Pharamcognostic evaluation of Acorus calamus L.

Subha, T. S. ; Gnanamani, A. ; Mandal, A. B. (2011) Pharamcognostic evaluation of Acorus calamus L. Pharmacognosy Journal . No PP. Given.. ISSN 0975-3575

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Introduction: Acorus calamus L. is a semi aquatic medicinal plant, commonly used in traditional medicinal systems of Asian and European countries. Rhizomes are used as therapeutic agent for various diseases. The present study focuses on pharmacognostic evaluation of the rhizomes. Methods: Pharmacognostic evaluation was carried out by organoleptic evaluation, anatomical studies, powder microscopic analysis and ash valve studies. Results and Conclusions: Organoleptic studies showed presence of characteristic triangular leaf scars and the anatomical studies showed the presence of aerenchyma and amphivasal vascular bundles. Presence of tannins was also observed

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Medknow Publications.
Keywords:Acorus Calamus; Anatomy; Powder Microscopy; Ash Value; Phytochemistry; Terpenoids
ID Code:84382
Deposited On:25 Feb 2012 11:41
Last Modified:25 Feb 2012 11:41

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