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Number of items: 116.

Banerjee, Sumilan ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2011) Effect of pairing fluctuations on low-energy electronic spectra in cuprate superconductors Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84 (14). 144525_1-144525_12. ISSN 1098-0121

Banerjee, Sumilan ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2011) Characterization of the dynamics of glass-forming liquids from the properties of the potential energy landscape Arxiv - eprints . pp. 1-13. ISSN 0953-8984

Banerjee, Sumilan ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2011) Phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau-like theory for superconductivity in the cuprates Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83 (2). 024510_1-024510_18. ISSN 1098-0121

Kumar, Hemant ; Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Lin, Shiang-Tai ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. ; Maiti, Prabal K. (2011) Thermodynamics of water entry in hydrophobic channels of carbon nanotubes Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (12). 124105_1-124105_8. ISSN 0021-9606

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2010) Nonclassical rotational inertia in a two-dimensional bosonic solid containing grain boundaries Physical Review B, 82 (2). 024523_1-024523 _9. ISSN 0163-1829

Karmakar, Smarajit ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sastry, Srikanth (2010) Analysis of dynamic heterogeneity in a glass former from the spatial correlations of mobility Physical Review Letters, 105 (1). 015701_1-015701_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Das, Anindya ; Jayanthi, Sundaresan ; Deepak, Handiganadu. Srinivasa. Murthy Vinay ; Ramanathan, Krishna Venkatachala ; Anil Kumar, ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, Ajay K. (2010) Single-file diffusion of confined water inside SWNTs: an NMR study ACS Nano, 4 (3). pp. 1687-1695. ISSN 1936-0851

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, Prabal K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. (2010) Single-file diffusion of water inside narrow carbon nanorings ACS Nano, 4 (2). pp. 985-991. ISSN 1936-0851

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2009) Phase diagram of vortex matter in layered superconductors with tilted columnar pinning centers Physical Review B, 80 (9). 094517_1-094517_11. ISSN 0163-1829

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, Prabal K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. (2009) Reorientation of water inside carbon nanorings by large angular jumps Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (9). pp. 5303-5306. ISSN 1533-4880

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2009) Hydrodynamics of superfluids confined in blocked rings and wedges Physical Review E, 79 (1). 016303_1-016303_13. ISSN 1063-651X

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, Prabal K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. (2009) Jump reorientation of water molecules confined in narrow carbon nanotubes Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (30). pp. 10322-10330. ISSN 1089-5647

Chaudhuri, Pinaki ; Karmakar, Smarajit ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2008) Signatures of dynamical heterogeneity in the structure of glassy free-energy minima Physical Review Letters, 100 (12). 125701_1-125701_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, Prabal K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, Ajay K. (2008) Strongly anisotropic orientational relaxation of water molecules in narrow carbon nanotubes and nanorings ACS Nano, 2 (6). pp. 1189-1196. ISSN 1936-0851

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2007) Phase diagram of randomly pinned vortex matter in layered superconductors: dependence on the details of the point pinning Physical Review B, 76 (18). 184509_1-184509_12. ISSN 0163-1829

Tao, C. G. ; Cullen, W. G. ; Williams, E. D. ; Dasgupta, C. (2007) Generalized survival in step fluctuations Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 76 (2). 021601_1-021601_9. ISSN 1539-3755

Constantin, M. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Das Sarma, S. ; Dougherty, D. B. ; Williams, E. D. (2007) Persistence and survival in equilibrium step fluctuations Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2007 (7). P07011. ISSN 1742-5468

Viswanatha, Ranjani ; Santra, Pralay K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sarma, D. D. (2007) Growth mechanism of nanocrystals in solution: ZnO, a case study Physical Review Letters, 98 (25). 255501_1-255501_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, K. Prabal ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. (2007) Structure and dynamics of confined water inside narrow carbon nanotubes Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 7 (6). pp. 1796-1799. ISSN 1533-4880

