Optimal operating conditions steel plant: genetic adaptive for the search primary end of an integrated and classical techniques

Deo, Brahma ; Deb, Kalyanmoy ; Jha, Sushant ; Sudhakaran, Veluru ; Venkat Sridhar, Nallamali (1998) Optimal operating conditions steel plant: genetic adaptive for the search primary end of an integrated and classical techniques ISIJ International, 38 (1). pp. 98-105. ISSN 0915-1559

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The optimal operating conditions for the primary end of an integrated steel plant, which essentia[Iy comprises of sintering plant, pelletizing plant, blast furnaces, oxygen steelmaking converters and electric arc furnace, are found through a moderntechnique of optimization, namely, genetic adaptive search (GAS), and also through classical techniques of simplex search with simu]ated annealing (ASM)and sequential quadratic programming (Sap), Acomparison of these techniques showsthat GASoutperforms both the classical methodsand obtains the lowest cost solution. Basedon this study, it is recommendedthat GAS be used, in preference to other methods, in complex steel plant optimization problems.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic.
Keywords:Steelmaking; Blast Furnace; Optimization; Genetic Algorithm; Simulated Annealing; Sequential Quadratic Programming
ID Code:75154
Deposited On:22 Dec 2011 03:07
Last Modified:25 Jun 2012 13:35

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