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Number of items: 102.

Kumari, M. ; Pop, I. ; Nath, G. (2010) Transient MHD stagnation flow of a non-Newtonian fluid due to impulsive motion from rest International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 45 (5). pp. 463-473. ISSN 0020-7462

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2010) Unsteady MHD mixed convection flow over an impulsively stretched permeable vertical surface in a quiescent fluid International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 45 (3). pp. 310-319. ISSN 0020-7462

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2010) Natural convection on a horizontal cone in a porous medium with non-uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection Transport in Porous Media, 84 (2). pp. 275-284. ISSN 0169-3913

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2009) Steady mixed convection stagnation-point flow of upper convected Maxwell fluids with magnetic field International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 44 (10). pp. 1048-1055. ISSN 0020-7462

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2009) Analytical solution of unsteady three-dimensional MHD boundary layer flow and heat transfer due to impulsively stretched plane surface International Journal of Engineering Science, 14 (8). pp. 3339-3350. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2009) Natural convection from a vertical cone in a porous medium due to the combined effects of heat and mass diffusion with non-uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52 (13-14). pp. 3064-3069. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2008) Unsteady natural convection from a horizontal annulus filled with a porous medium International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51 (19-20). pp. 5001-5007. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumari, M. ; Pop, I. ; Nath, G. (2007) Unsteady MHD boundary layer flow and heat transfer of a nonnewtonian fluid in the stagnation region of a twodimensional body Magnetohydrodynamics, 43 (3). pp. 301-314. ISSN 0024-998X

Anwar Bég, O. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. ; Chamkha, A. J. (2006) Mathematical modelling of hydromagnetic convection from a rotating sphere with impulsive motion and buoyancy effects Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 11 (3). pp. 227-245. ISSN 1392-5113

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2005) Transient rotating flow over a moving surface with a magnetic field International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48 (14). pp. 2878-2885. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2005) Transient laminar compressible boundary layers over a permeable circular cone near a plane of symmetry International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 48 (13). pp. 2771-2778. ISSN 0017-9310

Beg, Osman Anwar ; Takhar, Harmindar S. ; Beg, Tasveer A. ; Chamkha, Ali J. ; Nath, G. ; Majeed, Rui (2005) Modelling convection heat transfer in a rotating fluid in a thermally-stratified high-porosity medium: numerical finite difference solutions International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 32 (4). pp. 383-401. ISSN 1064-2277

Chamkha, Ali J. ; Takhar, Harmindar S. ; Nath, G. (2005) Natural convection flow in a rotating fluid over a vertical plate embedded in a thermally stratified high-porosity medium International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, 32 (5). pp. 511-527. ISSN 1064-2277

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2004) Transient MHD rotating flow over a rotating sphere in the vicinity of the equator International Journal of Engineering Science, 42 (17-18). pp. 1817-1829. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2004) Radiation effect on mixed convection from a horizontal surface in a porous medium Mechanics Research Communications, 31 (4). pp. 483-491. ISSN 0093-6413

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2004) Unsteady MHD film flow over a rotating infinite disk International Journal of Engineering Science, 42 (11-12). pp. 1099-1117. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2004) Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a thin vertical cylinder with localized injection/suction and cooling/heating International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47 (5). pp. 969-976. ISSN 0017-9310

Roy, S. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (2004) Unsteady MHD flow on a rotating cone in a rotating fluid Meccanica, 39 (3). pp. 271-283. ISSN 0025-6455

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2003) Natural convection on a thin vertical cylinder moving in a high-porosity ambient medium International Journal of Engineering Science, 41 (16). pp. 1935-1950. ISSN 0020-7225

Subhashini, S. V. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (2003) Non-uniform multiple slot injection (suction) or wall enthalpy into a compressible flow over a yawed circular cylinder International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 42 (8). pp. 749-757. ISSN 1290-0729

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2003) Nonsimilar boundary-layer flow over a stationary permeable plate in a rotating fluid with a magnetic field Archive of Applied Mechanics, 72 (10). pp. 730-744. ISSN 0939-1533

