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Number of items: 114.

Jayangondaperumal, R. ; Murari, M. K. ; Sivasubramanian, P. ; Chandrasekar, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2012) Luminescence dating of fluvial and coastal red sediments in the SE coast, India, and implications for paleoenvironmental changes and dune reddening Quaternary Research, 77 (3). pp. 468-481. ISSN 0033-5894

Weinman, Beth ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2011) Chemical-weathering rates of aquifers and the mixing of soils: the role of optical dating in quantifying near-surface processes on earth and their timescales Current Science, 101 (9). pp. 1136-1140. ISSN 0011-3891

Beukema, Steven P. ; Krishnamurthy, R. V. ; Juyal, N. ; Basavaiah, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2011) Monsoon variability and chemical weathering during the late Pleistocene in the Goriganga basin, higher Central Himalaya, India Quaternary Research, 75 (3). pp. 597-604. ISSN 0033-5894

Biswas, R. H. ; Morthekai, P. ; Gartia, R. K. ; Chawla, S. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2011) Thermoluminescence of the meteorite interior: a possible tool for the estimation of cosmic ray exposure ages Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304 (1-2). pp. 36-44. ISSN 0012-821X

Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Stokes, Stephen C. ; Chauhan, Naveen ; Nagar, Yogesh C. ; Jaiswal, Manoj K. (2011) Changes in natural OSL sensitivity during single aliquot regeneration procedure and their implications for equivalent dose determination Geochronometria, 38 (3). pp. 231-241. ISSN 1733-8387

Glennie, Kenneth W. ; Fryberger, Steven G. ; Hern, Caroline ; Lancaster, Nicholas ; Teller, James T. ; Pandey, Vachaspati P. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2011) Geological importance of luminescence dates in Oman and the Emirates: an overview Geochronometria, 38 (3). pp. 259-271. ISSN 1733-8387

Sastry, Medury D. ; Gaonkar, Mahesh P. ; Nagar, Yogesh C. ; Mane, Sandesh N. ; Desai, Shripal N. ; Bagla, H. ; Ramachandran, K. T. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2011) Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Laser excited Photo Luminescence of Electron Beam Treated (EBT) diamonds: radiation Sensitization and potential for tissue equivalent dosimetry Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (8). pp. 1095-1102. ISSN 0925-9635

Nair, Rajesh R. ; Murari, Madhav K. ; Vijaya Lakshmi, C. S. ; Buynevich, Ilya ; Goble, Ron J. ; Srinivasan, P. ; Murthy, S. G. N. ; Trivedi, Deshraj ; Kandpal, Suresh Chandra ; Hussain, S. M. ; Sengupta, D. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2011) Subsurface signatures and timing of extreme wave events along the Southeast Indian coast Journal of Earth System Science, 120 (5). pp. 873-883. ISSN 0253-4126

Morthekai, P. ; Jain, Mayank ; Cunha, Pedro P. ; Azevedo, Jose M. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2011) An attempt to correct for the fading in million year old basaltic rocks Geochronometria, 38 (3). pp. 223-230. ISSN 1733-8387

Nagar, Y. C. ; Sastry, M. D. ; Bhushan, B. ; Kumar, A. ; Mishra, K. P. ; Shastri, A. ; Deo, M. N. ; Kocurek, G. ; Magee, J. W. ; Wadhawan, S. K. ; Juyal, N. ; Pandian, M. S. ; Shukla, A. D. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2010) Chronometry and formation pathways of gypsum using Electron Spin Resonance and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Quaternary Geochronology, 5 (6). pp. 691-704. ISSN 1871-1014

Juyal, Navin ; Sundriyal, Yaspal ; Rana, Naresh ; Chaudhary, Shipra ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2010) Late Quaternary fluvial aggradation and incision in the monsoon-dominated Alaknanda valley, Central Himalaya, Uttrakhand, India Journal of Quaternary Science, 25 (8). pp. 1293-1304. ISSN 0267-8179

