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Number of items: 181.

Bonilla, Mauricio R. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2012) Multicomponent effective medium-correlated random walk theory for the diffusion of fluid mixtures through porous media Langmuir, 28 (1). pp. 517-533. ISSN 0743-7463

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh Kumar (2012) Some anomalies in the self-diffusion of water in disordered carbons Journal of Physical Chemistry . ISSN 1932-7447

Bonilla, Mauricio Rincon ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2011) The low-density diffusion coefficient of soft-sphere fluids in nanopores: accurate correlations from exact theory and criteria for applicability of the Knudsen model Journal of Membrane Science, 382 (1-2). pp. 339-349. ISSN 0376-7388

Lim, Young-Il ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2011) Simulation of methane permeability in carbon slit pores Journal of Membrane Science, 369 (1-2). pp. 319-328. ISSN 0376-7388

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2011) Some pitfalls in the use of the Knudsen equation in modelling diffusion in nanoporous materials Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (3). pp. 284-293. ISSN 0009-2509

Lim, Young-Il ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2011) Effect of dead volume on performance of simulated moving bed process Adsorption, 17 (1). pp. 109-120. ISSN 0929-5607

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2011) How water adsorbs in hydrophobic nanospaces ? Journal of Physical Chemistry, 115 (33). pp. 16606-16612. ISSN 1932-7447

Hankel, Marlies ; Zhang, Hong ; Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Gray, Stephen K. ; Smith, Sean C. (2011) Kinetic modelling of molecular hydrogen transport in microporous carbon materials PCCP: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (17). pp. 7834-7844. ISSN 1463-9076

Alizadehhesari, Kimia ; Golding, Suzanne D. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2011) Kinetics of the dehydroxylation of serpentine Energy & Fuels, 26 (2). pp. 783-790. ISSN 0887-0624

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2011) Modeling self-diffusion of simple fluids in nanopores Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (40). pp. 11700-11711. ISSN 1089-5647

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Bonilla, Mauricio Rincon ; Nicholson, David (2011) Molecular transport in nanopores: a theoretical perspective PCCP: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (34). pp. 15350-15383. ISSN 1463-9076

Bhatia, S. K. ; Nguyen, T. X. (2011) Potential of silicon carbide-derived carbon for carbon capture Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (17). pp. 10380-10383. ISSN 0888-5885

Lim, Young-II ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nguyen, Thanh Xuan ; Nicholson, David (2010) Prediction of carbon dioxide permeability in carbon slit pores Journal of Membrane Science, 355 (1-2). pp. 186-199. ISSN 0376-7388

Sarathy, Sandeep ; Wallis, Michael D. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2010) Effect of catalyst loading on kinetics of catalytic degradation of high density polyethylene: experiment and modelling Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2). pp. 796-806. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2010) Adsorption and diffusion of methane in silica nanopores: a comparison of single-site and five-site models Journal of Physical Chemistry, 116 (3). pp. 2344-2355. ISSN 1932-7447

Bonilla, Mauricio Rincón ; Bae, Jun-Seok ; Nguyen, T. X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2010) Heat treatment-induced structural changes in SiC-derived carbons and their impact on gas storage potential Journal of Physical Chemistry, 114 (39). pp. 16562-16575. ISSN 1932-7447

Lim, Young-ll ; Lee, Jinsuk ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Lim, Young-Sub ; Han, Chonghun (2010) Improvement of para-xylene SMB process performance on an industrial scale Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (7). pp. 3316-3327. ISSN 0888-5885

Bae, Jun-Seok ; Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2010) Influence of synthesis conditions and heat treatment on the structure of Ti3SiC2-derived carbons Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2). pp. 1046-1056. ISSN 1932-7447

Nguyen, T. X. ; Jobic, H. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2010) Microscopic observation of kinetic molecular sieving of hydrogen isotopes in a nanoporous material Physical Review Letters, 105 (8). 085901_1-085901_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Bhatia, Suresh K. (2010) Modeling pure gas permeation in nanoporous materials and membranes Langmuir, 26 (11). pp. 8373-8385. ISSN 0743-7463

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2009) Accessibility of simple gases in disordered carbons: theory and simulation Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 4 (5). pp. 557-562. ISSN 1932-2135

Nicholson, David ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2009) Fluid transport in nanospaces Molecular Simulation, 35 (1&2). pp. 109-121. ISSN 0892-7022

