Inter-annual relationship between Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies and Indian summer monsoon

Rajeevan, M. ; Sridhar, L. (2008) Inter-annual relationship between Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies and Indian summer monsoon Geophysical Research Letters, 35 . L21704_1-L21704_7. ISSN 0094-8276

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In this study, the simultaneous inter-annual relationships between SST anomalies over the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and southwest monsoon rainfall over the monsoon core region have been examined using monthly SST and atmospheric data for the period 1951-2005. Statistical analyses reveal significant inter-annual simultaneous relationship between the SST anomalies over North Atlantic and rainfall over the monsoon core region, but with significant epochal variations. The relationship has become stronger after mid-1970s when the El Nino-Indian monsoon relationship has weakened. Positive SST anomalies over the North Atlantic Ocean shift the North Atlantic Jet northwards and the associated circulation changes in the upper troposphere influence Indian monsoon through the circumglobal teleconnection across central Asia. The present study, thus highlights the important role of North Atlantic Ocean as an important source of inter-annual variability of the Indian summer monsoon.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Geophysical Union.
Keywords:Indian Monsoon; Atlantic Circulation; Teleconnection
ID Code:84004
Deposited On:23 Feb 2012 12:21
Last Modified:23 Feb 2012 12:21

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