Singhvi, A. K. ; Williams, M. A. J. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Misra, V. N. ; Chawla, S. ; Stokes, S. ; Chauhan, N. ; Francis, T. ; Ganjoo, R. K. ; Humphreys, G. S. (2010) A ~200 ka record of climatic change and dune activity in the Thar Desert, India Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (23-24). pp. 3095-3105. ISSN 0277-3791

Thakur, V. C. ; Pandey, A. K. ; Nautiyal, C. M. ; Sundriyal, Y. P. ; Khanduri, B. M. ; Shinde, D. P. ; Suresh, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2010) Geo-archeology at Khajnawar in Western Uttar Pradesh plain Current Science, 98 (8). pp. 1112-1118. ISSN 0011-3891

Malik, Javed N. ; Shah, Afroz A. ; Sahoo, Ajit K. ; Puhan, B. ; Banerjee, Chiranjib ; Shinde, Dattatraya P. ; Juyal, Navin ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Rath, Shishir K. (2010) Active fault, fault growth and segment linkage along the Janauri anticline (frontal foreland fold), NW Himalaya, India Tectonophysics, 483 (3-4). pp. 327-343. ISSN 0040-1951

Malik, Javed N. ; Sahoo, Ajit K. ; Shah, Afroz A. ; Shinde, Dattatraya P. ; Juyal, Navin ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2010) Paleoseismic evidence from trench investigation along Hajipur fault, Himalayan Frontal Thrust, NW Himalaya: implications of the faulting pattern on landscape evolution and seismic hazard Journal of Structural Geology, 32 (3). pp. 350-361. ISSN 0191-8141

Dhir, R. P. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Andrews, J. E. ; Kar, A. ; Sareen, B. K. ; Tandon, S. K. ; Kailath, A. ; Thomas, J. V. (2010) Indian Geophysical Union Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 37 (1). pp. 10-16. ISSN 1367-9120

Kundu, Himansu Kumar ; Thakkar, M. G. ; Biswas, R. H. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2010) Optical dating of sediments in Khari River basin and slip rate along Katrol Hill Fault (KHF), Kachchh, India Geochronometria, 37 . pp. 21-28. ISSN 1733-8387

Singhvi, A. K. ; Chauhan, N. ; Biswas, R. H. (2010) A survey of some new approaches in maximum age limit and accuracy of luminescence application to archaeological chronometry Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 10 (4). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1108-9628

Biswas, R. H. ; Murari, M. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2009) Dose-dependent change in the optically stimulated luminescence decay of Al2O3:C Radiation Measurements, 44 (5-6). pp. 543-547. ISSN 1350-4487

Roy, P. D. ; Nagar, Y. C. ; Juyal, N. ; Smykatz-Kloss, W. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2009) Geochemical signatures of Late Holocene paleo-hydrological changes from Phulera and Pokharan saline playas near the Eastern and Western margins of the Thar Desert, India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34 (3). pp. 275-286. ISSN 1367-9120

Juyal, N. ; Pant, R. K. ; Basavaiah, N. ; Bhushan, R. ; Jain, M. ; Saini, N. K. ; Yadava, M. G. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2009) Reconstruction of Last Glacial to early Holocene monsoon variability from relict lake sediments of the Higher Central Himalaya, Uttrakhand, India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34 (3). pp. 437-449. ISSN 1367-9120

Dhir, R. P. ; Tandon, S. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Kar, A. ; Sareen, B. K. (2009) Soil profile modification, genesis, chronology and paleo-environmental interpretations from paleosols in a multi-episode aeolian section in Western Rajasthan Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 57 (3). pp. 225-236. ISSN 0019-638X

Weinman, Beth ; Goodbred, Steven L. ; Zheng, Yan ; Aziz, Zahid ; Steckler, Michael ; van Geen, Alexander ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Nagar, Yogesh Chand (2008) Contributions of floodplain stratigraphy and evolution to the spatial patterns of groundwater arsenic in Araihazar, Bangladesh Geological Society of America Bulletin, 120 (11-12). pp. 1567-1580. ISSN 0016-7606

Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Porat, Naomo (2008) Impact of luminescence dating on geomorphological and palaeoclimate research in drylands Boreas, 37 (4). pp. 536-558. ISSN 0300-9483

