Structure of cryptosin monohydrate - a new cardioactive glycoside

Narendra, N. ; Viswamitra, M. A. ; Venkateswara, R. ; Sankara Rao, K. ; Vaidyanathan, C. S. (1987) Structure of cryptosin monohydrate - a new cardioactive glycoside Acta Crystallographica Section C, 43 (8). pp. 1562-1564. ISSN 0108-2701

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C29H40OIl.H20. Mr = 582.7, orthorhombic, P2121, a=9.663(5), b=11.723(1), c=25.626 (3) Å, Z=4, V=2902.9Å3, Dx=1.33 Mg m-3, λ(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 Å, µ = 0.9 mm-1, F(OOO) = 1248, T= 295 K, final R for 2273 observed reflections is 0.077. Cryptosin contains deoxygluccse, a steroid group and a lactone ring. The glucopyranose ring assumes a chair conformation. The steroid group shows the presence of an epoxy group unlike in other cardioactive compounds such as strophanthidin and digitoxigenin. The AlB and CID ring junctions are cis as in other cardioacuve steroids. Thc molecules pack in a network which contains three distinct hydrogen bonds.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to International Union of Crystallography.
ID Code:77276
Deposited On:10 Jan 2012 14:08
Last Modified:17 Jul 2012 05:30

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