Hormonal modulation of biosynthesis of prostatic specific antigen, prostate specific acid phosphatase and prostatic inhibin peptide

Sheth, A. R. ; Garde, S. V. ; Mehta, M. K. ; Shah, M. G. (1992) Hormonal modulation of biosynthesis of prostatic specific antigen, prostate specific acid phosphatase and prostatic inhibin peptide Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 30 (3). pp. 157-161. ISSN 0019-5189

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Hormonal modulation of in vitro biosynthesis of three prostatic secretory proteins, prostate specific acid phosphatase (PSAP), prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic inhibin peptide (PIP) by human benign hyperplasia (BPH) tissue was studied. LH and inhibins caused increase in the synthesis of all three proteins whereas FSH enhanced the synthesis of PIP and PSA only but decreased PSAP synthesis. Prolactin and thyroid releasing hormone decreased synthesis of PIP and PSAP. However, PSA synthesis was enhanced by TRH and was decreased by prolactin. Estradiol caused significant increase in PSA and PSAP but no discernible changes in PIP synthesis were noticed. Testosterone caused an increase in PIP, PSA and PSAP. These data indicate that biosynthesis of PIP, PSA and PSAP by BPH tissue is under multihormonal regulation.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources.
ID Code:78229
Deposited On:20 Jan 2012 11:38
Last Modified:20 Jan 2012 11:38

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