Sastry, M. D. ; Nagar, Y. C. ; Bhushan, B. ; Mishra, K. P. ; Balaram, V. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2008) An unusual radiation dose dependent EPR line at geff=2.54 in feldspars: possible evidence of Fe3+ O2−↔Fe2+O and exchange coupled Fe3+−Fe2+−nO Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (2). 025224_1-025224_9. ISSN 0953-8984

Roy, P. D. ; Sinha, R. ; Smykatz-Kloss, W. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Nagar, Y. C. (2008) Playas of the thar desert: mineralogical and geochemical archives of late holocene climate Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 43-61. ISSN 1819-1886

Thomas, Puthusserry J. ; Juyal, Navin ; Kale, Vishwas S. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2007) Luminescence chronology of late Holocene extreme hydrological events in the upper Penner River basin, South India Journal of Quaternary Science, 22 (8). pp. 747-753. ISSN 0267-8179

Mukul, Malay ; Jaiswal, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2007) Timing of recent out-of-sequence active deformation in the frontal Himalayan wedge: insights from the Darjiling sub-Himalaya, India Geology, 35 (11). pp. 999-1002. ISSN 0091-7613

Gupta, Avijit ; Kale, Vishwas S. ; Owen, Lewis A. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2007) Late Quaternary bedrock incision in the Narmada River at Dardi Falls Current Science, 93 (4). pp. 564-567. ISSN 0011-3891

Nainwal, H. C. ; Chaudhary, M. ; Rana, N. ; Negi, B. D. S. ; Negi, R. S. ; Juyal, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2007) Chronology of the Late Quaternary glaciations around Badrinath (Upper Alaknanda Basin): preliminary observations Current Science, 93 (1). pp. 90-96. ISSN 0011-3891

Owen, Lewis A. ; Bright, Jordon ; Finkel, Robert C. ; Jaiswal, Manoj K. ; Kaufman, Darrell S. ; Mahan, Shannon ; Radtke, Ulrich ; Schneider, Joan S. ; Sharp, Warren ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Warren, Claude N. (2007) Numerical dating of a Late Quaternary spit-shoreline complex at the northern end of Silver Lake playa, Mojave Desert, California: a comparison of the applicability of radiocarbon, luminescence, terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide, electron spin resonance, U-series and amino acid racemization methods Quaternary International, 166 (1). pp. 87-110. ISSN 1040-6182

Kocurek, Gary ; Carr, Mary ; Ewing, Ryan ; Havholm, Karen G. ; Nagar, Y. C. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2007) White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico: age, dune dynamics and recent accumulations Sedimentary Geology, 197 (3-4). pp. 313-331. ISSN 0037-0738

Simoes, Martine ; Avouac, Jean Philippe ; Chen, Yue-Gau ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Wang, Chien-Ying ; Jaiswal, Manoj ; Chan, Yu-Chang ; Bernard, Sylvain (2007) Kinematic analysis of the Pakuashan fault tip fold, West Central Taiwan: shortening rate and age of folding inception Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 . B03S14_1-B03S14_30. ISSN 0148-0227

Murari, M. K. ; Achyuthan, H. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2007) Luminescence studies on the sediments laid down by the December 2004 tsunami event: prospects for the dating of palaeo tsunams events and for the estimation of sediment fluxes Current Science, 92 (3). pp. 367-371. ISSN 0011-3891

Navarro-González, Rafael ; Mahan, Shannon A. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Navarro-Aceves, Rafael ; Rajot, Jean-Louis ; McKay, Christopher P. ; Coll, Patrice ; Raulin, Francois (2007) Paleoecology reconstruction from trapped gases in a fulgurite from the late Pleistocene of the Libyan Desert Geology, 35 (2). pp. 171-174. ISSN 0091-7613

Beveridge, Carrie ; Kocurek, Gary ; Ewing, Ryan C. ; Lancaster, Nicholas ; Morthekai, P. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Mahan, Shannon A. (2006) Development of spatially diverse and complex dune-field patterns: Gran Desierto Dune Field, Sonora, Mexico Sedimentology, 53 (6). pp. 1391-1409. ISSN 0037-0746