Sarma, D. D. ; Ray, Sugata ; Tanaka, K. ; Kobayashi, M. ; Fujimori, A. ; Sanyal, P. ; Krishnamurthy, H. R. ; Dasgupta, C. (2007) Intergranular magnetoresistance in Sr2FeMoO6 from a magnetic tunnel barrier mechanism across grain boundaries Physical Review Letters, 98 (15). 157205_1-157205_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Mukherjee, Biswaroop ; Maiti, Prabal K. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Sood, A. K. (2007) Strong correlations and fickian water diffusion in narrow carbon nanotubes Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (12). 124704_1-124704_8. ISSN 1674-0068

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2006) Phase diagram of vortex matter in layered high-temperature superconductors with random point pinning Physical Review B, 74 (18). 184513_1-184513_14. ISSN 0163-1829

Biswal, B. ; Niranjan, B. R. ; Ullal, G. ; Dasgupta, C. (2006) Computational modeling of the dependence of kindling rate on network properties Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 364 . pp. 565-580. ISSN 0378-4371

Majumdar, Satya N. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2006) Spatial survival probability for one-dimensional fluctuating interfaces in the steady state Physical Review E, 73 (1). 011602_1-011602_15. ISSN 1063-651X

Chaudhuri, Pinaki ; Das, Chinmay ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Krishnamurthy, H. R. ; Sood, A. K. (2005) Laser-induced reentrant freezing in two-dimensional attractive colloidal systems Physical Review E, 72 (6). 061404_1-061404_11. ISSN 1063-651X

Chaudhuri, Pinaki ; Karmakar, Smarajit ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Krishnamurthy, H. R. ; Sood, A. K. (2005) Equilibrium glassy phase in a polydisperse hard-sphere system Physical Review Letters, 95 (24). 248301_1-248301_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2005) Phase diagram of the vortex system in layered superconductors with strong columnar pinning Physical Review B, 72 (9). 094501_1-094501_14. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, Chandan (2005) Theoretical approaches to the glass transition in simple liquids Pramana - Journal of Physics, 64 (5). pp. 679-694. ISSN 0304-4289

Dougherty, D. B. ; Tao, C. ; Bondarchuk, O. ; Cullen, W. G. ; Williams, E. D. ; Constantin, M. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Das Sarma, S. (2005) Sampling-time effects for persistence and survival in step structural fluctuations Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 71 (2). 021602_1-021602_8. ISSN 1539-3755

Das, Moumita ; Chakrabarti, Buddhapriya ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ramaswamy, Sriram ; Sood, A. K. (2005) Routes to spatiotemporal chaos in the rheology of nematogenic fluids Physical Review E, 71 (2). 021707_1-021707_11. ISSN 1063-651X

Chakrabarti, Buddhapriya ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2005) Interplay of instabilities in mounded surface growth Physical Review E, 71 (2). 020601_1-020601. ISSN 1063-651X

Bondarchuk, O. ; Dougherty, D. B. ; Degawa, M. ; Williams, E. D. ; Constantin, M. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Das Sarma, S. (2005) Correlation time for step structural fluctuations Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 71 (4). 045426_1-045426_10. ISSN 1098-0121

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2004) Melting and structure of the vortex solid in strongly anisotropic layered superconductors with random columnar pins Physical Review B, 69 (21). 214520_1-214520_16. ISSN 0163-1829

Constantin, M. ; Das Sarma, S. ; Dasgupta, C. (2004) Spatial persistence and survival probabilities for fluctuating interfaces Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 69 (5). 051603_1-051603_10. ISSN 1539-3755

Dasgupta, C. ; Constantin, M. ; Das Sarma, S. ; Majumdar, Satya N. (2004) Survival in equilibrium step fluctuations Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 69 (2). 022101_1-022101_4. ISSN 1539-3755

