669-694. ISSN 0736-6299

Bhatia, S. K. ; Kalam, A. ; Joglekar, H. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Effective diffusivity of phenol in activated carbon Chemical Engineering Communications, 98 (1). pp. 139-154. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Flow generated by a disc turbine. I: Experimental Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 68 (1). pp. 19-33. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Flow generated by a disc turbine. II: Mathematical modelling and comparison with experimental data Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 68 (1). pp. 34-50. ISSN 0263-8762

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Power consumption in mechanically agitated contactors using pitched bladed turbine impellers Chemical Engineering Communications, 88 (1). pp. 69-90. ISSN 0098-6445

Lele, S. S. ; Rajadhyaksha, P. J. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Effluent treatment for alcohol distillery: thermal pretreatment with energy recovery Environmental Progress, 8 (4). pp. 245-252. ISSN 0278-4491

Lali, A. M. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Pressure drop in fixed and solid -liquid fluidized beds Powder Technology, 59 (2). pp. 129-140. ISSN 0032-5910

Lali, A. M. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Pressure drop in solid-liquid fluidised beds Powder Technology, 59 (2). pp. 129-140. ISSN 0032-5910

Bowen, Richard L. ; Rewatkar, V. B. ; Raghav Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Wichterle, Kamil (1989) Some aspects of solid suspension in mechanically agitated reactors AIChE Journal, 35 (9). pp. 1575-1582. ISSN 0001-1541

Lali, A. M. ; Khare, A. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Nigam, K. D. P. (1989) Behaviour of solid particles in viscous non-Newtonian solutions: settling velocity, wall effects and bed expansion in solid-liquid fluidized beds Powder Technology, 57 (1). pp. 39-50. ISSN 0032-5910

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Flow generated by pitched blade turbines I: Measurements using laser doppler anemometer Chemical Engineering Communications, 81 (1). pp. 197-224. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Marathe, A. G. (1989) Flow generated by pitched blade turbines II: Simulation using k-ε model Chemical Engineering Communications, 81 (1). pp. 225-248. ISSN 0098-6445

Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Gas phase dispersion and power consumption in mechanically agitated three phase reactors International Journal of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 2 . pp. 305-320. ISSN 0893-3960

Rewatkar, V. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Mechanism of solid suspension AIChE Journal, 35 . pp. 1581-1582. ISSN 0001-1541

Khare, A. S. ; Dharwadkar, S. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Solid-phase mixing in three-phase sparged reactors Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 22 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 0021-9592

Pandit, A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Perkins, R. A. ; Sikdar, S. K. (1989) Two phase aqueous extraction. Rheological properties of dextran, polyethylene glycol, bovine serum albumin and their mixtures Biotechnology Techniques, 3 (2). pp. 125-130. ISSN 0951-208X

Parulekar, Satish J. ; Shertukde, Prasad V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Underutilization of bubble column reactors due to desorption Chemical Engineering Science, 44 (3). pp. 543-558. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, J. B. ; Shertukde, P. V. ; Godbole, S. P. (1988) Modelling of three phase sparged catalytic reactors Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 5 (1-4). pp. 71-156. ISSN 0167-8299

Kalam, Abul ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Regeneration of spent earth in aqueous medium Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 65 (12). pp. 1917-1921. ISSN 0003-021X

Raghav Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Liquid-phase mixing and power consumption in mechanically agitated solid-liquid contactors The Chemical Engineering Journal, 39 (2). pp. 111-124. ISSN 0300-9467

Patil, T. A. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sikdar, S. K. (1988) Mass transfer coefficients in two-phase aqueous extraction The Chemical Engineering Journal, 39 (1). B1-B6. ISSN 0300-9467

Kalam, Abul ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Regeneration of spent earth by wet oxidation Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 65 (9). pp. 1536-1540. ISSN 0003-021X

Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Rewatkar, V. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Critical impeller speed for solid suspension in mechanically agitated contactors AIChE Journal, 34 (8). pp. 1332-1340. ISSN 0001-1541

Mahajani, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Kinetics of reactions between carbon dioxide and alkanolamines Gas Separation & Purification, 2 (2). pp. 50-64. ISSN 0950-4214

Shertukde, P. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Chidambaram, M. (1988) Modelling of three-phase sparged reactor: non-uniform solid concentration profile The Chemical Engineering Journal, 38 (2). pp. 81-96. ISSN 0300-9467

Lali, A. M. ; Khare, A. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Eapen, A. C. ; Rao, S. M. ; Yelgaonkar, V. N. ; Ajmera, R. L. (1988) Hydrodynamics and liquid phase axial mixing in orifice pipe reactor The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 66 (2). pp. 182-191. ISSN 0008-4034

Martinenko, O. G. ; Shnip, A. I. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Dispersion mechanism of low viscosity liquids in intense shear flows Journal of Engineering Physics, 54 . pp. 20-25. ISSN 0022-0841

Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Liquid phase mixing in mechanically agitated three phase reactors Proceedings of the 6th European Conference, Pavia, Italy, 24-26 May 1988, 6 . pp. 427-433.

