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Number of items: 47.

Fletcher, Jennifer K. ; Parker, Douglas J. ; Turner, Andrew G. ; Menon, Arathy ; Martin, Gill M. ; Birch, Cathryn E. ; Mitra, Ashis K. ; Mrudula, G. ; Hunt, Kieran M. R. ; Taylor, Christopher M. ; Houze, Robert A. ; Brodzik, Stella R. ; Bhat, G. S. (2020) The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of the monsoon over southern India: New observations from the INCOMPASS IOP Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 146 (731). pp. 2867-2890. ISSN 0035-9009

Bhat, G. S. ; Phadtare, Jayesh (2019) Characteristics of Deep Cloud Systems under Weak and Strong Synoptic Forcing during the Indian Summer Monsoon Season Monthly Weather Review, 147 (10). pp. 3741-3758. ISSN 0027-0644

Nikumbh, Akshaya C. ; Chakraborty, Arindam ; Bhat, G. S. (2019) Recent spatial aggregation tendency of rainfall extremes over India Scientific Reports, 9 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Vinayachandran, P. N. ; Matthews, Adrian J. ; Kumar, K. Vijay ; Sanchez-Franks, Alejandra ; Thushara, V. ; George, Jenson ; Vijith, V. ; Webber, Benjamin G. M. ; Queste, Bastien Y. ; Roy, Rajdeep ; Sarkar, Amit ; Baranowski, Dariusz B. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Klingaman, Nicholas P. ; Peatman, Simon C. ; Parida, C. ; Heywood, Karen J. ; Hall, Robert ; King, Brian ; Kent, Elizabeth C. ; Nayak, Anoop A. ; Neema, C. P. ; Amol, P. ; Lotliker, A. ; Kankonkar, A. ; Gracias, D. G. ; Vernekar, S. ; D’Souza, A. C. ; Valluvan, G. ; Pargaonkar, Shrikant M. ; Dinesh, K. ; Giddings, Jack ; Joshi, Manoj (2018) BoBBLE: Ocean–Atmosphere Interaction and Its Impact on the South Asian Monsoon Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99 (8). pp. 1569-1587. ISSN 0003-0007

Sindhu, Kapil Dev ; Bhat, G. S. (2018) Characteristics of monsoonal precipitating cloud systems over the Indian subcontinent derived from weather radar data Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144 (715). pp. 1742-1760. ISSN 0035-9009

Kumar, Shailendra ; Bhat, G S (2017) Vertical structure of orographic precipitating clouds observed over south Asia during summer monsoon season Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 126 (8). ISSN 0253-4126

Ghude, Sachin D. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Prabhakaran, Thara ; Jenamani, R. K. ; Chate, D. M. ; Safai, P. D. ; Karipot, A. K. ; Konwar, M. ; Pithani, Prakash ; Sinha, V. ; Rao, P. S. P. ; Dixit, S. A. ; Tiwari, S. ; Todekar, K. ; Varpe, S. ; Srivastava, A. K. ; Bisht, D. S. ; Murugavel, P. ; Ali, Kaushar ; Mina, Usha ; Dharua, M. ; Rao, J. ; Padmakumari, B. ; Hazra, A. ; Nigam, N. ; Shende, U. ; Lal, D. M. ; Chandra, B. P. ; Mishra, A. K. ; Kumar, A. ; Hakkim, H. ; Pawar, H. ; Acharja, P. ; Kulkarni, Rachana ; Subharthi, C. ; Balaji, B. ; Varghese, M. ; Bera, S. ; Rajeevan, M. (2017) Winter Fog Experiment Over the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India Current Science, 112 (04). p. 767. ISSN 0011-3891

Wijesekera, Hemantha W. ; Shroyer, Emily ; Tandon, Amit ; Ravichandran, M. ; Sengupta, Debasis ; Jinadasa, S. U. P. ; Fernando, Harindra J. S. ; Agrawal, Neeraj ; Arulananthan, K. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Baumgartner, Mark ; Buckley, Jared ; Centurioni, Luca ; Conry, Patrick ; Farrar, J. Thomas ; Gordon, Arnold L. ; Hormann, Verena ; Jarosz, Ewa ; Jensen, Tommy G. ; Johnston, Shaun ; Lankhorst, Matthias ; Lee, Craig M. ; Leo, Laura S. ; Lozovatsky, Iossif ; Lucas, Andrew J. ; Mackinnon, Jennifer ; Mahadevan, Amala ; Nash, Jonathan ; Omand, Melissa M. ; Pham, Hieu ; Pinkel, Robert ; Rainville, Luc ; Ramachandran, Sanjiv ; Rudnick, Daniel L. ; Sarkar, Sutanu ; Send, Uwe ; Sharma, Rashmi ; Simmons, Harper ; Stafford, Kathleen M. ; St. Laurent, Louis ; Venayagamoorthy, Karan ; Venkatesan, Ramasamy ; Teague, William J. ; Wang, David W. ; Waterhouse, Amy F. ; Weller, Robert ; Whalen, Caitlin B. (2016) ASIRI: An Ocean–Atmosphere Initiative for Bay of Bengal Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97 (10). pp. 1859-1884. ISSN 0003-0007

