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Number of items: 37.

Chandrasekharan Nair, M. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1975) Respiratory and enzymatic changes in the Colletotrichum leaf spot of turmeric Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 81 (4). pp. 170-173. ISSN 0370-0097

Chandrasekharan Nair, M. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1974) Effect of infection by Colletotrichum capsici and toxin treatment on the permeability changes of turmeric leaves Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 80 (5). pp. 222-225. ISSN 0370-0097

Jaganathan, T. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1974) Inhibition of cucumber mosaic virus by Blasticidin S. Journal of Phytopathology, 79 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0931-1785

Nagarajan, K. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1971) Studies on cucurbit viruses in Madras State. IV. Some aspects of the relationships of Melon Mosaic Virus strain to its three aphid vectors Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 74 (4). pp. 194-207. ISSN 0370-0097

Nagarajan, K. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1971) Studies on cucurbit viruses in Madras state. II. Vector-virus relationships of the bittergourd mosaic virus Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 73 (2). pp. 84-95. ISSN 0370-0097

Nagarajan, K. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1971) Studies on cucurbit viruses in Madras state. I. A new virus disease on Bittergourd (Momordica charantia L.) Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 73 (1). pp. 30-35. ISSN 0370-0097

Sachidananda, J. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1971) Nematophagous fungi of agricultural soils I Mycopathologia, 43 (2). pp. 235-241. ISSN 0301-486X

Chinnadurai, G. ; Govindaswamy, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1970) Studies on the effect of stigmatic exudates of sorghum on the parasitism of Sphacelia sorghi McRae Journal of Phytopathology, 69 (1). pp. 56-63. ISSN 0931-1785

Nambiar, K. K. N. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1969) Studies on pigeon pea sterility mosaic disease. VII. Effect on mineral metabolism Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 70 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, K. ; Nambiar, K. K. N. ; Alagianagalingam, M. N. (1969) Physiology of virus-infected plants Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 69 (3). pp. 104-114. ISSN 0370-0097

Nambiar, K. K. N. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1968) Studies on pigeon pea sterility mosaic disease. VI. Effect of disease on carbohydrate Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 68 (6). pp. 295-300. ISSN 0370-0097

Jeyarajan, R. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1968) Studies on the physiology of chilli plants (Capsicum annuum L.) affected by potato virus Y. I. Effect on metabolism of carbohydrates, organic acids, phenolics, and respiration Journal of Phytopathology, 63 (2). pp. 142-152. ISSN 0931-1785

Narayanasamy, P. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1966) Studies on the sterility mosaic disease of pigeon pea. V. Organic acid metabolism and respiration of infected plants Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 64 (3). pp. 135-142. ISSN 0370-0097

Narayanaswamy, P. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1966) Studies on the sterility mosaic disease of pigeon pea. III. Nitrogen metabolism of infected plants Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 63 (6). pp. 288-296. ISSN 0370-0097

Narayanasamy, P. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1965) Studies on sterility mosaic disease of pigeon pea. II. Carbohydrate metabolism of infected plants Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 62 (3). pp. 130-139. ISSN 0370-0097

Narayanasamy, P. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1965) Studies on the sterility mosaic disease of pigeon pea. I. Transmission of the disease Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 62 (2). pp. 73-86. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, K. ; Sundaram, N. V. (1957) Neottiospora curcumæ sp. Nov. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 45 (3). pp. 149-150. ISSN 0370-0097

Subramanian, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1956) Ciliochorella Sydow, Plagionema Subram. & Ramakr., and Shanoria gen.nov Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 39 (3). pp. 314-318. ISSN 0007-1536

Subramanian, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1956) Anthasthoopa, a new genus of the Sphæropsidales Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 43 (3). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0370-0097

Subramanian, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1956) On Neottiospora coprophila Speg Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 43 (3). pp. 175-177. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, K. (1955) Ascomycetes from South India-III Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 42 (6). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, K. (1955) Some aspects of soil fungal ecology Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 41 (3). pp. 110-116. ISSN 0370-0097

Subramanian, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1953) On the nature of the spore-appendage in Neottiospora Desm. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 37 (6). pp. 228-231. ISSN 0370-0097

Subramanian, C. V. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1953) Petrakomyces, a new genus of the Sphaeropsidales Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 37 (3). pp. 110-113. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, K. (1953) Ascomycetes from South India-I Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 38 (3). pp. 118-124. ISSN 0370-0097

Nambiar, K. K. N. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1951) Studies on pigeon pea sterility mosaic disease. IX. Effect on nitrogen metabolism Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 70 (5). pp. 200-207. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1950) Additions to fungi of Madras-IX Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 32 (5). pp. 205-214. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1950) Additions to fungi of Madras-VII Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 32 (2). pp. 67-79. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1949) Additions to fungi of Madras-VI Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 29 (2). pp. 48-58. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1949) Exobasidium from South India Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 29 (1). pp. 5-12. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1948) Additions to fungi of Madras-V Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 28 (2). pp. 56-70. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1948) Additions to fungi of Madras-IV Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 27 (2). pp. 33-46. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1947) Revision of a rust on Oldenlandia spp. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 26 (2). pp. 64-68. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1947) A new rust on Dalbergia paniculata Roxb. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 26 (2). pp. 60-63. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1947) Additions to fungi of Madras-III Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 26 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1947) Additions to fungi of Madras-II Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 25 (6). pp. 178-187. ISSN 0370-0097

Ramakrishnan, T. S. ; Ramakrishnan, K. (1947) Additions to Fungi of Madras-I Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 25 (1). pp. 28-34. ISSN 0370-0097

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