Thomas, P. J. ; Jain, M. ; Juyal, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2006) Comparison of single-grain and small-aliquot OSL dose estimates in < 3000 years old river sediments from South India Radiation Measurements, 39 (5). pp. 457-469. ISSN 1350-4487

Juyal, N. ; Chamyal, L. S. ; Bhandari, S. ; Bhushan, R. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2006) Continental record of the Southwest monsoon during the last 130 ka: evidence from the Southern margin of the Thar Desert, India Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (19-20). pp. 2632-2650. ISSN 0277-3791

Williams, M. A. J. ; Pal, J. N. ; Jaiswal, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2006) River response to Quaternary climatic fluctuations: evidence from the Son and Belan valleys, North-Central India Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (19-20). pp. 2619-2631. ISSN 0277-3791

Mayya, Y. S. ; Morthekai, P. ; Murari, Madhav K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2006) Towards quantifying beta microdosimetric effects in single-grain quartz dose distribution Radiation Measurements, 41 (7-8). pp. 1032-1039. ISSN 1350-4487

Mathew, George ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Karanth, Rama V. (2006) Luminescence chronometry and geomorphic evidence of active fold growth along the Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF), Kachchh, India: seismotectonic implications Tectonophysics, 422 (1-4). pp. 71-87. ISSN 0040-1951

Pant, R. K. ; Juyal, N. ; Basavaiah, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2006) Late Quaternary glaciation and seismicity in the Higher Central Himalaya: evidence from Shalang basin (Goriganga), Uttaranchal Current Science, 90 (11). pp. 1500-1505. ISSN 0011-3891

Srivastava, Pradeep ; Brook, George A. ; Marais, Eugene ; Morthekai, P. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2006) Depositional environment and OSL chronology of the Homeb silt deposits, Kuiseb River, Namibia Quaternary Research, 65 (3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 0033-5894

Gupta, Anil K. ; Anderson, David M. ; Pandey, Deep N. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2006) Adaptation and human migration, and evidence of agriculture coincident with changes in the Indian summer monsoon during the Holocene Current Science, 90 (8). pp. 1082-1090. ISSN 0011-3891

Weinman, Beth ; Goodbred, Steven L. ; Zheng, Yan ; Aziz, Zahid ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Nagar, Yogesh Chand ; Steckler, Michael ; van Geen, Alexander (2006) Arsenic concentrations in shallow groundwater of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Part I. Geological control through floodplain evolution Water Resources Research . pp. 1-39. ISSN 0043-1397

Pant, R. K. ; Basavaiah, N. ; Juyal, N. ; Saini, N. K. ; Yadava, M. G. ; Appel, E. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2005) A 20-ka climate record from Central Himalayan loess deposits Journal of Quaternary Science, 20 (5). pp. 485-492. ISSN 0267-8179

Juyal, N. ; Pant, R. K. ; Basavaiah, N. ; Yadava, M. G. ; Saini, N. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2004) Climate and seismicity in the higher Central Himalaya during 20-10 ka: evidence from the Garbayang basin, Uttaranchal, India Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 213 (3-4). pp. 315-330. ISSN 0031-0182

Singhvi, A. K. ; Kar, Amal (2004) The aeolian sedimentation record of the Thar desert Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 113 (3). pp. 371-401. ISSN 0253-4126

Basavaiah, N. ; Juyal, N. ; Pant, R. K. ; Yadava, M. G. ; Singhavi, A. K. ; Appel, E. (2004) Late Quaternary climate changes reconstructed from mineral magnetic studies from proglacial lake deposits of Higher Central Himalaya Journal of Indian Geophysical Union, 8 (1). pp. 27-37.