Chakrabarti, Buddhapriya ; Das, Moumita ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ramaswamy, Sriram ; Sood, A. K. (2004) Spatiotemporal rheochaos in nematic hydrodynamics Physical Review Letters, 92 (5). 055501_1-055501_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Chakrabarti, Buddhapriya ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2004) Mound formation and coarsening from a nonlinear instability in surface growth Physical Review E, 69 (1). 011601_1-011601_18. ISSN 1063-651X

Constantin, M. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Punyindu Chatraphorn, P. ; Majumdar, Satya N. ; Das Sarma, S. (2004) Persistence in nonequilibrium surface growth Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 69 (6). 061608 _1-061608 _22. ISSN 1539-3755

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2003) Two-step melting of the vortex solid in layered superconductors with random columnar pins Physical Review Letters, 91 (12). 127002_1-127002_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Constantin, M. ; Das Sarma, S. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Bondarchuk, O. ; Dougherty, D. B. ; Williams, E. D. (2003) Infinite family of persistence exponents for interface fluctuations Physical Review Letters, 91 (8). 086103_1-086103_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2003) Comment on "classical density functional theory of freezing in simple fluids: numerically induced false solutions" Physical Review E, 67 (6). 063501_1-063502_3. ISSN 1063-651X

Joseph, Toby ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2003) Structure and magnetization of two-dimensional vortex arrays in the presence of periodic pinning Physical Review B, 67 (21). 214514_1-214514_11. ISSN 0163-1829

Joseph, Toby ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2002) Continuous melting of a partially pinned two-dimensional vortex lattice in a square array of pinning centers Physical Review B, 66 (21). 212506_1-212506_4. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, Chandan (2002) Glassy behavior in neural network models of associative memory Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 315 (1-2). pp. 137-149. ISSN 0378-4371

Biswal, B. ; Dasgupta, C. (2002) Stochastic neural network model for spontaneous bursting in Hippocampal slices Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 66 (5). 051908_1-051908_18. ISSN 1539-3755

Dasgupta, Chandan (2002) Understanding glassy dynamics from the free-energy landscape Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 315 (1-2). pp. 299-301. ISSN 0378-4371

Dougherty, D. B. ; Lyubinetsky, I. ; Williams, E. D. ; Constantin, M. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Das Sarma, S. (2002) Experimental persistence probability for fluctuating steps Physical Review Letters, 89 (13). 136102_1-136102_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2002) Vortices in layered superconductors with columnar pins: a density-functional study Physical Review B, 66 (6). 064518_1-064518_14. ISSN 0163-1829

Biswal, B. ; Dasgupta, C. (2002) Neural network model for apparent deterministic chaos in spontaneously bursting hippocampal slices Physical Review Letters, 88 (8). 088102_1-088102_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, C. (2002) Freezing of classical fluids in a quenched random potential Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal, 75 (4-5). pp. 441-450. ISSN 0141-1594

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2001) Vortex lattice melting in layered superconductors with periodic columnar pins Physical Review Letters, 87 (25). 257002_1-257002_4. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2000) Phase diagram of a hard-sphere system in a quenched random potential: a numerical study Physical Review E, 62 (3). pp. 3648-3658. ISSN 1063-651X

Dhar, Abhishek ; Sriram Shastry, B. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2000) Equilibrium and dynamical properties of the axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising chain at the multiphase point Physical Review E, 62 (2). pp. 1592-1600. ISSN 1063-651X

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (2000) Free-energy landscape of simple liquids near the glass transition Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12 (29). pp. 6553-6562. ISSN 0953-8984

Chengxiang, Zhang ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Singh, Manoranjan P. (2000) Retrieval properties of a hopfield model with random asymmetric interactions Neural Computation, 12 (4). pp. 865-880. ISSN 0899-7667

Chaudhuri, Pinaki ; Dhar, Abhishek ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2000) Triangular ising antiferromagnet in a staggered field Physical Review B, 61 (9). pp. 6227-6237. ISSN 0163-1829

Dhar, Abhishek ; Sriram Shastry, B. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (2000) Equilibrium and dynamical properties of the ANNNI chain at the multiphase point Arxiv-eprints . pp. 1-9.

