A study of the spatial variation of mass functions in some young open clusters

Pandey, A. K. ; Mahra, H. S. ; Sagar, R. (1991) A study of the spatial variation of mass functions in some young open clusters Proceedings: The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters . pp. 170-172.

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The effect of mass segregation on cluster mass functions has been studied and it is found that the slope of the mass function is steeper in the outer parts of open dusters. Since dynamical relaxation time is always larger than the age of the dusters, it is inferred that the observed mass segregation might have taken place at the time of cluster formation.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters.
ID Code:91711
Deposited On:23 May 2012 14:07
Last Modified:19 May 2016 05:24

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