Pal, J. N. ; Williams, M. A. J. ; Jaiswal, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2004) Infra red stimulated luminescence ages for prehistoric cultures in the Son and Belan Valleys, North Central India Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads, 1 (2). pp. 51-62. ISSN 0972-9801

Srivastava, Pradeep ; Singh, Indra Bir ; Sharma, Shikha ; Shukla, Uma Kant ; Singhvi, Ashok Kumar (2003) Late Pleistocene-Holocene hydrologic changes in the interfluve areas of the Central Ganga Plain, India Geomorphology, 54 (3-4). pp. 279-292. ISSN 0169-555X

Srivastava, P. ; Singh, I. B. ; Sharma, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2003) Luminescence chronometry and Late Quaternary geomorphic history of the Ganga Plain, India Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 197 (1-2). pp. 15-41. ISSN 0031-0182

Bateman, Mark D. ; Frederick, Charles D. ; Jaiswal, Manoj K. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2003) Investigations into the potential effects of pedoturbation on luminescence dating Quaternary Science Reviews, 22 (10-13). pp. 1169-1176. ISSN 0277-3791

Srivastava, Pradeep ; Sharma, Maneesh ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2003) Luminescence chronology of incision and channel pattern changes in the River Ganga, India Geomorphology, 51 (4). pp. 259-268. ISSN 0169-555X

Singh, I. B. ; Jaiswal, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Singh, B. K. (2003) Rapid subsidence of Western Ganga plain during late Pleistocene: evidence from optical dating of subsurface samples Current Science, 84 (3). pp. 451-454. ISSN 0011-3891

Jain, M. ; B0tter-Jensen, L. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2003) Dose evaluation using multiple-aliquot quartz OSL: test of methods and a new protocol for improved accuracy and precision Radiation Measurements, 37 (1). pp. 67-80. ISSN 1350-4487

Bateman, Mark D. ; Thomas, David S. G. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2003) Extending the aridity record of the Southwest Kalahari: current problems and future perspectives Quaternary International, 111 (1). pp. 37-49. ISSN 1040-6182

Juyal, N. ; Kar, A. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2003) Luminescence chronology of aeolian deposition during the Late Quaternary on the Southern margin of Thar Desert, India Quaternary International, 104 (1). pp. 87-98. ISSN 1040-6182

Lancaster, Nicholas ; Kocurek, Gary ; Singhvi, Ashok ; Pandey, V. ; Deynoux, Max ; Ghienne, Jean-Francois ; Khalidou Lô, (2002) Late Pleistocene and Holocene dune activity and wind regimes in the Western Sahara Desert of Mauritania Geology, 30 (11). pp. 991-994. ISSN 0091-7613

Glennie, K. W. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2002) Event stratigraphy, paleoenvironment and chronology of SE Arabian deserts Quaternary Science Reviews, 21 (7). pp. 853-869. ISSN 0277-3791

Ferko, T. E. ; Wang, M-S. ; Hillegonds, D. J. ; Lipschutz, M. E. ; Hutchison, R. ; Franke, L. ; Scherer, P. ; Schultz, L. ; Benoit, P. H. ; Sears, D. W. G. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Bhandari, N. (2002) The irradiation history of the Ghubara (L5) regolith breccia Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences, 37 (3). pp. 311-327. ISSN 1086-9379

Glennie, K. W. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Lancaster, N. ; Teller, J. T. (2002) Quaternary climatic changes over Southern Arabia and the Thar Desert, India Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 195 . pp. 301-306. ISSN 0305-8719

Jain, Mayank ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2001) Limits to depletion of blue-green light stimulated luminescence in feldspars: implications for quartz dating Radiation Measurements, 33 (6). pp. 883-892. ISSN 1350-4487

Kumar Singh, A. ; Parkash, B. ; Mohindra, R. ; Thomas, J. V. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2001) Quaternary alluvial fan sedimentation in the Dehradun Valley Piggyback Basin, NW Himalaya: tectonic and palaeoclimatic implications Basin Research, 13 (4). pp. 449-471. ISSN 0950-091X

Porter, Stephen C. ; Singhvi, Ashok ; Zhisheng, An ; Zhongping, Lai (2001) Luminescence age and palaeoenvironmental implications of a late Pleistocene ground wedge on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 12 (2). pp. 203-210. ISSN 1045-6740

