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Number of items: 55.

Vinod, N. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2012) Secondary instabilities in incompressible axisymmetric boundary layers: effect of transverse curvature Journal of Fluids Engineering, 134 (2). 024503_1-024503_4. ISSN 0098-2202

Kumar, Nitin ; Majumdar, Sayantan ; Sood, Aditya ; Govindarajan, Rama ; Ramaswamy, Sriram ; Sood, A. K. (2012) Oscillatory settling in wormlike-micelle solutions: bursts and a long time scale Soft Matter, 8 (16). pp. 4310-4313. ISSN 1744-683X

Sahu, Kirti Chandra ; Govindarajan, Rama (2012) Spatio-temporal linear stability of double-diffusive two-fluid channel flow Physics of Fluids, 24 (5). 054103_1-054103_10. ISSN 0031-9171

Ramadurgam, Sarath ; Chakravarthy, R. V. K. ; Tomar, Gaurav ; Govindarajan, Rama (2012) Stability of developing film flow down an inclined surface Physics of Fluids, 24 (10). 102109_1-102109_14. ISSN 0031-9171

Dasgupta, Ratul ; Govindarajan, Rama (2012) The hydraulic jump and the shallow-water equations International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, 3 (1-4). pp. 126-130. ISSN 0975-0770

Sahu, Kirti Chandra ; Govindarajan, Rama (2011) Linear stability of double-diffusive two-fluid channel flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 687 . pp. 529-539. ISSN 0022-1120

Dixit, Harish N. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2011) Stability of a vortex in radial density stratification: role of wave interactions Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 679 . pp. 582-615. ISSN 0022-1120

Swaminathan, Gayathri ; Chandra Sahu, Kirti ; Sameen, A. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2011) Global instabilities in diverging channel flows Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 25 (1-4). pp. 53-64. ISSN 0935-4964

Thampi, Sumesh P. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2011) Minimum energy shapes of one-side-pinned static drops on inclined surfaces Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 84 (4). 046304_1 - 046304_9. ISSN 1539-3755

Srikanth, T. ; Dixit, Harish N. ; Tatavarti, Rao ; Govindarajan, Rama (2011) Vortex shedding patterns, their competition, and chaos in flow past inline oscillating rectangular cylinders Physics of Fluids, 23 (7). 073603_1-073603_9. ISSN 1070-6631

Bale, Rahul ; Govindarajan, Rama (2010) Transient growth and why we should care about it? Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 15 (5). pp. 441-457. ISSN 0971-8044

Dasgupta, Ratul ; Govindarajan, Rama (2010) Nonsimilar solutions of the viscous shallow water equations governing weak hydraulic jumps Physics of Fluids, 22 (11). 112108_1-112108_8. ISSN 1070-6631

Dixit, Harish N. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2010) Vortex-induced instabilities and accelerated collapse due to inertial effects of density stratification Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 646 . pp. 415-439. ISSN 0022-1120

Sumesh, P. T. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2010) The possible equilibrium shapes of static pendant drops The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (14). 144707_1-144707_8. ISSN 0021-9606

Bhattacharya, P. ; Govindarajan, R. ; Narasimha, R. (2009) In what sense is a low-Reynolds mixing layer stable? AIP Conference Proceedings, 1146 . pp. 3-14. ISSN 1551-7616

Sahu, K. C. ; Sameen, A. ; Govindarajan, R. (2008) The relative roles of divergence and velocity slip in the stability of plane channel flow European Physical Journal -Applied Physics, 44 (1). pp. 101-107. ISSN 1286-0042

L'vov, Victor S. ; Pomyalov, Anna ; Procaccia, Itamar ; Govindarajan, Rama (2008) Random vortex-street model for a self-similar plane turbulent jet Physical Review Letters, 101 (9). 094503 _1-094503 _4. ISSN 0031-9007

Chandra Sahu, Kirti ; Govindarajan, Rama (2007) Linear instability of entry flow in a pipe Journal of Fluids Engineering, 129 (10). 1277_1-1277_4. ISSN 0098-2202

Sameen, A. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2007) Some indications from instability results about the effectiveness of wall heating as a control option for channel flow Sadhana (Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences), 32 (1&2). pp. 65-81. ISSN 0256-2499

Mathur, Manikandan ; DasGupta, Ratul ; Selvi, N. R. ; John, Neena Susan ; Kulkarni, G. U. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2007) Gravity-free hydraulic jumps and metal femtoliter cups Physical Review Letters, 98 (16). 164502_1-164502_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Selvam, B. ; Merk, S. ; Govindarajsn, Rama ; Meiburg, E. (2007) Stability of miscible core-annular flows with viscosity stratification Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 592 . pp. 23-49. ISSN 0022-1120

Sameen, A. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2007) The effect of wall heating on instability of channel flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 577 . pp. 417-442. ISSN 0022-1120

Vinod, N. ; Govindarajan, R. (2007) The signature of laminar instabilities in the zone of transition to turbulence Journal of Turbulence, 8 . pp. 1-22. ISSN 1468-5248

Susan John, Neena ; Selvi, N. R. ; Mathur, Manikandan ; Govindarajan, Rama ; Kulkarni, G. U. (2006) A facile method of producing femtoliter metal cups by pulsed laser ablation Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (46). pp. 22975-22978. ISSN 1520-6106

Bhattacharya, Pinaki ; Manoharan, M. P. ; Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (2006) The critical Reynolds number of a laminar incompressible mixing layer from minimal composite theory Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 565 . pp. 105-114. ISSN 0022-1120

