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Number of items: 86.

Bedi, Anjan ; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. ; Das, Soumyajit ; Narayan, K. S. ; Zade, Sanjio S. (2012) Cyclopenta[c]thiophene oligomers based solution processable D–A copolymers and their application as FET materials Polymer Chemistry, 3 . pp. 1453-1460. ISSN 1759-9954

Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. ; Guha, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2012) Polarization fluctuation dominated electrical transport processes of polymer-based ferroelectric field effect transistors Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85 . pp. 115311-115319. ISSN 1550-235X

Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi ; Narayan, K. S. (2012) Rationalization of donor-acceptor ratio in bulk heterojunction solar cells using lateral photocurrent studies Applied Physics Letters, 100 . 166302 -166305. ISSN 0003-6951

Dasa, Soumyajit ; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. ; Bedia, Anjan ; Narayan, K.S. (2011) Synthesis and charge carrier mobility of a solution-processable conjugated copolymer based on cyclopenta[ c ]thiophene Polymer, 52 (25). pp. 5780-5787. ISSN 0032-3861

Gautam, Vini ; Bag, Monojit ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) Single-Pixel, Single-Layer Polymer Device as a Tri-color Sensor with Signals Mimicking Natural Photoreceptors Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (44). pp. 17942-17949. ISSN 1520-5126

Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi ; Ramachandra, Srinidhi ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) Direct observation of charge generating regions and transport pathways in bulk heterojunction solar cells with asymmetric electrodes using near field photocurrent microscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115 (34). pp. 17184-17189. ISSN 1932-7455

Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi ; Voggu, Rakesh ; Rao, C. N. R. ; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) Lateral Photocurrent Scanning of Donor and Acceptor Polymers on Graphene Coated Substrates Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50 (6). 061602-061605. ISSN 1347-4065

Das, Anshuman J. ; Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) Characteristic noise features in light transmission across membrane protein undergoing photocycle Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (7). 075101_1-075101_5. ISSN 0021-9606

Vijay, Venugopalan ; Rao, Arun D. ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) In situ studies of strain dependent transport properties of conducting polymers on elastomeric substrates Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (8). 084525_1084525_6. ISSN 1089-7550

Das, Anshuman J. ; Lafargue, Clément ; Lebental, Mélanie ; Zyss, Joseph ; Narayan, K. S. (2011) Three-dimensional microlasers based on polymer fibers fabricated by electrospinning Applied Physics Letters, 99 . 263303_1-263303_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Kolhe, Nagesh B. ; Asha, S. K. ; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) n-Type field effect transistors based on rigid rod and liquid crystalline alternating copoly(benzobisoxazole) imides containing perylene and/or naphthalene Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (50). pp. 16694-16704. ISSN 1520-5207

Saini, Geeta ; Jacob, Josemon ; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Synthesis, characterization, and OFET characteristics of 3,4-diaryl substituted poly(thienylene vinylene) derivatives Polymer Bulletin, 67 (5). pp. 753-761. ISSN 1436-2449

Rao, Manohar ; Ponce Ortiz, Rocio ; Facchetti, Antonio ; Marks, Tobin J. ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Studies of photogenerated charge carriers from Donor-Acceptor interfaces in organic field effect transistors. Implications for organic solar cells Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (48). pp. 20609-20613. ISSN 1932-7455

Bag, Monojit ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Universality in the intensity-modulated photocurrent in bulk-heterojunction polymer solar cells Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82 (7). 075308_1-075308_6. ISSN 1098-0121

Gupta, Dhritiman ; Mukhopadhyaya, Sabyasachi ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Fill factor in organic solar cells Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94 (8). pp. 1309-1313. ISSN 0927-0248

Gautam, Vini ; Bag, Monojit ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Dynamics of Bulk Polymer Heterostructure:Electrolyte Devices Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1 (22). pp. 3277-3282. ISSN 1948-7185

Arun, Narasimhan ; Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi ; Narayan, K. S. (2010) Monitoring intermediate states of bacteriorhodopsin monolayers using near-field optical microscopy Applied Optics, 49 (7). pp. 1131-1138. ISSN 1539-4522

