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Number of items: 81.

Lakshmi, S. M. ; Ghosh, A. ; Devi, M. M. ; Kaur, D. ; Choubey, S. ; Dighe, A. ; Indumathi, D. ; Murthy, M. V. N. ; Naimuddin, Md. (2014) Simulation studies of hadron energy resolution as a function of iron plate thickness at INO-ICAL Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (09). Article ID T09003. ISSN 1748-0221

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Kodrani, Bhavik (2014) Nonuniversality of indirect CP asymmetries in D→ππ,KK decays Physical Review D, 89 (9). Article ID 096008. ISSN 1550-7998

Devi, Moon Moon ; Thakore, Tarak ; Agarwalla, Sanjib Kumar ; Dighe, Amol (2014) Enhancing sensitivity to neutrino parameters at INO combining muon and hadron information Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (10). p. 189. ISSN 1126-6708

Devi, M. M. ; Ghosh, A. ; Kaur, D. ; Lakshmi, S. M. ; Choubey, S. ; Dighe, A. ; Indumathi, D. ; Kumar, S. ; Murthy, M. V. N. ; Naimuddin, Md. (2013) Hadron energy response of the iron calorimeter detector at the India-based neutrino observatory Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (11). Article ID P11003. ISSN 1748-0221

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Patel, Ketan M. ; Raychaudhuri, Sreerup (2013) Testing times for supersymmetry: looking under the lamp post International Journal of Modern Physics A, 28 (26). Article ID 1350134-13 pages. ISSN 0217-751X

Thakore, Tarak ; Ghosh, Anushree ; Choubey, Sandhya ; Dighe, Amol (2013) The reach of INO for atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 . p. 58. ISSN 1126-6708

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Kundu, Anirban ; Patra, Sunando Kumar (2012) Bs data at Tevatron and possible new physics In: Special Issue on Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton-Photon 2011) - Part II.

Dighe, Amol (2012) Some theoretical issues in heavy flavour physics Pramana - Journal of Physics, 79 (5). pp. 1125-1139. ISSN 0304-4289

Dighe, Amol ; Goswami, Srubabati ; Ray, Shamayita (2012) Optimization of the baseline and the parent muon energy for a low energy neutrino factory Physical Review D, 86 (7). Article ID 073001. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy (2012) How large can the branching ratio of Bs→τ+τ be? Physical Review D, 86 (5). Article ID 054023. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Godbole, Rohini M. ; Prasath, Arun (2012) Large mass splittings for fourth generation fermions allowed by LHC Higgs boson exclusion Physical Review D, 85 (11). Article ID 114035. ISSN 1550-7998

Wurm, Michael ; Beacom, John F. ; Bezrukov, Leonid B. ; Bick, Daniel ; Blümer, Johannes ; Choubey, Sandhya ; Ciemniak, Christian ; D’Angelo, Davide ; Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Derbin, Alexander ; Dighe, Amol ; Domogatsky, Grigorij ; Dye, Steve ; Eliseev, Sergey ; Enqvist, Timo ; Erykalov, Alexey ; von Feilitzsch, Franz ; Fiorentini, Gianni ; Fischer, Tobias ; Göger-Neff, Marianne ; Grabmayr, Peter ; Hagner, Caren ; Hellgartner, Dominikus ; Hissa, Johannes ; Horiuchi, Shunsaku ; Janka, Hans-Thomas ; Jaupart, Claude ; Jochum, Josef ; Kalliokoski, Tuomo ; Kayunov, Alexei ; Kuusiniemi, Pasi ; Lachenmaier, Tobias ; Lazanu, Ionel ; Learned, John G. ; Lewke, Timo ; Lombardi, Paolo ; Lorenz, Sebastian ; Lubsandorzhiev, Bayarto ; Ludhova, Livia ; Loo, Kai ; Maalampi, Jukka ; Mantovani, Fabio ; Marafini, Michela ; Maricic, Jelena ; Marrodán Undagoitia, Teresa ; McDonough, William F. ; Miramonti, Lino ; Mirizzi, Alessandro ; Meindl, Quirin ; Mena, Olga ; Möllenberg, Randolph ; Muratova, Valentina ; Nahnhauer, Rolf ; Nesterenko, Dmitry ; Novikov, Yuri N. ; Nuijten, Guido ; Oberauer, Lothar ; Pakvasa, Sandip ; Palomares-Ruiz, Sergio ; Pallavicini, Marco ; Pascoli, Silvia ; Patzak, Thomas ; Peltoniemi, Juha ; Potzel, Walter ; Räihä, Tomi ; Raffelt, Georg G. ; Ranucci, Gioacchino ; Razzaque, Soebur ; Rummukainen, Kari ; Sarkamo, Juho ; Sinev, Valerij ; Spiering, Christian ; Stahl, Achim ; Thorne, Felicitas ; Tippmann, Marc ; Tonazzo, Alessandra ; Trzaska, Wladyslaw H. ; Vergados, John D. ; Wiebusch, Christopher ; Winter, Jürgen (2012) The next-generation liquid-scintillator neutrino observatory LENA Astroparticle Physics, 35 (11). pp. 685-732. ISSN 0927-6505