Raghav Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Liquid phase mixing in mechanically agitated vessels Chemical Engineering Communications, 74 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 0098-6445

Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sikdar, S. K. (1988) Partition data for dexitran-PEG-Bovine Serum Albumin system Biotechnology Techniques, 2 . pp. 41-46. ISSN 0951-208X

Joshi, J. B. ; Mahajani, V. V. ; Juvekar, V. A. (1988) Some aspects of NOX absorption Chemical Engineering Communications, 58 . pp. 171-173. ISSN 0098-6445

Haque, M. W. ; Nigam, K. D. P. ; Viswanathan, K. ; Joshi, J. B. (1988) Studies on bubble rise velocity in bubble columns employing non-Newtonian solutions Chemical Engineering Communications, 73 (1). pp. 31-42. ISSN 0098-6445

Lali, A. M. ; Khare, A. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Eapen, A. C. ; Rao, S. M. ; Yelgaonkar, V. N. ; Ajmera, R. L. (1987) Liquid-phase axial mixing in two-phase horizontal pipe flow International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 13 (6). pp. 815-821. ISSN 0301-9322

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Effect of physical properties on the suspension of solid particles in three-phase sparged reactors International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 13 (3). pp. 415-427. ISSN 0301-9322

Dharwadkar, S. V. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Gas hold-up in highly viscous pseudoplastic non-Newtonian solutions in three phase sparged reactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 65 (3). pp. 406-411. ISSN 0008-4034

Haque, M. W. ; Nigam, K. D. P. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Viswanathan, K. (1987) Studies on gas holdup and bubble parameters in bubble columns with (carboxymethyl)cellulose solutions Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 26 (1). pp. 86-91. ISSN 0888-5885

Raidoo, A. D. ; Raghava Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Improvement in the gas inducing impeller design Chemical Engineering Communications, 39 . pp. 43-66. ISSN 0098-6445

Raidoo, A. D. ; Raghav Rao, K. S. M. S. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Improvements in gas inducing impeller design Chemical Engineering Communications, 54 (1-6). pp. 241-264. ISSN 0098-6445

Bhagwat, S. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1987) Modelling of three phase reactions: role of fine bubbles Chemical Engineering Communications, 58 (1-6). pp. 311-338. ISSN 0098-6445

Haque, M. W. ; Nigam, K. D. P. ; Srivastava, V. K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Viswanathan, K. (1987) Studies on mixing time in bubble columns with pseudoplastic (carboxymethyl) cellulose solutions Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 26 (1). pp. 82-86. ISSN 0888-5885

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Transport phenomena in multiphase systems: momemtum mass and heat transfer in bubble column reactors Proceedings of Symposium on Transfer Process in Multiphase Systems, BHU, Varanasi . pp. 113-196.

Haque, M. W. ; Nigam, K. D. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1986) Optimum gas sparger design for bubble columns with a low height-to-diameter ratio The Chemical Engineering Journal, 33 (2). pp. 63-69. ISSN 0300-9467

Haque, M. W. ; Nigam, K. D. P. ; Joshi, J. B. (1986) Hydrodynamics and mixing in highly viscous pseudo-plastic non-Newtonian solutions in bubble columns Chemical Engineering Science, 41 (9). pp. 2321-2331. ISSN 0009-2509

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1986) Mass and heat transfer characteristics of three phase sparged reactors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 64 (2). pp. 125-157. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Utgikar, V. P. ; Sharma, M. M. ; Juvekar, V. A. (1985) Modelling of three phase sparged reactors Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 3 (3-4). pp. 281-410. ISSN 0167-8299

Joshi, J. B. ; Mahajani, V. V. ; Juvekar, V. A. (1985) Invited review absorption of NOX gases Chemical Engineering Communications, 33 (1-4). pp. 1-92. ISSN 0098-6445

Patil, V. K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1984) Sectionalised bubble column: Gas hold-up and wall side solid-Liquid mass transfer coefficient The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 62 (2). pp. 228-232. ISSN 0008-4034

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1984) Three phase sparged reactors - some design aspects Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 1-84. ISSN 0167-8299

Pandit, A. B. ; Tenefrancia, N. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Tiwari, K. K. (1984) Power consumption and homogenization time for oleoresin suspensions The Chemical Engineering Journal, 28 (1). pp. 25-38. ISSN 0300-9467

Patil, V. K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1984) Solid-liquid mass transfer coefficient in mechanically agitated contactors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 62 . pp. 247-254. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. (1984) Some design aspects of solid-liquid fluidized beds Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 62 . pp. 271-272. ISSN 0046-9858

