Deflection of ultra slow light by Earth's gravity on laboratory length scale

Kumar, N. (2008) Deflection of ultra slow light by Earth's gravity on laboratory length scale EPL: Europhysics Letters, 82 (6). 60002_1-60002_4. ISSN 0295-5075

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The high speed of light in vacuo together with the weakness of Earth's gravity rule out any experimental detection of gravitational deflection of light on the laboratory length scale. Recent advances in coherent nonlinear optics that produce ultra-slow light in highly dispersive media with group velocities down to ~102 ms-1, or even less, however, open up this possibility. In this work, we present a theoretical study for a possible laboratory observation of the deflection of such an ultra slow light in the highly dispersive medium under the Earth's gravity. Our general relativistic calculation is based on the Gordon optical metric modified so as to include dispersion. The calculated linear vertical deflection turns out to be ~0.1 mm for a horizontal traversal of 0.5 m and a group speed vg~102 ms-1. Experimental realizability and some conceptual points involved will be briefly discussed.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to EDP Sciences.
ID Code:85147
Deposited On:29 Feb 2012 13:51
Last Modified:19 May 2016 01:18

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