Remoulded shear strength at plastic and semi-solid states

Vinod, P. ; Deepa, K. A. ; Sridharan, A. (2012) Remoulded shear strength at plastic and semi-solid states Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering . p. 1. ISSN 1353-2618

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The undrained shear strength of remoulded soils is of great concern in geotechnical engineering applications. This study aims to develop a reliable approach for determining the undrained shear strength of remoulded fine-grained soils, through the use of index test results, at both the plastic and semi-solid states of consistency. Experimental investigation and subsequent analysis involving a number of fine-grained soils of widely varying plasticity and geological origin have led to a two-parameter linear model of the relationship between logarithm of remoulded undrained shear strength and liquidity index. The numerical values of the parameters are found to be dependent to a lesser extent on the soil group and to a greater extent on the soil state. Based on the values of regression coefficient, ranking index and ranking distance, it seems that the relationship represents the experimental results well. It may be pointed out that the possibility of such a relationship in the semi-solid state of a soil has not been explored in the past. It is also shown that the shear strength at the plastic limit is about 32–34 times that at the liquid limit.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Thomas Telford.
Keywords:Geotechnical Engineering; Strength and Testing of Materials
ID Code:96304
Deposited On:21 Dec 2012 12:46
Last Modified:21 Dec 2012 12:48

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