Wang, Yang ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2009) Simulation of quantum separation of binary hydrogen isotope mixtures in carbon slit pores Molecular Simulation, 35 (1&2). pp. 162-171. ISSN 0892-7022

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bae, J. -S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2009) Characterization and adsorption modeling of silicon carbide-derived carbons Langmuir, 25 (4). pp. 2121-2132. ISSN 0743-7463

Tran, Kien N. ; Berkovich, Adam J. ; Tomsett, Alan ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2009) Influence of sulfur and metal microconstituents on the reactivity of carbon anodes Energy & Fuels, 23 (4). pp. 1909-1924. ISSN 0887-0624

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bae, J. -S. ; Wang, Y. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2009) On the strength of the hydrogen-carbon interaction as deduced from physisorption Langmuir, 25 (8). pp. 4314-4319. ISSN 0743-7463

Bae, Jun-Seok ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Rudolph, Victor ; Massarotto, Paul (2009) Pore accessibility of methane and carbon dioxide in coals Energy & Fuels, 23 (6). pp. 3319-3327. ISSN 0887-0624

Wang, Yang ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2009) Quantum effect-mediated hydrogen isotope mixture separation in slit pore nanoporous materials Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (33). pp. 14953-14962. ISSN 1932-7447

Wallis, Michael D. ; Sarathy, Sandeep ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Massarotto, P. (2008) Catalytic degradation of high-density polyethylene in a reactive extruder Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (15). pp. 5175-5181. ISSN 0888-5885

Tran, Kien N. ; Berkovich, Adam J. ; Tomsett, Alan ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2008) Crystalline structure transformation of carbon anodes during gasification Energy & Fuels, 22 (3). pp. 1902-1910. ISSN 0887-0624

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2008) Friction based modeling of multicomponent transport at the nanoscale Journal of Chemical Physics, 129 (16). pp. 164709-164720. ISSN 0021-9606

Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2008) Is kinetic molecular sieving of hydrogen isotopes feasible? Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (30). pp. 11421-11426. ISSN 1932-7447

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2008) Kinetic restriction of simple gases in porous carbons: transition-state theory study Langmuir, 24 (1). pp. 146-154. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2008) Modeling mixture transport at the nanoscale: departure from existing paradigms Physical Review Letters, 100 (23). 236103_1-236103_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Cohaut, Nathalie ; Bae, Jun-Seok ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2008) New method for atomistic modeling of the microstructure of activated carbons using hybrid reverse Monte Carlo simulation Langmuir, 24 (15). pp. 7912-7922. ISSN 0743-7463

Nicholson, Timothy M. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Role of electrostatic effects in the pure component and binary adsorption of ethylene and ethane in Cu-tricarboxylate metal-organic frameworks Adsorption Science and Technology, 25 (8). pp. 607-619. ISSN 0263-6174

Wallis, Michael D. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Thermal degradation of high density polyethylene in a reactive extruder Polymer Degradation and Stability, 92 (9). pp. 1721-1729. ISSN 0141-3910

Gigras, Ankur ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Myers, Alan L. (2007) Feasibility of tailoring for high isosteric heat to improve effectiveness of hydrogen storage in carbons Carbon, 45 (5). pp. 1043-1050. ISSN 0008-6223

Tran, Kien N. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Air reactivity of petroleum cokes: role of inaccessible porosity Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (10). pp. 3265-3274. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhatia, S. K. ; Nicholson, D. (2007) Anomalous transport in molecularly confined spaces Journal of Chemical Physics, 127 (12). pp. 124701-124711. ISSN 0021-9606

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Determination of pore accessibility in disordered nanoporous materials Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (5). pp. 2212-2222. ISSN 1932-7447

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2007) Pore accessibility of N2 and Ar in disordered nanoporous solids: theory and experiment Adsorption, 13 (3-4). pp. 307-314. ISSN 0929-5607

Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Jobic, Herve ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Quantum effect induced kinetic molecular sieving of hydrogen and deuterium in microporous materials Adsorption, 13 (5-6). pp. 501-508. ISSN 0929-5607

Kowalczyk, Piotr ; Brualla, Lorenzo ; Zywocinski, Andrzej ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Single-walled carbon nanotubes: efficient nanomaterials for separation and on-board vehicle storage of hydrogen and methane mixture at room temperature? Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (13). pp. 5250-5257. ISSN 1932-7447