Singhvi, A. K. ; Bluszcz, A. ; Bateman, M. D. ; Someshwar Rao, M. (2001) Luminescence dating of loess-palaeosol sequences and coversands: methodological aspects and palaeoclimatic implications Earth-Science Reviews, 54 (1-3). pp. 193-211. ISSN 0012-8252

Srivastava, Pradeep ; Juyal, Navin ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Wasson, Robert J. ; Bateman, Mark D. (2001) Luminescence chronology of river adjustment and incision of Quaternary sediments in the alluvial plain of the Sabarmati River, North Gujarat, India Geomorphology, 36 (3-4). pp. 217-229. ISSN 0169-555X

Kar, A. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Juyal, N. ; Thomas, J. V. ; Banerjee, D. ; Dhir, R. P. (2001) Reconstruction of the late Quaternary environment of the lower Luni Plains, Thar Desert, India Journal of Quaternary Science, 16 (1). pp. 61-68. ISSN 0267-8179

Kuhn, R. ; Trautmann, T. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Krbetschek, M. R. ; Wagner, G. A. ; Stolz, W. (2000) A study of thermoluminescence emission spectra and optical stimulation spectra of quartz from different provenances Radiation Measurements, 32 (5-6). pp. 653-657. ISSN 1350-4487

Kailath, A. J. ; Rao, T. K. G. ; Dhir, R. P. ; Nambi, K. S. V. ; Gogte, V. D. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2000) Electron spin resonance characterization of calcretes from Thar desert for dating applications Radiation Measurements, 32 (4). pp. 371-383. ISSN 1350-4487

Kale, Vishwas S. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Mishra, Praveen K. ; Banerjee, Debabrata (2000) Sedimentary records and luminescence chronology of Late Holocene palaeofloods in the Luni River, Thar Desert, Northwest India Catena, 40 (4). pp. 337-358. ISSN 0341-8162

Juyal, Navin ; Raj, Rachna ; Maurya, Deepak M. ; Chamyal, Laxman S. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (2000) Chronology of late Pleistocene environmental changes in the lower Mahi basin, Western India Journal of Quaternary Science, 15 (5). pp. 501-508. ISSN 0267-8179

Teller, J. T. ; Glennie, K. W. ; Lancaster, N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2000) Calcareous dunes of the United Arab Emirates and Noah's Flood: the postglacial reflooding of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf Quaternary International, 68-71 . pp. 297-308. ISSN 1040-6182

Srivastava, Pradeep ; Shukla, Uma Kant ; Mishra, Praveen ; Sharma, Maneesh ; Sharma, Shikha ; Singh, I. B. ; Singhvi, A. K. (2000) Luminescence chronology and facies development of Bhur sands in the interfluve region of the Central Gangetic Plain, India Current Science, 78 (4). pp. 498-503. ISSN 0011-3891

Singhavi, A. K. (2000) Comparison of IRSL and GLSL dating of aeolian sediments Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology . p. 599. ISSN 0256-1492

Zink, A. J. C. ; Krbetschek, M. R. ; Trautman, T. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Stolz, W. (1999) Thermoluminescence measurements in various wavelengths: potential for meteorites dating 30th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX . No pp. given.

Zink, A. J. C. ; Krbetschek, M. R. ; Trautman, T. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Stolz, W. (1999) Luminescence spectral measurements on meteorites Proceedings of the 30th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA . No pp. given.

Banerjee, D. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Pande, Kanchan ; Gogte, V. D. ; Chandra, B. P. (1999) Towards a direct dating of fault gouges using luminescence dating techniques-methodological aspects Current Science, 77 (2). pp. 256-268. ISSN 0011-3891

Andrews, Julian E. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. ; Kailath, Ansu J. ; Kuhn, Ralph ; Dennis, Paul F. ; Tandon, Sampat K. ; Dhir, Ram P. (1998) Do stable isotope data from calcrete record late Pleistocene monsoonal climate variation in the Thar Desert of India? Quaternary Research, 50 (3). pp. 240-251. ISSN 0033-5894

Singh, Lalan P. ; Parkash, B. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1998) Evolution of the Lower Gangetic Plain landforms and soils in West Bengal, India Catena, 33 (2). pp. 75-104. ISSN 0341-8162