Thalmann, F. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Feinberg, D. (2000) Phase diagram of a classical fluid in a quenched random potential EPL: Europhysics Letters, 50 (1). pp. 54-60. ISSN 0295-5075

Menon, Gautam I. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. (1999) Muon-spin rotation spectra in the mixed phase of high-Tc superconductors: thermal fluctuations and disorder effects Physical Review B, 60 (10). pp. 7607-7622. ISSN 0163-1829

Kundagrami, Arindam ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1999) Multiscaling in discrete models of epitaxial growth Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 270 (1-2). pp. 135-142. ISSN 0378-4371

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (1999) Free energy landscape of a dense hard-sphere system Physical Review E, 59 (3). pp. 3123-3134. ISSN 1063-651X

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (1998) Entropic origin of the growth of relaxation times in simple glassy liquids Physical Review E, 58 (1). pp. 801-804. ISSN 1063-651X

Kundagrami, Arindam ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Punyindu, P. ; Das Sarma, S. (1998) Extended self-similarity in kinetic surface roughening Physical Review E, 57 (4). R3703-R3706. ISSN 1063-651X

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Feinberg, Denis (1998) Structure and magnetization of a two-dimensional vortex liquid in the presence of strong pinning Physical Review B, 57 (18). pp. 11730-11737. ISSN 0163-1829

Athithan, G. ; Dasgupta, C. (1997) On the problem of spurious patterns in neural associative memory models IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 8 (6). pp. 1483-1491. ISSN 1045-9227

Dasgupta, C. ; Kim, J. M. ; Dutta, M. ; Das Sarma, S. (1997) Instability, intermittency, and multiscaling in discrete growth models of kinetic roughening Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 55 (3). pp. 2235-2254. ISSN 1539-3755

Menon, Gautam I. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Krishnamurthy, H. R. ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. ; Sengupta, Surajit (1996) Density-functional theory of flux-lattice melting in high-Tc superconductors Physical Review B, 54 (22). pp. 16192-16205. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, C. ; Das Sarma, S. ; Kim, J. M. (1996) Controlled instability and multiscaling in models of epitaxial growth Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 54 (5). R4552-R4555. ISSN 1539-3755

Ghosh, Siddhartha Shankar ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1996) Domain-wall scaling study of the structural glass transition Physical Review Letters, 77 (7). pp. 1310-1313. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (1996) Time scales for transitions between free-energy minima of a dense hard-sphere system Physical Review E, 53 (3). pp. 2603-2612. ISSN 1063-651X

Singh, Manoranjan P. ; Chengxiang, Zhang ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1995) Fixed points in a hopfield model with random asymmetric interactions Physical Review E, 52 (5). pp. 5261-5272. ISSN 1063-651X

Vailsa, Oriol T. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1995) Numerical studies of langevin equations for the dynamics of a dense hard sphere fluid Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 24 (6-8). pp. 1199-1225. ISSN 0041-1450

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (1994) Two distinct time scales in the dynamics of a dense hard-sphere liquid Physical Review E, 50 (5). pp. 3916-3924. ISSN 1063-651X

Menon, Gautam I. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1994) Effects of pinning disorder on the correlations and freezing of the flux liquid in layered superconductors Physical Review Letters, 73 (7). pp. 1023-1026. ISSN 0031-9007

Lusta, Lisa M. ; Vallsa, Oriol T. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1994) Langevin simulation of the dynamics of a dense hard sphere liquid Phase Transitions, 50 (1-3). pp. 47-61. ISSN 0141-1594

Dasgupta, Chandan (1994) Statistical mechanics of flux lines in oxide superconductors Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 205 (1-3). pp. 140-153. ISSN 0378-4371