Kowalczyk, Piotr ; Gauden, Piotr A. ; Terzyk, Artur P. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2007) Thermodynamics of hydrogen adsorption in slit-like carbon nanopores at 77 K. Classical versus path-integral Monte Carlo simulations Langmuir, 23 (7). pp. 3666-3672. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Tran, Kien ; Nicholson, David (2007) The structure of high-pressure adsorbed fluids in slit-pores Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 160 . pp. 503-509. ISSN 0167-2991

Wallis, Michael ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Kinetic study of the thermal degradation of high density polyethylene Polymer Degradation and Stability, 91 (7). pp. 1476-1483. ISSN 0141-3910

Nicholson, David ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Scattering and tangential momentum accommodation at a 2D adsorbate-solid interface Journal of Membrane Science, 275 (1-2). pp. 244-254. ISSN 0376-7388

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Characterization of heat-treated porous carbons using argon adsorption Carbon, 44 (4). pp. 646-652. ISSN 0008-6223

Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Influence of adsorbate interaction on transport in confined spaces Adsorption Science and Technology, 24 (2). pp. 101-116. ISSN 0263-6174

Kurniawan, Yohanes ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Rudolph, Victor (2006) Simulation of binary mixture adsorption of methane and CO2 at supercritical conditions in carbons AIChE Journal, 52 (3). pp. 957-967. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2006) Transport of simple fluids in nanopores: theory and simulation AIChE Journal, 52 (1). pp. 29-38. ISSN 0001-1541

Nicholson, Timothy M. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Electrostatically mediated specific adsorption of small molecules in metallo-organic frameworks Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (49). pp. 24834-24836. ISSN 1089-5647

Bae, Jun-Seok ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) High-pressure adsorption of methane and carbon dioxide on coal Energy & Fuels, 20 (6). pp. 2599-2607. ISSN 0887-0624

Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Mechanisms influencing levitation and the scaling laws in nanopores: oscillator model theory Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (7). pp. 3109-3113. ISSN 1089-5647

Kowalczyk, Piotr ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Optimization of slitlike carbon nanopores for storage of hythane fuel at ambient temperatures Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (47). pp. 23770-23776. ISSN 1089-5647

Bhatia, Suresh Kumar ; Myers, Alan L. (2006) Optimum conditions for adsorptive storage Langmuir, 22 (4). pp. 1688-1700. ISSN 0743-7463

Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Jobic, Herve ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2006) Quantum effects on adsorption and diffusion of hydrogen and deuterium in microporous materials Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (33). pp. 16666-16671. ISSN 1089-5647

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Jain, S. K. ; Gubbins, K. E. (2006) Structure of saccharose-based carbon and transport of confined fluids: hybrid reverse Monte Carlo reconstruction and simulation studies Molecular Simulation, 32 (7). pp. 567-577. ISSN 0892-7022

Nicholson, David ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2005) Momentum transfer effects in the transport of adsorbate at a nano-patterned surface Adsorption Science and Technology, 23 (8). pp. 633-642. ISSN 0263-6174

Qiao, S. Z. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2005) Diffusion of n-decane in mesoporous MCM-41 silicas Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 86 (1-3). pp. 112-123. ISSN 1387-1811

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Chen, Haibin ; Sholl, David S. (2005) Comparisons of diffusive and viscous contributions to transport coefficients of light gases in single-walled carbon nanotubes Molecular Simulation, 31 (9). pp. 643-649. ISSN 0892-7022

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Jepps, Owen G. ; Nicholson, David (2005) Adsorbate transport in nanopores Adsorption, 11 (1). pp. 443-447. ISSN 0929-5607

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2005) Characterization of activated carbon fibers using argon adsorption Carbon, 43 (4). pp. 775-785. ISSN 0008-6223

Qiao, S. Z. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2005) Diffusion of linear paraffins in nanoporous silica Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (16). pp. 6477-6484. ISSN 0888-5885

Jepps, Owen G. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2005) Effects of the juxtaposition of carbonaceous slit pores on the overall transport behavior of adsorbed fluids Langmuir, 21 (1). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0743-7463