Chawla, Santa ; Gundu Rao, T. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1998) Quartz thermoluminescence: dose and dose-rate effects and their implications Radiation Measurements, 29 (1). pp. 53-63. ISSN 1350-4487

Kar, A. ; Felix, C. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1998) Late Holocene growth and mobility of a transverse dune in the Thar Desert Journal of Arid Environments, 38 (2). pp. 175-185. ISSN 0140-1963

Singhvi, A. K. ; Lang, A. (1998) Improvements in infra-red dating of partially bleached sediments-the 'Differential' Partial Bleach Technique Ancient TL, 16 (2). pp. 63-72. ISSN 0735-1348

Banerjee, D. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Bagati, T. N. ; Mohindra, R. (1997) Luminescence chronology if seusnutes at Sumdo (Spiti valley) near Kaurik-Chango Fault, Northwestern Himalaya Current Science, 73 (3). pp. 276-281. ISSN 0011-3891

Felix, C. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1997) Study of non-linear luminescence-dose growth curves for the estimation of paleodose in luminescence dating: results of Monte Carlo simulations Radiation Measurements, 27 (4). pp. 599-609. ISSN 1350-4487

Someshwara Rao, M. ; Bisaria, B. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1997) A feasibility study of dating Indo-Gangatic alluvium using thermoluminescence and infrared-stimulated luminescence techniques Current Science, 72 (9). pp. 663-669. ISSN 0011-3891

Tandon, S. K. ; Sareen, B. K. ; Someshwar Rao, M. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1997) Aggradation history and luminescence chronology of Late Quaternary semi-arid sequences of the Sabarmati basin, Gujarat, Western India Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 128 (1-4). pp. 339-357. ISSN 0031-0182

Singhvi, A. K. ; Banerjee, D. ; Ramesh, R. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Gogte, V. (1996) A luminescence method for dating 'dirty' pedogenic carbonates for paleoenvironmental reconstruction Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 139 (1-2). pp. 321-332. ISSN 0012-821X

Singhvi, A. K. ; Banerjee, D. ; Rajaguru, S. N. ; Kishan Kumar, V. S. (1994) Luminescence chronology of a fossil dune at Budha Pushar, Thar Desert: paleoenvironmental and archaeological implications Current Science, 66 (10). pp. 770-773. ISSN 0011-3891

Singhvi, A. K. ; Banerjee, D. ; Pande, K. ; Gogte, V. ; Valdiya, K. S. (1994) Luminescence studies on neotectonic events in South-Central Kumaun Himalaya- a feasibility study Quaternary Science Reviews, 13 (5-7). pp. 595-600. ISSN 0277-3791

Chawla, S. ; Dhir, R. P. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1992) Thermoluminescence chronology of sand profiles in the Thar desert and their implications Quaternary Science Reviews, 11 (1-2). pp. 25-32. ISSN 0277-3791

Singhvi, A. K. ; Bronger, A. ; Sauer, W. ; Pant, R. K. (1989) Thermoluminescence dating of Loess-paleosol sequences in the carpathian basin (East-Central Europe): a suggestion for a revised chronology Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section, 73 (4). pp. 307-317. ISSN 0168-9622

Chawla, S. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1989) Thermoluminescence dating of archaeological sediments Naturwissenschaften, 76 (9). pp. 416-418. ISSN 0028-1042

Singhvi, A. K. ; Bronger, A. ; Pant, R. K. ; Sauer, W. (1987) Thermoluminescence dating and its implications for the chronostratigraphy of loess-paleosol sequences in the Kashmir Valley (India) Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section, 65 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 0168-9622

Bronger, Arnt ; Pant, Rajendra K. ; Singhvi, Ashok K. (1987) Pleistocene climatic changes and landscape evolution in the Kashmir Basin, India: paleopedologic and chronostratigraphic studies Quaternary Research, 27 (2). pp. 167-181. ISSN 0033-5894

Singhvi, A. K. ; Deraniyagala, S. U. ; Sengupta, D. (1986) Thermoluminescence dating of Quaternary red-sand beds: a case study of coastal dunes in Sri Lanka Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 80 (1-2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 0012-821X

