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Ablyazimov, T. ; Adak, R.P. ; Adler, A. ; Agarwal, A. ; Agarwal, K. ; Ahammed, Z. ; Ahmad, A. ; Ahmad, F. ; Ahmad, N. ; Akindinov, A. ; Akishin, P. ; Akishina, V. ; Al-Turany, M. ; Alekseev, I. ; Alexandrov, E. ; Alexandrov, I. ; Andronic, A. ; Appelshäuser, H. ; Argintaru, D. ; Arnoldi-Meadows, B. ; Atkin, E. ; Azmi, M.D. ; Baban, V. ; Bähr, S. ; Bajdel, M. ; Balassa, G. ; Balzer, M. ; Baranova, N. ; Bashir, S. ; Baszczyk, M. ; Bechtel, E. ; Becker, J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Becker, M. ; Beckhoff, J. ; Belogurov, S. ; Belousov, A. ; Bendarouach, J. ; Bercuci, A. ; Berendes, R. ; Bertini, D. ; Bertini, O. ; Bezshyyko, O. ; Bhaduri, P.P. ; Bhasin, A. ; Bhat, S.A. ; Bhat, W.A. ; Bhattacharjee, B. ; Bhattacharyya, A. ; Bhattacharyya, T.K. ; Biswas, S. ; Blank, T. ; Blau, D. ; Blume, C. ; Brzychczyk, J. ; Bus, T. ; Bychkov, A. ; Cãlin, M. ; Caselle, M. ; Chakrabarti, A. ; Chatterjee, S. ; Chattopadhyay, S. ; Chaus, A. ; Cherif, H. ; Chudoba, P. ; Clerkin, E. ; Csanád, M. ; Dahm, P. ; Das, Supriya ; Susovan, Das ; de Cuveland, J. ; Demanov, A. ; Dementiev, D. ; Deng, Wendi ; Deng, Zhi ; Deppe, H. ; Deppner, I. ; Derenovskaya, O. ; Deveaux, M. ; Ding, Zhiguo ; Dong, Sheng ; Dorenskaya, E. ; Dorosz, P. ; Dubey, A.K. ; Dubla, A. ; Dürr, M. ; Elsha, V.V. ; Emschermann, D. ; Engel, H. ; Eşanu, T. ; Eschke, J. ; Esen, M. ; Fan, Xingming ; Fateev, O. ; Feier-Riesen, C. ; Feng, Sheng-Qin ; Fidorra, F. ; Figuli, S.P.D. ; Finogeev, D. ; Fischer, P. ; Flemming, H. ; Förtsch, J. ; Foka, P. ; Frankenfeld, U. ; Friese, V. ; Friske, E. ; Fröhlich, I. ; Frühauf, J. ; Galatyuk, T. ; Ganai, R. ; Gangopadhyay, G. ; Gao, Xin ; Gasik, P. ; Geßler, T. ; Ghosh, C. ; Ghosh, S.K. ; Giang, D. ; Gläßel, S. ; Golinka-Bezshyyko, L. ; Golosov, O. ; Golovnya, S. ; Golubeva, M. ; Golubkov, D. ; Gope, S. ; Gorbunov, S. ; Gorokhov, S. ; Gottschalk, D. ; Gryboś, P. ; Guber, F. ; Gumiński, M. ; Gupta, A. ; Gusakov, Yu. ; Haas, R. ; Han, Dong ; Hartmann, H. ; He, Shu ; Hehner, J. ; Heine, N. ; Herrmann, N. ; Heuser, J.M. ; Höhne, C. ; Holzmann, R. ; Hu, Dongdong ; Huang, Guangming ; Huang, Xinjie ; Hutter, D. ; Irfan, M. ; Ivanishchev, D. ; Ivanov, P. ; Ivanov, Victor ; Ivanov, Vladimir ; Ivashkin, A. ; Izvestnyy, A. ; Jahan, H. ; Janson, T. ; Jash, A. ; Jipa, A. ; Kadenko, I. ; Kähler, P. ; Kämpfer, B. ; Kampert, K.