Acid glycosidase and arylsulfatase activities of human cerebrospinal fluid as measured by concanavalin A-sepharose affinity chromatography

Cherian, Rebecca ; Balasubramanian, A. S. (1978) Acid glycosidase and arylsulfatase activities of human cerebrospinal fluid as measured by concanavalin A-sepharose affinity chromatography Clinica Chimica Acta, 89 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 0009-8981

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An affinity Chromatographic method using concanavalin A-Sepharose is described for the determination of N-acetyl-,β-d-glucosaminidase, arylsulfatase. α-L-Fucosidase and α-D-mannosidase activities in the human cerebrospinal fluid. By this method (starting with 12 to 20 ml samples of cerebrospinal fluid) the above enzymes could be obtained in a concentrated form and their activities could be determined within incubation periods of 30 min to 1 h under the assay conditions described. The pH optima of the enzymes were in the range of pH 4 to 5. About 80% of the total cerebrospinal fluid N-acetyl-,β-d-glucosaminidasewas found to be the A form by DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography. About 60% of the total arylsulfatase was also found to be the A form. Determination of these enzyme activities in a few samples of human cerebrospinal fluid indicated a rough proportionality between the enzyme activities and the protein concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:91744
Deposited On:23 May 2012 14:39
Last Modified:23 May 2012 14:39

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