Influence of excess of retinoid on DMBA carcinogenesis

Kandarkar, S. V. ; Sirsat, S. M. (1983) Influence of excess of retinoid on DMBA carcinogenesis Neoplasma, 30 (1). pp. 43-50. ISSN 0028-2685

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This paper reports a study on the influence of excess of vitamin A palmitate on the induction and maintenance of oral tumors. Sixty four weanling Syrian hamsters were divided in four groups and painted three times a week, either with 0.5% DMBA or 15% vitamin A palmitate, singly or in combination. A possible mild immune response evoked by vitamin A palmitate is considered responsible for the delayed induction of the tumors. In all animals exposed to carcinogen + vitamin A the induced tumors were small in size and histologically verified as well differentiated epidermoid carcinomas. In control group with sole vitamin A palmitate application the cheek pouch showed considerably increased keratinization.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Academic Electronic Press.
ID Code:77382
Deposited On:12 Jan 2012 08:00
Last Modified:12 Jan 2012 08:00

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