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Number of items: 57.

Bonnet, Nicolas J. ; Beauvais, Anicet ; Arnaud, Nicolas ; Chardon, Dominique ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2016) Cenozoic lateritic weathering and erosion history of peninsular India from 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene K–Mn oxides Chemical Geology, 446 . pp. 33-53. ISSN 0009-2541

Beauvais, Anicet ; Chardon, D. ; Jean, A. ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Shazia, Janwary ; Bonnet, Nicolas (2016) Regolith and landscape evolution in Peninsular India and West Africa: morphoclimatic evolution of the two continents over the Cenozoic In: International Geological Congress, 27 Aug - 4 Sep 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.

Hashizume, K. ; Pinti, D. L. ; Orberger, B. ; Cloquet, C. ; Jayananda, M. ; Soyama, H. (2016) A biological switch at the ocean surface as a cause of laminations in a Precambrian iron formation Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 446 . pp. 27-36. ISSN 0012-821X

Jayananda, M. ; Duraiswami, R. A. ; Aadhiseshan, K. R. ; Gireesh, R. V. ; Prabhakar, B. C. ; Kafo, Kowe-u ; Tushipokla, . ; Namratha, R. (2016) Physical volcanology and geochemistry of Palaeoarchaean komatiite lava flows from the western Dharwar craton, southern India: implications for Archaean mantle evolution and crustal growth International Geology Review, 58 (13). pp. 1569-1595. ISSN 0020-6814

Beauvais, Anicet ; Bonnet, Nicolas J. ; Chardon, Dominique ; Arnaud, Nicolas ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2016) Very long-term stability of passive margin escarpment constrained by 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-Mn oxides Geology, 44 (4). pp. 299-302. ISSN 0091-7613

Jayananda, M. ; Chardon, D. ; Peucat, J.-J. ; Tushipokla, . ; Fanning, C.M. (2015) Paleo- to Mesoarchean TTG accretion and continental growth in the western Dharwar craton, southern India: constraints from SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Nd–Sr isotopes Precambrian Research, 268 . pp. 295-322. ISSN 0301-9268

Gupta, Susmita ; Jayananda, M. ; Fareeduddin, . (2014) Tourmaline from the Archean G.R.Halli gold deposit, Chitradurga greenstone belt, Dharwar craton (India): implications for the gold metallogeny Geoscience Frontiers, 5 (6). pp. 877-892. ISSN 1674-9871

Srivastava, Rajesh K. ; Jayananda, M. ; Gautam, Gulab C. ; Samal, Amiya K. (2014) Geochemical studies and petrogenesis of ~2.21–2.22 Ga Kunigal mafic dyke swarm (trending N-S to NNW-SSE) from eastern Dharwar craton, India: implications for Paleoproterozoic large igneous provinces and supercraton superia Mineralogy and Petrology, 108 (5). pp. 695-711. ISSN 0930-0708

Bhattacharya, Sourabh ; Panigrahi, Mruganka K. ; Jayananda, M. (2014) Mineral thermobarometry and fluid inclusion studies on the Closepet granite, Eastern Dharwar Craton, south India: implications to emplacement and evolution of late-stage fluid Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 91 . pp. 1-18. ISSN 1367-9120

Jayananda, M. ; Gireesh, R. V. ; Sekhamo, Kowete-u ; Miyazaki, T. (2014) Coeval felsic and mafic magmas in neoarchean calc-alkaline magmatic arcs, Dharwar craton, southern India: field and petrographic evidence from mafic to hybrid magmatic enclaves and synplutonic mafic dykes Journal of the Geological Society of India, 84 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 0016-7622

Srivastava, Rajesh K. ; Jayananda, M. ; Gautam, Gulab C. ; Gireesh, V. ; Samal, Amiya K. (2014) Geochemistry of an ENE–WSW to NE–SW trending ∼2.37 Ga mafic dyke swarm of the eastern Dharwar craton, India: does it represent a single magmatic event? Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 74 (2). pp. 251-265. ISSN 0009-2819

Bonnet, Nicolas J. ; Beauvais, Anicet ; Arnaud, Nicolas ; Chardon, Dominique ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2014) First 40Ar/39Ar dating of intense late Palaeogene lateritic weathering in peninsular India Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386 . pp. 126-137. ISSN 0012-821X

Jayananda, M. ; Tsutsumi, Y. ; Miyazaki, T. ; Gireesh, R. V. ; Kapfo, Kowe-u ; Tushipokla, . ; Hidaka, Hiroshi ; Kano, T. (2013) Geochronological constraints on Meso- and Neoarchean regional metamorphism and magmatism in the Dharwar craton, southern India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78 . pp. 18-38. ISSN 1367-9120

