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Number of items: 60.

Montgomery, K. H. ; Allen, C. R. ; Wildeson, I. H. ; Jeon, J. H. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Woodall, J. M. (2011) Gettered GaP substrates for improved multijunction solar cell devices Journal of Electronic Materials, 40 (6). pp. 1457-1460. ISSN 0361-5235

Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. ; Tsoi, S. ; Haller, E. E. (2005) Electronic band gaps of semiconductors as influenced by their isotopic composition Solid State Communications, 133 (11). pp. 709-714. ISSN 0038-1098

Ramdas, A. K. ; Haller, E. E. (2005) Isotopic effects in semiconductors Solid State Communications, 133 (11). p. 691. ISSN 0038-1098

Ramdas, A. K. (2005) Gems: Objects of aesthetic beauty and scientific curiosity Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 10 (12). pp. 39-41. ISSN 0971-8044

Tsoi, S. ; Miotkowski, I. ; Rodriguez, S. ; Ramdas, A. K. (2004) Resonant electron spin-flip Raman scattering in CdTe and the diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd1-xVxTe Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 69 (3). 035209_1-035209_9. ISSN 1098-0121

Tarhan, Enver ; Miotkowski, I. ; Rodriguez, S. ; Ramdas, A. K. (2003) Lyman spectrum of holes bound to substitutional 3d transition metal ions in a III-V host: GaAs(Mn2+, Co2+, or Cu2+), GaP(Mn2+), and InP(Mn2+) Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 67 (19). 195202_1-195202_9. ISSN 1098-0121

Alawadhi, H ; Miotkowski, I ; Lewicki, A ; Ramdas, A K ; Miotkowska, S ; McElfresh, M (2002) Magnetic susceptibility and compositional dependence of the energy gap in Cd1-xCoxTe Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (7). pp. 4611-4620. ISSN 0953-8984

Alawadhi, H. ; Miotkowski, I. ; Souw, V. ; McElfresh, M. ; Ramdas, A. K. (2001) Excitonic Zeeman effect in the zinc-blende II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1-xYxTe (Y=Mn, Co, and Fe) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 63 (15). 155201_1-155201_10. ISSN 1098-0121

Seong, M. J. ; Alawadhi, H. ; Miotkowski, I. ; Ramdas, A. K. (2001) Raman electron paramagnetic resonance in Zn1-xCoxTe and Cd1-xCoxTe Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 63 (12). 125208_1-125208_7. ISSN 1098-0121

Miotkowski, I ; Alawadhi, H ; Seong, M J ; Lewicki, A ; Souw, V ; McElfresh, M ; Ramdas, A K ; Miotkowska, S ; Dynowska, E (2001) Estimation of Co2+ solubility limit in CdTe from lattice parameters, magnetization and spectroscopic characterization Semiconductor Science and Technology, 16 (2). pp. 118-122. ISSN 0268-1242

Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (2001) Spin-orbit coupling, mass anisotropy, time-reversal symmetry, and spontaneous symmetry breaking in the spectroscopy of shallow centers in elemental semiconductors Solid State Communications, 117 (3). pp. 213-222. ISSN 0038-1098

Kim, Hyunjung ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. ; Barticevic, Zdenka ; Grimsditch, M. ; Anthony, T. R. (2001) Magnetospectroscopy of acceptors in "blue" diamonds Physica B: Condensed Matter, 302-303 . pp. 88-100. ISSN 0921-4526

Kim, Hyunjung ; Barticevic, Zdenka ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (2000) Zeeman effect of electronic Raman lines of acceptors in elemental semiconductors: Boron in blue diamond Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 62 (12). pp. 8038-8052. ISSN 1098-0121

Kim, Hyunjung ; Rodriguez, S ; Grimsditch, M ; Anthony, T. R ; Ramdas, A. K (1999) Jahn-Teller splitting and Zeeman effect of acceptors in diamond Physica B: Condensed Matter, 273-274 . pp. 624-627. ISSN 0921-4526

Kim, Hyunjung ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. ; Anthony, T. R. (1997) Electronic transitions of holes bound to boron acceptors in isotopically controlled diamonds Solid State Communications, 102 (12). pp. 861-865. ISSN 0038-1098

Ramdas, A. K. (1995) Isotopic constitution of semiconductors: manifestations in their electronic and vibrational spectra Solid State Communications, 96 (3). pp. 111-120. ISSN 0038-1098

Parks, C. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Melloch, M. R. ; Steblovsky, G. ; Ram-Mohan, L. R. ; Luo, H. (1994) Observation of electronic states confined in surface quantum wells and above quantum barriers with modulated reflectivity Solid State Communications, 92 (7). pp. 563-567. ISSN 0038-1098

