Two forms of PF1 Inovirus: X-ray diffraction studies on a structural phase transition and a calculated libration normal mode of the assymetric unit

Marvin, D. A. ; Nave, C. ; Bansal, M. ; Hale, R. D. ; Salje, E. K. H. (1992) Two forms of PF1 Inovirus: X-ray diffraction studies on a structural phase transition and a calculated libration normal mode of the assymetric unit Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal, 39 (1-4). pp. 45-80. ISSN 0141-1594

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Inovirus is a helical array of α-helical protein asymmetric units surrounding a DNA core. X-ray fibre diffraction studies show that the Pf1 species of Inovirus can undergo a reversible temperature-induced transition between two similar structural forms having slightly different virion helix parameters. Molecular models of the two forms show no evidence for altered interactions between the protein and either the solvent or the viral DNA; but there are significant differences in the shape and orientation of the protein asymmetric unit, related to the changes in the virion parameters. Normal modes involving libration of whole asymmetric units are in a frequency range with appreciable entropy of libration, and the structural transition may be related to changes in libration.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Taylor and Francis Group.
Keywords:α-helix; Fibre Diffraction; Inovirus; Macromolecules; Normal Modes; Structural Phase Transition
ID Code:79545
Deposited On:27 Jan 2012 13:07
Last Modified:27 Jan 2012 13:07

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