Tushipokla, . ; Jayananda, M. (2013) Geochemical constraints on komatiite volcanism from Sargur Group Nagamangala greenstone belt, western Dharwar craton, southern India: implications for Mesoarchean mantle evolution and continental growth Geoscience Frontiers, 4 (3). pp. 321-340. ISSN 1674-9871

Jayananda, M. ; Peucat, J. J. ; Chardon, D. ; Rao, B. Krishna ; Fanning, C.M. ; Corfu, F. (2013) Neoarchean greenstone volcanism and continental growth, Dharwar craton, southern India: constraints from SIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology and Nd isotopes Precambrian Research, 227 . pp. 55-76. ISSN 0301-9268

Peucat, Jean-Jacques ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Chardon, Dominique ; Capdevila, Ramon ; Fanning, C. Mark ; Paquette, Jean-Louis (2013) The lower crust of the Dharwar craton, southern India: patchwork of Archean granulitic domains Precambrian Research, 227 . pp. 4-28. ISSN 0301-9268

Taguchi, Tomoki ; Satish-Kumar, Madhusoodhan ; Hokada, Tomokazu ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2012) Petrogenesis of Cr-rich calc-silicate rocks from the Bandihalli supracrustal belt, Archean Dharwar Craton, India Canadian Mineralogist, 50 (3). pp. 705-718. ISSN 0008-4476

Gireesh, R. V. ; Sekhamo, Kowete-U. ; Jayananda, M. (2012) Anatomy of 2.57-2.52 Ga granitoid plutons in the eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: implications for magma chamber processes and crustal evolution Episodes, 35 (3). pp. 398-413. ISSN 0705-3797

Orberger, Beate ; Wagner, Christiane ; Wirth, Richard ; Quirico, Eric ; Gallien, Jean Paul ; Derre, Colette ; Montagnac, Gilles ; Noret, Aurelie ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Massault, Marc ; Rouchon, Virgile (2012) Origin of iron oxide spherules in the banded iron formation of the Bababudan Group, Dharwar Craton, southern India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 52 . pp. 31-42. ISSN 1367-9120

Slaby, Ewa ; Martin, Herve ; Hamada, Morihisa ; Smigielski, Michal ; Domonik, Andrzej ; Gotze, Jens ; Hoefs, Jochen ; Halas, Stanislaw ; Simon, Klaus ; Devidal, Jean Luc ; Moyen, Jean Francois ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2011) Evidence in Archaean alkali feldspar megacrysts for high-temperature interaction with mantle fluids Journal of Petrology, 53 (1). pp. 67-98. ISSN 0022-3530

Chardon, Dominique ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Peucat, Jean-Jacques (2011) Lateral constrictional flow of hot orogenic crust: insights from the Neoarchean of south India, geological and geophysical implications for orogenic plateaux Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12 (2). Article ID Q02005, 24 pages. ISSN 1525-2027

Orberger, B. ; Wagner, C. ; Wirth, R. ; Derre, C. ; Quirico, E. ; Montagnac, G. ; Noret, A. ; Jayananda, M. ; Massault, M. ; Rouchon, V. (2010) Hematite formation catalyzed by organic matter in banded iron formations In: Colloque PNP Planetologie, 13-15 Sep 2010, Brest, France.

Prabhakar, B. C. ; Jayananda, M. ; Shareef, Mohamed ; Kano, T. (2009) Petrology and geochemistry of late archaean granitoids in the northern part of Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: implications for transitional geodynamic setting Journal of the Geological Society of India, 74 (3). pp. 299-317. ISSN 0016-7622

Orberger, B. ; Wagner, C. ; Wirth, R. ; Noret, A. ; Gallien, J. P. ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouchon, V. ; Quricio, E. ; Montagnac, G. ; Massault, M. (2009) Origin of Fe-oxide spherules in banded iron formation of the 2.9 Ga old Bababudan group, Southern India In: Precambrian World 2009, 06-09 Mar 2009, Fukuoka, Japan.

Jayananda, M. ; Miyazaki, T. ; Gireesh, R. V. ; Mahesha, N. ; Kano, T. (2009) Synplutonic mafic dykes from late Archaean granitoids in the eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India Journal of the Geological Society of India, 73 (1). pp. 117-130. ISSN 0016-7622

Oberger, B. ; Wagner, Christiane ; Wirth, R. ; Derre, Colette ; Gallien, J. -P. ; Quirico, E. ; Montagnac, Gilles ; Noret, A. ; Jayananda, M. ; Massault, M. ; Rouchon, V. (2009) The origin of spherulitic iron-oxides and intergrown carbonaceous matter in the 2.9 Ga BIF (Babaduban Group, Dharwar Craton, India): implications for Martian surface investigation In: Precambrian World Symposium, 2009, Kyuchu, Japan.