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2003) Unsteady flow with heat and mass transfer due to impingement of slot jet on an inclined plate Heat and Mass Transfer, 39 (8-9). pp. 745-751. ISSN 0947-7411

Takhar, H. S. ; Roy, S. ; Nath, G. (2003) Unsteady free convection flow over an infinite vertical porous plate due to the combined effects of thermal and mass diffusion, magnetic field and Hall currents Heat and Mass Transfer, 39 (10). pp. 825-834. ISSN 0947-7411

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2003) Unsteady mixed convection flow from a rotating vertical cone with a magnetic field Heat and Mass Transfer, 39 (4). pp. 297-304. ISSN 0947-7411

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2002) MHD flow over a moving plate in a rotating fluid with magnetic field, Hall currents and free stream velocity International Journal of Engineering Science, 40 (13). pp. 1511-1527. ISSN 0020-7225

Takhar, H. S. ; Singh, A. K. ; Nath, G. (2002) Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer on a rotating disk in an ambient fluid International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41 (2). pp. 147-155. ISSN 1290-0729

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2002) Unsteady flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid in the stagnation region of a three-dimensional body with a magnetic field International Journal of Engineering Science, 40 (4). pp. 411-432. ISSN 0020-7225

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2002) Natural convection on a vertical cylinder embedded in a thermally stratified high-porosity medium International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 41 (1). pp. 83-93. ISSN 1290-0729

Chamkha, Ali J. ; Takhar, Harmindar S. ; Nath, Girishwar (2001) Effect of buoyancy forces on the flow and heat transfer over a continuous moving vertical or inclined surface International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 40 (9). pp. 825-833. ISSN 1290-0729

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2001) MHD boundary-layer flow of a non-Newtonian fluid over a continuously moving surface with a parallel free stream Acta Mechanica, 146 (3-4). pp. 139-150. ISSN 0001-5970

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2001) Unsteady laminar MHD flow and heat transfer in the stagnation region of an impulsively spinning and translating sphere in the presence of buoyancy forces Heat and Mass Transfer, 37 (4-5). pp. 397-402. ISSN 0947-7411

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2001) Unsteady three-dimensional MHD-boundary-layer flow due to the impulsive motion of a stretching surface Acta Mechanica, 146 (1-2). pp. 59-71. ISSN 0001-5970

Takhar, H. S. ; Chamkha, A. J. ; Nath, G. (2000) Flow and mass transfer on a stretching sheet with a magnetic field and chemically reactive species International Journal of Engineering Science, 38 (12). pp. 1303-1314. ISSN 0020-7225

Takhar, H. S. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (2000) Melting from a horizontal disk rotating with a time-dependent angular velocity Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 16 (7). pp. 485-496. ISSN 1069-8299

Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (2000) Self-similar solution of the unsteady flow in the stagnation point region of a rotating sphere with a magnetic field Heat and Mass Transfer, 36 (2). pp. 89-96. ISSN 0947-7411

Eswara, A. T. ; Roy, S. ; Nath, G. (2000) Unsteady MHD forced flow due to a point sink Acta Mechanica, 145 (1-4). pp. 159-172. ISSN 0001-5970

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1999) Flow and heat transfer in a stagnation-point flow over a stretching sheet with a magnetic field Mechanics Research Communications, 26 (4). pp. 469-478. ISSN 0093-6413

Takhar, H. S. ; Slaouti, A. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1998) Unsteady free convection flow in the stagnation-point region of a rotating sphere International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 33 (5). pp. 857-865. ISSN 0020-7462

Bhattacharyya, S. ; Pal, A. ; Datta, N. ; Nath, G. (1998) Unsteady rotating flow of a compressible fluid over a finite disk ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 78 (4). pp. 243-253. ISSN 0044-2267

Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1998) Unsteady flow over a stretching surface with a magnetic field in a rotating fluid Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 49 (6). pp. 989-1001. ISSN 0044-2275

Takhar, T. S. ; Nath, G. (1997) Similarity solution of unsteady boundary layer equations with a magnetic field Meccanica, 32 (2). pp. 157-163. ISSN 0025-6455