Lust, Lisa M. ; Valls, Oriol T. ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1993) Nonlinear hydrodynamics of a hard-sphere fluid near the glass transition Physical Review E, 48 (3). pp. 1787-1798. ISSN 1063-651X

Chakrabarti, Amitabha ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1993) Comment on "Finite-temperature phase transition in metallic spin-glass alloys" Physical Review Letters, 70 (20). p. 3178. ISSN 0031-9007

Huang, C. C. ; Jiang, I. M. ; Jin, A. J. ; Stoebe, T. ; Geer, R. ; Dasgupta, C. (1993) Heat-capacity anomalies from four-layer liquid-crystal films: experimental results and simulation results Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, 47 (4). pp. 2938-2941. ISSN 1539-3755

Dasgupta, C. ; Halley, J. W. (1993) Phase diagram of the two-dimensional disordered Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 47 (2). pp. 1126-1129. ISSN 1098-0121

Mehta, Mayank R. ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ullal, Gautam R. (1993) A neural network model for kindling of focal epilepsy: basic mechanism Biological Cybernetics, 68 (4). pp. 335-340. ISSN 0340-1200

Dasgupta, Chandan (1992) Neural network modeling of associative memory: beyond the Hopfield model Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 186 (1-2). pp. 49-60. ISSN 0378-4371

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ramaswamy, Sriram (1992) Search for a thermodynamic basis for the glass transition Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 186 (1-2). pp. 314-326. ISSN 0378-4371

Dasgupta, C. (1992) Glass transition in the density functional theory of freezing EPL: Europhysics Letters, 20 (2). pp. 131-136. ISSN 0295-5075

Sengupta, Surajit ; Dasgupta, C. ; Krishnamurthy, H. R. ; Menon, Gautam I. ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. (1991) Freezing of the vortex liquid in high-Tc superconductors: a density-functional approach Physical Review Letters, 67 (24). pp. 3444-3447. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, C. ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. (1991) Flux pinning and creep in high-Tc superconductors Physica C: Superconductivity, 183 (1-3). pp. 62-66. ISSN 0921-4534

Deshpande, V. ; Dasgupta, C. (1991) A neural network for storing individual patterns in limit cycles Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 24 (21). pp. 5105-5120. ISSN 0305-4470

Dasgupta, C. (1991) Renormalization group studies of statics and dynamics of liquid crystal phase transitions Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals . pp. 97-108.

Deshpande, Varsha ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1991) Hierarchical neural networks for the storage of correlated memories Journal of Statistical Physics, 64 (3-4). pp. 755-779. ISSN 0022-4715

Dasgupta, C. ; Ramakrishnan, T. V. (1990) Intrinsic flux pinning and flux creep in oxide superconductors Proceedings of the International Conference on Superconductivity - ICSC . pp. 432-446.

Lau, Man-hot ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1989) Numerical investigation of the role of topological defects in the three-dimensional Heisenberg transition Physical Review B, 39 (10). pp. 7212-7222. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, Chandan (1989) Variational calculation for the spin-(½ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice Physical Review B, 39 (1). pp. 386-391. ISSN 0163-1829

Lau, Man-hot ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Valls, Oriol T. (1988) Domain growth in the field-theoretic version of the Potts model Physical Review B, 38 (13). pp. 9024-9030. ISSN 0163-1829

Chakrabarti, Amitabha ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1988) Phase transition in positionally disordered Josephson-junction arrays in a transverse magnetic field Physical Review B, 37 (13). pp. 7557-7563. ISSN 0163-1829

Chakrabarti, A. ; Dasgupta, C. (1988) A Monte Carlo study of realistic models of metallic spin glasses Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 21 (8). pp. 1613-1630. ISSN 0022-3719

