Wheat crop inventory using high spectral resolution IRS-P3 MOS-B spectrometer data

Singh, R. P. ; Dadhwal, V. K. ; Navalgund, R. R. (1999) Wheat crop inventory using high spectral resolution IRS-P3 MOS-B spectrometer data Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 27 (3). pp. 167-173. ISSN 0974-3006

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Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS-B) spectrometer data over parts of Northern India was evaluated for wheat crop monitoring involving (a) sub pixel wheat tractional area estimation using spectral unmixmg approach and (b) growth assessment b3 red edge shift at different phenological stages. Red shift of 10 nm was observed between crown root initiation stage to flowering stage. Wheat fraction estimates using linear spectral unmixing on Feb. 13. 1999 acquisition of MOS-B data bad high correlatiol7 {0.82) with estimates from Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) data acquired on same date by IRS-P3 platfonn. It was observed that live bands MOS-B bands) are saffieient for signature separability of major land cover classes viz. wheat, urban, wasteland, and water based on purely spectral separability, criterion using Transformed Divergence (T.D.) approach. Higher number of bands saturated the T.D. values. [n contrast, performanee of sub pixel fractional area estimation using unmixing decreased drastically for eight bands (4.5.6,728.9. 12,13 MOS-B bands l chosen from optimal band selection criteria in comparison to full set of 13 bands. The relative deviation between area estimated from Wifs and MOS-B increased from 1.72 percent when all thirteen bands were used in unmixing to 26. I0 percent for the above eight bands.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
ID Code:89356
Deposited On:26 Apr 2012 13:10
Last Modified:19 May 2016 03:55

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