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Number of items: 71.

Paul, Tathagata ; Ghatak, Subhamoy ; Ghosh, Arindam (2016) Percolative switching in transition metal dichalcogenide field-effect transistors at room temperature Nanotechnology, 27 (12). Article ID 125706. ISSN 0957-4484

Kumar, Ashutosh ; Kashid, Ranjit ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Kumar, Vikram ; Singh, Rajendra (2016) Enhanced thermionic emission and low 1/f noise in exfoliated graphene/GaN Schottky barrier diode ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (12). pp. 8213-8223. ISSN 1944-8244

Kochat, Vidya ; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar ; Biswas, Tathagata ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Hsieh, Kimberly ; Chattopadhyay, Kamanio ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Jain, Manish ; Ghosh, Arindam (2016) Magnitude and origin of electrical noise at individual grain boundaries in graphene Nano Letters, 16 (1). pp. 562-567. ISSN 1530-6984

Bhattacharyya, Semonti ; Kandala, Abhinav ; Richardella, Anthony ; Islam, Saurav ; Samarth, Nitin ; Ghosh, Arindam (2016) Resistance noise in epitaxial thin films of ferromagnetic topological insulators Applied Physics Letters, 108 (8). Article ID 082101. ISSN 0003-6951

Shamim, Saquib ; Weber, Bent ; Thompson, Daniel W. ; Simmons, Michelle Y. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2016) Ultralow-noise atomic-scale structures for quantum circuitry in silicon Nano Letters, 16 (9). pp. 5779-5784. ISSN 1530-6984

Paria, Debadrita ; Roy, Kallol ; Singh, Haobijam Johnson ; Kumar, Shishir ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Ghosh, Ambarish (2015) Ultrahigh field enhancement and photoresponse in atomically separated arrays of plasmonic dimers Advanced Materials, 27 (10). pp. 1751-1758. ISSN 0935-9648

Kochat, Vidya ; Sahoo, Anindita ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Eashwer, Sneha ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Sampathkumar, Arjun ; Tero, Ryugu ; Viet Thu, Tran ; Kaushal, Sanjeev ; Okada, Hiroshi ; Sandhu, Adarsh ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2015) Origin of 1/f noise in graphene produced for large-scale applications in electronics IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 9 (1). pp. 52-58. ISSN 1751-858X

Bhattacharyya, Semonti ; Banerjee, Mitali ; Nhalil, Hariharan ; Islam, Saurav ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Elizabeth, Suja ; Ghosh, Arindam (2015) Bulk-induced 1/f noise at the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators ACS Nano, 9 (12). pp. 12529-12536. ISSN 1936-0851

Venkatesh, R. ; Kundu, Subhajit ; Pradhan, Avradip ; Sai, T. Phanindra ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Ravishankar, N. (2015) Directed assembly of ultrathin gold nanowires over large area by dielectrophoresis Langmuir, 31 (33). pp. 9246-9252. ISSN 0743-7463

Ghosh, Priyadarshini ; Kumar, Shishir ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Kochat, Vidya ; Radhakrishnan, Madhavan ; Dhar, Sukanya ; Suwas, Satyam ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Ravishankar, N. ; Raghavan, Srinivasan (2015) Insights on defect-mediated heterogeneous nucleation of graphene on copper Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (5). pp. 2513-2522. ISSN 1932-7447

Sahoo, Anindita ; Ha, Sieu D. ; Ramanathan, Shriram ; Ghosh, Arindam (2014) Conductivity noise study of the insulator-metal transition and phase coexistence in epitaxial samarium nickelate thin films Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 90 (8). Article ID 085116. ISSN 1098-0121

Karnatak, Paritosh ; Goswami, Srijit ; Kochat, Vidya ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2014) Fermi-edge transmission resonance in graphene driven by a single Coulomb impurity Physical Review Letters, 113 (2). Article ID 026601. ISSN 0031-9007

Shamim, S. ; Mahapatra, S. ; Scappucci, G. ; Klesse, W. M. ; Simmons, M. Y. ; Ghosh, A. (2014) Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in strongly interacting two-dimensional electron layers in silicon and germanium Physical Review Letters, 112 (23). Article ID 236602. ISSN 0031-9007

Kochat, Vidya ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2014) Reading valley-hybridization and universal symmetry of graphene with mesoscopic conductance fluctuations In: APS March Meeting 2014.