Dighe, Amol (2011) Looking at a supernova shock in neutrinos Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 221 . No pp. given. ISSN 0920-5632

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Datta, Alakabha ; Dighe, Amol ; Duraisamy, Murugeswaran ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; London, David (2011) New physics in b → sμ+μ: CP-conserving observables Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 . p. 121. ISSN 1126-6708

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Datta, Alakabha ; Dighe, Amol ; Duraisamy, Murugeswaran ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; London, David (2011) New physics in b → sμ+μ: CP-violating observables Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 . p. 122. ISSN 1126-6708

Banerjee, Arka ; Dighe, Amol ; Raffelt, Georg (2011) Linearized flavor-stability analysis of dense neutrino streams Physical Review D, 84 (5). Article ID 053013. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Kundu, Anirban ; Patra, Sunando Kumar (2011) Reconciling anomalous measurements in Bs − B̅s mixing: the role of CPT-conserving and CPT-violating new physics Physical Review D, 84 (5). Article ID 056008. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol (2011) Supernova neutrinos: collective and matter effects at large detectors Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 217 (1). pp. 146-148. ISSN 0920-5632

Bhattacherjee, Biplob ; Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; Raychaudhuri, Sreerup (2011) Do new data on B+→τ+ντ decays point to an early discovery of supersymmetry at the LHC? Physical Review D, 83 (9). Article ID 094026. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol ; Giri, Anjan ; Dutta, Rupak ; Gaur, Naveen ; Gershon, Tim ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; HE, Xiao-Gang ; Hou, George W-S ; Keum, Yong-Yeon ; Kodrani, Bhavik ; Mahajan, Namit ; Matias, Joaquim ; Mawlong, Barilang ; Misra, Basudha ; Mohanta, Rukmani ; Mohanty, Gagan ; Vempati, Sudhir (2011) B Physics: WHEPP-XI working group report Pramana - Journal of Physics, 76 (5). pp. 729-739. ISSN 0304-4289

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Dighe, Amol ; London, David (2011) Constraints on the four-generation quark mixing matrix from a fit to flavor-physics data Physical Review D, 83 (7). Article ID 073008. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol (2011) Neutrino-neutrino interactions in a supernova and their effect on neutrino flavor conversions American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1405 (1). No pp. given. ISSN 0094-243X

Dighe, Amol (2011) Supernova observations for neutrino mixing parameters American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1382 (1). No pp. given. ISSN 0094-243X

Dighe, Amol ; Goswami, Srubabati ; Ray, Shamayita (2010) 2540 km: bimagic baseline for neutrino oscillation parameters Physical Review Letters, 105 (26). Article ID 261802. ISSN 0031-9007

Dighe, Amol ; Kundu, Anirban ; Nandi, Soumitra (2010) Enhanced Bs–B̅s lifetime difference and anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry from new physics in Bs→τ+τ Physical Review D, 82 (3). Article ID 031502(R). ISSN 1550-7998

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Dighe, Amol ; Uma Sankar, S. (2010) Tension between scalar/pseudoscalar new physics contribution to Bs → μ+μ- and B → Kμ+μ- Modern Physics Letters A, 25 (13). pp. 1099-1106. ISSN 0217-7323

Kumar Alok, Ashutosh ; Dighe, Amol ; Ghosh, Diptimoy ; London, David ; Matias, Joaquim ; Nagashima, Makiko ; Szynkman, Alejandro (2010) New-physics contributions to the forward-backward asymmetry in B → K*μ+μ Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 . p. 53. ISSN 1126-6708

Dighe, Amol (2010) Supernova neutrino oscillations: what do we understand? Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 203 (1). Article ID 012015. ISSN 1742-6596

Chakrabortty, Joydeep ; Dighe, Amol ; Goswami, Srubabati ; Ray, Shamayita (2009) Renormalization group evolution of neutrino masses and mixing in the Type-III seesaw mechanism Nuclear Physics B, 820 (1-2). pp. 116-147. ISSN 0550-3213