Mayur, A. J. ; Dean Sciacca, M. ; Miotkowski, I. ; La Rocca, G. C. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (1994) Local modes of substitutional transition metal ions in II-VI semiconductors Solid State Communications, 91 (10). pp. 785-789. ISSN 0038-1098

Fromherz, T. ; Oh, Eunsoon ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Koppensteiner, E. ; Bauer, G. ; Faschinger, W. ; Sitter, H. (1994) Confined and propagating phonons in atomic layer epitaxy grown (CdTe)n(ZnTe)n superlattices Journal of Crystal Growth, 138 (1-4). pp. 580-584. ISSN 0022-0248

Rana, R. S. ; Oh, Eunsoon ; Chua, Kangbin ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Nolte, D. D. (1994) Voigt-photorefractive two-wave mixing in Cd0.9Mn0.1Te Journal of Luminescence, 60-61 . pp. 56-59. ISSN 0022-2313

Oh, Eunsoon ; Ramdas, A. K. (1994) Multi-Mode behavior of optical phonons in II-VI ternary and quaternary alloys Journal of Electronic Materials, 23 (3). pp. 307-312. ISSN 0361-5235

Dean Sciacca, M. ; Mayur, A. J. ; Oh, Eunsoon ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (1993) Infrared observation of longitudinal optical modes in MBE-grown polar semiconductors films Solid State Communications, 88 (9). pp. 711-714. ISSN 0038-1098

Oh, Eunsoon ; Alonso, R. G. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1992) Magneto-modulation of reflectivity of diluted magnetic semiconductors Solid State Communications, 82 (12). pp. 969-972. ISSN 0038-1098

Oh, Eunsoon ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Furdyna, J. K. (1992) Magneto-optic phenomena in II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors: the Faraday and the Voigt effect Journal of Luminescence, 52 (1-4). pp. 183-191. ISSN 0022-2313

Samarth, N. ; Luo, H. ; Buschert, J. ; Furdyna, J. K. ; Walecki, W. J. ; Nurmikko, A. V. ; Alonso, R. G. ; Ohc, Eun-Soon ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Otsuka, N. (1991) Growth and properties of new wide-gap quantum well structures: Zn1-xMnxSe/Zn1-yCdySe Journal of Crystal Growth, 111 (1-4). pp. 816-819. ISSN 0022-0248

Samarth, N. ; Luo, H. ; Furdyna, J. K. ; Qadri, S. B. ; Lee, Y. R. ; Alonso, R. G. ; Suh, E. K. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Otsuka, N. (1990) Molecular beam epitaxy of cubic Zn1-xCdxSe and Cd1-xMnxSe and related superlattices Surface Science, 228 (1-3). pp. 226-229. ISSN 0039-6028

Samarth, N. ; Luo, H. ; Furdyna, J. K. ; Qadri, S. B. ; Lee, Y. R. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Otsuka, N. (1990) Molecular beam epitaxy of CdSe and the derivative alloys Zn1- xCdxSe and Cd1-xMnxSe Journal of Electronic Materials, 19 (6). pp. 543-547. ISSN 0361-5235

Hayes, W. ; Wong, K. S. ; Ryan, J. F. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1988) Picosecond time-resolved study of luminescence of Cd1-xMnxTe Journal of Luminescence, 40-41 . pp. 72-75. ISSN 0022-2313

Ramdas, A. K. (1988) Modulation, photoluminescence, and Raman spectroscopy of semiconductor heterostructures Superlattices and Microstructures, 4 (1). pp. 69-75. ISSN 0749-6036

Ramdas, A. K. (1987) Spectroscopy of shallow centers in semiconductors: progress since 1960 Physica B+C, 146 (1-2). pp. 6-18. ISSN 0378-4363

Peterson, D. L. ; Debska, U. ; Bartholomew, D. U. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez , S. (1985) Spin-flip Raman scattering from donors in diluted magentic semiconductors Solid State Communications, 53 (12). p. 1135. ISSN 0038-1098

Leea, Y. R. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1984) A piezomodulation study of the absorption edge and Mn++ internal transition in Cd1-xMnxTe, a prototype of diluted magnetic semiconductors Solid State Communications, 51 (11). pp. 861-863. ISSN 0038-1098

Peterson, D. L. ; Petrou, A. ; Dutta, M. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (1982) Spin-flip Raman scattering in a diluted magnetic semiconductor: Cd1-xMnxTe Solid State Communications, 43 (9). pp. 667-669. ISSN 0038-1098