Ghosh, Arindam ; Krishnan, Yamuna (2014) At a long-awaited turning point Nature Nanotechnology, 9 (7). pp. 491-494. ISSN 1748-3387

Ghatak, Subhamoy ; Mukherjee, Sumanta ; Jain, Manish ; Sarma, D. D. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2014) Microscopic origin of low frequency noise in MoS2 field-effect transistors APL Materials, 2 (9). Article ID 092515. ISSN 2166-532X

Roy, Kallol ; Padmanabhan, Medini ; Goswami, Srijit ; Sai, T. Phanindra ; Kaushal, Sanjeev ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Optically active heterostructures of graphene and ultrathin MoS2 Solid State Communications, 175 . pp. 35-42. ISSN 0038-1098

Koushik, R. ; Kumar, Siddhartha ; Amin, Kazi Rafsanjani ; Mondal, Mintu ; Jesudasan, John ; Bid, Aveek ; Raychaudhuri, Pratap ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Correlated conductance fluctuations close to the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in ultrathin NbN films Physical Review Letters, 111 (19). Article ID 197001. ISSN 0031-9007

Narayan, V. ; Pepper, M. ; Griffths, J. ; Beere, H. ; Sfigakis, F. ; Jones, G. ; Ritchie, D. ; Ghosh, A. (2013) Evidence of novel quasiparticles in a strongly interacting two-dimensional electron system: giant thermopower and metallic behaviour Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 171 (5-6). pp. 626-631. ISSN 0022-2291

Chandni, U. ; Kundu, Paromita ; Kundu, Subhajit ; Ravishankar, N. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Tunability of electronic states in ultrathin gold nanowires Advanced Materials, 25 (17). pp. 2486-2491. ISSN 0935-9648

Mohanasundaram, S. M. ; Pratap, R. ; Ghosh, A. (2013) Cantilever resonator with integrated actuation and sensing fabricated using a single step lithography IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (2). pp. 440-441. ISSN 1530-437X

Padmanabhan, Medini ; Roy, Kallol ; Goswami, Srijit ; Sai, T. Phanindra ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Kaushal, Sanjeev ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Optoelectronic properties of graphene-MoS2 hybrid MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1505 . No pp. given. ISSN 1946-4274

Roy, Kallol ; Padmanabhan, Medini ; Goswami, Srijit ; Sai, T. Phanindra ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Graphene–MoS2 hybrid structures for multifunctional photoresponsive memory devices Nature Nanotechnology, 8 (11). pp. 826-830. ISSN 1748-3387

Aamir, Mohammed Ali ; Goswami, Srijit ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Tripathi, Vikram ; Peppe, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Arindam Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Large linear magnetoresistance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure In: Proceedings of the Conference of Physics of Semiconductors, July 29 –August 3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

Ghatak, Subhamoy ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Observation of localized states in atomically thin MoS2 field effect transistor AIP Conference Proceedings, 1566 . pp. 405-406. ISSN 1551-7616

Shamim, Saquib ; Mahapatra, Suddhasatta ; Scappucci, Giordano ; Polley, Craig ; Simmons, Michelle Y. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Origin of noise in two dimensionally doped silicon and germanium In: Proceedings of the Conference of Physics of Semiconductors, July 29 –August 3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

Koushik, R. ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Narayan, Vijay ; Mukerjee, Subroto ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Topological excitations in semiconductor heterostructures AIP Conference Proceedings, 1566 (1). pp. 265-266. ISSN 1551-7616

Kochat, Vidya ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Universal conductance fluctuations as a direct probe to valley coherence and universality class of disordered graphene AIP Conference Proceedings, 1566 . pp. 161-162. ISSN 1551-7616

Mohanasundaram, S. M. ; Pratap, Rudra ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Tuning the sensitivity of a metal-based piezoresistive sensor using electromigration IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 21 (6). pp. 1276-1278. ISSN 1057-7157

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Kochat, Vidya ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Direct observation of valley hybridization and universal symmetry of graphene with mesoscopic conductance fluctuations Physical Review Letters, 109 (19). Article ID 196601. ISSN 0031-9007

Narayan, Vijay ; Pepper, Michael ; Griffiths, Jonathan ; Beere, Harvey ; Sfigakis, Francois ; Jones, Geb ; Ritchie, Dave ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Unconventional metallicity and giant thermopower in a strongly interacting two-dimensional electron system Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86 (12). Article ID 125406. ISSN 1098-0121

Aamir, M. A. ; Goswami, Srijit ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Tripathi, Vikram ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Colossal nonsaturating linear magnetoresistance in two-dimensional electron systems at a GaAs/(Al,Ga)As heterointerface Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86 (8). Article ID 081203. ISSN 1098-0121

Goswami, Srijit ; Aamir, M. A. ; Siegert, Christoph ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Transport through an electrostatically defined quantum dot lattice in a two-dimensional electron gas Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85 (7). Article ID 075427. ISSN 1098-0121

