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Number of items: 68.

Ghosh, Sankalpa ; Rajaraman, R. (2000) Quantum Hall solitons with intertwined spin and pseudospin at ν=1 Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 63 (3). 035304_1-035304_12. ISSN 1098-0121

Rajaraman, R. (1997) Generalized Chern-Simons theory of composite fermions in bilayer Hall systems Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 56 (11). pp. 6788-6794. ISSN 1098-0121

Deepak Kumar, ; Rajaraman, R. (1997) Umklapp scattering in fermi liquids: a renormalisation group approach International Journal of Modern Physics B, 11 (15). pp. 1813-1828. ISSN 0217-9792

Deepak Kumar, ; Rajaraman, R. (1996) Umklapp processes for electrons and their renormalization-group flow Physical Review B, 54 (7). pp. 4379-4382. ISSN 0163-1829

Chang, Shau-Jin ; Rajaraman, R. (1996) Chiral vertex operators in off-conformal theory: sine-Gordon example Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 53 (4). pp. 2102-2114. ISSN 1550-7998

Chang, Shau-Jin ; Rajaraman, R. (1993) New non-local currents in the quantum sine-Gordon model Physics Letters B, 313 (1-2). pp. 59-67. ISSN 0370-2693

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1992) Nonlocal Currents in the massive thirring model International Journal of Modern Physics A, 8 (10). pp. 1815-1821. ISSN 0217-751X

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1991) A topological field theory associated with monopoles Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 265 (3-4). pp. 335-340. ISSN 0370-2693

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1990) Path integral quantisation of topological field theories Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 249 (3-4). pp. 433-437. ISSN 0370-2693

Mitra, P. ; Rajaraman, R. (1990) Gauge-invariant reformulation of theories with second-class constraints Annals of Physics, 203 (1). pp. 157-172. ISSN 0003-4916

Mitra, P. ; Rajaraman, R. (1990) New results on systems with second-class constraints Annals of Physics, 203 (1). pp. 137-156. ISSN 0003-4916

Floreanini, R. ; Percacci, R. ; Rajaraman, R. (1989) Four-dimensional current algebra from Chern-Simons theory Physics Letters B, 231 (1-2). pp. 119-124. ISSN 0370-2693

Mitra, P. ; Rajaraman, R. (1989) Gauge-invariant reformulation of an anomalous gauge theory Physics Letters B, 225 (3). pp. 267-271. ISSN 0370-2693

Percacci, R. ; Rajaraman, R. (1989) Constrained Hamiltonian structure of the chirally gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model International Journal of Modern Physics A, 4 (16). pp. 4177-4202. ISSN 0217-751X

Percacci, R. ; Rajaraman, R. (1988) Gauss law commutator in the chirally gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model Physics Letters B, 201 (2). pp. 256-260. ISSN 0370-2693

Mitra, P. ; Rajaraman, R. (1988) Poincaré invariance of anomalous gauge theories Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 37 (2). pp. 448-453. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1987) On anomalous U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions Physics Letters B, 184 (4). pp. 369-374. ISSN 0370-2693

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1987) Some remarks on the finiteness of soliton mass Pramana - Journal of Physics, 28 (1). L95-L96. ISSN 0304-4289

Rajaraman, R. ; Sommermann, H. M. ; Wambach, J. ; Wyld, H. W. (1986) Stability of the rotating Skyrmion Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 33 (1). pp. 287-289. ISSN 1550-7998

Lott, J. ; Rajaraman, R. (1985) Degrees of freedom and the quantization of anomalous gauge theories Physics Letters B, 165 (4-6). pp. 321-326. ISSN 0370-2693

Rajaraman, R. (1985) Anomalous non-Abelian gauge theory in two dimensions Physics Letters B, 162 (1-3). pp. 148-152. ISSN 0370-2693

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1985) Classical solitons with no quantum counterparts and their supersymmetric revival Pramana - Journal of Physics, 24 (6). pp. 837-845. ISSN 0304-4289