-H. ; Kapell, R. ; Karabowicz, R. ; Kargin, N. ; Karmanov, D. ; Karpushkin, N. ; Kashirin, E. ; Kashyap, V.K.S. ; Kasiński, K. ; Kasprowicz, G. ; Kazantsev, A. ; Kebschull, U. ; Kekelidze, G. ; Khan, M.M. ; Khan, S. ; Khanzadeev, A. ; Khasanov, F. ; Kiryakov, A. ; Kiš, M. ; Kisel, I. ; Kisel, P. ; Kiselev, S. ; Kiss, T. ; Klaus, P. ; Kłeczek, R. ; Klein-Bösing, Ch. ; Klochkov, V. ; Kmon, P. ; Koch, K. ; Kochenda, L. ; Koczoń, P. ; Kohn, M. ; Kolb, R. ; Kolozhvari, A. ; Komkov, B. ; Korolev, M. ; Korolko, I. ; Kot, O. ; Kotte, R. ; Kovalchuk, O. ; Koziel, M. ; Kozlov, G. ; Kozlov, V. ; Kravtsov, P. ; Kres, I. ; Kresan, D. ; Kruszewski, M. ; Kryanev, A.V. ; Kryshen, E. ; Krzyżanowska, A. ; Kucewicz, W. ; Kudin, L. ; Kudryashov, I. ; Kugler, A. ; Kuhl, P. ; Kumar, Ajay ; Kumar, Ajit ; Kumar, L. ; Kundu, S.K. ; Kurepin, A. ; Kurepin, N. ; Kurilkin, P. ; Kuznetsov, S. ; Kyva, V. ; Ladygin, V. ; Lara, C. ; Lavrik, E. ; Lazanu, I. ; Lebedev, A. ; Lebedev, S. ; Lebedeva, E. ; Lehnert, J. ; Leifels, Y. ; Li, Chao ; Li, Yuanjing ; Lindenstruth, V. ; Liu, Feng ; Lobanov, I. ; Lobanova, E. ; Löchner, S. ; Loizeau, P.-A. ; Łojek, K. ; Lubynets, O. ; Lucio Martínez, J.A. ; Luo, Xiaofeng ; Lymanets, A. ; Lyu, Pengfei ; Lyublev, N. ; Ma, Jian-Hao ; Maevskaya, A. ; Mahajan, S. ; Maj, P. ; Majka, Z. ; Malakhov, A. ; Malankin, E. ; Malkevich, D. ; Mallick, B. ; Malyatina, O. ; Mandal, M. ; Manko, V. ; Maragoto Rodriguez, O. ; Marin Garcia, A.M. ; Markert, J. ; Matulewicz, T. ; Mehta, S. ; Merkin, M. ; Meyer-Ahrens, A. ; Michel, J. ; Miedzik, P. ; Mik, L. ; Mikhailov, K. ; Mikhaylov, V. ; Militsija, V. ; Mir, M.F. ; Miskowiec, D. ; Mohanty, B. ; Momot, I. ; Morgenweck, H. ; Morhardt, T. ; Morozov, S. ; Mühlheim, D. ; Müller, W.F.J. ; Müntz, C. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Munkes, P. ; Murin, Yu. ; Nandy, E. ; Naumann, L. ; Nayak, T. ; Nickels, F. ; Niebur, W. ; Nikulin, V. ; Normanov, D. ; Olar, A. ; Otfinowski, P. ; Otto, J.H. ; Ovcharenko, E. ; Pan, Liang-ming ; Panasenko, I. ; Pandey, S. ; Parfenov, P. ; Parzhitskiy, S. ; Patel, V. ; Pauly, C. ; Petráček, V. ; Petri, M. ; Petriş, M. ; Petrovici, M. ; Petukhov, O. ; Pfeifer, D. ; Pfistner, P. ; Piasecki, K. ; Pietraszko, J. ; Pitsch, G. ; Płaneta, R. ; Plotnikov, V. ; Plujko, V. ; Pluta, J. ; Poźniak, K. ; Prasad, S.K. ; Prokudin, M. ; Prozorov, A. ; Pugach, M. ; Pugatch, V. ; Puntke, A. ; Querchfeld, S. ; Radulescu, L. ; Raha, S. ; Raisig, P. ; Raja, W. ; Ramazanov, D. ; Rautenberg, J. ; Ray, R. ; Redelbach, A. ; Rehman, T. ; Reinefeld, A. ; Reshetin, A. ; Ristea, C. ; Ristea, O. ; Rodriguez