QCD-motivated BSE-SDE framework for quark-dynamics under Markov-Yukawa transversality: a unified view of Q Q̅ and QQQ systems

Mitra, A. N. (1999) QCD-motivated BSE-SDE framework for quark-dynamics under Markov-Yukawa transversality: a unified view of Q Q̅ and QQQ systems Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 65 (5). pp. 527-584. ISSN 0370-0046

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This article aims at an integrated formulation of BSE's for 2- and 3-quark hadrons under the Markov-Yukawa Transversality Principle (MYTP) which provides a deep interconnection between the 3D and 4D BSE forms, and hence offers a unified treatment of 3D spectroscopy with 4D quark-loop integrals for hadronic transitions. For the actual dynamics, an NJL-type realization of DBχS is achieved via the interplay of Bethe-Salpeter (BSE) and Schwinger-Dyson (SDE) equations, which are simultaneously derivable from a chiral Lagrangian with a gluonic (Vector-exchange) 4-fermion interaction of 'current' uds quarks, specifically addressing the non-perturbative regime. A prior critique of the literature on various aspects of the non-perturbative QCD problem, on the basis of some standard criteria, helps converge on a BSE-SDE framework with a 3D-4D interconnection based on MYTP. This framework is then employed for a systematic self-contained presentation of 2- and 3-quark dynamics on the lines of MYTP-governed DBχS, with enough calculational details illustrating the techniques involved. Specific topics include: 3D-4D interconnection of q q̅ and qqq wave functions by Green's Function methods; pion form factor; 3-hadron form factors with unequal mass loops; SU(2) mass splittings; Vacuum condensates (direct and induced); Complex H.O. techniques and SO(2,1).

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian National Science Academy.
Keywords:QCD-Confinement Models; BSE-SDE Framework; Markov-Yukawa Transversality; Fermion Quarks; 3D-4D Interlinkage; Self-Energy; Vertex Function; Form-Factors; DBχS; Condensates; Green's Function Method; Cov. Instantaneity(CIA); Cov.Light Front(CNPA)
ID Code:90190
Deposited On:07 May 2012 13:13
Last Modified:19 May 2016 04:28

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