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol ; Raffelt, Georg G. ; Smirnov, Alexei Yu. (2009) Multiple spectral splits of supernova neutrinos Physical Review Letters, 103 (5). Article ID 051105. ISSN 0031-9007

Dighe, Amol ; Goswami, Srubabati ; Ray, Shamayita (2009) Renormalization group evolution of neutrino mixing parameters near θ13=0 and models with vanishing θ13 at the high scale Physical Review D, 79 (7). Article ID 076006. ISSN 1550-7998

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Dighe, Amol ; Ray, Shamayita (2009) CP asymmetry in the decays B→(Xs,Xd+μ with four generations Physical Review D, 79 (3). Article ID 034017. ISSN 1550-7998

Choubey, Sandhya ; Indumathi, D. ; Agarwalla, S. ; Bandyopadhyay, A. ; Bhattacharyya, G. ; Chun, E. J. ; Dasgupta, B. ; Dighe, A. ; Ghoshal, P. ; Giri, A. K. ; Goswami, S. ; Hirsch, M. ; Kajita, T. ; Kaplinghat, M. ; Mani, H. S. ; Mohanta, R. ; Murthy, M. V. N. ; Pakvasa, S. ; Parida, M. K. ; Rajasekaran, G. ; Ray, S. ; Rodejohann, W. ; Roy, P. ; Uma Sankar, S. ; Schwetz, T. ; Sinha, N. (2009) Working group report: neutrino physics Pramana - Journal of Physics, 72 (1). pp. 269-275. ISSN 0304-4289

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Dighe, Amol ; Uma Sankar, S. (2008) Large forward-backward asymmetry in B→Kμ+μ from new physics tensor operators Physical Review D, 78 (11). Article ID 114025. ISSN 1550-7998

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol ; Mirizzi, Alessandro (2008) Identifying neutrino mass hierarchy at extremely small θ13 through earth matter effects in a supernova signal Physical Review Letters, 101 (17). Article ID 171801. ISSN 0031-9007

Dighe, Amol ; Ray, Shamayita (2008) CPT violation in long baseline neutrino experiments: a three flavor analysis Physical Review D, 78 (3). Article ID 036002. ISSN 1550-7998

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol ; Mirizzi, Alessandro ; Raffelt, Georg (2008) Collective neutrino oscillations in nonspherical geometry Physical Review D, 78 (3). Article ID 033014. ISSN 1550-7998

Alok, Ashutosh Kumar ; Dighe, Amol ; Sankar, S. Uma (2008) Probing the extended Higgs sector through rare b→sμ+μ transitions Physical Review D, 78 (3). Article ID 034020. ISSN 1550-7998

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol (2008) Collective three-flavor oscillations of supernova neutrinos Physical Review D, 77 (11). Article ID 113002. ISSN 1550-7998

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol ; Mirizzi, Alessandro ; Raffelt, Georg G. (2008) Spectral split in a prompt supernova neutrino burst: analytic three-flavor treatment Physical Review D, 77 (11). Article ID 113007. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol (2008) Neutrinos from a core collapse supernova In: Neutrino Factories, Superbeams and Betabeams: 9th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Betabeams ‐ NuFact 07, 6–11 August 2007, Okayama University, Okayama (Japan).

Dighe, Amol ; Ray, Shamayita (2008) New physics signals at long baseline experiments Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 136 (4). Article ID 042038. ISSN 1742-6596

Dighe, Amol (2008) Physics potential of future supernova neutrino observations Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 136 (2). Article ID 022041. ISSN 1742-6596

Dighe, Amol ; Ray, Shamayita (2007) Signatures of heavy sterile neutrinos at long baseline experiments Physical Review D, 76 (11). Article ID 113001. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol ; Kundu, Anirban ; Nandi, Soumitra (2007) Possibility of large lifetime differences in neutral B meson systems Physical Review D, 76 (5). Article ID 054005. ISSN 1550-7998

Kim, C. S. ; Dighe, Amol (2007) Tree FCNC and non-unitarity of CKM matrix International Journal of Modern Physics E, 16 (05). pp. 1445-1461. ISSN 0218-3013

Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit ; Dighe, Amol ; Joshipura, Anjan S. (2007) Constraints on flavor-dependent long range forces from solar neutrinos and KamLAND Physical Review D, 75 (9). Article ID 093005. ISSN 1550-7998