Chardon, Dominique ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Chetty, Talari R. K. ; Peucat, Jean-Jacques (2008) Precambrian continental strain and shear zone patterns: South Indian case Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (B8). Article ID B08402, 16 pages. ISSN 0148-0227

Jayananda, M. (2008) Structure and rheology of the lithosphere Journal of Geological Society of India, 72 (2). pp. 288-289. ISSN 0016-7622

Orberger, B. ; Wagner, R. Wirth Christiane ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouchon, V. (2008) The role of Fe-oxides and quartz in the sequestration of carbonaceous matter in Archaean iron formations: (Dhawar Craton, India ~2.9-2.72 GA) In: Goldschmidt Conference, 13-18 Jul 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

Jayananda, M. (2008) Ultra high temperature metamorphism Journal of Geological Society of India, 71 (6). pp. 893-894. ISSN 0016-7622

Jayananda, M. ; Kano, T. ; Peucat, J. J. ; Channabasappa, S. (2008) 3.35Ga komatiite volcanism in the western Dharwar craton, southern India: constraints from Nd isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry Precambrian Research, 162 (1-2). pp. 160-179. ISSN 0301-9268

Chardon, Dominique ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2008) Three-dimensional field perspective on deformation, flow, and growth of the lower continental crust (Dharwar craton, India) Tectonics, 27 (1). Article ID TC1014, 15 pages. ISSN 0278-7407

Oberger, B. ; Wirth, R. ; Wagner, Christiane ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouchon, V. (2008) The role of Fe-oxides and quartz in the sequestration of carbonaceous matter in Archean iron formations In: 18th Goldschmidt Conference, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

Orberger, B. ; Hashizume, K. ; Somaya, H. ; Wirth, R. ; Hofmann, A. ; Gallien, J. P. ; Wagner, C. ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouchon, V. ; Pinti, D. L. (2007) Nitrogen and carbon in Archaean iron formations In: The Archean Symposium, 19-26 Aug 2007, London (Ontario), Canada.

Orberger, B. ; Hashizume, K. ; Soyama, H. ; Wirth, R. ; Hofmann, A. ; Gallien Christiane Wagner, J. -P. ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouvhon, V. ; Pinti, D. L. (2007) Nitrogen and carbon in archaeah formations In: 17th Goldschmidt Conference, 2007, Germany.

Jayananda, M. ; Chardon, D. ; Peucat, J. J. ; Capdevila, R. (2006) 2.61 Ga potassic granites and crustal reworking in the western Dharwar craton, southern India: tectonic, geochronologic and geochemical constraints Precambrian Research, 150 (1-2). pp. 1-26. ISSN 0301-9268

Orberger, B. ; Pinti, D. L. ; Cloquet, C. ; Hashizume, K. ; Soyama, H. ; Jayananda, M. ; Massault, M. ; Gallien, J. P. ; Wirth, R. ; Rouchon, V. ; Michelot, J. L. (2006) Biomarkers in Archaean banded iron formations from Pilbara and Dhawar Craton Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70 (18). A461. ISSN 0016-7037

Cloquet, C. ; Pinti, D. L. ; Orberger, B. ; Hashizume, K. ; Jayananda, M. ; Rouchon, V. (2006) Iron isotopic composition of iron-silica layers along a profile in a single = 2, 9 Ga old BIF from Dhawar Craton, southern India In: GAC-MAC, May 2006, Montreal, Canada.

Moyen, Jean-Francois ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Nedelec, Anne ; Martin, Herve ; Mahabaleswar, B. ; Auvray, Bernard (2003) From the roots to the roof of a granite: the closepet granite of South India Journal of Geological Society of India, 62 (6). pp. 753-768. ISSN 0016-7622

Moyen, J. F. ; Martin, H. ; Jayananda, M. ; Auvray, B. (2003) Late Archaean granites: a typology based on the Dharwar craton (India) Precambrian Research, 127 (1-3). pp. 103-123. ISSN 0301-9268

Moyen, Jean-Francois ; Nedelec, Anne ; Martin, Herve ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2003) Syntectonic granite emplacement at different structural levels: the Closepet granite, South India Journal of Structural Geology, 25 (4). pp. 611-631. ISSN 0191-8141