Kolhe, Nagesh B. ; Asha, S. K. ; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P. (2010) n-Type Field Effect Transistors Based on Rigid Rod and Liquid Crystalline Alternating Copoly(benzobisoxazole) Imides Containing Perylene and/or Naphthalene Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (50). pp. 16694-16704. ISSN 1520-6106

Vidhyadhiraja, N. S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2009) Transport of Photogenerated Charge Carriers in Polymer Semiconductors Proceedings of the IEEE, 97 (9). pp. 1558-1569. ISSN 0018-9219

Narayan, K. S. ; Chi, K. M. ; Epstein, A. J. ; Miller, Joel S. (2009) Three-dimensional ordering, spin excitations, and dilution effects in the quasi-1D ferromagnetic (DMeFc)(TCNE) Journal of Applied Physics, 69 (8). pp. 5953-5955. ISSN 1089-7550

Bag, M. ; Gupta, D. ; Arun, N. ; Narayan, K. S. (2009) Deformation of metallic liquid drop by electric field for contacts in molecular-organic electronics Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 465 (2106). pp. 1799-1808. ISSN 1471-2946

Arun, N. ; Sharma, Ashutosh ; Pattader, Partho S. G. ; Banerjee, Indrani ; Dixit, Hemant M. ; Narayan, K. S. (2009) Electric-field-induced patterns in soft viscoelastic films: from long waves of viscous liquids to short waves of elastic solids Physical Review Letters, 102 (25). 254502_1-254502_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Das, Anshuman J. ; Narayan, K. S. (2009) Observation of Bessel beams from electric-field-induced patterns on polymer surfaces Optics Letters, 34 (21). pp. 3391-3393. ISSN 1539-4794

Rao, Manohar ; Narayan, K. S. (2009) Studies of charge transfer processes across donor-acceptor interface using a field effect transistor geometry Applied Physics Letters, 95 (18). 183306_1-183306_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Kabra, D. ; Verma , J. ; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Model for Studies of Lateral Photovoltaic Effect in Polymeric Semiconductors IEEE Sensors Journal, 8 (10). pp. 1663-1671. ISSN 1530-437X

Gupta, Dhritiman ; Bag, Monojit ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Area dependent efficiency of organic solar cells Applied Physics Letters, 93 (16). 163301_1-163301_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Arun, N. ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Conducting polymers as antennas for probing biophysical activities Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (5). pp. 1564-1569. ISSN 1520-5207

Gupta, Dhritiman ; Bag, Monojit ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Correlating reduced fill factor in polymer solar cells to contact effects Apllied Physics Letters, 92 (9). 093301_1-093301_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Rao, Manohar ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Evaluation of electrode-semiconductor barrier in transparent top-contact polymer field effect Applied Physics Letters, 92 (22). 223308 _1-223308 _3. ISSN 0003-6951

Badhwar, Shruti ; Narayan, K. S. (2008) Optimum Design of Organic Electrochemical Type Transistors for Applications in Biochemical Sensing Journal of Sensors, 2008 . 702161_1-702161_5. ISSN 1687-7268

Chawla, Jasmeet S. ; Gupta, Dhritiman ; Narayan, K. S. ; Zhang, R. (2007) Semiconducting polymer coated single wall nanotube field-effect transistors discriminate holes from electrons Applied Physics Letters, 91 (4). 043510_1-043510_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Kabra, D. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) Direct estimate of transport length scales in semiconducting polymers Advanced Materials, 19 (11). pp. 1465-1470. ISSN 1521-4095

Nagesh, K. ; Gupta, D. ; Kabra, D. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Ramakrishnan, S. (2007) Tunable two-colour patterning of MEHPPV from a single precursor Journal of Materials Chemistry (17). pp. 1682-1686. ISSN 1364-5501

Gupta, D. ; Kabra, D. ; Kolishetti, N. ; Ramakrishnan, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) An efficient bulk-heterojunction photovoltaic cell based on energy transfer in graded-bandgap polymers Advanced Functional Materials, 17 (2). pp. 226-232. ISSN 1616-3028

Kabra, D. ; Shriram, S. ; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) Charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors by position dependent optical probing Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (6). 064510_1-064510_7. ISSN 1089-7550