Rajaraman, R. (1985) Hamiltonian formulation of the anomalous chiral Schwinger model Physics Letters B, 154 (4). pp. 305-309. ISSN 0370-2693

Jackiw, R. ; Rajaraman, R. (1985) Vector-meson mass generation by chiral anomalies Physical Review Letters, 54 (12). pp. 1219-1221. ISSN 0031-9007

Rajaraman, R. (1985) Quantum supersymmetric generalisation of Bogomolnyi bounds Pramana - Journal of Physics, 24 (1-2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0304-4289

Kaul, R. K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1983) Soliton energies in supersymmetric theories Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 131 (4-6). pp. 357-361. ISSN 0370-2693

Kaul, Romesh K. ; Rajaraman, R. (1982) Derivation of the decoupling relations for composite models from anomaly constraints and n-independence Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics, 110 (5). pp. 385-390. ISSN 0370-2693

Rajaraman, R. ; Raj Lakshmi, M. (1982) Charged-soliton excitations in statistical mechanics Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 25 (3). pp. 1866-1878. ISSN 1098-0121

Rajaraman, R. ; Raj Lakshmi, M. (1981) Restoration of symmetry by radiative corrections Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 23 (10). pp. 2399-2407. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1979) Solitons of coupled scalar field theories in two dimensions Physical Review Letters, 42 (4). pp. 200-204. ISSN 0031-9007

Gupta, V. ; Rajaraman, R. (1979) Wave function at the origin for large-n S-wave levels Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 19 (2). pp. 697-701. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1978) On the alleged equivalence of certain field theories Pramana - Journal of Physics, 11 (4). pp. 491-506. ISSN 0304-4289

Rajaraman, R. (1977) Intersoliton forces in weak-coupling quantum field theories Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 15 (10). pp. 2866-2874. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1975) Some non-perturbative semi-classical methods in quantum field theory (a pedagogical review) Physics Reports, 21 (5). pp. 227-313. ISSN 0370-1573

Rajaraman, R. ; Weinberg, Erick J. (1975) Internal symmetry and the semiclassical method in quantum field theory Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 11 (10). pp. 2950-2966. ISSN 1550-7998

Ma, Shang-Keng ; Rajaraman, R. (1975) Comments on the absence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in low dimensions Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 11 (6). pp. 1701-1704. ISSN 1550-7998

Dashen, Roger F. ; Ma, Shang-Keng ; Rajaraman, R. (1975) Finite-temperature behavior of a relativistic field theory with dynamical symmetry breaking Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 11 (6). pp. 1499-1508. ISSN 1550-7998

Dashen, R. F. ; Rajaraman, R. (1974) Effective elementarity of resonances and bound states in statistical mechanics Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 10 (2). pp. 708-720. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1974) Many-body clusters in a dense strongly interacting quantum liquid at 0°K Physical Review A, 9 (6). pp. 2761-2772. ISSN 1050-2947

Rajaraman, R. (1974) Effect of nucleon correlations on pion condensation in neutron stars Physics Letters B, 48 (3). pp. 179-182. ISSN 0370-2693

Rajaraman, R. ; Banerjee, A. (1973) Pionisation in a ø3 theory ladder model Nuclear Physics B, 67 (1). pp. 171-188. ISSN 0550-3213

Rajaraman, R. ; Banerjee, A. (1972) Fragmentation in a φ3-theory Ladder model Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 6 (12). pp. 3641-3650. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1972) The decoupling of the Pomeranchuk pole from all inelastic processes Physics Letters B, 42 (2). pp. 271-275. ISSN 0370-2693

Finkelstein, J. ; Rajaraman, R. (1972) Inclusive experiments, exchange degeneracy, and Reggeon total cross sections Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 5 (3). pp. 672-678. ISSN 1550-7998

Rai Choudhury, S. ; Rajaraman, R. (1972) Nucleon fragmentation in inelastic electron scattering Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 5 (3). pp. 694-699. ISSN 1550-7998

