Magnetic field effects in a polymer-chain-linked donor-acceptor system

Basu, Samita ; Nath, Debnarayan ; Chowdhury, Mihir ; Winnik, Mitchell A. (1992) Magnetic field effects in a polymer-chain-linked donor-acceptor system Chemical Physics, 162 (1). pp. 145-153. ISSN 0301-0104

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The magnetic field effect on the intramolecular exciplex luminescence of a polymer-chain-linked pyrene-dimethylaniline system has been studied using both stead-state and time-resolved techniques. The dependence of the exciplex luminescence (φ) and the relative change in the luminescence in the presence of a magnetic field (Δ;∅/∅) on the wavelength λ and dielectric constant (ε) of the medium has been investigated. Although the rise and decay times of this system are quite long compared to the unlinked pyrene-dimethylaniline system, that the εmax value, at which Δ∅/∅ reaches its maximum, and the β½ value are nearly the same as these obtained in the unlinked system. The decay curves of the linked system in the absence and in the presence of a field have been rationalized.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:8320
Deposited On:26 Oct 2010 11:47
Last Modified:03 Feb 2011 09:14

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