Padmanabhan, Medini ; Roy, Kallol ; Ramalingam, Gopalakrishnan ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Electrochemical integration of graphene with light absorbing copper-based thin films Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (1). pp. 1200-1204. ISSN 1932-7447

Mohanasundaram, S. M. ; Pratap, Rudra ; Ghosh, Arindam (2012) Electromigration: a unique tool for microstructure engineering in metal films International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, 2 (3). pp. 146-148. ISSN 2010-362X

Kundu, Paromita ; Chandni, U. ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Ravishankar, N. (2012) Pristine, adherent ultrathin gold nanowires on substrates and between pre-defined contacts via a wet chemical route Nanoscale, 4 (2). pp. 433-437. ISSN 2040-3364

Singh, Amrita ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Domain-wall creep driven by spin torque in nanoscale ferromagnetic cylinders Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84 (6). Article ID 060407. ISSN 1098-0121

Shamim, Saquib ; Mahapatra, Suddhasatta ; Polley, Craig ; Simmons, Michelle Y. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Suppression of low-frequency noise in two-dimensional electron gas at degenerately doped Si:P δ layers Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83 (23). Article ID 233304. ISSN 1098-0121

Koushik, R. ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Narayan, Vijay ; Mukerjee, Subroto ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Evidence of gate-tunable topological excitations in two-dimensional electron systems Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83 (8). Article ID 085302. ISSN 1098-0121

Goswami, Srijit ; Siegert, Christoph ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Signatures of an anomalous Nernst effect in a mesoscopic two-dimensional electron system Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83 (7). Article ID 073302. ISSN 1098-0121

Kochat, Vidya ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Sneha, E. S. ; Sampathkumar, Arjun ; Gairola, Anshita ; Shivashankar, S. A. ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) High contrast imaging and thickness determination of graphene with in-column secondary electron microscopy Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (1). Article ID 014315. ISSN 0021-8979

Chandni, U. ; Kundu, Paromita ; Singh, Abhishek K. ; Ravishankar, N. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Insulating state and breakdown of fermi liquid description in molecular-scale single-crystalline wires of gold ACS Nano, 5 (10). pp. 8398-8403. ISSN 1936-0851

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghatak, Subhamoy ; Kochat, Vidya ; Sneha, E. S. ; Sampathkumar, Arjun ; Raghavan, Srinivasan ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Microscopic mechanism of 1/f Noise in Graphene: role of energy band dispersion ACS Nano, 5 (3). pp. 2075-2081. ISSN 1936-0851

Ghatak, Subhamoy ; Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2011) Nature of electronic states in atomically thin MoS2 field-effect transistors ACS Nano, 5 (10). pp. 7707-7712. ISSN 1936-0851

Mukhopadhyay, Soumik ; Singh, Amrita ; Ghosh, Arindam (2010) Field-tunable stochasticity in the magnetization reversal of a cylindrical nanomagnet Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82 (17). Article ID 172404. ISSN 1098-0121

Singh, Amrita ; Mukhopadhyay, Soumik ; Ghosh, Arindam (2010) Tracking random walk of individual domain walls in cylindrical nanomagnets with resistance noise Physical Review Letters, 105 (6). Article ID 067206. ISSN 0031-9007

Chandni, U. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2010) Simple kinetic sensor to structural transitions Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81 (13). Article ID 134105. ISSN 1098-0121

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Bol, Ageeth A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2010) Large low-frequency resistance noise in chemical vapor deposited graphene Applied Physics Letters, 97 (13). Article ID 133504. ISSN 0003-6951

Chandni, U. ; Kar-Narayan, Sohini ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Vijaya, H. S. ; Mohan, S. (2009) A fluctuation-based characterization of athermal phase transitions: application to shape memory alloys Acta Materialia, 57 (20). pp. 6113-6122. ISSN 1359-6454

Goswami, Srijit ; Siegert, Christoph ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Highly enhanced thermopower in two-dimensional electron systems at Millikelvin temperatures Physical Review Letters, 103 (2). Article ID 026603. ISSN 0031-9007

Baenninger, Matthias ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Pepper, Michael ; Beere., Harvey E.. ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. (2009) Magnetic field induced instabilities in localized Two-dimensional Electron Systems International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23 (12-13). pp. 2708-2712. ISSN 0217-9792

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Resistance noise in electrically biased bilayer graphene Physical Review Letters, 102 (12). Article ID 126805. ISSN 0031-9007

Chandni, U. ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Vijaya, H. S. ; Mohan, S. (2009) Criticality of tuning in athermal phase transitions Physical Review Letters, 102 (2). Article ID 025701. ISSN 0031-9007

Sarkozy, S. ; Das Gupta, K. ; Siegert, C. ; Ghosh, A. ; Pepper, M. ; Farrer, I. ; Beere, H. E. ; Ritchie, D. A. ; Jones, G. A. C. (2009) Low temperature transport in undoped mesoscopic structures Applied Physics Letters, 94 (17). Article ID 172105. ISSN 0003-6951

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Resistance noise in graphene based field effect devices In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, June 14–19, 2009, Pisa, Italy.