Rodriguez, A. ; Roether, F. ; Romaniuk, R. ; Rost, A. ; Rostchin, E. ; Roy, A. ; Roy, D. ; Roy, S. ; Rubio, E. ; Rustamov, A. ; Ryabov, Yu. ; Sahoo, R. ; Sahu, P.K. ; Sahu, S.K. ; Saini, J. ; Salem, F. ; Samanta, S. ; Sambyal, S.S. ; Samsonov, V. ; Sander, O. ; Sarangi, S. ; Sau, S. ; Schiaua, C. ; Schintke, F. ; Schmidt, C.J. ; Schmidt, D. ; Schmidt, H.R. ; Schneider, P.M. ; Schütt, T. ; Seck, F. ; Segal, I. ; Selyuzhenkov, I. ; Semennikov, A. ; Sen, A. ; Senger, A. ; Senger, P. ; Shabanov, A. ; Shabunov, A. ; Sharma, N. ; Sheremetiev, A.D. ; Shi, Shusu ; Shirinkin, S. ; Shiroya, M. ; Shitenkow, M. ; Shumikhin, V. ; Sibiryak, I. ; Sidorenko, V. ; Simon, C. ; Simons, C. ; Singh, A.K. ; Singh, B.K. ; Singh, C.P. ; Singh, O. ; Singh, R. ; Singhal, V. ; Škoda, L. ; Smith, D. ; Söhngen, Y. ; Som, I. ; Spicker, D. ; Stach, D. ; Staszel, P. ; Storozhyk, D. ; Strikhanov, M. ; Stroth, J. ; Stüllein, C. ; Sturm, C. ; Su, Yuan ; Sukhov, N. ; Sultanov, R. ; Sun, Yongjie ; Sun, Zhengyang ; Svirida, D. ; Szczygieł, R. ; Taranenko, A. ; Tarassenkova, O. ; Tölyhi, T. ; Toia, A. ; Topil'skaya, N. ; Träger, M. ; Traxler, M. ; Trifonova, E. ; Tsyupa, Yu. ; Tuturas, N.G. ; Uhlig, F. ; Unger, K.L. ; Usenko, E. ; Varga, D. ; Vassiliev, I. ; Vasylyev, O. ; Visinka, R. ; Völkl, M. ; Volkova, E. ; Vorobiev, A. ; Voronin, A. ; Wahmes, L. ; Wang, Botan ; Wang, Dong ; Wang, Tianxing ; Wang, Xinjian ; Wang, Yi ; Weber, A.A. ; Weber, M. ; Weidenkaff, P. ; Weiglhofer, F. ; Wessels, J.P. ; Wielanek, D. ; Wieloch, A. ; Wilms, A. ; Wójcik, D. ; Wolf, Gy. ; Wu, Ke-Jun ; Wu, Qiqi ; Yang, Junfeng ; Yang, Rongxing ; Yin, Zhongbao ; Yoo, In-Kwon ; Yuan, Jianhui ; Yushmanov, I. ; Zabołotny, W. ; Zaitsev, Yu. ; Zamiatin, N.I. ; Zbroszczyk, H. ; Zhalov, M. ; Zhang, Qiunan ; Zhang, Xiaoming ; Zhang, Yu ; Zhao, Yan-Qing ; Zheng, Sheng ; Zhou, Daicui ; Zhou, Jian ; Zhou, Wenxiong ; Zhu, Xianglei ; Zinchenko, A. ; Zivko, I. ; Żoładź, M. ; Zorn, F. ; Zubrzycka, W. ; Zumbruch, P. ; Zyzak, M. (2021) CBM Collaboration Nuclear Physics A, 1005 . p. 122089. ISSN 0375-9474

