Applications of genetic algorithm in Polymer science and Engineering

Kasat, Rahul B. ; Ray, Ajay K. ; Gupta, Santosh K. (2003) Applications of genetic algorithm in Polymer science and Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 18 (3). pp. 523-532. ISSN 1042-6914

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In the last several years, genetic algorithm (GA) has gained wide acceptance as a robust optimization algorithm in almost all areas of science and engineering. Polymer science and engineering is no exception. Researchers in this field have devoted considerable attention to the optimization of polymer productionusing objective functions and constraints that lead to products having desired material properties. Multiple-objective functions have been optimized simultaneously. An example is the minimization of the reaction time in a reactor (lower costs) while simultaneously minimizing the concentration of side products (that affect the properties of the product adversely). Several end-point constraints (equality or inequality) may also be present, as, e.g., obtaining polymer of a desired molecular weight. Again, this requirement stems from producing polymer having desired strength. Solving such problems usually result in Pareto sets. A variety of adaptations of GA have been developed to obtain optimal solutions for such complex problems. These adaptations can be used to advantage in other fields too. The applications of GA in areas of polymer science and engineering other than polymerization systems are few and far between, but this field is now maturing, and it is hoped that the future will see several newer applications.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Taylor and Francis Group.
Keywords:Genetic Algorithm; Multi-objective Optimization; Pareto Sets; Optimization; Optimization in Polymer Reaction Engineering; Optimization in Polymer Science and Engineering; Scheduling in Polymers; Optimization in Polymer Processing; Optimization in Polymer Molecular Design; Nondominated Sorting GA
ID Code:76527
Deposited On:23 Jun 2012 14:06
Last Modified:23 Jun 2012 14:06

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