Bhat, G.S. ; Fernando, Harinda (2016) Remotely Driven Anomalous Sea-Air Heat Flux Over the North Indian Ocean During the Summer Monsoon Season Oceanography, 29 (2). pp. 232-241. ISSN 1042-8275

Kumar, Shailendra ; Bhat, G. S. (2016) Vertical Profiles of Radar Reflectivity Factor in Intense Convective Clouds in the Tropics Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55 (5). pp. 1277-1286. ISSN 1558-8424

Bhat, G. S. ; Kumar, Shailendra (2015) Vertical structure of cumulonimbus towers and intense convective clouds over the South Asian region during the summer monsoon season Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120 (5). pp. 1710-1722. ISSN 2169-897X

Bhat, G.S. ; Jagannathan, R. (2012) Moisture depletion in the surface layer in response to an annular solar eclipse Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 80 . pp. 60-67. ISSN 1364-6826

Narasimha, Roddam ; Diwan, Sourabh Suhas ; Duvvuri, Subrahmanyam ; Sreenivas, K. R. ; Bhat, G. S. (2011) Laboratory simulations show diabatic heating drives cumulus-cloud evolution and entrainment PNAS, 108 (39). pp. 16164-16169. ISSN 0027-8424

Kiranmayi, L. ; Bhat, G. S. (2009) Equatorial modes observed in atmospheric variables Journal of Earth System Science, 118 (3). pp. 181-192. ISSN 0253-4126

Kiranmayi, L. ; Bhat, G. S. (2009) Quasi-periodic, global oscillations in sea level pressure on intraseasonal timescales Climate Dynamics, 32 (7-8). pp. 925-934. ISSN 0930-7575

Bhat, G. S. ; Arunchandra, S. C. (2008) On the measurement of the surface energy budget over a land surface during the summer monsoon Journal of Earth System Science, 117 (6). pp. 911-923. ISSN 0253-4126

Sengupta, Debasis ; Parampil, Sindu R. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Murty, V. S. N. ; Ramesh Babu, V. ; Sudhakar, T. ; Premkumar, K. ; Pradhan, Y. (2008) Warm pool thermodynamics from the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 113 (C10). C10008_1-C10008_17. ISSN 0148-0227

Alappattu, Denny P. ; Bala Subrahamanyam, D. ; Kunhikrishnan, P. K. ; Somayaji, K. M. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Venkatesan, R. ; Dutt, C. B. S. ; Bagavath Singh, A. ; Soni, V. K. ; Tripathi, A. S. (2008) On the marine atmospheric boundary layer characteristics over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB) Journal of Earth System Science, 117 (S1). pp. 281-291. ISSN 0253-4126

Alappattu, Denny P. ; Bala Subrahamanyam, D. ; Kunhikrishnan, P. K. ; Ramachandran, Radhika ; Somayaji, K. M. ; Venkatesh, R. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Bhagavath Singh, A. (2008) Spatio-temporal variability of surface-layer turbulent fluxes over the bay of bengal and arabian sea during the ICARB field experiment Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 126 (2). pp. 297-309. ISSN 0006-8314

Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, R. (2007) Indian summer monsoon experiments Current Science, 93 (2). pp. 153-164. ISSN 0011-3891

Srinivasa, Arun ; Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, Roddam (2007) Dynamic eduction of coherent structures in turbulent jet flow imagery by wavelet techniques: part I Journal of Turbulence, 8 (15). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1468-5248

Bhat, G. S. (2006) The Indian drought of 2002-a sub-seasonal phenomenon? Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 132 (621). pp. 2583-2602. ISSN 0035-9009

Bhat, G. S. (2006) Near-surface temperature inversion over the Arabian Sea due to natural aerosols Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (L02). L02802_1-L02802_4. ISSN 0094-8276

Subbiah, Thandavamoorthy ; Bhat, G. S. ; Tock, R. W. ; Parameswaran, S. ; Ramkumar, S. S. (2005) Electrospinning of nanofibers Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96 (2). 557 - 569. ISSN 0021-8995

Bhat, G. S. ; Vecchi, G. A. ; Gadgil, S. (2004) Sea surface temperature of the Bay of Bengal derived from the TRMM Microwave Imager Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21 (8). pp. 1283-1290. ISSN 0739-0572

Narayanan, M. S. ; Rao, B. M. ; Shah, Shivani ; Prasad, V. S. ; Bhat, G. S. (2004) Role of atmospheric stability over the Arabian Sea and the unprecedented failure of monsoon 2002 Current Science, 86 (7). pp. 938-947. ISSN 0011-3891