Singhvi, A. K. ; Rao, G. N. ; Srinivasan, T. M. ; Gokhale, K. V. G. K. (1986) Mossbauer effect studies of natural magnetities Hyperfine Interactions, 29 (1-4). pp. 1161-1164. ISSN 0304-3843

Singhvi, A. K. ; Sauer, W. ; Wagner, G. A. ; Kröger, K. (1986) Thermoluminescence dating of loess deposits at plaidter hummerich and its implications for the chronology of Neanderthal man Naturwissenschaften, 73 (4). pp. 205-207. ISSN 0028-1042

Singhvi, A. K. ; Mejdahl, V. (1985) Thermoluminescence dating of sediments Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982), 10 (1-2). pp. 137-161. ISSN 0735-245X

Bhandari, N. ; Bhattacharya, S. K. ; Nijampurkar, V. N. ; Sengupta, D. ; Shah, V. G. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Shukla, P. N. ; Suthar, K. M. ; Vohra, C. P. (1984) Isotopic and related studies of antarctic ice samples Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 93 (2). pp. 135-140. ISSN 0253-4126

Singhvi, A. K. ; Sharma, Y. P. ; Agrawal, D. P. (1983) Thermoluminescence dating of Indian archaeological sites Proceedings - Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 9 . pp. 365-370. ISSN 1089-795X

Singhvi, A. K. (1983) Thermoluminescence research in India: a review of applications to archaeology, sediments and meteorites Ancient TL, 1 . pp. 8-9. ISSN 0735-1348

Sutton, S. R. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1983) A cathodo-luminescence: X-ray microprobe study of various sediments from India and Antarctica Ancient TL, 1 . pp. 2-4. ISSN 0735-1348

Pye, K. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1982) Thermoluminescence dating of sand dunes Nature, 299 . p. 376. ISSN 0028-0836

Singhvi, A. K. ; Sharma, Y. P. ; Agrawal, D. P. (1982) Thermoluminescence dating of sand dunes in Rajasthan, India Nature, 295 . pp. 313-315. ISSN 0028-0836

Agrawal, D. P. ; Bhandari, N. ; Lal, B. B. ; Singhvi, A. K. (1981) Physical Research Laboratory TL dates-1981 (I) Ancient TL, 14 . p. 10. ISSN 0735-1348

Sharma, Y. P. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Agrawal, D. P. (1981) Physical Research Laboratory TL dates-1981 (II) Ancient TL, 15 (6). p. 10. ISSN 0735-1348

Singhvi, A. K. (1981) A possible correlation between the alpha efficiency and the anomalous fading characteristics Ancient TL, 14 . p. 10. ISSN 0735-1348

Singhvi, A. K. ; Zimmerman, D. W. (1979) The luminescent minerals in fine-grain samples from archaeological ceramics Archaeometry, 21 (1). pp. 73-77. ISSN 0003-813X

Singhvi, A. K. ; Aitken, M. J. (1978) Americium-241 for alpha-irradiations Ancient TL, 3 . p. 2. ISSN 0735-1348

Singhvi, A. K. ; Gupta, D. K. ; Gokhale, K. V. G. K. ; Rao, G. N. (1974) Mossbauer spectra of ilmenites from primary and secondary sources Physica Status Solidi A, 23 (1). pp. 321-324. ISSN 0031-8965

Singhvi, A. K. ; Rao, G. N. (1974) Hyperfine field measurements on dilute scandium in cobalt matrix Physics Letters A, 47 (4). pp. 319-320. ISSN 0375-9601

Singhui, A. K. ; Gupta, D. K. ; Rao, G. N. (1973) Time resolution of a Ge(Li) detector Journal of Physics E - Scientific Instruments, 6 (8). pp. 791-792. ISSN 0022-3735

Gupta, D. K. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Sanwal, D. N. ; Rao, G. N. (1973) Hyperfine-field measurements on Sc in Fe and Re in Ni Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 7 (7). pp. 2942-2947. ISSN 1098-0121

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