Nayak, H. P. ; Mandal, M. (2018) Analysis of stability parameters in relation to precipitation associated with pre-monsoon thunderstorms over Kolkata, India Journal of Earth System Science, 127 (2). pp. 689-703. ISSN 0253-4126

Balaji, M. ; Chakraborty, Arun ; Mandal, M. (2018) Changes in tropical cyclone activity in north Indian Ocean during satellite era (1981-2014) International Journal of Climatology . No pp. given. ISSN 0899-8418

Bhattacharya, A. ; Satyanarayana, A. N. V. ; Mandal, M. (2018) Impact of land surface and forcing parameters on the spin-up behaviour of Noah land surface model over the Indian sub-continent Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175 (1). pp. 389-401. ISSN 0033-4553

Nayak, S. ; Mandal, M. ; Maity, S. (2017) Customization of regional climate model (RegCM4) over Indian region Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127 (1-2). pp. 153-168. ISSN 0177-798X

Singh, K. S. ; Mandal, M. ; Bhaskaran, Prasad K. (2017) Impact of radiance data assimilation on the prediction performance of cyclonic storm SIDR using WRF-3DVAR modelling system Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics . pp. 1-18. ISSN 0177-7971

Dey, K. K. ; Bharti, R. ; Dey, G. ; Pal, I. ; Rajesh, Y. ; Chavan, S. ; Das, S. ; Das, C. K. ; Jena, B. C. ; Halder, P. ; Ray, J. G. ; Kulavi, I. ; Mandal, M. (2016) S100A7 has an oncogenic role in oral squamous cell carcinoma by activating p38/MAPK and RAB2A signaling pathway Cancer Gene Therapy, 23 (11). pp. 382-391. ISSN 0929-1903

Vellayappan, M. V. ; Venugopal, J. R. ; Ramakrishna, S. ; Ray, S. ; Ismail, A. F. ; Mandal, M. ; Manikandan, A. ; Seal, S. ; Jaganathan, S. K. (2016) Electrospinning applications from diagnosis to treatment of diabetes RSC Advances, 6 (87). pp. 83638-83655. ISSN 2046-2069

Bharti, R. ; Dey, G. ; Ojha, P. K. ; Rajput, S. ; Jaganathan, S. K. ; Sen, R. ; Mandal, M. (2016) Diacerein-mediated inhibition of IL-6/IL-6R signaling induces apoptotic effects on breast cancer Oncogene, 35 . pp. 3965-3975. ISSN 0950-9232

Mandal, M. ; Singh, K. S. ; Balaji, M. ; Mohapatra, M. (2016) Performance of WRF-ARW model in real-time prediction of Bay of Bengal cyclone ‘Phailin’ Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173 (5). pp. 1783-1801. ISSN 0033-4553

Parida, S. ; Pal, I. ; Parekh, A. ; Thakur, B. ; Bharti, R. ; Das, S. ; Mandal, M. (2016) GW627368X inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in cervical cancer by interfering with EP4/EGFR interactive signaling Cell Death & Disease, 7 (3). Article ID e2154-13 pages. ISSN 2041-4889

Panja, S. ; Dey, G. ; Bharti, R. ; Kumari, K. ; Maiti, T. K. ; Mandal, M. ; Chattopadhyay, S. (2016) Tailor-made temperature-sensitive micelle for targeted and on-demand release of anticancer drugs ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (19). pp. 12063-12074. ISSN 1944-8244

Pal, I. ; Sarkar, S. ; Rajput, S. ; Dey, K. K. ; Chakraborty, S. ; Dash, R. ; Das, S. K. ; Sarkar, D. ; Barile, E. ; De, S. K. ; Pellecchia, M. ; Fisher, P. B. ; Mandal, M. (2014) BI-69A11 enhances susceptibility of colon cancer cells to mda-7/IL-24-induced growth inhibition by targeting Akt British Journal of Cancer, 111 (1). pp. 101-111. ISSN 0007-0920

Mandal, M. ; Singh, D. ; Gouthama, . ; Murty, B. S. ; Sangal, S. ; Mondal, K. (2014) Porous copper template from partially spark plasma-sintered Cu-Zn aggregate via dezincification Bulletin of Materials Science, 37 (4). pp. 743-752. ISSN 0250-4707

Mandal, M. ; Singh, K. S. (2014) Impact of initial condition on prediction of Bay of Bengal Cyclone 'Viyaru’ - A case study IJCA - International Journal of Computer Applications, 94 (10). pp. 18-24. ISSN 0975-8887

Prashanthi, K. ; Mandal, M. ; Duttagupta, S. P. ; Ramgopal Rao, V. ; Pant, P. ; Dhale, K. ; Palkar, V. R. (2011) Nanochanical characterization of multiferroic thin films for micro-electromechanical systems International Journal of Nanoscience, 10 (4). pp. 1039-1043. ISSN 0219-581X

Prashanthi, K. ; Mandal, M. ; Duttagupta, S. P. ; Pant, Prita ; Palkar, V. R. ; Ramgopal Rao, V. (2010) Characterization of multiferroic thin films directly deposited on silicon for novel device applications Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International NanoElectornics Conference, Hong Kong, China . pp. 900-901.

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. (2010) Simulation of severe land-falling Bay of Bengal Cyclones during 1995–1999 using Mesoscale model MM5 Marine Geodesy, 33 (4). pp. 315-337. ISSN 0149-0419

Namsa, Nima D. ; Tag, Hui ; Mandal, M. ; Kalita, P. ; Das, A. K. (2009) An ethnobotanical study of traditional anti-inflammatory plants used by the Lohit community of Arunachal Pradesh, India Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 125 (2). pp. 234-245. ISSN 0378-8741

Sarkar, S. ; Mandal, M. (2009) ZD6474 in combination with paclitaxel and UVB irradiation enhances the antiproliferative effect and apoptosis on breast carcinoma Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 11 (S1). S1-S20. ISSN 0167-6806

