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Number of items: 62.

Das, Ashok ; Melikyan, Arsen ; Sato, Matsuo ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (2004) The algebra of transition matrices for the AdS5 × S5 superstring Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004 (12). 055-055. ISSN 1126-6708

Maharana, Jnanadeva (2002) Novel symmetries in axion-dilaton string cosmology Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 549 (1-2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (2002) From big crunch to big bang: a quantum string cosmology perspective Physical Review D, 65 (10). 103504_1-103504 _5. ISSN 0556-2821

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, J. ; Melikyan, A. (2001) Colliding string waves and duality Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 518 (3-4). pp. 306-314. ISSN 0370-2693

Das, Ashok ; Melikyan, Arsen ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (2001) Open membranes, p-branes and noncommutativity of boundary string coordinates Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001 (4). 016-016. ISSN 1126-6708

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Pal, Shesansu S. (2000) Noncommutative open string, D-brane and duality Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 488 (3-4). pp. 410-416. ISSN 0370-2693

Biswas, Anindya K. ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (2000) The holography hypothesis in pre-big-bang cosmology with string sources Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000 (1). 020-020. ISSN 1126-6708

Biswas, A. K. ; Maharana, J. ; Pradhan, R. K. (1999) The holography hypothesis and pre-big bang cosmology Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 462 (3-4). pp. 243-248. ISSN 0370-2693

Ghosh, A. ; Maharana, J. (1999) Ward identity for membranes Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 454 (3-4). pp. 228-234. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1998) Hidden symmetries of M-theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 427 (1-2). pp. 33-40. ISSN 0370-2693

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Roy, Shibaji (1998) An SL(2, Z) multiplet of black holes in D=4 type II superstring theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 421 (1-4). pp. 185-195. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Veneziano, Gabriele ; Onofri, Enrico (1998) A numerical simulation of pre-big bang cosmology Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998 (4). 004-004. ISSN 1126-6708

Lu, H. ; Maharana, J. ; Mukherji, S. ; Pope, C. N. (1998) Cosmological solutions, p-branes, and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation Physical Review D, 57 (4). pp. 2219-2229. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Harvendra (1997) On the compactification of type IIA string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 408 (1-4). pp. 164-172. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1997) S-duality and compactification of type IIB superstring action Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 402 (1-2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 0370-2693

Gasperini, M. ; Maharana, J. ; Veneziano, G. (1996) Graceful exit in quantum string cosmology Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 472 (1-2). pp. 349-360. ISSN 0550-3213

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Harvendra (1996) S-duality and canonical transformations in string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 380 (3-4). pp. 280-285. ISSN 0370-2693

Kar, Supriya ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Harvendra (1996) S-duality and cosmological constant in string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 374 (1-3). pp. 43-48. ISSN 0370-2693

Kar, Supriya ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Panda, Sudhakar (1996) Dualities in five dimensions and charged string solutions Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 465 (3). pp. 439-457. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1996) M theory and p-branes Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 372 (1-2). pp. 53-58. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Harvendra (1996) Symmetries of four-dimensional string effective action with cosmological constant Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 368 (1-2). pp. 64-70. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1995) Hidden symmetries of two-dimensional string effective action Physical Review Letters, 75 (2). pp. 205-208. ISSN 0031-9007

Pratik Khastgir, S. ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1993) Topology changing processes and symmetries of string effective action Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 406 (1-2). pp. 145-162. ISSN 0550-3213

Pratik Khastgir, S. ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1993) Wormholes and symmetries of the string effective action Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 301 (2-3). pp. 191-195. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Schwarz, John H. (1993) Noncompact symmetries in string theory Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 390 (1). pp. 3-32. ISSN 0550-3213

Khastgir, S. P. ; Maharana, J. (1993) Symmetries of string-effective action and spacetime geometry Classical & Quantum Gravity, 10 (9). pp. 1731-1739. ISSN 0264-9381

Gasperini, M. ; Maharana, J. ; Veneziano, G. (1992) Boosting away singularities from conformal string backgrounds Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 296 (1-2). pp. 51-57. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1992) Duality and O(d, d) symmetries in string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 296 (1-2). pp. 65-70. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Mukherji, Sudipta (1992) Gauge transformations in string field theory and canonical transformations in string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 284 (1-2). pp. 36-42. ISSN 0370-2693

Kumar, Alok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1992) Topological field theory from N = 3 superconformal theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 373 (1). pp. 281-291. ISSN 0370-2693

Gasperini, M. ; Maharana, J. ; Veneziano, G. (1991) From trivial to non-trivial conformal string backgrounds via O(d, d) transformations Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 272 (3-4). pp. 277-284. ISSN 0370-2693

Grinstein, Benjamin ; Maharana, J. ; Sudarsky, Daniel (1990) All orders vertex operators for axionic wormholes Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 345 (1). pp. 231-247. ISSN 0550-3213