Dasgupta, Basudeb ; Dighe, Amol (2007) Phase effects in neutrino conversions during a supernova shock wave Physical Review D, 75 (9). Article ID 093002. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol (2005) Supernova neutrinos: production, propagation and oscillations Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 143 . pp. 449-456. ISSN 0920-5632

Dighe, Amol ; Kundu, Anirban ; Agashe, K. ; Anantanarayan, B. ; Chandra, A. ; Datta, A. ; Das, P. K. ; Das, S. P. ; Dighe, A. ; Forty, R. ; Ghosh, D. K. ; Keum, Y-Y. ; Kundu, A. ; Mahajan, N. ; Majhi, S. ; Mazumdar, G. ; Mazumdar, K. ; Mehta, P. ; Nir, Y. ; Saha, J. P. ; Singh, R. ; Sinha, N. ; Sinha, R. ; Soni, A. ; Sankar, S. Uma ; Vaidya, R. (2004) Working group report: low energy and flavour physics Pramana - Journal of Physics, 63 (6). pp. 1359-1365. ISSN 0304-4289

Tomàs, R. ; Kachelrieß, M. ; Raffelt, G. ; Dighe, A. ; Janka, H. T. ; Scheck, L. (2004) Neutrino signatures of supernova forward and reverse shock propagation Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2004 (09). Article ID 015. ISSN 1475-7516

Dighe, A. S. ; Kachelrie, M. ; Raffelt, G. G. ; Tom s, R. (2004) Signatures of supernova neutrino oscillations in the Earth mantle and core Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2004 (01). Article ID 004. ISSN 1475-7516

Tomàs, R. ; Semikoz, D. ; Raffelt, G. G. ; Kachelrieß, M. ; Dighe, A. S. (2003) Supernova pointing with low- and high-energy neutrino detectors Physical Review D, 68 (9). Article ID 093013. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol S. ; Keil, Mathias Th. ; Raffelt, Georg G. (2003) Detecting the neutrino mass hierarchy with a supernova at IceCube Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2003 (06). Article ID 005. ISSN 1475-7516

Dighe, Amol S. ; Keil, Mathias Th. ; Raffelt, Georg G. (2003) Identifying Earth matter effects on supernova neutrinos at a single detector Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2003 (06). Article ID 006. ISSN 1475-7516

Dighe, Amol S. ; Hurth, T. ; Kim, C. S. ; Yoshikawa, T. (2003) Lifetime differences in neutral B mesons Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 120 . pp. 74-80. ISSN 0920-5632

Dighe, A. S. ; Hurth, T. ; Kim, C. S. ; Yoshikawa, T. (2002) Measurement of the width difference of Bd mesons Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 111 (1-3). pp. 267-269. ISSN 0920-5632

Barenboim, Gabriela ; Dighe, Amol ; Skadhauge, Solveig (2002) Combining LSND and atmospheric anomalies in a three-neutrino picture Physical Review D, 65 (5). Article ID 053001. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, A. S. ; Hurth, T. ; Kim, C. S. ; Yoshikawa, T. (2002) Measurement of the lifetime difference of Bd mesons: possible and worthwhile? Nuclear Physics B, 624 (1-2). pp. 377-404. ISSN 0550-3213

Dighe, Amol S. ; Joshipura, Anjan S. (2001) Neutrino anomalies and large extra dimensions Physical Review D, 64 (7). Article ID 073012. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol S. (2001) Final states with π and η for determining α Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 27 (6). Article ID 1061. ISSN 0954-3899

Hurth, Tobias ; Kim, Choong Sun ; Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire ; Wilson, Fergus ; Azfar, Farrukh ; Barlow, Roger ; Beneke, Martin ; Cottingham, Noel ; Cowan, Glen ; Dighe, Amol ; Gambino, Paolo ; Gibson, Val ; Iwasaki, Yoshihito ; Khalil, Shaaban ; Martin, Victoria ; Martin, Matthew ; Salvatore, Fabrizio ; Weatherall, James ; Wyler, Daniel (2001) Present and future CP measurements Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 27 (6). Article ID 1277. ISSN 0954-3899

Borzumati, F. ; Champion, T. J. ; Aoki, M. ; Bevan, A. ; Cottingham, W. N. ; Dighe, A. ; Gambino, P. ; de Groot, N. ; Harrison, P. F. ; Khalil, S. ; Kim, C. S. ; Liniger, P. ; Misiak, M. ; Reina, L. ; Ricciardi, G. ; Shibata, E. I. ; Uraltsev, N. ; Wyler, D. (2001) Semi-leptonic and rare decays Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 27 (6). Article ID 1159. ISSN 0954-3899

