Coastal landform mapping around the Gulf of Khambhat using Landsat TM data

Shaikh, M. G. ; Nayak, Shailesh ; Shah, P. N. ; Jambusaria, B. B. (1989) Coastal landform mapping around the Gulf of Khambhat using Landsat TM data Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 17 (1). pp. 41-48. ISSN 0974-3006

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Landsat TM data was utilised for coastal geomorphic mapping around the Gulf of Khambhat. Various landforms like shoreline, estuaries, mudflats, islands, mangroves, relict aluvium, cliffs, dunes, flood plains, paleochannel, paleomeanders, oxbow lake, etc. were delineated. The estuaries were divided into salt-wedge estuary, fully mixed estuary and partially mixed estuary based on amount of freshwater discharge and nature of tidal currents. The mudflats were classified into high tide flats, intertidal slopes and subtidal zones. These classes were further classified based on their composition. It was concluded that TM data has broughtout many new features and improved the classification of coastal landforms. The presence of coastal features like drowned river valleys, paleomudflats, relict alluvium, dunes, paleomeanders, oxbow lake and terraces clearly indicate the sea-level changes of the Quarternary period.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
ID Code:98976
Deposited On:20 Jul 2015 10:55
Last Modified:20 Jul 2015 10:55

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