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2005) Prediction of high-pressure adsorption equilibrium of supercritical gases using density functional theory Langmuir, 21 (7). pp. 3187-3197. ISSN 0743-7463

Anil Kumar, A. V. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2005) Quantum effect induced reverse kinetic molecular sieving in microporous materials Physical Review Letters, 95 (24). 245901_1-245901_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Ding, L. P. ; Yuan, Y. X. ; Farooq, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2005) A heterogeneous model for gas transport in carbon molecular sieves Langmuir, 21 (2). pp. 674-681. ISSN 0743-7463

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2004) Characterization of pore wall heterogeneity in nanoporous carbons using adsorption: the slit pore model revisited Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (37). pp. 14032-14042. ISSN 1089-5647

Bao, Xiao Ying ; Zhao, X. S. ; Qiao, S. Z. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2004) Comparative analysis of structural and morphological properties of large-pore periodic mesoporous organosilicas and pure silicas Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (42). pp. 16441-16450. ISSN 1089-5647

Bhatia, S. K. ; Tran, K. ; Nguyen, T. X. ; Nicholson, D. (2004) High-pressure adsorption capacity and structure of CO2 in carbon slit pores: theory and simulation Langmuir, 20 (22). pp. 9612-9620. ISSN 0743-7463

Jepps, Owen G. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Searles, Debra J. (2004) Modeling molecular transport in slit pores Journal of Chemical Physics, 120 (11). pp. 5396-5406. ISSN 0021-9606

Nguyen, Thanh X. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2004) Probing the pore wall structure of nanoporous carbons using adsorption Langmuir, 20 (9). pp. 3532-3535. ISSN 0743-7463

Qiao, S. Z. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Nicholson, D. (2004) Study of hexane adsorption in nanoporous MCM-41 silica Langmuir, 20 (2). pp. 389-395. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Jepps, Owen ; Nicholson, David (2004) Tractable molecular theory of transport of Lennard-Jones fluids in nanopores Journal of Chemical Physics, 120 (9). pp. 4472-4485. ISSN 1674-0068

Qiao, S. Z. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Zhao, X. S. (2003) Prediction of multilayer adsorption and capillary condensation phenomena in cylindrical mesopores Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 65 (2-3). pp. 287-298. ISSN 1387-1811

Ismadji, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2003) Solubility of selected esters in supercritical carbon dioxide The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 27 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0896-8446

Ding, L. P. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2003) Analysis of multicomponent adsorption kinetics on activated carbon AIChE Journal, 49 (4). pp. 883-895. ISSN 0001-1541

Cheng, Zhen-Min ; Anter, Abdulhakeim M. ; Fang, Xiang-Chen ; Xiao, Qiong ; Yuan, Wei-Kang ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2003) Dryout phenomena in a three-phase fixed-bed reactor AIChE Journal, 49 (1). pp. 225-231. ISSN 0001-1541

Ismadji, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2003) Effect of pore-network connectivity on multicomponent adsorption of large molecules AIChE Journal, 49 (1). pp. 65-81. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Feng, Bo ; Jensen, Anker ; Dam-Johansen, Kim (2003) Activation energy distribution of thermal annealing of a bituminous coal Energy & Fuels, 17 (2). pp. 399-404. ISSN 0887-0624

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2003) Hydrodynamic origin of diffusion in nanopores Physical Review Letters, 90 (1). 016105_1-016105_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Jepps, Owen G. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2003) Method for determining the shear stress in cylindrical systems Physical Review E, 67 (4). 041206_1-041206_5. ISSN 1063-651X

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Nicholson, David (2003) Molecular transport in nanopores Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (3). pp. 1719-1730. ISSN 1674-0068

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Yuan, Wei-Kang ; Cheng, Zhen-Min (2003) Unconventional operation of three-phase fixed-bed reactors: a perspective trend in reaction engineering Trends in Chemical Engineering, 8 . pp. 35-39. ISSN 0972-4478

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Barry, John C. (2003) Variation of the crystalline structure of coal char during gasification Energy & Fuels, 17 (3). pp. 744-754. ISSN 0887-0624

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2003) Variation of the pore structure of coal chars during gasification Carbon, 41 (3). pp. 507-523. ISSN 0008-6223

