A qualocation method for a unidimensional single phase semilinear Stefan problem

Jones Doss, L. ; Pani, Amiya K. (2005) A qualocation method for a unidimensional single phase semilinear Stefan problem IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 25 (1). pp. 139-159. ISSN 0272-4979

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Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/imanum/drh010


Based on straightening the free boundary, a qualocation method is proposed and analysed for a single phase unidimensional Stefan problem. This method may be considered as a discrete version of the H1-Galerkin method in which the discretization is achieved by approximating the integrals by a composite Gauss quadrature rule. Optimal error estimates are derived in L(Wj,∞), j = 0,1, and L (Hj), j = 0,1,2, norms for a semidiscrete scheme without any quasi-uniformity assumption on the finite element mesh.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Oxford University Press.
Keywords:Singlephase Stefan Problem; Front Fixing Technique; Qualocation Method; Gauss Quadrature
ID Code:81958
Deposited On:09 Feb 2012 04:45
Last Modified:09 Feb 2012 04:45

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