Ramdas, A. K. (1982) Electronic and vibrational spectra of defects in neutron-irradiated silicon Journal of Nuclear Materials, 108-109 . p. 643. ISSN 0022-3115

Venugopalan, S. ; Petrou, A. ; Galazka, R. R. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1981) Raman scattering from magnetic excitations in Cd1-xMnxTe semiconductor alloys Solid State Communications, 38 (5). pp. 365-369. ISSN 0038-1098

Venugopalan, S. ; Petrou, A. ; Galazka, R. R. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1980) Raman spectra of Cd1-xMnxTe mixed crystals Solid State Communications, 35 (5). pp. 401-404. ISSN 0038-1098

Jagannath, C. ; Grabowski, Z. W. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1979) A high resolution study of the excitation spectrum of phosphorus donors introduced in silicon by neutron transmutation Solid State Communications, 29 (4). pp. 355-359. ISSN 0038-1098

Imaino, W. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (1978) Linear wave-vector dependence of an optical phonon frequency in Bi12GeO20 in the vicinity of the Brillouin zone center Solid State Communications, 28 (2). pp. 211-216. ISSN 0038-1098

Chandrasekhar, H. R. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1976) Resonant interaction of acceptor states and optical phonons in silicon Solid State Communications, 18 (3). pp. 405-408. ISSN 0038-1098

Grimsditch, M. H. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1974) Brillouin scattering in diamond Physics Letters A, 48 (1). pp. 37-38. ISSN 0375-9601

Chandrasekhar, H. R. ; Fisher, P. ; Ramdas, A. K. ; Rodriguez, S. (1972) Deformation potential constants of the ground state of boron acceptors in silicon Physics Letters A, 41 (2). pp. 137-138. ISSN 0375-9601

Tekippe, V. J. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1971) A piezospectroscopic study of the Raman spectrum of α - quartz Physics Letters A, 35 (3). pp. 143-144. ISSN 0375-9601

Venugopalan, S. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1971) Raman spectrum of bismuth germanium oxide Physics Letters A, 34 (1). pp. 9-10. ISSN 0375-9601

Ho, L. T. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1970) Excitation spectra and piezospectroscopic effects of neutral and singly ionized magnesium donors in silicon Physics Letters A, 32 (1). pp. 23-24. ISSN 0375-9601

Ahlburn, B. T. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1969) Acceptor excitation spectra in p-type aluminium antimonide Physics Letters A, 29 (3). pp. 135-136. ISSN 0375-9601

Ahlburn, B. T. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1966) Donor excitation spectrum in n-type aluminum antimonide Physics Letters, 22 (3). pp. 261-262. ISSN 0031-9163

Fisher, P. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1965) The excitation spectrum of boron in silicon under uniaxial stress Physics Letters, 16 (1). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0031-9163

Ramdas, A. K. ; Lee, P. M. ; Fisher, P. (1963) Splitting of donor levels in multi-valley semiconductors in the presence of external fields Physics Letters, 7 (2). pp. 99-101. ISSN 0031-9163

Fan, H. Y. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1959) Infrared absorption in neutron irradiated silicon Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 8 . pp. 272-274. ISSN 0022-3697

Ramdas, A. K. (1954) Some illustrations of the optical behaviour of iridescent calcite Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 40 (5). pp. 217-224. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1954) The infra-red absorption spectrum of barytes Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 39 (2). pp. 81-89. ISSN 0370-0089

Raman, C. V. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1954) On the polycrystalline forms of gypsum and their optical behaviour Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 39 (4). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0370-0089

Raman, C. V. ; Ramdas, A. K. (1954) The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent calcite Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 40 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1953) The infra-red absorption spectrum of silicon carbide Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 37 (4). pp. 571-577. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1953) The infra-red absorption spectra of sodium chlorate and potassium chlorate crystals Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 37 (3). pp. 451-457. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1953) The infra-red absorption spectra of sodium nitrate and calcite Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 37 (3). pp. 441-453. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1952) The infra-red absorption spectrum of potassium chlorate crystals: Part II Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences, 36 (1). pp. 55-61. ISSN 0253-4142

Ramdas, A. K. (1952) The infra-red absorption spectrum of potassium chlorate crystals: Part I Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 35 (5). pp. 249-254. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1952) The thermo-optic behaviour of quartz Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 35 (2). pp. 89-98. ISSN 0370-0089

Ramdas, A. K. (1951) Thermo-optic behaviour of silicon carbide Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 34 (2). pp. 136-140. ISSN 0370-0089

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