Joshi, J. B. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Ruether, J. A. ; Ritz, H. J. (1983) Particle size effects on oxidation of pyrite in air/water chemical coal cleaning Fuel Processing Technology, 7 (2). pp. 173-190. ISSN 0378-3820

Niranjan, K. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1983) Estimate tower pressure drop The Chemical Engineering Journal, 27 . ISSN 0300-9467

Pandit, A. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1983) Mixing in mechanically agitated gas-liquid contactors, bubble columns and modified bubble columns Chemical Engineering Science, 38 (8). pp. 1189-1215. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, J. B. (1983) Solid-liquid fluidised beds: some design aspects Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 61 . pp. 143-161. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Albal, R. S. ; Ritz, H. J. (1982) Effect of pH on the removal of pyritic sulfur from coal by oxydesulfurization Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 21 (4). pp. 594-600. ISSN 0196-4305

Niranjan, K. ; Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. (1982) Counter-current absorption using wire gauze packings Chemical Engineering Science, 37 (3). pp. 367-374. ISSN 0009-2509

Joshi, J. B. (1982) Energy balance in multiphase contactors Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 60 . pp. 126-127. ISSN 0046-9858

Joshi, J. B. (1982) Gas phase dispersion in bubble columns The Chemical Engineering Journal, 24 (2). pp. 213-216. ISSN 0300-9467

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1982) Liquid phase flow pattern in bubble columns Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 60 . p. 256. ISSN 0046-9858

Joshi, J. B. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1982) Mechanically agitated gas-liquid reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 37 (6). pp. 813-844. ISSN 0009-2509

Parulekar, S. J. ; Sharma, M. M. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Shah, Y. T. (1982) Separation processes for the recovery of valuable chemicals from aqueous effluents Journal of seperation procedure technique, 3 . pp. 2-29. ISSN 0260-6275

Joshi, J. B. ; Abichandani, J. S. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Ruether, J. A. ; Ritz, H. J. (1981) Modeling of three phase reactors: a case of oxydesulfurization of coal AIChE Journal, 27 (6). pp. 937-945. ISSN 0001-1541

Joshi, Jestharaj B. ; Shah, Yatish T. (1981) Kinetics of organic sulphur removal from coal by oxydesulphurization Fuel, 60 (7). pp. 612-614. ISSN 0016-2361

Joshi, J. B. ; Shah, Y. T. (1981) Invited review hydrodynamic and mixing models for bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Communications, 11 (1-3). pp. 165-199. ISSN 0098-6445

Lagonik, F. E. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Albal, R. S. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Brainard, A. J. (1981) Kinetics of oxydesulfurization of Minshall, Indiana coal Chemical Engineering Communications, 11 (4-5). pp. 201-218. ISSN 0098-6445

Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. ; Mhaskar, R. D. (1981) Mass transfer and hydrodynamic characteristics of the Denver type of flotation cells The Chemical Engineering Journal, 21 (1). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0300-9467

Slagle, D. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Joshi, J. B. (1980) Kinetics of oxydesulfurization of upper freeport coal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 19 (2). pp. 294-300. ISSN 0196-4305

Joshi, J. B. (1980) Axial mixing in multiphase contactors - a unified correlation Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 58A . pp. 155-165. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. ; Shah, Y. T. ; Singh, C. P. P. ; Ally, Moonis ; Klinzing, G. E. (1980) Heat transfer in multiphase contactors Chemical Engineering Communications, 6 (4-5). pp. 257-271. ISSN 0098-6445

Joshi, J. B. (1980) Modifications in the design of gas inducing impeller Chemical Engineering Communications, 5 (1-4). pp. 109-114. ISSN 0098-6445

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1979) Some design features of radial baffles in sectionalised bubble columns The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 57 (3). pp. 375-377. ISSN 0008-4034

Sawant, S. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1979) Critical impeller speed for the onset of gas induction in gas-inducing types of agitated contactors The Chemical Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 87-91. ISSN 0300-9467

Joshi, J. B. ; Kale, D. D. (1979) Effect of drag reducing additives on mass transfer characteristics of gas-liquid contactors-gas inducing contactors Chemical Engineering Communications, 3 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 0098-6445

Sawant, S. B. ; Pangarkar, V. G. ; Joshi, J. B. (1979) Gas hold-up and mass transfer characteristics of packed bubble columns The Chemical Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0300-9467

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1979) A circulation cell model for bubble columns Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 57A . pp. 244-251. ISSN 0263-8762

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1978) Liquid phase backmixing in sparged contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 56 (1). pp. 116-119. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1977) Mass transfer and hydrodynamic characteristics of gas inducing type of agitated contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 55 (6). pp. 683-695. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1976) Mass transfer characteristics of horizontal agitated contactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 54 (5). pp. 560-565. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Sharma, M. M. (1976) Mass transfer characteristics of horizontal sparged contactors Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 54A . pp. 42-53. ISSN 0263-8762

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