Bhat, G. S. (2003) Some salient features of the atmosphere observed over the north Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 112 (2). pp. 131-146. ISSN 0253-4126

Bhat, G. S. (2003) Measurement of Air-Sea fluxes over the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal Journal of Climate, 16 (4). pp. 767-775. ISSN 0894-8755

Bhat, G. S. ; Thomas, Manu Anna ; Raju, J. V. S. ; Chandrasekhara, C. P. (2003) Surface characteristics observed over the central tropical Indian Ocean during INDOEX IFP99 Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 106 (2). pp. 263-281. ISSN 0006-8314

Bhat, G. S. (2002) Near-surface variations and surface fluxes over the northern Bay of Bengal during the 1999 Indian summer monsoon Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 107 (D17). ACL6_1-ACL6_16. ISSN 0148-0227

Bhat, G. S. ; Chakraborty, A. ; Nanjundiah, R. S. ; Srinivasan, J. (2002) Vertical thermal structure of the atmosphere during active and weak phases of convection over the north Bay of Bengal: observation and model results Current science, 83 (3). pp. 296-302. ISSN 0011-3891

Sengupta, Debasis ; Ray, Pallav Kumar ; Bhat, G. S. (2002) Spring warming of the eastern Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal from buoy data Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (15). 24_1-24_4. ISSN 0094-8276

Bhat, G. S. ; Gadgil, S. ; Hareesh Kumar, P. V. ; Kalsi, S. R. ; Madhusoodanan, P. ; Murty, V. S. N. ; Prasada Rao, C. V. K. ; Ramesh Babu, V. ; Rao, L. V. G. ; Rao, R. R. ; Ravichandran, M. ; Reddy, K. G. ; Sanjeeva Rao, P. ; Sengupta, D. ; Sikka, D. R. ; Swain, J. ; Vinayachandran, P. N. (2001) BOBMEX: the Bay of Bengal monsoon experiment Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82 (10). pp. 2217-2243. ISSN 0003-0007

Gambheer, A. V. ; Bhat, G. S. (2001) Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 78 (3-4). pp. 215-225. ISSN 0177-7971

Bhat, G. S. (2001) Near surface atmospheric characteristics over the north Bay of Bengal during the Indian summer monsoon Geographysical Research Letters, 28 (6). pp. 987-990. ISSN 0094-8276

Gambheer, Arvind V. ; Bhat, G. S. (2000) Life cycle characteristics of deep cloud systems over the indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data Monthly Weather Review, 128 (12). pp. 4071-4083. ISSN 0027-0644

Venkataramana, M. ; Sengupta, K. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Ameenulla, S. ; Raju, J. V. S. (2000) Inertial-Dissipation flux measurements over south Bay of Bengal during BOBMEX-Pilot experiment Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 109 (2). pp. 239-247. ISSN 0253-4126

Bhat, G. S. ; Ameenulla, S. (2000) Surface meteorological instrumentation for BOBMEX Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 109 (2). pp. 221-227. ISSN 0253-4126

Venkatakrishnan, L. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha , R. (1999) Experiments on a plume with off-source heating: implications for cloud fluid dynamics Journal of Geophysical Research - D: Atmosphere, 104 (D12). 14,271-14,281. ISSN 0747-7309

Bhat, G. S. (1998) The dependence of deep cloud mass flux and area cover on convective and large-scale processes Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55 (18). pp. 2993-2999. ISSN 0022-4928

Venkatakrishnan, L. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Prabhu, A. ; Narasimha, R. (1998) Visualization studies of cloud-like flows Current Science, 74 (7). pp. 597-606. ISSN 0011-3891

Bhat, G. S. ; Srinivasan, J. ; Gadgil, Sulochana (1996) Tropical deep convection, convective available potential energy and sea surface temperature Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 74 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 0026-1165

Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, R. (1996) A volumetrically heated jet: large-eddy structure and entrainment characteristics Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 325 . pp. 303-330. ISSN 0022-1120

Elavarasan, R. ; Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, R. ; Prabhu, A. (1995) An experimental study of a jet with local buoyancy enhancement Fluid Dynamics Research, 16 (4). pp. 189-202. ISSN 0169-5983

Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, R. ; Wiggins, S. (1990) A simple dynamical system that mimics open-flow turbulence Physics of Fluids, 2 (11). pp. 1983-2001. ISSN 1070-6631

Bhat, G. S. ; Narasimha, R. ; Arakeri, V. H. (1989) A new method of producing local enhancement of buoyancy in liquid flows Experiments in Fluids, 7 (2). pp. 99-102. ISSN 0723-4864

Narasimha, R. ; Bhat, G. S. (1988) Dynamical systems that mimic flow turbulence Current Science, 57 (13). pp. 697-702. ISSN 0011-3891

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