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Number of items: 34.

Kalsi, Harpreet Singh ; Karkhanis, Anindita A. ; Natarajan, Bhavani ; Bhide, Amey J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2022) AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 16 (StARF16) regulates defense gene StNPR1 upon infection with necrotrophic pathogen in potato Plant Molecular Biology, 109 (1-2). pp. 13-28. ISSN 0167-4412

Kondhare, Kirtikumar R ; Kumar, Amit ; Patil, Nikita S ; Malankar, Nilam N ; Saha, Kishan ; Banerjee, Anjan K (2021) Development of aerial and belowground tubers in potato is governed by photoperiod and epigenetic mechanism Plant Physiology, 187 (3). pp. 1071-1086. ISSN 0032-0889

Kondhare, Kirtikumar R ; Patil, Nikita S ; Banerjee, Anjan K ; Sunkar, Ramanjulu (2021) A historical overview of long-distance signalling in plants Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (12). pp. 4218-4236. ISSN 0022-0957

Mohanasundaram, Boominathan ; Bhide, Amey J. ; Palit, Shirsa ; Chaturvedi, Gargi ; Lingwan, Maneesh ; Masakapalli, Shyam Kumar ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2021) The unique bryophyte-specific repeat-containing protein SHORT-LEAF regulates gametophore development in moss Plant Physiology, 187 (1). pp. 203-217. ISSN 0032-0889

Devani, Ravi Suresh ; Kute, Apurva ; John, Sheeba ; Adhikari, Supriya ; Sinha, Sangram ; Banerjee, Anjan Kumar (2020) Development of a Virus‐Induced Gene Silencing System for Dioecious Coccinia grandis Molecular Biotechnology, 62 (9). pp. 412-422. ISSN 1073-6085

Fruchard, Cécile ; Badouin, Hélène ; Latrasse, David ; Devani, Ravi S. ; Muyle, Aline ; Rhoné, Bénédicte ; Renner, Susanne S. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid ; Marais, Gabriel A. B. (2020) Evidence for Dosage Compensation in Coccinia grandis, a Plant with a Highly Heteromorphic XY System Genes, 11 (7). p. 787. ISSN 2073-4425

Natarajan, Bhavani ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2020) MicroRNA160 regulates leaf curvature in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Désirée) Plant Signaling & Behavior, 15 (5). p. 1744373. ISSN 1559-2324

Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Natarajan, Bhavani ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2020) Molecular signals that govern tuber development in potato The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 64 (1-2-3). pp. 133-140. ISSN 0214-6282

Kumar, Amit ; Kondhare, Kirtikumar R ; Malankar, Nilam N ; Banerjee, Anjan K ; Wellmer, Frank (2020) The Polycomb group methyltransferase StE(z)2 and deposition of H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 regulate the expression of tuberization genes in potato Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (2). pp. 426-444. ISSN 0022-0957

Mohanasundaram, Boominathan ; Rajmane, Vyankatesh B. ; Jogdand, Sukanya V. ; Bhide, Amey J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2019) Agrobacterium-mediated Tnt1 mutagenesis of moss protonemal filaments and generation of stable mutants with impaired gametophyte Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 294 (3). pp. 583-596. ISSN 1617-4615

Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Vetal, Pallavi V. ; Kalsi, Harpreet S. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2019) BEL1-like protein (StBEL5) regulates CYCLING DOF FACTOR1 (StCDF1) through tandem TGAC core motifs in potato Journal of Plant Physiology, 241 . p. 153014. ISSN 0176-1617

Devani, Ravi Suresh ; Chirmade, Tejas ; Sinha, Sangram ; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid ; Dholakia, Bhushan B. ; Banerjee, Anjan Kumar ; Banerjee, Jayeeta (2019) Flower bud proteome reveals modulation of sex-biased proteins potentially associated with sex expression and modification in dioecious Coccinia grandis BMC Plant Biology, 19 (1). ISSN 1471-2229

Natarajan, Bhavani ; Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Hannapel, David J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2019) Mobile RNAs and proteins: Prospects in storage organ development of tuber and root crops Plant Science, 284 . pp. 73-81. ISSN 0168-9452

Kumar, Amit ; Kondhare, Kirtikumar Ramesh ; Vetal, Pallavi Vijay ; Banerjee, Anjan Kumar (2019) PcG Proteins MSI1 and BMI1 Function Upstream of miR156 to Regulate Aerial Tuber Formation in Potato Plant Physiology, 182 (1). pp. 185-203. ISSN 0032-0889

Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Kumar, Amit ; Hannapel, David J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2018) Conservation of polypyrimidine tract binding proteins and their putative target RNAs in several storage root crops BMC Genomics, 19 (1). ISSN 1471-2164

Kondhare, Kirtikumar Ramesh ; Malankar, Nilam Namdeo ; Devani, Ravi Suresh ; Banerjee, Anjan Kumar (2018) Genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals small RNA profiles involved in early stages of stolon-to-tuber transitions in potato under photoperiodic conditions BMC Plant Biology, 18 (1). ISSN 1471-2229

Natarajan, Bhavani ; Kalsi, Harpreet S ; Godbole, Prajakta ; Malankar, Nilam ; Thiagarayaselvam, Aarthy ; Siddappa, Sundaresha ; Thulasiram, Hirekodathakallu V ; Chakrabarti, Swarup K ; Banerjee, Anjan K (2018) MiRNA160 is associated with local defense and systemic acquired resistance against Phytophthora infestans infection in potato Journal of Experimental Botany, 69 (8). pp. 2023-2036. ISSN 0022-0957