Takhar, H. S. ; Yano, K. ; Nakamura, S. ; Nath, G. (1997) Unsteady compressible boundary layer flow in the stagnation region of a sphere with a magnetic field Archive of Applied Mechanics, 67 (7). pp. 478-486. ISSN 0939-1533

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1996) Boundary layer development on a continuous moving surface with a parallel free stream due to impulsive motion Heat and Mass Transfer, 31 (4). pp. 283-289. ISSN 0947-7411

Bhattacharyya, S. ; Nath, G. (1996) Unsteady compressible flow due to relative rotation and translation of a viscous fluid on a disk Archive of Applied Mechanics, 66 (3). pp. 208-214. ISSN 0939-1533

Seshadri, Rajeswari ; Sreeshylan, Nalini ; Nath, G. (1995) Viscoelastic fluid flow over a continuous stretching surface with mass transfer Mechanics Research Communications, 22 (6). pp. 627-633. ISSN 0093-6413

Pop, I. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1995) Free convection past a uniform flux surface inclined at a small angle to the horizontal Fluid Dynamics Research, 15 (1). pp. 57-67. ISSN 0169-5983

Kumari, M. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1995) Nonsimilar mixed convection flow of a non-Newtonian fluid past a vertical wedge Acta Mechanica, 113 (1-4). pp. 205-213. ISSN 0001-5970

Sau, A. ; Nath, G. (1995) Unsteady compressible boundary layer flow on the stagnation line of an infinite swept cylinder Acta Mechanica, 108 (1-4). pp. 143-156. ISSN 0001-5970

Parhi, S. ; Nath, G. (1995) A study of over-reflection in Hartmann flow Il Nuovo Cimento D, 17 (5). pp. 473-487. ISSN 0392-6737

Pop, I. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1994) Conjugate MHD flow past a flat plate Acta Mechanica, 106 (3-4). pp. 215-220. ISSN 0001-5970

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1993) Simultaneous heat and mass transfer under unsteady mixed convection along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium Heat and Mass Transfer, 28 (1-2). pp. 97-105. ISSN 0947-7411

Bhattacharyya, S. ; Nath, G. (1993) Transient flow of a compressible viscous fluid near an infinite disk ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 73 (12). pp. 365-375. ISSN 0044-2267

Takhar, H. S. ; Kumari , M. ; Nath, G. (1993) Unsteady free convection flow under the influence of a magnetic field Archive of Applied Mechanics, 63 (4-5). pp. 313-321. ISSN 0939-1533

Kumari, M. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1992) Unsteady mixed convection flow at the stagnation point International Journal of Engineering Science, 30 (12). pp. 1789-1800. ISSN 0020-7225

Rajeswari, V. ; Nath, G. (1992) Unsteady flow over a stretching surface in a rotating fluid International Journal of Engineering Science, 30 (6). pp. 747-756. ISSN 0020-7225

Bhattacharyya, S. ; Nath, G. (1992) Unsteady swirling flow of a compressible fluid over an infinite disk with a magnetic field or suction International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 27 (3). pp. 391-404. ISSN 0020-7462

Pop, I. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1992) Free convection about cylinders of elliptic cross section embedded in a porous medium International Journal of Engineering Science, 30 (1). pp. 35-45. ISSN 0020-7225

Roy, S. ; Nath, G. (1992) Unsteady laminar compressible boundary layers with vectored mass transfer and an applied magnetic field International Journal of Engineering Science, 30 (1). pp. 15-24. ISSN 0020-7225

Parhi, S. ; Nath, G. (1991) Stability of magnetohydrodynamic stratified shear flows Il Nuovo Cimento D, 13D (6). pp. 765-778. ISSN 0392-6737

Devi, C. D. S. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1991) Unsteady mixed convection flow in stagnation region adjacent to a vertical surface Heat and Mass Transfer, 26 (2). pp. 71-79. ISSN 0947-7411