Jepps, Owen G. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Searles, Debra J. (2003) Wall mediated transport in confined spaces: exact theory for low density Physical Review Letters, 91 (12). 126102_1-126102_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Ding, L. P. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Liu, F. (2002) Kinetics of adsorption on activated carbon: application of heterogeneous vacancy solution theory Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (18). pp. 3909-3928. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. ; Ding, L. P. (2002) Vacancy solution theory for binary adsorption equilibria in heterogeneous carbon AIChE Journal, 48 (9). pp. 1938-1956. ISSN 0001-1541

Ismadji, Suryadi ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2002) Use of liquid phase adsorption for characterizing pore network connectivity in activated carbon Applied Surface Science, 196 (1-4). pp. 281-295. ISSN 0169-4332

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2002) On the validity of thermogravimetric determination of carbon gasification kinetics Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (15). pp. 2907-2920. ISSN 0009-2509

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Barry, John C. (2002) Structural ordering of coal char during heat treatment and its impact on reactivity Carbon, 40 (4). pp. 481-496. ISSN 0008-6223

Frankcombe, Terry J. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Smith, Sean C. (2002) Ab initio modelling of basal plane oxidation of graphenes and implications for modelling char combustion Carbon, 40 (13). pp. 2341-2349. ISSN 0008-6223

Nguyen, T. X. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Nicholson, D. (2002) Close packed transitions in slit-shaped pores: density functional theory study of methane adsorption capacity in carbon Journal of Chemical Physics, 117 (23). pp. 10827-10836. ISSN 1674-0068

Bhatia, Suresh K. (2002) Density functional theory analysis of the influence of pore wall heterogeneity on adsorption in carbons Langmuir, 18 (18). pp. 6845-6856. ISSN 0743-7463

Nguyen, T. ; Bhatia, S. ; Nicholson, D. (2002) Packing transitions of lennard jones fluids in carbon slit pores Annales UMCS, Chemistry, 7 . pp. 158-177. ISSN 0137-6853

Ismadji, Suryadi ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2001) The use of liquid phase adsorption isotherms for characterization of activated carbons Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 244 (2). pp. 319-335. ISSN 0021-9797

Liu, Y. ; Cameron, I. T. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) A wavelet-based adaptive technique for adsorption problems involving steep gradients Computers & Chemical Engineering, 25 (11-12). pp. 1611-1619. ISSN 0098-1354

Ding, L. P. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) Application of heterogeneous vacancy solution theory to characterization of microporous solids Carbon, 39 (14). pp. 2215-2229. ISSN 0008-6223

Liu, F. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) Solution techniques for transport problems involving steep concentration gradients: application to noncatalytic fluid solid reactions Computers & Chemical Engineering, 25 (9-10). pp. 1159-1168. ISSN 0098-1354

Bhatia, S. K. ; Ding, L. P. (2001) Vacancy solution theory of adsorption revisited AIChE Journal, 47 (9). pp. 2136-2138. ISSN 0001-1541

Ismadji, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) Characterization of activated carbons using liquid phase adsorption Carbon, 39 (8). pp. 1237-1250. ISSN 0008-6223

Liu, F. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) Application of Petrov-Galerkin methods to transient boundary value problems in chemical engineering: adsorption with steep gradients in bidisperse solids Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (12). pp. 3727-3735. ISSN 0009-2509

Wang, Fu Yang ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2001) A generalised dynamic model for char particle gasification with structure evolution and peripheral fragmentation Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (12). pp. 3683-3697. ISSN 0009-2509

Selvam, Parasuraman ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Sonwane, Chandrashekar G. (2001) Recent advances in processing and characterization of periodic mesoporous MCM-41 silicate molecular sieves Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40 (15). pp. 3237-3261. ISSN 0888-5885

Ismadji, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2001) A modified pore-filling isotherm for liquid-phase adsorption in activated carbon Langmuir, 17 (5). pp. 1488-1498. ISSN 0743-7463

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2000) Determination of activation energy distributions for chemisorption of oxygen on carbon: an improved approach Chemical Engineering Science, 55 (24). pp. 6187-6196. ISSN 0009-2509

Ismadji, Suryadi ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2000) Adsorption of flavour esters on granular activated carbon Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 78 (5). pp. 892-901. ISSN 0008-4034

Liu, F. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Abarzhi, I. I. (2000) Numerical solution of hyperbolic models of transport in bidisperse solids Computers & Chemical Engineering, 24 (8). pp. 1981-1995. ISSN 0098-1354

