On the voltage distribution across a string of suspension insulators

Dutta Roy, S. C. (1976) On the voltage distribution across a string of suspension insulators I.E.E. - I.E.R.E. Proceedings - India, 14 (2). pp. 47-49. ISSN 0018-9146

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A difference equation formulation is given for the problem of determining the voltage distribution across a string of suspension insulators, taking into account the capacitance Cg between the insulator hardware and the guard ring, and the conductance of the insulator. Explicit closed-form solution is given for the case in which Cg does not vary from unit to unit and the form of tapering needed to make a uniform distribution of the voltage is worked out.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Keywords:Difference Equation Formulation; Voltage Distribution; Capacitance; Insulator Hardware; Guard Ring; Conductance of Insulator; Suspension Insulator String; Uniform Voltage Distribution
ID Code:9940
Deposited On:02 Nov 2010 10:22
Last Modified:01 Jun 2011 11:46

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