Parhi, S. ; Nath, G. (1991) A sufficient criterion for Rayleigh-Taylor instability of incompressible viscous three-layer flow International Journal of Engineering Science, 29 (11). pp. 1439-1450. ISSN 0020-7225

Venkatachala, B. J. ; Nath, G. (1990) Mass transfer effects on the generalised vortex flow over a stationary surface with or without magnetic field Sadhana (Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences), 3 (3). pp. 211-223. ISSN 0256-2499

Kumari, M. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1990) Compressible MHD boundary layer in the stagnation region of a sphere International Journal of Engineering Science, 28 (5). pp. 357-366. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Takhar, H. S. ; Nath, G. (1990) MHD flow and heat transfer over a stretching surface with prescribed wall temperature or heat flux Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (6). pp. 331-336. ISSN 0947-7411

Kumari, M. ; Pop, I. ; Nath, G. (1990) Natural convection in porous media above a near horizontal uniform heat flux surface Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (3). pp. 155-159. ISSN 0947-7411

Pop, I. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1990) Non-Newtonian boundary layers on a moving cylinder International Journal of Engineering Science, 28 (4). pp. 303-312. ISSN 0020-7225

Vasantha, R. ; Nath, G. (1989) Semi-similar solutions of the unsteady compressible second-order boundary layer flow at the stagnation point International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 32 (3). pp. 435-444. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1989) Non-Darcy mixed convection boundary layer flow on a vertical cylinder in a saturated porous medium International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 32 (1). pp. 183-187. ISSN 0017-9310

Pop, I. ; Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1989) Combined free and forced convection along a rotating vertical cylinder International Journal of Engineering Science, 27 (3). pp. 193-202. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1989) Double diffusive unsteady free convection on two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies in a porous medium International Journal of Energy Research, 13 (4). pp. 379-391. ISSN 0363-907X

Bhattacharyya, S. ; Nath, G. (1989) Generalised vortex motion of compressible fluid with and without magnetic field and suction International Journal of Engineering Science, 27 (2). pp. 1639-1650. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1989) Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in unsteady free convection from two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies Heat and Mass Transfer, 24 (6). pp. 329-336. ISSN 0947-7411

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1989) Unsteady mixed convection with double diffusion over a horizontal cylinder and a sphere within a porous medium Heat and Mass Transfer, 24 (2). pp. 103-109. ISSN 0947-7411

Vasantha, R. ; Nath, G. (1986) Second-order boundary layers for steady, incompressible, three-dimensional stagnation point flows International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 29 (12). pp. 1993-1996. ISSN 0017-9310

Surma Devi, C. D. ; Nagaraj, M. ; Nath, G. (1986) Axial heat conduction effects in natural convection along a vertical cylinder International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 29 (4). pp. 654-656. ISSN 0017-9310

Vasantha, R. ; Nath, G. (1985) Semi-similar solution of an unsteady compressible three-dimensional stagnation point boundary layer flow with massive blowing International Journal of Engineering Science, 23 (5). pp. 561-569. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1985) Unsteady compressible boundary layer swirling flow in a nozzle and a diffuser International Journal of Engineering Science, 23 (7). pp. 759-771. ISSN 0020-7225

Vasantha, R. ; Nath, G. (1985) Unsteady nonsimilar compressible laminar two-dimensional and axisymmetric boundary-layer flows Acta Mechanica, 57 (3-4). pp. 215-231. ISSN 0001-5970

Dey, J. ; Nath, G. (1984) Forced convection heat transfer from a flat plate with an unheated starting length International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 27 (12). pp. 2429-2431. ISSN 0017-9310

Mathews, J. L. R. ; Nath, G. (1984) Spinup or spindown of a rotating electrically conducting fluid in a magnetic field Physics of Fluids, 27 (7). pp. 1718-1722. ISSN 0031-9171

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1984) Unsteady incompressible boundary layer flow of a micropolar fluid at a stagnation point International Journal of Engineering Science, 22 (6). pp. 755-768. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1983) Unsteady attachment line flow on a flat plate with attached cylinder International Journal of Engineering Science, 21 (12). pp. 1493-1503. ISSN 0020-7225