Kalelkar, Chirag ; Govindarajan, Rama ; Pandit, Rahul (2005) Drag reduction by polymer additives in decaying turbulence Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 72 (1). 017301_1-017301_4. ISSN 1539-3755

Vinod, N. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2005) Instabilities and transition in boundary layers Pramana, 64 (3). pp. 323-332. ISSN 0304-4289

Venkatesh, T. N. ; Sarasamma, V. R. ; Rajalakshmy, ; Kirti Chandra Sahu, S. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2005) Super-linear speed-up of a parallel multigrid navier-stokes solver on flosolver Current Science, 88 (4). pp. 589-593. ISSN 0011-3891

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (2005) Accurate estimate of disturbance amplitude variation from solution of minimal composite stability theory Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 19 (4). pp. 229-235. ISSN 0935-4964

Muralidharan, Srevatsan ; Sreenivas, K. R. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2005) Dynamical systems model of entrainment due to coherent structures Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 72 (4). 046308_1-046308_8. ISSN 1539-3755

Chikkadi, Vijayakumar ; Sameen, A. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2005) Preventing transition to turbulence: a viscosity stratification does not always help Physical Review Letters, 95 (26). 264504_1-264504_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Chandra sahu, Kirti ; Govindarajan, Rama (2005) Stability of flow through a slowly diverging pipe Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 531 . pp. 325-334. ISSN 0022-1120

Govindarajan, Rama (2004) Effect of miscibility on the linear instability of two-fluid channel flow International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 30 (10). pp. 1177-1192. ISSN 0301-9322

Vinod, N. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2004) Pattern of breakdown of laminar flow into turbulent spots Physical Review Letters, 93 (11). 114501_1-114501_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Sanjeev Rao, K. ; Seshadri, Rajeswari ; Govindarajan, Rama (2004) A minimal composite theory for stability of non-parallel compressible boundary-layer flow Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 17 (4). pp. 233-248. ISSN 0935-4964

Govindarajan, Rama ; Nott, Prabhu R. ; Ramaswamy, Sriram (2003) Stripes in sheared non-brownian suspensions with a free surface Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 318 (1-2). pp. 80-84. ISSN 0378-4371

Benzi, Roberto ; De Angelis, Elisabetta ; Govindarajan, Rama ; Procaccia, Itamar (2003) Shell model for drag reduction with polymer additives in homogeneous turbulence Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 68 (1). 016308_1-016308_10. ISSN 1539-3755

Govindarajan, Rama ; L'vov, Victor S. ; Procaccia, Itamar ; Sameen, A. (2003) Stabilization of hydrodynamic flows by small viscosity variations Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 67 (2). 026310_1-026310_11. ISSN 1539-3755

Govindarajan, Rama ; Nott, Prabhu R. ; Ramaswamy, Sriram (2003) The segregation instability of a sheared suspension film Arxiv-eprints . pp. 1-28.

Govindarajan, Rama (2002) Surprising effects of minor viscosity gradients Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 82 . pp. 121-127. ISSN 0970-4140

Vinod, N. ; Balakrishnan, Hamsa ; Govindarajan, Rama (2002) Stability analysis of an axisymmetric boundary layer Proceedings of Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, May 27-31 . No pp. given.

Govindarajan, Rama (2002) Universal behavior of entrainment due to coherent structures in turbulent shear flow Physical Review Letters, 88 (13). 134503_1-134503_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Govindarajan, Rama ; L'vov, Victor S. ; Procaccia, Itamar (2001) Retardation of the onset of turbulence by minor viscosity contrasts Physical Review Letters, 87 (17). 174501_1-174501_4. ISSN 0034-6861

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (2001) Estimating amplitude ratios in boundary layer stability theory: a comparison between two approaches Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 439 . pp. 403-412. ISSN 0022-1120

Narasimha, Roddam ; Govindarajan, Rama (2001) Stability of nonparallel flows: 'Minimal composite' theories Proceedings of Fourteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Australia . pp. 33-40.

Ranganathan, Balaji T. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2001) Stabilization and destabilization of channel flow by location of viscosity-stratified fluid layer Physics of Fluids, 13 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1070-6631

Narasimha, R. ; Govindarajan, Rama (2000) Minimal composite equations and the stability of non-parallel flows Current Science, 79 (6). pp. 730-740. ISSN 0011-3891

Govindarajan, Rama (2000) The role of the critical layer in the stability of viscous shear flow Current Science, 79 (6). pp. 741-746. ISSN 0011-3891

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (2000) Transition delay by surface heating: a zonal analysis for axisymmetric bodies Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 418 . pp. 77-100. ISSN 0022-1120

Govindarajan, Rama (1999) Turbulence and flying machines Resonance - Journal of Science Education, 4 (11). pp. 54-62. ISSN 0971-8044

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (1999) Low-order parabolic theory for 2D boundary-layer stability Physics of Fluids, 11 (6). pp. 1449-1459. ISSN 1070-6631

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (1997) A low-order theory for stability of non-parallel boundary layer flows Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, 453 . pp. 2537-2549. ISSN 0950-1207

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (1995) Stability of spatially developing boundary layers in pressure gradients Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 300 . pp. 117-147. ISSN 0022-1120

Govindarajan, R. ; Krishna Murty, A. V. ; Vijayakumar, K. ; Raghuram, P. V. (1993) Finite element estimation of elastic interlaminar stresses in laminates Composites Engineering, 3 (5). pp. 451-466. ISSN 0961-9526

Govindarajan, Rama ; Narasimha, R. (1991) The role of residual nonturbulent disturbances on transition onset in two-dimensional boundary layers Journal of Fluids Engineering, 113 . pp. 147-149. ISSN 0098-2202

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