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Number of items: 43.

Dasgupta, Somnath ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2021) Types of Metamorphism Encyclopedia of Geology (Second Edition) . pp. 354-365. ISSN 978-0-08-102909-1

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Rajkakati, Mayashri (2020) Multistage Exhumation History of Ultra-cool Oceanic (U)HP eclogites: New evidence from the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (NOC), NE India In: 22nd EGU General Assembly, EGU2020-9583, 4-8 May, 2020.

Ao, Aliba ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Upadhyay, Dewashish (2020) P-T-melt/fluid evolution of abyssal mantle peridotites from the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, NE India: Geodynamic significance Lithos, 354-35 . p. 105344. ISSN 0024-4937

Bhowmik, Santanu K. (2020) Reply to discussion of the current status of orogenesis in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A view from its southern margin Geological Journal, 55 (5). pp. 4051-4054. ISSN 0072-1050

Chattopadhyay, Anupam ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Roy, Abhinaba (2020) Tectonothermal evolution of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone and its implications for Proterozoic supercontinent assembly: the current status Episodes, 43 (1). pp. 132-144. ISSN 0705-3797

Dasgupta, A. ; Bhowmik, S.K. ; Dasgupta, S. ; Ireland, T. R. ; Avila, J. (2019) Decoding Early Earth Tectonics From Mesoarchaean Metamorphic Pt Path Of Evolution: New Evidence From Sargur Supracrustals In The Western Dharwar Craton, South India In: Goldschmidt Conference.

Dasgupta, A. ; Bhowmik, S.K. ; Dasgupta, S. ; Avila, J. ; Ireland, T.R. (2019) Mesoarchaean clockwise metamorphic P-T path from the Western Dharwar Craton Lithos, 342-34 . pp. 370-390. ISSN 0024-4937

Rajkakati, M ; Bhowmik, SK ; Ao, A (2019) Metamorphic Evolution Of Nagaland Oceanic Eclogites: New Insights Into Neo-tethyan Subduction Tectonics In: Goldschmidt Conference, 18-23 Aug. 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

Bhowmik, SK ; Rajkakati, M ; Ao, A (2019) Metamorphic Framework Of The Nagaland Ophiolite Complex In: Goldschmidt Conference, 18-23 Aug. 2009, Barcelona, Spain.

Aitchison, Jonathan C. ; Ao, Aliba ; Bhowmik, Santanu ; Clarke, Geoffrey L. ; Ireland, Trevor R. ; Kachovich, Sarah ; Lokho, Kapesa ; Stojanovic, Denis ; Roeder, Tara ; Truscott, Naomi ; Zhen, Yan ; Zhou, Renjie (2019) Tectonic Evolution of the Western Margin of the Burma Microplate Based on New Fossil and Radiometric Age Constraints Tectonics, 38 (5). pp. 1718-1741. ISSN 0278-7407

Rajkakati, M. ; Bhowmik, S.K. ; Ao, A. ; Ireland, T.R. ; Avila, J. ; Clarke, G.L. ; Bhandari, A. ; Aitchison, J.C. (2019) Thermal history of Early Jurassic eclogite facies metamorphism in the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, NE India: New insights into pre-Cretaceous subduction channel tectonics within the Neo-Tethys Lithos, 346-34 . p. 105166. ISSN 0024-4937

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Santosh, M. (2019) The current status of orogenesis in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone: A view from its Southern Margin Geological Journal, 54 (5). pp. 2912-2934. ISSN 0072-1050

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Dasgupta, Somnath ; Baruah, Sudipta ; Kalita, Deepika (2018) Thermal history of a Late Mesoproterozoic paired metamorphic belt (?) during Rodinia assembly: New insight from medium-pressure granulites from the Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt, Northwestern India Geoscience Frontiers, 9 (2). pp. 335-354. ISSN 1674-9871

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Chakraborty, Sumit (2017) Sequential kinetic modelling: A new tool decodes pulsed tectonic patterns in early hot orogens of Earth Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460 . pp. 171-179. ISSN 0012-821X