Devani, Ravi Suresh ; Sinha, Sangram ; Banerjee, Jayeeta ; Sinha, Rabindra Kumar ; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid ; Banerjee, Anjan Kumar (2017) De novo transcriptome assembly from flower buds of dioecious, gynomonoecious and chemically masculinized female Coccinia grandis reveals genes associated with sex expression and modification BMC Plant Biology, 17 (1). ISSN 1471-2229

Hannapel, David ; Banerjee, Anjan (2017) Multiple Mobile mRNA Signals Regulate Tuber Development in Potato Plants, 6 (4). p. 8. ISSN 2223-7747

Hannapel, David ; Banerjee, Anjan (2017) Multiple Mobile mRNA Signals Regulate Tuber Development in Potato Plants, 6 (4). p. 8. ISSN 2223-7747

Hannapel, David J. ; Sharma, Pooja ; Lin, Tian ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2017) The Multiple Signals That Control Tuber Formation Plant Physiology, 174 (2). pp. 845-856. ISSN 0032-0889

Natarajan, Bhavani ; Bhogale, Sneha ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2017) The essential role of microRNAs in potato tuber development: a mini review Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 22 (4). pp. 401-410. ISSN 0019-5502

Ghate, Tejashree H. ; Sharma, Pooja ; Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Hannapel, David J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2017) The mobile RNAs, StBEL11 and StBEL29, suppress growth of tubers in potato Plant Molecular Biology, 93 (6). pp. 563-578. ISSN 0167-4412

Sinha, Sangram ; Karmakar, Kanika ; Devani, Ravi ; Banerjee, Jayeeta ; Sinha, Rabindra ; Banerjee, Anjan (2016) Preparation of Mitotic and Meiotic Metaphase Chromosomes from Young Leaves and Flower Buds of Coccinia grandis Bio-Protocol, 6 (7). ISSN 2331-8325

Mahajan, Ameya S. ; Kondhare, Kirtikumar R. ; Rajabhoj, Mohit P. ; Kumar, Amit ; Ghate, Tejashree ; Ravindran, Nevedha ; Habib, Farhat ; Siddappa, Sundaresha ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2016) Regulation, overexpression, and target gene identification ofPotato Homeobox 15(POTH15) – a class-IKNOXgene in potato Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (14). pp. 4255-4272. ISSN 0022-0957

Santin, Franco ; Bhogale, Sneha ; Fantino, Elisa ; Grandellis, Carolina ; Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Ulloa, Rita M. (2016) Solanum tuberosum StCDPK1 is regulated by miR390 at the posttranscriptional level and phosphorylates the auxin efflux carrier StPIN4 in vitro, a potential downstream target in potato development Physiologia Plantarum, 159 (2). pp. 244-261. ISSN 0031-9317

Ghadge, Amita G ; Karmakar, Kanika ; Devani, Ravi S ; Banerjee, Jayeeta ; Mohanasundaram, Boominathan ; Sinha, Rabindra K ; Sinha, Sangram ; Banerjee, Anjan K (2014) Flower development, pollen fertility and sex expression analyses of three sexual phenotypes of Coccinia grandis BMC Plant Biology, 14 (1). ISSN 1471-2229

Bhogale, Sneha ; Mahajan, Ameya S. ; Natarajan, Bhavani ; Rajabhoj, Mohit ; Thulasiram, Hirekodathakallu V. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2013) MicroRNA156: A Potential Graft-Transmissible MicroRNA That Modulates Plant Architecture and Tuberization in Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena Plant Physiology, 164 (2). pp. 1011-1027. ISSN 0032-0889

Mahajan, Ameya ; Bhogale, Sneha ; Kang, Il Ho ; Hannapel, David J. ; Banerjee, Anjan K. (2012) The mRNA of a Knotted1-like transcription factor of potato is phloem mobile Plant Molecular Biology, 79 (6). pp. 595-608. ISSN 0167-4412

Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Lin, Tian ; Hannapel, David J. (2009) Untranslated Regions of a Mobile Transcript Mediate RNA Metabolism Plant Physiology, 151 (4). pp. 1831-1843. ISSN 0032-0889

Chatterjee, Mithu ; Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Hannapel, David J. (2007) A BELL1-Like Gene of Potato Is Light Activated and Wound Inducible Plant Physiology, 145 (4). pp. 1435-1443. ISSN 0032-0889

Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Chatterjee, Mithu ; Yu, Yueyue ; Suh, Sang-Gon ; Miller, W. Allen ; Hannapel, David J. (2006) Dynamics of a Mobile RNA of Potato Involved in a Long-Distance Signaling Pathway The Plant Cell, 18 (12). pp. 3443-3457. ISSN 1040-4651

Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Prat, Salomé ; Hannapel, David J. (2006) Efficient production of transgenic potato (S. tuberosum L. ssp. andigena) plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation Plant Science, 170 (4). pp. 732-738. ISSN 0168-9452

Chen, Hao ; Banerjee, Anjan K. ; Hannapel, David J. (2004) The tandem complex of BEL and KNOX partners is required for transcriptional repression of ga20ox1 The Plant Journal, 38 (2). pp. 276-284. ISSN 0960-7412

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