Chardon, Dominique ; Peucat, Jean-Jacques ; Jayananda, Mudlappa ; Choukroune, Pierre ; Fanning, C. Mark (2002) Archean granite-greenstone tectonics at Kolar (south India): interplay of diapirism and bulk inhomogeneous contraction during juvenile magmatic accretion Tectonics, 21 (3). Article ID 7, 17 pages. ISSN 0278-7407

Moyen, Jean-Francois ; Martin, Herve ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (2001) Multi-element geochemical modelling of crust–mantle interactions during late-Archaean crustal growth: the Closepet granite (South India) Precambrian Research, 112 (1-2). pp. 87-105. ISSN 0301-9268

Moyen, J.-F. ; Nedelec, A. ; Martin, H. ; Jayananda, M. (2001) Contrasted granite emplacement modes within an oblique crustal section: the Closepet Granite, South India Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 26 (4-5). pp. 295-301. ISSN 1464-1895

Jayananda, M. ; Moyen, J.-F. ; Martin, H. ; Peucat, J.-J. ; Auvray, B. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (2000) Late Archaean (2550–2520 Ma) juvenile magmatism in the eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: constraints from geochronology, Nd–Sr isotopes and whole rock geochemistry Precambrian Research, 99 (3-4). pp. 225-254. ISSN 0301-9268

Chardon, Dominique ; Choukroune, Pierre ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (1998) Sinking of the Dharwar basin (south India): implications for Archaean tectonics Precambrian Research, 91 (1-2). pp. 15-39. ISSN 0301-9268

Moyen, Jean-Francois ; Martin, Herve ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (1997) Origin of the late-Archaean granite of Closepet, South India: information from geochemical modeling of trace element behaviour Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 325 (9). pp. 659-664. ISSN 1251-8050

Chardon, Dominique ; Choukroune, Pierre ; Jayananda, Mudlappa (1996) Strain patterns, decollement and incipient sagducted greenstone terrains in the Archaean Dharwar craton (south India) Journal of Structural Geology, 18 (8). pp. 991-1004. ISSN 0191-8141

Jayananda, M. ; Martin, H. ; Peucat, J. J. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (1995) Late Archaean crust-mantle interactions: geochemistry of LREE-enriched mantle derived magmas. Example of the Closepet batholith, southern India Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 119 (2). pp. 314-329. ISSN 0010-7999

Mahabaleswar, B. ; Jayanand, M. ; Peucat, J. J. ; Shadakshasra Swamy, N. (1995) Archaean high-grade gneiss complex from Satnur-Halagur-Sivasamudram areas, Karnataka, southern India: petrogenesis and crustal evolution Journal of Geological Society of India, 45 (1). pp. 33-49. ISSN 0016-7622

Peucat, J. J. ; Bouhallier, H. ; Fanning, C. M. ; Jayananda, M. (1995) Age of the Holenarsipur greenstone belt, relationships with the surrounding gneisses (Karnataka, South India) The Journal of Geology, 103 (6). pp. 701-710. ISSN 0022-1376

Janardhan, A. S. ; Jayananda, M. ; Shankara, M. A. (1994) Formation and tectonic evolution of granulites from the Biligiri Rangan and Niligiri hills, S. India: geochemical and isotopic constraints Journal of Geological Society of India, 44 (1). pp. 27-40. ISSN 0016-7622

Jayananda, M. ; Peucat, J.-J. ; Martin, H. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (1994) Magma mixing in plutonic environment: Geochemical and isotopic evidence from the Closepet batholith, southern India Current Science, 66 (12). pp. 928-933. ISSN 0011-3891

Jayananda, M. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (1991) The generation and emplacement of closepet granite during late archaean granulite metamorphism in southeastern Karnataka Journal of Geological Society of India, 38 (4). pp. 418-426. ISSN 0016-7622

Santosh, M. ; Jayananda, M. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (1991) Fluid evolution in the Closepet granite: a magmatic source for CO2 in Charnockite formation at Kabbaldurga? Journal of Geological Society of India, 38 (1). No pp. given. ISSN 0016-7622

Jayananda, M. ; Mahabaleswar, B. (1991) Relationship between shear zones and igneous activity: the Closepet granite of southern India Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 100 (1). pp. 31-36. ISSN 0253-4126

Mahabaleswar, B. ; Capdevila, R. ; Jayananda, M. ; Shadaksharaswamy, N. ; Virupakshi, P. (1991) Petrogenesis of archaean grey gneisses from the amphibolite-granulite transition zone of southern Karnataka, India In: An International Field Workshop and Seminar on "Composition and Evolution of High-Grade Gneiss Terrains", 1991, Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy.

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