Grinstein, Benjamin ; Maharana, J. (1990) Vertex operators for axionic wormholes Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 333 (1). pp. 160-172. ISSN 0550-3213

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Roy, Shibaji (1990) The Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond string in background fields: nilpotency of BRST charge Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 331 (3). pp. 573-591. ISSN 0550-3213

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1990) Wormhole solution in coupled Yang-Mills-axion system Physical Review D, 41 (2). pp. 699-701. ISSN 0556-2821

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Roy, Shibaji (1989) BRST quantization of the superstring in background fields Physical Review D, 40 (12). pp. 4037-4046. ISSN 0556-2821

Das, Ashok ; Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Roy, Shibaji (1989) Chern-Simons terms in four-dimensional heterotic string theory Physical Review D, 40 (8). pp. 2636-2640. ISSN 0556-2821

Fubini, S. ; Maharana, J. ; Roncadelli, M. ; Veneziano, G. (1989) Quantum constraint algebra for an interacting superstring Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 316 (1). pp. 36-58. ISSN 0550-3213

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1988) Ward identities in four-dimensional string theory Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 211 (4). pp. 431-436. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1988) BRST Hamiltonian quantization of a spinless particle in a curved background Physical Review D, 37 (2). pp. 555-557. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, J. ; Veneziano, G. (1987) Strings in a background: a BRS hamiltonian approach Nuclear Physics - Section B: Particle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics, 283 . pp. 126-140. ISSN 0550-3213

Maharana, J. ; Veneziano, G. (1986) Gauge ward identities of the compactified bosonic string Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 169 (2-3). pp. 177-181. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1985) Path-integral formulation of the theory of loops and strings Physical Review D, 31 (12). pp. 3162-3167. ISSN 0556-2821

Khare, Avinash ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1984) Supersymmetric quantum mechanics in one, two and three dimensions Nuclear Physics B, 244 (2). pp. 409-420. ISSN 0550-3213

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1984) A path integral formulation of the theory of loops Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 142 (3). pp. 177-180. ISSN 0370-2693

Khare, Avinash ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1984) Supersymmetry breaking in quantum mechanics Zeitschrift für Physik C: Particles and Fields, 23 (2). pp. 191-194. ISSN 0170-9739

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1983) Quantization of nonlinear sigma model in constrained hamiltonian formalism Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 128 (6). pp. 411-414. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Mohapatra, J. K. (1983) Scaling of the elastic differential cross section in high-energy collisions of hadrons Physical Review D, 27 (1). pp. 130-139. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1980) Production of mesons with new flavor in e+e- collisions Physical Review D, 21 (7). pp. 1775-1780. ISSN 0556-2821

Khare, A. ; Maharana, J. (1979) What do the baryonium data tell us about the nucleon-antinucleon potential? Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 5 (5). L87-L90. ISSN 0305-4616

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1978) Pion-nucleon charge-exchange scattering and scaling of the differential cross section Physical Review D, 18 (11). pp. 4115-4119. ISSN 0556-2821

Khare, Avinash ; Maharana, Jnanadev (1978) Is the 1D2 level of charmonium really found? Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 18 (7). pp. 2553-2555. ISSN 1550-7998

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1978) Bounds on slope of diffraction peak and zeros of absorptive differential cross sections Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 77 (1). pp. 102-104. ISSN 0370-2693

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Raval, Vijay M. (1977) Production of χc in electron-positron colliding-beam experiments Physical Review D, 15 (9). pp. 2519-2523. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1977) Consequences of a modified charmed current Physical Review D, 15 (3). pp. 666-669. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, Jnanadeva ; Singh, Lambodar P. (1976) Charmed-particle production in neutrino scattering Physical Review D, 14 (11). pp. 3025-3028. ISSN 0556-2821

Misra, S. P. ; Maharana, J. (1976) Diffraction scattering and group contraction Physical Review D, 14 (1). pp. 133-139. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, Jnanadeva (1976) Two-photon processes and production of charmed-quark-antiquark bound states Physical Review D, 13 (9). pp. 2563-2566. ISSN 0556-2821

Ezawa, Zyun F. ; Maharana, Jnanadeva (1974) How does triple-Pomeranchukon coupling modify F2(ω)? Physical Review D, 9 (7). pp. 2164-2166. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, J. ; Ramachandran, R. (1973) Bootstrap constraints on a dual model for pions Physical Review D, 8 (7). pp. 2337-2340. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, J. ; Ramachandran, R. (1973) Nonlinear bootstrap in dual models Physical Review D, 8 (8). p. 2746. ISSN 0556-2821

Maharana, J. ; Ramachandran, R. (1970) πN charge-exchange polarization in the Veneziano model Physical Review D, 2 (11). pp. 2713-2717. ISSN 0556-2821

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