Arun, N. ; Sarkar, J. ; Sharma, Ashutosh ; Shenoy, V. B. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) Electric-field induced morphological transitions in elastic contact instability of soft solid films The Journal of Adhesion, 83 (6). pp. 513-534. ISSN 0021-8464

Aruna, N. ; Sarkar, J. ; Sharma, Ashutosh ; Shenoy, V. B. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) Electric-field induced morphological transitions in elastic contact instablity of soft solid films The Journal of Adhesion, 83 (6). pp. 513-534. ISSN 1545-5823

Bhatia, V. ; Gupta, D. ; Kabra, D. ; Narayan, K. S. (2007) Optical and electrical features of surface ordered regioregular polyhexylthiophene Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 18 (9). pp. 925-930. ISSN 1573-482X

Narayan, K. S. ; Rao, Manohar ; Zhang, R. ; Maniar, P. (2006) Control of single-wall-nanotube field-effect transistors via indirect long-range optically induced processes Applied Physics Letters, 88 (24). 243507_1-243507_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Arun, N. ; Sharma, A. ; Shenoy, V. B. ; Narayan, K. S. (2006) Electric field controlled surface instabilities in soft elastic films Advanced Materials, 18 (5). pp. 660-663. ISSN 0935-9648

Natarajan, Srinivasan ; Narayan, K. S. ; Pati, Swapan K. (2006) Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of the poly­oxovanadate cluster [Zn2(NH2(CH2)2NH2)5][{Zn(NH2(CH2)2 NH2)2}2{V18O42(H2O)}] ·xH2O (x ~ 12), possessing a layered structure Journal of Chemical Sciences, 118 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 0377-8444

Narayan, K. S. ; Rao, Manohar (2006) Electric-field-induced steering of conducting polymer dispersion in microchannels Applied Physics Letters, 88 (7). 073506_1-073506_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Nagesha, K. ; Kabrab, D. ; Narayanb, K. S. ; Ramakrishnan, S. (2005) Modulating phase-separation in blends of MEHPPV-x with different conjugation lengths Synthetic Metals, 155 (2). pp. 295-298. ISSN 0379-6779

Dutta, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2005) Photocurrent spectroscopy under depletion mode of transparent polymer field-effect transistors Applied Physics Letters, 87 (19). 193505_1-193505_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Dutta, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2005) Spectroscopic studies of photoinduced transport in polymer field effect transistors Synthetic Metals, 155 (2). pp. 328-331. ISSN 0379-6779

Dutta, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2004) Gate-voltage control of optically-induced charges and memory effects in polymer field-effect transistors Advanced Materials, 16 (23-24). pp. 2151-2155. ISSN 1521-4095

Dutta, S. ; Narayan, K. S. (2004) Photoinduced charge transport in polymer field effect transistors Synthetic Metals, 146 (3). pp. 321-324. ISSN 0379-6779

Kabra, D. ; Singh, Th. B. ; Narayan, K. S. (2004) Semiconducting-polymer-based position-sensitive detectors Applied Physics Letters, 85 (21). pp. 5073-5075. ISSN 0003-6951

Manoj, A. G. ; Narayan, K. S. (2004) Opto-electrical processes in a conducting polymer-bacteriorhodopsin system Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 19 (9). pp. 1067-1074. ISSN 0956-5663

Basavaraj, V. K. ; Manoj, A. G. ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Solution processing of active semiconducting polymers and conducting polymer anodes for fabricating photodetectors IEE Proceedings - Circuits, Devices and Systems, 150 (6). pp. 552-555. ISSN 1350-2409

Kabra, Dinesh ; Sardar, Kripasindhu ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Gallium nitride nanoparticles for solar-blind detectors Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Chemical Sciences, 115 (5-6). pp. 459-463. ISSN 0253-4134

Dutta, S. ; Singh, Th. B. ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Photoinduced relaxation effects in three-terminal polymer based device structures Synthetic Metals, 139 (3). pp. 553-556. ISSN 0379-6779

Manoj, A. G. ; Alagiriswamy, A. A. ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Photogenerated charge carrier transport in p-polymer n-polymer bilayer structures Journal of Applied Physics, 94 (6). pp. 4088-4095. ISSN 1089-7550

