Does haemocoelom exclude embryonic stem cells and asexual reproduction in inverte­brates?

Balasubramanian, T. ; Murugesan, P. ; Pandian, T. J. (2010) Does haemocoelom exclude embryonic stem cells and asexual reproduction in inverte­brates? Current Science, 98 (6). pp. 768-771. ISSN 0011-3891

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The terms embryonic and adult stem cells are explained. Previous studies on identification, description and isolation of the embryonic stem cells in different invertebrate groups are briefly summarized. Most invertebrates, which reproduce asexually have retained the embryonic stem cells in their adult body. A hypothesis is proposed for the possible exclusion of embryonic stem cells and thereby asexual mode of reproduction by the coelom in arthropods and molluscs.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Current Science Association.
ID Code:97255
Deposited On:30 Jan 2013 09:19
Last Modified:19 May 2016 09:27

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