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Number of items: 41.

Bhatia, Rajendra ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2011) Monotonicity of the matrix geometric mean Mathematische Annalen . ISSN 0025-5831

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2010) On multiple choice tests and negative marking Current Science, 99 (8). pp. 1042-1045. ISSN 0011-3905

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2006) On the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method Sadhana (Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences), 31 (2). pp. 81-104. ISSN 0256-2499

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2006) Multiple-choice tests, negative marks and an alternative Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 11 (3). pp. 86-93. ISSN 0971-8044

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Nadkarni, M. G. (2005) Measure free martingales Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Mathematical Sciences, 115 (1). pp. 111-116. ISSN 0253-4142

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2003) Martingale problems and path properties of solutions Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 65 (4). pp. 733-743. ISSN 0972-7671

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Vidyasagar, M. (2002) Rates of uniform convergence of empirical means with mixing processes Statistics & Probability Letters, 58 (3). pp. 297-307. ISSN 0167-7152

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Payne, Clive ; Yadav, Yogendra (2002) Predicting the 1998 Indian parliamentary election Electoral Studies, 21 (1). pp. 69-89. ISSN 0261-3794

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2002) Robustness of the nonlinear filter: the correlated case Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 97 (1). pp. 41-58. ISSN 0304-4149

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (2001) Path continuity of the nonlinear filter Statistics & Probability Letters, 54 (1). pp. 75-78. ISSN 0167-7152

Bhatt, A. G. ; Budhiraja, A. ; Karandikar, R. L. (2000) Markov property and ergodicity of the nonlinear filter SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 39 (3). pp. 928-949. ISSN 0363-0129

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Basu, Ayanendranath (1999) Opinion polls and statistical surveys: what they really tell us Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 4 (7). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0971-8044

Bha, Abhay G. ; Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1999) Robustness of the nonlinear filter Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 81 (2). pp. 247-254. ISSN 0304-4149

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1999) Characterization of the optimal filter: the non markov case Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 66 (3-4). pp. 177-204. ISSN 1045-1129

Bhatt, A. G. ; Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. ; Xiong, J. (1998) On interacting systems of Hilbert-space-valued diffusions Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 37 (2). pp. 151-188. ISSN 0095-4616

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1996) On randomness and probability: how to mathematically model uncertain events Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 1 (2). pp. 55-68. ISSN 0971-8044

Chaganty, Narasinga R. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1996) Some properties of the Kullback-Leibler number Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 58 (1). pp. 69-80. ISSN 0972-7671

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1995) On pathwise stochastic integration Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 57 (1). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0304-4149

Bhatt, A. G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1995) Evolution equations for Markov processes: application to the white-noise theory of filtering Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 31 (3). pp. 327-348. ISSN 0095-4616

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1995) Uniqueness and robustness of solution of measure-valued equations of nonlinear filtering Annals of Probability, 23 (4). pp. 1895-1938. ISSN 0091-1798

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Rachev, Svetlozar T. (1995) A generalized binomial model and option pricing formulae for subordinated stock-price processes Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 15 . 427–447. ISSN 0208-4147

Horowitz, Joseph ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1994) Mean rates of convergence of empirical measures in the Wasserstein metric Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 55 (3). pp. 261-273. ISSN 0377-0427

Karandikar, R. L. ; Kallianpur, G. (1994) Nonlinear transformations of the canonical gauss measure on hilbert space and absolute continuity Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 35 (1-2). pp. 63-102. ISSN 0167-8019

Balkema, A. A. ; de Haan, L. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1993) Asymptotic distribution of the maximum of n independent stochastic processes Journal of Applied Probability, 30 (1). pp. 66-81. ISSN 0021-9002

Bhatt, Abhay G. ; Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1993) Weak convergence to a Markov process the martingale approach Probability Theory and Related Fields, 96 (3). pp. 335-351. ISSN 0178-8051

Haan, L. de. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1989) Embedding a stochastic difference equation into a continuous-time process Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 32 (2). pp. 225-235. ISSN 0304-4149

Karandikar , Rajeeva L. (1989) On Métivier-Pellaumail inequality, Emery topology and Pathwise formulae in stochastic calculus Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 51 (2). pp. 121-143. ISSN 0972-7671

Hucke, H. P. ; Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1988) Smoothness properties of the conditional expectation in finitely additive white noise filtering Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 27 (1). pp. 261-269. ISSN 0047-259X

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1988) A general principle for limit theorems in finitely additive probability: the dependent case Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 24 (2). pp. 189-206. ISSN 0047-259X

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1987) On the Feynman-Kac formula and its applications to filtering theory Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 16 (1). pp. 263-276. ISSN 0095-4616

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1985) White noise calculus and non-linear Filtering theory Annals of Probability, 13 (4). pp. 1033-1107. ISSN 0091-1798

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. ; Kulkarni, Vidyadhar G. (1985) Limiting distributions of functionals of Markov chains Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19 (2). pp. 225-235. ISSN 0304-4149

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1984) The nonlinear filtering problem for the unbounded case Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 18 (1). pp. 57-66. ISSN 0304-4149

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1984) The Markov property of the filter in the finitely additive white noise approach to nonlinear filtering Stochastics, 13 (3). pp. 177-198. ISSN 1744-2508

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1984) Measure-valued equations for the optimum filter in finitely additive nonlinear filtering theory Probability Theory and Related Fields, 66 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0178-8051

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1983) Stochastic integration w.r.t. continuous local martingales Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 15 (2). pp. 203-209. ISSN 0304-4149

Karandikar , Rajeeva L. (1983) Interchanging the order of stochastic integration and ordinary differentiation Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 45 (1). pp. 120-124. ISSN 0972-7671

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1983) Some recent developments in nonlinear filtering theory Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 1 (4). pp. 399-434. ISSN 0167-8019

Kallianpur, G. ; Karandikar, R. L. (1983) A finitely additive white noise approach to nonlinear filtering Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 10 (1). pp. 159-185. ISSN 0095-4616

Karandikar, Rajeeva L. (1982) Multiplicative decomposition of non-singular matrix valued continuous semimartingales Annals of Probability, 10 (4). pp. 1088-1091. ISSN 0091-1798

Karandikar , Rajeeva L. (1981) Pathwise solutions of Stochastic differential equations Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 43 (2). pp. 121-132. ISSN 0972-7671

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