Singh, Amrita ; Chowdhury, Debtosh ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Resistivity noise in crystalline magnetic nanowires and its implications to domain formation and kinetics Applied Physics Letters, 95 (9). Article ID 092103. ISSN 0003-6951

Singh, Amrita ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Ultra-low conductivity noise in metallic nanowires In: 20th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, June 14-19 2009, Pisa, Italy.

Pal, Atindra Nath ; Ghosh, Arindam (2009) Ultralow noise field-effect transistor from multilayer graphene Applied Physics Letters, 95 (8). Article ID 082105. ISSN 0003-6951

Chandni, U. ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Vijaya, H. S. ; Mohan, S. (2009) A fluctuation-based probe to athermal phase transitions In: 20th International Conf on Noise and Fluctuations, June 14–19, 2009, Pisa (Italy).

Siegert, C. ; Ghosh, A. ; Pepper, M. ; Farrer, I. ; Ritchie, D. A. ; Anderson, D. ; Jones, G. A. C. (2008) Effect of a perpendicular magnetic field on the zero-bias anomaly in two-dimensional electron systems Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78 (7). Article ID 073302. ISSN 1098-0121

Siegert, Christoph ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Anderson, David ; Jones, Geb A. C. (2008) Oscillatory Hall effect in high-mobility two-dimensional electron gases Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78 (8). Article ID 081302. ISSN 1098-0121

Baenninger, Matthias ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Pepper, Michael ; Beere, Harvey E. ; Farrer, Ian ; Atkinson, Paula ; Ritchie, Dave A. (2008) Quantisation of hopping magnetoresistance prefactor in strongly correlated two-dimensional electron systems Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 40 (5). pp. 1347-1350. ISSN 1386-9477

Siegert, C. ; Ghosh, A. ; Pepper, M. ; Farrer, I. ; Ritchie, D. A. ; Anderson, D. ; Jones, G. A. C. (2008) Sensitivity of the magnetic state of a spin lattice on itinerant electron orbital phase Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 40 (5). pp. 1460-1463. ISSN 1386-9477

Baenninger, Matthias ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Pepper, Michael ; Beere, Harvey E. ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. (2008) Low-temperature collapse of electron localization in two dimensions Physical Review Letters, 100 (1). Article ID 016805. ISSN 0031-9007

Singh, Amrita ; Sai, T. Phanindra ; Ghosh, Arindam (2008) Electrochemical fabrication of ultralow noise metallic nanowires with hcp crystalline lattice Applied Physics Letters, 93 (10). Article ID 102107. ISSN 0003-6951

Siegert, C. ; Ghosh, A. ; Pepper, M. ; Farrer, I. ; Ritchie, D.A. ; Anderson, D. ; Jones, G.A.C. (2008) Field-tunable magnetic phases in a semiconductor-based two-dimensional Kondo lattice Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 40 (5). pp. 942-948. ISSN 1386-9477

Chandni, U. ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Vijaya, H. S. ; Mohan, S. (2008) Signature of martensite transformation on conductivity noise in thin films of NiTi shape memory alloys Applied Physics Letters, 92 (11). Article ID 112110. ISSN 0003-6951

Singh, Amrita ; Ghosh, Arindam (2008) Stabilizing high-energy crystal structure in silver nanowires with underpotential electrochemistry Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (10). pp. 3460-3463. ISSN 1932-7447

Siegert, Christoph ; Ghosh, Arindam ; Pepper, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. (2007) The possibility of an intrinsic spin lattice in high-mobility semiconductor heterostructures Nature Physics, 3 (5). pp. 315-318. ISSN 1745-2473

Horsell, D. W. ; Savchenko, A. K. ; Kretinin, A. V. ; Ghosh, A. ; Beere, H. E. ; Ritchie, D. A. (2006) Effect of a mixed scattering potential on the conductance fluctuations of a quasi-ballistic wire Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 34 (1-2). pp. 580-583. ISSN 1386-9477

Horsell, D. W. ; Galaktionov, E. A. ; Savchenko, A. K. ; Kretinin, A. V. ; Ghosh, A. ; Beere, H. E. ; Ritchie, D. A. (2006) The effect of a non-uniform scattering potential on conductance fluctuations in a quantum wire Physica Status Solidi C, 3 (2). pp. 325-328. ISSN 1610-1634

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