Bhatia, S. ; Sonwane, C. (2000) A model for adsorption of condensable vapors on nonporous materials Separation and Purification Technology, 20 (1). pp. 25-39. ISSN 1383-5866

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2000) Characterisation of MCM-41 using regularization Adsorption Science and Technology . pp. 14-18. ISSN 0263-6174

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2000) Characterization of pore size distributions of mesoporous materials from adsorption isotherms Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104 (39). pp. 9099-9110. ISSN 1089-5647

Bhatia, S. K. ; Liu, F. ; Arvind, G. (2000) Effect of pore blockage on adsorption isotherms and dynamics: anomalous adsorption of iodine on activated carbon Langmuir, 16 (8). pp. 4001-4008. ISSN 0743-7463

Ismadji, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (2000) Investigation of network connectivity in activated carbons by liquid phase adsorption Langmuir, 16 (24). pp. 9303-9313. ISSN 0743-7463

Feng, Bo ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (2000) Percolative fragmentation of char particles during gasification Energy & Fuels, 14 (2). pp. 297-307. ISSN 0887-0624

Gupta, J. Srinivasalu ; Bhatia, S. K. (2000) A modified discrete random pore model allowing for different initial surface reactivity Carbon, 38 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 0008-6223

Liu, F. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1999) Computationally efficient solution techniques for adsorption problems involving steep gradients in bidisperse particles Computers & Chemical Engineering, 23 (7). pp. 933-943. ISSN 0098-1354

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1999) Analysis of criticality and isotherm reversibility in regular mesoporous materials Langmuir, 15 (16). pp. 5347-5354. ISSN 0743-7463

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Calos, N. J. (1999) Characterization of surface roughness of MCM-41 using methods of fractal analysis Langmuir, 15 (13). pp. 4603-4612. ISSN 0743-7463

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1999) Structural characterization of MCM-41 over a wide range of length scales Langmuir, 15 (8). pp. 2809-2816. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Reactivity of chars and carbons: new insights through molecular modeling AIChE Journal, 44 (11). pp. 2478-2493. ISSN 0001-1541

Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Adsorption in mesopores: a molecular-continuum model with application to MCM-41 Chemical Engineering Science, 53 (17). pp. 3143-3156. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Determination of pore size distributions by regularization and finite element collocation Chemical Engineering Science, 53 (18). pp. 3239-3249. ISSN 0009-2509

Kiil, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Solution of adsorption problems involving steep moving profiles Computers & Chemical Engineering, 22 (7-8). pp. 893-896. ISSN 0098-1354

Leong, K. C. ; Lu, G. Q. M. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Rudolph, V. (1998) Modelling of heat transfer in fluidized-bed coating of thin plates Chemical Engineering Science, 53 (6). pp. 1307-1310. ISSN 0009-2509

Nguyen, C. ; Sonwane, C. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; D Do, D. (1998) Adsorption of benzene and ethanol on MCM-41 material Langmuir, 14 (17). pp. 4950-4952. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, Suresh K. (1998) Adsorption of binary hydrocarbon mixtures in carbon slit pores: a density functional theory study Langmuir, 14 (21). pp. 6231-6240. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, S. K. ; Sonwane, C. G. (1998) Capillary coexistence and criticality in mesopores: modification of the Kelvin theory Langmuir, 14 (7). pp. 1521-1524. ISSN 0743-7463

Sonwane, C. G. ; Calos, N. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Experimental and theoretical investigations of adsorption hysteresis and criticality in MCM-41: studies with O2, Ar, and CO2 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 37 (6). pp. 2271-2283. ISSN 0888-5885

Ding, L. P. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1998) Structural analysis of microporous carbons by nonane pre-adsorption Carbon, 36 (12). pp. 1866-1869. ISSN 0008-6223

Bhatia, S. K. (1997) Transport in bidisperse adsorbents: significance of the macroscopic adsorbate flux Chemical Engineering Science, 52 (8). pp. 1377-1386. ISSN 0009-2509

Hessari, F. A. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1997) Hysteresis and phase transitions in a single partially internally wetted catalyst pellet: thermogravimetric studies Chemical Engineering Communications, 157 (1). pp. 109-133. ISSN 0098-6445