Manoj, A. G. ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Photovoltaic properties of polymer p-n junctions made with P3OT/BBL bilayers Optical Materials, 21 (1-3). pp. 417-420. ISSN 0925-3467

Dutta, Soumya ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Nonexponential relaxation of photoinduced conductance in organic field effect transistors Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 68 (12). 125208_1-125208_4. ISSN 1098-0121

Manoj, A. G. ; Narayan, K. S. (2003) Voltage-controlled spectral tuning of photoelectric signals in a conducting polymer-bacteriorhodopsin device Applied Physics Letters, 83 (17). pp. 3614-3616. ISSN 0003-6951

Alagiriswamy, A. A. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Raju, Govinda (2002) Relaxation processes in aromatic polyimide Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35 (21). pp. 2850-2856. ISSN 1361-6463

Narayan, K. S. ; Manoj, A. G. ; Singh, Th. B. ; Alagiriswamy, A. A. (2002) Novel strategies for polymer based light sensors Thin Solid Films, 417 (1-2). pp. 75-77. ISSN 0040-6090

Singh, Th. B. ; Waghmare, U. V. ; Narayan, K. S. (2001) Photocurrent studies of an active polymer layer in a resonant microcavity Applied Physics Letters, 807 (7). pp. 1213-1215. ISSN 0003-6951

Narayan, K. S. ; Geetha, K. V. (2001) Photocurrent response of bipyridine containing Poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) derivatives Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105 (32). pp. 7671-7677. ISSN 1520-5207

Varier, Geetha K. ; Narayan , K.S. ; Nakmanovich, G. ; Eichen , Y. ; Ehrenfreund, E. (2001) Electric field dependent photogenerated charge carrier separation in bipyridine containing poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Synthetic Metals, 121 (1-3). pp. 1559-1560. ISSN 0379-6779

Alagiriswamy, A. A. ; Narayan, K. S. (2001) Determination of trap states in ladder type polymers Synthetic Metals, 116 (1-3). pp. 297-299. ISSN 0379-6779

Alagiriswamy, A. A. ; Narayan, K. S. (2001) Electronic defect studies of ladder-type polymers Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (5). pp. 3021-3027. ISSN 1089-7550

Narayan, K. S. ; Kumar, N. (2001) Light responsive polymer field-effect transistor Apllied Physics Letters, 79 (12). 1891 - 1893. ISSN 0003-6951

Kumar, N. ; Narayan, K. S. (2001) Polarization-dependent discharge in fibers of a semiconducting ladder-type polymer Applied Physics Letters, 78 (11). 1556 - 1558. ISSN 0003-6951

Vijaya Sarathy, K. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Kim, Jeongyong ; White, Jeffrey O. (2000) Novel fluorescence and morphological structures in gold nanoparticle-polyoctylthiophene based thin films Chemical Physics Letters, 318 (6). pp. 543-548. ISSN 0009-2614

Sarathy, K. Vijaya ; Narayan, K. S. (1999) Novel properties exhibited by films of gold nanoparticle-polythiophene blends Current Science, 77 (5). pp. 678-681. ISSN 0011-3891

Narayan, K. S. ; Singh, Th. B. (1999) Nanocrystalline titanium dioxide-dispersed semiconducting polymer photodetectors Applied Physics Letters, 74 (23). 3456 - 3458. ISSN 0003-6951

Manoj, A. G. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Gowri, R. ; Ramakrishnan, S. (1999) Photophysics of PPV derivatives with varying conjugation lengths Synthetic Metals, 101 (1-3). pp. 255-256. ISSN 0379-6779

Narayan, K. S. ; Alagiriswamy, A. A. ; Spry, R. J. (1999) DC transport studies of poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) a ladder-type polymer Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 59 (15). pp. 10054-10058. ISSN 1098-0121

Narayan, K. S. ; Manoj, A. G. ; Nanda, J. ; Sarma, D. D. (1999) Dual function hybrid polymer-nanoparticle devices Applied Physics Letters, 74 (6). pp. 871-873. ISSN 0003-6951

