Polyribosomes and unstable messenger RNA: a stochastic model of protein synthesis

Singh, U. N. (1969) Polyribosomes and unstable messenger RNA: a stochastic model of protein synthesis Journal of Theoretical Biology, 25 (3). pp. 444-460. ISSN 0022-5193

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A stochastic model based on tape theory of mRNA function is developed. It is assumed that (i) transcription, translation as well as sequential degradation of mRNA proceed in a 5'- to 3'-end direction and that all the three processes can go on simultaneously, (ii) inactivation of 5'-end by an exonuclease (either free or ribosome-bound) is a random process and (iii) the average distance between adjacent ribosomes is constant. Theoretical consequences of the model such as decay of mRNA and its relationship with protein synthesis, size-distribution of polyribosomes, sedimentation profile of rapidly labelled RNA, association of nascent protein with polyribosomes and bacterial enzyme induction, are discussed in the light of information available in literature.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:77282
Deposited On:11 Jan 2012 04:26
Last Modified:11 Jan 2012 04:26

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