Crystal chemistry and superconductivity of pressure-induced phases in the In-Te system

Geller, S. ; Jayaraman, A. ; Hull, G. W. (1965) Crystal chemistry and superconductivity of pressure-induced phases in the In-Te system Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 26 (2). pp. 353-361. ISSN 0022-3697

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In the In-Te system, a pressure-induced Nad-type phase exists in the region In0.80Te to In1.5Te. Superconductivity exists in the whole range, with the maximum transition temperature occurring for the stoichiometric InTe. A hypothesis previously given for the metallic behavior of this phase and the decrease of transition temperature on either side of the stoichiometric InTe is further elaborated. It is proposed that the transformation to the NaCl-type structure removes the structural constraint on electron transfer existing in the normal InTe. A method for calculating carrier concentration is given and it is shown that the superconducting transition temperature is a function of carrier concentration. At least two other pressure-induced In-Te phases exist. One is In3Te4 which becomes superconducting at 1·25–1·15°K. In3Te4 has the anri-Sn4As3 structure with seven atoms in a rhombohedral unit cell, all lying on the threefold axis. The positional parameters of the atoms and interatomic distances are given and the coordination shown to be related to that found in the NaCl-type structure. Pressure-temperature experiments on normal In2Te3 indicate that a pressureinduced phase with this (or approximately this) composition cannot be obtained metastably without the presence of the In3Te4 and an unidentified phase. The pressure-induced In2Te3 phase has the well-known Bi2Te3 structure and is closely related to the In3Te4 structure. Superconductivity tests and X-ray diffraction investigation lead to the conclusion that the In3Te4 phases occurring with the In2Te3 phase are sometimes not stoichiometric and in such cases usually contain excess tellurium.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:95951
Deposited On:30 Nov 2012 12:37
Last Modified:30 Nov 2012 12:37

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