Narayan, K. S. ; Manoj, A. G. ; Nanda, J. ; Kuruvilla, B. A. ; Sarma, D. D. ; Claflin, B. ; Lucovsky, G. ; Claflin, B. ; Lucovsky, G. (1998) Optical and Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymer -Nanocluster Semiconductor Hybrid Systems MRS Proceedings, 519 . pp. 265-270. ISSN 1946-4274

Nanda, J. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Kuruvilla, Beena Annie ; Murthy, G. L. ; Sarma, D. D. (1998) Sizable photocurrent and emission from solid state devices based on CdS nanoparticles Applied Physics Letters, 72 (11). 1335_1-1335_3. ISSN 0003-6951

Narayan, K. S. ; Murthy, G. L. (1997) Emission studies of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) / poly(3-hexylthiophene) bilayer devices Chemical Physics Letters, 276 (5-6). pp. 441-444. ISSN 0009-2614

Narayan, K. S. ; Murthy, G. L. (1997) Emission studies of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) / poly(3-hexylthiophene) bilayerdevices Chemical Physics Letters, 276 (5-6). pp. 441-444. ISSN 0009-2614

Narayan, K. S. ; Singh, A. K. ; Ramasesha, S. K. (1997) High-pressure effects and electronic transport in a ladder type polymer Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 30 (6). L16-L18. ISSN 1361-6463

Narayan, K. S. (1997) Organic/polymeric systems: candidates for optoelectronic devices Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 77 (3). pp. 257-266. ISSN 0970-4140

Narayan, K. S. ; Gautam, K. S. ; Shivkumar, B. ; Ramakrishnan, S. (1996) Photocurrent spectral responses in poly (2,5-dimethoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) devices Synthetic Metals, 80 (3). pp. 239-242. ISSN 0379-6779

Narayan, K. S. ; Gautam, K. S. (1996) Steady-state photoconductivity in poly(2,5-dimethoxy-p-phenylene vinylene) Journal of Applied Physics, 79 (4). pp. 1935-1938. ISSN 1089-7550

Narayan, K. S. ; Taylor Hamilton, B. E. ; Spry, R. J. ; Ferguson, J. B. (1995) Photoconducting properties of a ladder polymer Journal of Applied Physics, 77 (8). pp. 3938-3941. ISSN 1089-7550

Narayan, K. S. ; Taylor, B. E. ; Spry, R. J. ; Ferguson, J. B. (1994) Photoconductivity of the ladder polymer BBL Journal of Luminescence, 60-61 . pp. 482-484. ISSN 0022-2313

Narayan, K. S. ; Morin, B. G. ; Miller, Joel S. ; Epstein, A. J. (1992) Spin dilution in a ferromagnetic chain Physical Review B, 46 (10). pp. 6195-6198. ISSN 1095-3795

Narayan, K. S. ; Heres, Olivier ; Epstein, Arthur J. ; Miller, Joel S. (1992) Anomalous metamagnetic behavior in molecular decamethylmanganocenium 2,3− dichloro− 5,6− dicyanobenzoquinoneide [MnCp2][DDQ] Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 110 (1-2). L6-L10. ISSN 0304-8853

Miller, Joel S. ; Dixon, David A. ; Scott. McLean, R. ; Groski, David M. ; Flippen, Richard B. ; Manriquez, Juan M. ; Yee, Gordon T. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Epstein, Arthur J. (1991) Decamethylmanganocenium tetracyanoethenide, [Mn(C5Me5)2]⊙⊙⊕[TCNE]⊙⊖-a molecular ferromagnet with an 8.8 K Tc Advanced Materials, 3 (6). pp. 309-311. ISSN 1521-4095

Bhirud, R. G. ; Srisankar, E. V. ; Narayan, K. S. (1991) Oxidation of dyes by manganese tetraphenyl porphyrin activated peroxy bleach Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Chemical Sciences, 108 (2). pp. 83-93. ISSN 0253-4134

Miller, Joel S. ; McLean, R. Scott ; Vazquez, Carlos ; Yee, Gordon T. ; Narayan, K. S. ; Epstein, Arthur J. (1991) Novel co-operative magnetic properties of decamethylmanganocenium 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinoneide, 3[Mn(C5Me5)2]:+[DDQ]:- Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1 (3). pp. 479-480. ISSN 1364-5501

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