Dighe, Amol S. ; Kim, C. S. (2000) CKM phase α through B⃗a0π Physical Review D, 62 (11). Article ID 111302(R). ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol S. ; Smirnov, Alexei Yu. (2000) Identifying the neutrino mass spectrum from a supernova neutrino burst Physical Review D, 62 (3). Article ID 033007. ISSN 0556-2821

Murthy, M. V. N. ; Yajnik, Urjit A. ; Balaji, K. R. S. ; Bhattacharyya, G. ; Dighe, Amol ; Dugad, Shashikant ; Hari Dass, N. D. ; Kabir, P. K. ; Kar, Kamales ; Indumathi, D. ; Learned, John G. ; Majumdar, Debasish ; Mondal, N. K. ; Murthy, M. V. N. ; Nayak, S. N. ; Pakvasa, Sandip ; Raychaudhuri, Amitava ; Raghavan, R. S. ; Rajasekaran, G. ; Ramachandran, R. ; Ray, Alak K. ; Ray, Asim K. ; Rindani, Saurabh ; Sharatchandra, H. S. ; Sinha, Rahul ; Sinha, Nita ; Umasankar, S. ; Yajnik, Urjit A. (2000) Discussion on a possible neutrino detector located in India Pramana - Journal of Physics, 55 (1-2). pp. 347-355. ISSN 0304-4289

Dighe, Amol S. (2000) Resolving ambiguities in the neutrino mass-flavour spectrum from supernova neutrinos Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 87 (1-3). pp. 327-329. ISSN 0920-5632

Balaji, K. R. S. ; Dighe, Amol S. ; Mohapatra, R. N. ; Parida, M. K. (2000) Generation of large flavor mixing from radiative corrections Physical Review Letters, 84 (22). Article ID 5034. ISSN 0031-9007

Balaji, K. R .S. ; Dighe, Amol S. ; Mohapatra, R. N. ; Parida, M. K. (2000) Radiative magnification of neutrino mixings and a natural explanation of the neutrino anomalies Physics Letters B, 481 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 0370-2693

Dighe, Amol S. (2000) The neutrino mixing scheme from a supernova neutrino burst Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 81 . pp. 294-298. ISSN 0920-5632

Dighe, Amol ; Sen, Śaunak (1999) Information content in B⃗VV decays and the angular moments method Physical Review D, 59 (7). Article ID 074002. ISSN 0556-2821

Akhmedov, E. Kh. ; Dighe, A. ; Lipari, P. ; Smirnov, A. Yu. (1999) Atmospheric neutrinos at super-Kamiokande and parametric resonance in neutrino oscillations Nuclear Physics B, 542 (1-2). pp. 3-30. ISSN 05503213

Dighe, A. S. ; Dunietz, I. ; Fleischer, R. (1999) Extracting CKM phases and Bs – B̅s mixing parameters from angular distributions of non-leptonic B decays The European Physical Journal C, 6 (4). pp. 647-662. ISSN 1434-6044

Dighe, Amol S. ; Dunietz, Isard ; Fleischer, Robert (1998) Resolving a discrete ambiguity in the CKM angle β through Bu,d → J/ψK* and Bs → J/ψΦ decays Physics Letters B, 433 (1-2). pp. 147-149. ISSN 0370-2693

Dighe, Amol S. ; Gronau, Michael ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1998) B decays to charmless VP final states Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 57 (3). Article ID 1783. ISSN 1550-7998

Dighe, Amol S. ; Gronau, Michael ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1997) B decays involving η and η′ in light of the B→Kη′ process Physical Review Letters, 79 (22). Article ID 4333. ISSN 0031-9007

Dighe, Amol S. ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1996) Discrete ambiguities in extracting weak phases from B decays Physical Review D, 54 (7). Article ID 4677. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol S. ; Gronau, Michael ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1996) Weak phases from B decays to kaons and charged pions Physical Review D, 54 (5). Article ID 3309. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol S. (1996) Determination of CKM phases through rigid polygons of flavor SU(3) amplitudes Physical Review D, 54 (3). Article ID 2067. ISSN 0556-2821

Dighe, Amol S. ; Dunietz, Isard ; Lipkin, Harry J. ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1996) Angular distributions and lifetime differences in BS → JΨφ decays Physics Letters B, 369 (2). pp. 144-150. ISSN 0370-2693

Dighe, Amol S. ; Gronau, Michael ; Rosner, Jonathan L. (1996) Amplitude relations for B decays involving η and η′ Physics Letters B, 367 (1-4). pp. 357-361. ISSN 0370-2693

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