Selection rules for processes involving photon-molecule interaction: a symmetry-conservation-based approach bypassing transition matrix elements

Chowdhury, Mihir (1996) Selection rules for processes involving photon-molecule interaction: a symmetry-conservation-based approach bypassing transition matrix elements Journal of Chemical Education, 73 (8). p. 743. ISSN 0021-9584

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The deduction of selection rule for a photon-induced transition in an atom/molecule is usually a lengthy process involving development of the time-dependent perturbation theory, the mathematical expression for transition probability, and finally the symmetry concepts to identify the transition matrix elements which are zeroes. All these, lengthy mathematical formulae could be bypassed if we invoke the principle that the total symmetry of the initial state is preserved in the final state taking, of course, both molecular and photon wavefunctions into consideration. The parity selection rules for one-photon absorption (electric dipole and magnetic dipole), two-photon absorption, second harmonic generation and optical activity, as well as the angular momentum selection rules are deduced and exemplified by diagrams.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Chemical Society.
Keywords:Upper-Division Undergraduate; Inorganic Chemistry; Group Theory/Symmetry
ID Code:8440
Deposited On:27 Oct 2010 06:33
Last Modified:03 Feb 2011 08:58

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