Rai Choudhury, S. ; Rajaraman, R. (1972) Relationship between hadronic and electronic excitation of N resonances Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 5 (3). pp. 773-775. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. ; Trehan, R. K. (1972) Cancellation effect among n-body clusters in liquid He3 and nuclear matter Physical Review A, 5 (1). pp. 392-396. ISSN 1050-2947

Rajaraman, R. ; Jain, R. P. (1971) Phenomenology of multipion production in p̅p annihilation based on an analysis of p̅p→5π at 3.25 GeV/c Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 4 (9). pp. 2768-2774. ISSN 1550-7998

Finkelstein, J. ; Rajaraman, R. (1971) Some consequences of exchange degeneracy and the triple-Regge-hypothesis Physics Letters B, 36 (5). pp. 459-462. ISSN 0370-2693

Rajaraman, R. (1971) Evaluation of the triple-Pomeranchukon-vertex ηPPP(t) from experiment as a function of t Physical Review Letters, 27 (10). pp. 693-696. ISSN 0031-9007

McKellar, Bruce H. J. ; Rajaraman, R. (1971) Effect of correlations on the contribution of three-body forces to the binding energy of nuclear matter Physical Review C, 3 (5). pp. 1877-1886. ISSN 0556-2813

Patil, S. H. ; Rajaraman, R. (1971) One-photon-exchange contribution to inelastic hadronic collisions Nuclear Physics B, 26 (2). pp. 258-262. ISSN 0550-3213

Rajaraman, R. ; Rajasekaran , G. (1971) Fixed pole in the virtual compton amplitude A2 Physical Review D, 3 (1). pp. 266-268. ISSN 0556-2821

Rai Choudhury, S. ; Rajaraman, R. (1970) Constraint on the universal function in electroproduction Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2 (11). pp. 2728-2729. ISSN 1550-7998

Rajaraman, R. (1970) Very-high-energy inelastic Hadron-Hadron collisions Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 1 (1). pp. 118-121. ISSN 1550-7998

Chang, Shau-Jin ; Rajaraman, R. (1969) Long-range corrections to the Coulomb potential and their implications about weak interactions Physical Review, 183 (5). pp. 1442-1445. ISSN 0031-899X

Chang, Shau-Jin ; Rajaraman, R. (1969) Remarks on the kinematics of multiperipheral processes Physical Review, 183 (5). pp. 1517-1519. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. (1969) High-energy behavior of scattering due to massless (neutrino) exchange Physical Review, 178 (5). pp. 2211-2220. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. (1969) Self-consistent high-energy scattering of zero-mass leptons: the coupled-channel case Physical Review, 178 (5). pp. 2221-2225. ISSN 0031-899X

McKellar, Bruce H. J. ; Rajaraman, R. (1968) Three-body forces in nuclear matter Physical Review Letters, 21 (7). pp. 450-453. ISSN 0031-9007

Rai Choudhury, S. ; Rajaraman, R. (1968) Backward Compton scattering sum rule and the π0→2γ,η0→2γ decay rates Physical Review, 169 (5). pp. 1218-1222. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. (1967) Effect and treatment of long-range forces in the theory of nuclear matter Physical Review, 155 (4). pp. 1105-1110. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. ; Bethe, H. A. (1967) Three-body problem in nuclear matter Reviews of Modern Physics, 39 (4). pp. 745-770. ISSN 0034-6861

Rajaraman, R. (1966) Ω decay modes Physics Letters, 22 (1). pp. 102-104. ISSN 0031-9163

Rajaraman, R. (1966) Magnetic moment of the 3/2+ decuplet from the algebra of current components Physical Review, 145 (4). pp. 1164-1165. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. ; Susskind, L. (1965) Overlapping channels and multichannel phenomena Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965), 38 (3). pp. 1201-1219.

Rajaraman, R. (1963) Three-body effect in nuclear matter to all orders of perturbation Physical Review, 131 (3). pp. 1244-1248. ISSN 0031-899X

Rajaraman, R. (1963) Three-nucleon clusters in nuclear matter Physical Review, 129 (1). pp. 265-270. ISSN 0031-899X

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