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Sinha, P. ; Ali, M. M. (2007) Impact of sea surface temperature in modulating movement and intensity of tropical cyclones Natural Hazards, 41 (3). pp. 413-427. ISSN 0921-030X

Singh, A. P. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Sinha, P. ; Mandal, M. (2007) Influence of different land-surface processes on Indian summer monsoon circulation Natural Hazards, 42 (2). pp. 423-438. ISSN 0921-030X

Ramachandran, Radhika ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Pattanayak, Sujata ; Mandal, M. ; Rani, S. Indira (2006) Location-specific forecast at Sriharikota during the launch of GSLV-F01 Current Science, 91 (3). pp. 285-295. ISSN 0011-3891

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Das, A. K. (2006) Impact of satellite derived wind in mesoscale simulation of Orissa super cyclone Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 35 (2). pp. 161-173. ISSN 0379-5136

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. (2006) Numerical experiments for improvement in mesoscale simulation of Orissa super cyclone Mausam, 57 (1). pp. 79-96. ISSN 0252-9416

Azadi, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Mandal, M. (2006) A study on kinematic trajectory calculations with different schemes using wind field of varying temporal frequency Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 6 (1-4). pp. 7-17. ISSN 1472-7978

Mandal, M. ; Kim, S. ; Younes, M. N. ; Jasser, S. A. ; El-Naggar, A. K. ; Mills, G. B. ; Myers, J. N. (2005) The Akt inhibitor KP372-1 suppresses Akt activity and cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in thyroid cancer cells British Journal of Cancer, 92 (10). pp. 1899-1905. ISSN 0007-0920

Dimri, A. P. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Mandal, M. (2004) Simulation of heavy precipitation associated with an intense western disturbance over Western Himalayas Natural Hazards, 31 (2). pp. 499-519. ISSN 0921-030X

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Raman, S. (2004) A study on the impact of parameterization of physical processes on prediction of tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal with NCAR/PSU mesoscale model Natural Hazards, 31 (2). pp. 391-414. ISSN 0921-030X

Mohanty, U. C. ; Mandal, M. ; Raman, S. (2004) Simulation of Orissa super cyclone (1999) using PSU/NCAR mesoscale model Natural Hazards, 31 (2). pp. 373-390. ISSN 0921-030X

Mandal, M. ; Mohanty, U. C. ; Potty, K. V. J. ; Sarkar, A. (2003) Impact of horizontal resolution on prediction of tropical cyclones over Bay of Bengal using a regional weather prediction model Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Earth and Planetary Sciences, 112 (1). pp. 79-93. ISSN 0253-4126

Mandal, M. ; Jagannadham, M. V. ; Nagaraj, R. (2002) Antibacterial activities and conformations of bovine β-defensin BNBD-12 and analogs: structural and disulfide bridge requirements for activity Peptides, 23 (3). pp. 413-418. ISSN 0196-9781

Mandal, M. ; Nagaraj, R. (2002) Antibacterial activities and conformations of synthetic α-defensin HNP-1 and analogs with one, two and three disulfide bridges The Journal of Peptide Research, 59 (3). pp. 95-104. ISSN 1397-002X

Mandal, M. ; Wu, X. ; Kumar, R. (1997) Bcl-2 deregulation leads to inhibition of sodium butyrate-induced apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cells Carcinogenesis, 18 (1). pp. 229-232. ISSN 0143-3334

Kumar, R. ; Mandal, M. ; Lipton, A. ; Harvey, H. ; Thompson, C. B. (1996) Overexpression of HER2 modulates bcl-2, bcl-XL, and tamoxifen-induced apoptosis in human MCF-7 breast cancer cells Clinical Cancer Research, 2 (7). pp. 1215-1219. ISSN 1078-0432

Zhu, X. ; Kumar, R. ; Mandal, M. ; Sharma, N. ; Sharma, H. W. ; Dhingra, U. ; Sokoloski, J. A. ; Hsiao, R. ; Narayan, R. (1996) Cell cycledependent modulation of telemerase activity in tumor cells Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93 (12). pp. 6091-6095. ISSN 0027-8424

Zhu, X. ; Kumar, R. ; Mandal, M. ; Sharma, N. ; Sharma, H. W. ; Dhingra, U. ; Sokoloski, J. A. ; Hsiao, R. ; Narayanan, R. (1996) Cell cycle-dependent modulation of telomerase activity in tumor cells PNAS, 93 (12). pp. 6091-6095. ISSN 0027-8424

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