Lau, M. ; Dasgupta, C. (1988) Role of topological defects in the phase transition of the three-dimensional Heisenberg model Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 21 (1). L51-L58. ISSN 0305-4470

Chakrabarti, Amitabha ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1987) Anisotropy-induced phase transition in metallic spin-glass alloys Physical Review B, 36 (1). pp. 793-796. ISSN 0163-1829

Lau, Man-hot ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1987) Critical behavior of the n-vector model for 1<n<2 Physical Review B, 35 (1). pp. 329-332. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, C. (1987) Critical behaviour of a lattice model of the nematic to smectic-a transition Journal de Physique, 48 (6). pp. 957-970. ISSN 0302-0738

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Pandit, Rahul (1987) Testing approximate theories of first-order phase transitions on the two-dimensional Potts model Journal of Statistical Physics, 47 (3-4). pp. 375-396. ISSN 0022-4715

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Pandit, Rahul (1986) Kinetics of domain growth: the relevance of two-step quenches Physical Review B, 33 (7). pp. 4752-4757. ISSN 0163-1829

Chakrabarti, Amitabha ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1986) Phase transition in the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida model of spin-glass Physical Review Letters, 56 (13). pp. 1404-1407. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan (1985) Monte Carlo study of the nematic-to-smectic-A transition Physical Review Letters, 55 (17). pp. 1771-1774. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, C. ; Yao, K. L. (1984) Macroscopic anisotropy in transition-metal spin-glass alloys Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 29 (7). pp. 4071-1078. ISSN 1098-0121

Dasgupta, C. ; Sompolinsky, H. (1983) Equivalence of statistical-mechanical and dynamic descriptions of the infinite-range Ising spin-glass Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 27 (7). pp. 4511-4514. ISSN 1098-0121

Dasgupta, Chandan (1983) Duality maps for a lattice model of the smectic-A-nematic transition Physical Review A, 27 (2). pp. 1262-1265. ISSN 1050-2947

Dasgupta, C. ; Halperin, B. I. (1981) Phase transition in a lattice model of superconductivity Physical Review Letters, 47 (21). pp. 1552-1560. ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ma, Shang-keng (1980) Low-temperature properties of the random Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain Physical Review B, 22 (3). pp. 1305-1319. ISSN 0163-1829

Chakravarty, Sudip ; Dasgupta, Chandan (1980) Absence of crystalline order in two dimensions Physical Review B, 22 (1). pp. 369-372. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, Chandan ; Ma, Shang-keng ; Hu, Chin-Kun (1979) Dynamic properties of a spin-glass model at low temperatures Physical Review B, 20 (9). pp. 3837-3849. ISSN 0163-1829

Ma, Shang-keng ; Dasgupta, Chandan ; Hu, Chin-kun (1979) Random antiferromagnetic chain Physical Review Letters, 43 (19). 1434-1437 . ISSN 0031-9007

Dasgupta, C. ; Harris, A. B. ; Lubensky, T. C. (1978) Renormalization-group treatment of the random resistor network in 6-ε dimensions Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 17 (3). pp. 1375-1382. ISSN 1098-0121

Lubensky, T. C. ; Dasgupta, C. ; Chaves, C. M. (1978) Statistics of trees and branched polymers from a generalised Hilhorst model Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 11 (11). pp. 2219-2236. ISSN 0305-4470

Dasgupta, Chandan (1977) Renormalization-group study of the Ashkin-Teller-Potts model in two dimensions Physical Review B, 15 (7). pp. 3460-3464. ISSN 0163-1829

Dasgupta, Chandan (1976) Renormalization-group calculation of the critical exponents for percolation Physical Review B, 14 (3). pp. 1221-1224. ISSN 0163-1829

Harris, A. B. ; Lubensky, T. C. ; Holcomb, W. K. ; Dasgupta, C. (1975) Renormalization-group approach to percolation problems Physical Review Letters, 35 (6). pp. 327-330. ISSN 0031-9007

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