Bhatia, Suresh K. (1996) Capillary network models for transport in packed beds: considerations of pore aspect ratio Chemical Engineering Communications, 154 (1). pp. 183-202. ISSN 0098-6445

Hessari, F. A. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1996) Reaction rate hysteresis in a single partially internally wetted catalyst pellet: experiment and modeling Chemical Engineering Science, 51 (8). pp. 1241-1256. ISSN 0009-2509

Kiil, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Dam-Johansen, K. (1996) Modelling of catalytic oxidation of NH3 and reduction of NO on limestone during sulphur capture Chemical Engineering Science, 51 (4). pp. 587-601. ISSN 0009-2509

Chakraborty, Debasish ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (1996) Formation and aggregation of polymorphs in continuous precipitation. 1. Mathematical modeling Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35 (6). pp. 1985-1994. ISSN 0888-5885

Chakraborty, Debasish ; Bhatia, Suresh K. (1996) Formation and aggregation of polymorphs in continuous precipitation. 2. Kinetics of CaCO3 precipitation Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35 (6). pp. 1995-2006. ISSN 0888-5885

Bhatia, S. K. ; Vartak, B. J. (1996) Reaction of microporous solids: the discrete random pore model Carbon, 34 (11). pp. 1383-1391. ISSN 0008-6223

Kiil, S. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Dam-Johansen, K. (1995) Solution of transient problems with steep gradients: novel front-tracking strategy Chemical Engineering Science, 50 (17). pp. 2793-2799. ISSN 0009-2509

Jaguste, D. N. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1995) Simulation of reaction and transport in catalyst particles with partial external and internal wetting International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38 (8). pp. 1443-1455. ISSN 0017-9310

Arvind, G. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1995) Determination of concentration-dependent adsorbate diffusivities by numerical inversion Chemical Engineering Science, 50 (8). pp. 1361-1372. ISSN 0009-2509

Jaguste, D. N. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1995) Combined surface and viscous flow of condensable vapor in porous media Chemical Engineering Science, 50 (2). pp. 167-182. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1994) Transport of adsorbates in microporous solids: arbitrary isotherm Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 446 (1926). pp. 15-37. ISSN 1364-5021

Shethna, H. K. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1994) Interpretation of adsorption isotherms at above-critical temperatures using a modified micropore filling model Langmuir, 10 (3). pp. 870-876. ISSN 0743-7463

Chakraborty, D. ; Agarwal, V. K. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Bellare, J. (1994) Steady-state transitions and polymorph transformations in continuous precipitation of calcium carbonate Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 33 (9). pp. 2187-2197. ISSN 0888-5885

Deepak, P. D. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1994) Transport in capillary network models of porous media: theory and simulation Chemical Engineering Science, 49 (2). pp. 245-257. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. ; Shethna, H. K. (1994) A modified pore filling isotherm with application in determination of pore size distributions Langmuir, 10 (9). pp. 3230-3243. ISSN 0743-7463

Bhatia, S. K. ; Chakraborty, D. (1992) Modified MWR approach: application to agglomerative precipitation AIChE Journal, 38 (6). pp. 868-878. ISSN 0001-1541

Acharya, S. G. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Shankar, H. S. (1992) Kinetics of solid state reaction between barium carbonate and cupric oxide Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 23 (4). pp. 493-503. ISSN 1073-5615

Jain, Sanjay ; Lala, Anil K. ; Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Kudchadker, Arvind P. (1992) Modelling of hydrolysis controlled anaerobic digestion Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 53 (4). pp. 337-344. ISSN 0268-2575

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Hickman, James J. ; Ligler, Frances S. (1992) New approach to producing patterned biomolecular assemblies Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114 (11). pp. 4432-4433. ISSN 0002-7863

Das Gupta, S. ; Khakhar, D. V. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Axial transport of granular solids in horizontal rotating cylinders. Part 1: Theory Powder Technology, 67 (2). pp. 145-151. ISSN 0032-5910

Rao, S. J. ; Bhatia, S. K. ; Khakhar, D. V. (1991) Axial transport of granular solids in rotating cylinders. Part 2: Experiments in a non-flow system Powder Technology, 67 (2). pp. 153-162. ISSN 0032-5910

Bhatia, S. K. ; Do, D. D. (1991) On the concentration dependence of surface diffusion coefficients in capillary porous materials Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 434 (1891). pp. 317-340. ISSN 1364-5021

