Limiting spectral distributions of some band matrices

Basak, Anirban ; Bose, Arup (2011) Limiting spectral distributions of some band matrices Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 63 (1). pp. 113-150. ISSN 0031-5303

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We use the method of moments to establish the limiting spectral distribution (LSD) of appropriately scaled large dimensional random symmetric circulant, reverse circulant, Toeplitz and Hankel matrices which have suitable band structures. The input sequence used to construct these matrices is assumed to be either i.i.d. with mean zero and variance one or independent and appropriate finite fourth moment. The class of LSD includes the normal and the symmetrized square root of chi-square with two degrees of freedom. In several other cases, explicit forms of the limit do not seem to be obtainable but the limits can be shown to be symmetric and their second and the fourth moments can be calculated with some effort. Simulations suggest some further properties of the limits.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
Keywords:Large Dimensional Random Matrix; Eigenvalues; Toeplitz Matrix; Hankel Matrix; Circulant Matrix; Reverse Circulant Matrix; Band Matrix; Empirical Spectral Distribution; Bounded Lipschitz Metric; Limiting Spectral Distribution; Moment Method
ID Code:93929
Deposited On:30 Jun 2012 08:11
Last Modified:30 Jun 2012 08:11

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