Luminescence chronology if seusnutes at Sumdo (Spiti valley) near Kaurik-Chango Fault, Northwestern Himalaya

Banerjee, D. ; Singhvi, A. K. ; Bagati, T. N. ; Mohindra, R. (1997) Luminescence chronology if seusnutes at Sumdo (Spiti valley) near Kaurik-Chango Fault, Northwestern Himalaya Current Science, 73 (3). pp. 276-281. ISSN 0011-3891

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Soft sediment deformation structures (seismites) observed at eight stratigraphic levels in fluvio-lacustrine sediments exposed in the Sumdo area of lower Spiti valley, Himachal Pradesh, India have been interpreted to represent eight paleoearthquakes of magnitude > 6.5 on the Richter scale. We present the first attempt to date seismites using luminescence dating techniques. The infrared stimulated lumine-scence ages range from 26 ka to 90 ka in samples from four seismites that were investigated. These ages suggest that the activation of Kaurik-Chango Fault and the seismic activity in the region dates back at least to the Late-Pleistocene.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Current Science Association.
ID Code:92748
Deposited On:02 Jun 2012 15:22
Last Modified:19 May 2016 06:02

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