Jaguste, D. N. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Partial internal wetting of catalyst particles: hysteresis effects AIChE Journal, 37 (5). pp. 650-660. ISSN 0001-1541

Gupta, V. K. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Solution of cyclic profiles in catalytic reactor operation with periodic flow reversal Computers & Chemical Engineering, 15 (4). pp. 229-237. ISSN 0098-1354

Bhatia, S. K. ; Gray, P. G. ; Do, D. D. (1991) Modelling of sorption of gaseous sorbates in bidispersed structured solids: the concept of heterogeneity of the microphase Gas Separation & Purification, 5 (1). pp. 49-55. ISSN 0950-4214

Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Analysis of catalytic reactor operation with periodic flow reversal Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (1). pp. 361-367. ISSN 0009-2509

Das Gupta, S. ; Khakhar, D. V. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Axial segregation of particles in a horizontal rotating cylinder Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (5-6). pp. 1513-1517. ISSN 0009-2509

Padia, B. K. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Multiplicity and stability analysis of agglomeration controlled precipitation Chemical Engineering Communications, 104 (1-3). pp. 227-244. ISSN 0098-6445

Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Perturbation analysis of gas-solid reactions. I. Solid of low initial permeability Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (1). pp. 173-182. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1991) Perturbation analysis of gas-solid reactions. II. Reduction to the diffusion-controlled shrinking core Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (5-6). pp. 1465-1474. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. ; Kalam, A. ; Joglekar, H. S. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Effective diffusivity of phenol in activated carbon Chemical Engineering Communications, 98 (1). pp. 139-154. ISSN 0098-6445

Bhatia, S. K. (1989) Partial internal wetting of catalyst particles with a distribution of pore size AIChE Journal, 35 (8). pp. 1337-1345. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. (1989) Dynamics of continuous precipitation under non-stoichiometric conditions Chemical Engineering Science, 44 (3). pp. 751-762. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1988) Combined surface and pore volume diffusion in porous media AIChE Journal, 34 (7). pp. 1094-1105. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. (1988) Steady state multiplicity and partial internal wetting of catalyst particles AIChE Journal, 34 (6). pp. 969-979. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Hajdu, Joseph (1988) Stereospecific synthesis of ether and thioether phospholipids. The use of L.glyceric acid as a chiral phospholipid precursor Journal of Organic Chemistry, 53 (21). pp. 5034-5039. ISSN 0022-3263

Bhatia, S. K. (1987) Modeling the pore structure of coal AIChE Journal, 33 (10). pp. 1707-1718. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. (1987) On the apparently quasi-steady catalytic surface Chemical Engineering Science, 42 (12). pp. 2972-2974. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1986) Stochastic theory of transport in inhomogeneous media Chemical Engineering Science, 41 (5). pp. 1311-1324. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. (1985) Directional autocorrelation and the diffusional tortuosity of capillary porous media Journal of Catalysis, 93 (1). pp. 192-196. ISSN 0021-9517

Bhatia, S. K. (1985) Analysis of distributed pore closure in gas-solid reactions AIChE Journal, 31 (4). pp. 642-648. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. (1985) On the pseudo steady state hypothesis for fluid solid reactions Chemical Engineering Science, 40 (5). pp. 869-872. ISSN 0009-2509

Bhatia, S. K. ; Perlmutter, D. D. (1983) Unified treatment of structural effects in fluid-solid reactions AIChE Journal, 29 (2). pp. 281-289. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. ; Perlmutter, D. D. (1983) Effect of the product layer on the kinetics of the CO2 - lime reaction AIChE Journal, 29 (1). pp. 79-86. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. ; Perlmutter, D. D. (1981) The effect of pore structure on fluid-solid reactions: application to the SO2 - lime reaction AIChE Journal, 27 (2). pp. 226-234. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, S. K. ; Perlmutter, D. D. (1981) A random pore model for fluid-solid reactions. II. Diffusion and transport effects AIChE Journal, 27 (2). pp. 247-254. ISSN 0001-1541

Bhatia, Suresh K. ; Perlmutter, D. D. (1979) A population balance approach to the modeling of solid phase reactions AIChE Journal, 25 (2). pp. 298-306. ISSN 0001-1541

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