Dasgupta, Somnath ; Bose, Sankar ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Sengupta, Pulak (2017) The Eastern Ghats Belt, India, in the context of supercontinent assembly Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 457 (1). pp. 87-104. ISSN 0305-8719

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Chakraborty, Sumit (2017) Sequential kinetic modelling: A new tool decodes pulsed tectonic patterns in early hot orogens of Earth Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 460 . pp. 171-179. ISSN 0012-821X

Clarke, G. L. ; Bhowmik, S. K. ; Clark, C. (2016) Developments in the metamorphic geology of India Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (8). pp. 741-742. ISSN 0263-4929

Clarke, G. L. ; Bhowmik, S. K. ; Ireland, T. R. ; Aitchison, J. C. ; Chapman, S. L. ; Kent, L. (2016) Inverted Oligo-Miocene metamorphism in the Lesser Himalaya Sequence, Arunachal Pradesh, India; age and grade relationships Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (8). pp. 805-820. ISSN 0263-4929

Jain, A. K. ; Bhowmik, S. K. (2016) Tectonics and evolution of the Trans-Himalayan Mountains and Nagaland Ophiolite Belt Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 82 (3). pp. 617-624. ISSN 0370-0046

Bhowmik, S. K. ; Ao, A. (2016) Subduction initiation in the Neo-Tethys: constraints from counterclockwise P–T paths in amphibolite rocks of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, India Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (1). pp. 17-44. ISSN 0263-4929

Saha, Dilip ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Bose, Sankar ; Sajeev, Krishnan (2016) Proterozoic Tectonics and Trans-Indian Mobile Belts: A status report Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 82 (3). pp. 445-460. ISSN 0370-0046

Bhowmik, S. K. ; Ao, A. (2015) Subduction initiation in the Neo-Tethys: constraints from counterclockwise P-T paths in amphibolite rocks of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, India Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34 (1). pp. 17-44. ISSN 0263-4929

Goswami-Banerjee, Sriparna ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Dasgupta, Somnath ; Pant, Naresh Chandra (2014) Burial of thermally perturbed Lesser Himalayan mid-crust: Evidence from petrochemistry and P–T estimation of the western Arunachal Himalaya, India Lithos, 208 . pp. 298-311. ISSN 0024-4937

Ao, A. ; Bhowmik, S. K. (2014) Cold subduction of the Neotethys: the metamorphic record from finely banded lawsonite and epidote blueschists and associated metabasalts of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, India Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32 (8). pp. 829-860. ISSN 0263-4929

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Wilde, Simon Alexander ; Bhandari, Anubha ; Basu Sarbadhikari, Amit (2014) Zoned monazite and zircon as monitors for the thermal history of granulite terranes: an example from the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Journal of Petrology, 55 (3). pp. 585-621. ISSN 0022-3530

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2013) Constraining The Thermal History Of An Ultra-hot Orogen From Metamorphic Reaction History And Garnet-orthopyroxene Diffusion Modelling Studies In: Goldschmidt Conference 77-77 (2013), October 2013.

Borinski, Sascha André ; Hoppe, Ulrich ; Chakraborty, Sumit ; Ganguly, Jibamitra ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2012) Multicomponent diffusion in garnets I: general theoretical considerations and experimental data for Fe–Mg systems Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 164 (4). pp. 571-586. ISSN 0010-7999

Bhowmik, Santanu K. ; Wilde, Simon A. ; Bhandari, Anubha ; Pal, Taraknath ; Pant, Naresh C. (2012) Growth of the Greater Indian Landmass and its assembly in Rodinia: Geochronological evidence from the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Gondwana Research, 22 (1). pp. 54-72. ISSN 1342-937X

Bhowmik, S. K. ; Chattopadhyay, A. ; Gupta, S. ; Dasgupta, S. (2012) Proterozoic Tectonics: An Indian Perspective Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 78 (3). pp. 385-391. ISSN 0073-6600