Krishnaswamy, R. ; Nath, G. (1982) Compressible boundary-layer flow at a three-dimensional stagnation point with massive blowing International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (11). pp. 1639-1649. ISSN 0017-9310

Dey, J. ; Nath, G. (1982) Forced convection heat transfer over a semi-infinite plate International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (11). pp. 1774-1776. ISSN 0017-9310

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1982) Heat and mass transfer in unsteady compressible axisymmetric stagnation point boundary layer flow over a rotating body International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 25 (2). pp. 290-293. ISSN 0017-9310

Krishnaswamy, R. ; Nath, G. (1982) Compressible second-order boundary layers for three-dimensional stagnation point flows with mass transfer International Journal of Engineering Science, 20 (11). pp. 1221-1223. ISSN 0020-7225

Dey, J. ; Nath, G. (1981) Mixed convection row on vertical surface Heat and Mass Transfer, 15 (4). pp. 279-283. ISSN 0947-7411

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1980) Unsteady compressible 3-dimensional boundary-layer flow near an asymmetric stagnation point with mass transfer International Journal of Engineering Science, 18 (11). pp. 1285-1300. ISSN 0020-7225

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1979) Compressible magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer swirling nozzle and diffuser flows with a magnetic field International Journal of Engineering Science, 17 (11). pp. 1183-1199. ISSN 0020-7225

Krishnaswamy, Rama ; Nath, G. (1979) Hypersonic stagnation-point boundary layers with massive blowing in the presence of a magnetic field Physics of Fluids, 22 (9). pp. 1631-1638. ISSN 0031-9171

Nath, G. ; Muthanna, Margaret (1978) Flow and heat transfer in steady laminar compressible boundary layer swirling flow in a nozzle International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 21 (9). pp. 1213-1220. ISSN 0017-9310

Meena, B. K. ; Nath, G. (1978) Nonsimilar incompressible laminar boundary layers with magnetic field Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 87 (2). pp. 55-64. ISSN 0370-0089

Kumari, M. ; Nath, G. (1978) Unsteady laminar compressible boundary-layer flow at a three-dimensional stagnation point Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 87 (4). pp. 705-717. ISSN 0022-1120

Nath, G. ; Muthanna, Margaret (1977) Laminar hypersonic boundary-layer flow at a three-dimensional stagnation point with slip and mass transfer International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 20 (2). pp. 177-180. ISSN 0017-9310

Muthanna, Margaret ; Nath, G. (1976) Magnetic hypersonic rarefied flow at the stagnation point of a blunt body with slip and mass transfer International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 19 (6). pp. 603-612. ISSN 0017-9310

Sundaram, K. M. ; Nath, G. (1976) Flow and heat transfer for a power-law electrically conducting fluid flowing between parallel plates under transverse magnetic field with viscous dissipation Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, 83 (5). pp. 188-201. ISSN 0370-0089

Vimala, C. S. ; Nath, G. (1975) Three-dimensional laminar compressible boundary layers with large injection Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 71 (4). pp. 711-727. ISSN 0022-1120

Vimala, C. S. ; Nath, G. (1975) Unsteady laminar boundary layers in a compressible stagnation flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 70 (3). pp. 561-572. ISSN 0022-1120

Nath, G. (1974) Solutions of boundary layer equations governing free convective and magnetohydrodynamic flows through parametric differentiation Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), 54 (10). pp. 685-693. ISSN 0044-2267

Nath, G. (1973) Initial-value method for a pseudoplastic fluid in a laminar boundary layer over a porous flat plate with suction Journal of Applied Mechanics, 40 (4). pp. 1123-1124. ISSN 0021-8936

Nath, G. (1971) Compressible axially symmetric laminar boundary layer flow in the stagnation region of a blunt body in the presence of magnetic field Acta Mechanica, 12 (3-4). pp. 267-273. ISSN 0001-5970

Nath, G. (1970) Rayleigh problem in slip flow with transverse magnetic field Applied Scientific Research, 23 (1). pp. 315-323. ISSN 0003-6994

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