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Dasgupta, Somnath (2012) Tectonothermal evolution of the Banded Gneissic Complex in central Rajasthan, NW India: Present status and correlation Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49 . pp. 339-348. ISSN 1367-9120

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Wilde, Simon A. ; Bhandari, Anubha (2011) Zircon U-Pb/Lu-Hf and monazite chemical dating of the Tirodi Biotite Gneiss: implication for latest Palaeoproterozoic to Early Mesoproterozoic orogenesis in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Geological Journal, 46 (6). pp. 574-596. ISSN 0072-1050

Mahapatro, S. N. ; Pant, N. C. ; Bhowmik, S. K. ; Tripathy, A. K. ; Nanda, J. K. (2011) Archaean granulite facies metamorphism at the Singhbhum Craton-Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt interface: implication for the Ur supercontinent assembly Geological Journal, 47 (2-3). pp. 312-333. ISSN 0072-1050

Bhandari, Anubha ; Chandra Pant, Naresh ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Goswami, Sriparna (2010) ∼1.6 Ga ultrahigh-temperature granulite metamorphism in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone: insights from metamorphic reaction history, geothermobarometry and monazite chemical ages Geological Journal, 46 (2-3). pp. 198-216. ISSN 0072-1050

Bhowmik, S.K. ; Bernhardt, Heinz-J. ; Dasgupta, S. (2010) Grenvillian age high-pressure upper amphibolite-granulite metamorphism in the Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt, Northwestern India: New evidence from monazite chemical age and its implication Precambrian Research, 178 (1-4). pp. 168-184. ISSN 0301-9268

BHOWMIK, S. K. ; SAHA, L. ; DASGUPTA, S. ; FUKUOKA, M. (2009) Metamorphic phase relations in orthopyroxene-bearing granitoids: implication for high-pressure metamorphism and prograde melting in the continental crust Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27 (4). pp. 295-315. ISSN 0263-4929

Goswami, S. ; Bhowmik, S.K. ; Dasgupta, S. (2009) Petrology of a non-classical Barrovian inverted metamorphic sequence from the western Arunachal Himalaya, India Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 36 (4-5). pp. 390-406. ISSN 1367-9120

Sarbadhikari, Amit Basu ; Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2008) Constraining the metamorphic evolution of a cryptic hot Mesoproterozoic orogen in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone, using P–T pseudosection modelling of mafic intrusions and host reworked granulites Precambrian Research, 162 (1-2). pp. 128-149. ISSN 0301-9268

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2006) Ultra high temperature-metamorphism and its significance in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Lithos, 92 (3-4). pp. 484-505. ISSN 0024-4937

Bhowmik, S. K. ; Sarbadhikari Basu, A. ; Spiering, B. ; Raith, M. M. (2005) Mesoproterozoic reworking of palaeoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature granulites in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone and its implications Journal of Petrology, 46 (6). pp. 1085-1119. ISSN 0022-3530

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Spiering, Beate (2004) Constraining the prograde and retrograde P-T paths of granulites using decomposition of initially zoned garnets: an example from the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 147 (5). pp. 581-603. ISSN 0010-7999

Bhowmik, S. K. ; Roy, A. (2003) Garnetiferous Metabasites from the Sausar Mobile Belt: Petrology, P-T Path and Implications for the Tectonothermal Evolution of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone Journal of Petrology, 44 (3). pp. 387-420. ISSN 1460-2415

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar (2000) Ultrapotassic rocks along Late Ductile Shear Zones from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India Gondwana Research, 3 (1). pp. 55-63. ISSN 1342-937X

Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar ; Pal, Taraknath ; Roy, Abhinaba ; Pant, N. C. (1999) Evidence for Pre-Grenvillian high-pressure granulite metamorphism from the northern margin of the Sausar mobile belt in Central India Journal of Geological Society of India, 53 (4). pp. 385-399. ISSN 0016-7622

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