A preliminary study of multilevel geographic distribution & prevalence of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in the state of Goa, India

Mahadev, P. V. M. ; Fulmali, P. V. ; Mishra, A. C. (2004) A preliminary study of multilevel geographic distribution & prevalence of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in the state of Goa, India Indian Journal of Medical Research . pp. 173-182. ISSN 0019-5340

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Official URL: http://icmr.nic.in/ijmr/2004/0905.pdf


Background & objectives: Dengue virus activity has never been reported in the state of Goa. The present study was carried out to document a multilevel geographic distribution, prevalence and preliminary analysis of risk factors for the invasions of Aedes aegypti in Goa. Methods: A geographic information system (GIS) based Ae. aegypti surveys were conducted in dry (April 2002) and wet (July 2002) seasons in the rural and urban settlements. The random walk method was used for household coverage. The non-residential area visits included ancillaries of roadways, railways, air-and seaports. Simultaneous adult mosquito collections and one-larva per container technique were adopted. Results: The Ae. aegypti larval and adult prevalence was noted in all the four urban areas in both dry (Density index (DI)= 3 to 6) and wet (DI= 5 to 7) seasons and only one out of 3 villages showed Ae aegypti presence in wet season (DI= 5 to 7). In the residential areas, hutments showed higher relative prevalence indices (Breteau index, BI=100; container index, CI=11.95; adult house index, AHI=13.33) followed by close set cement houses (BI=44.1; CI=12.0; AHI=11.24). Ae aegypti relative prevalence indices were also more for households with pets (BI=85.11; CI=12.5; AHI= 42.85); those with tap had higher risk (larval house index, LHI =32.03; relative risk, RR>2, n=256). Plastic drum was the most preferred breeding place (χ2 = 19.81; P<0.01; RR=3.41) among domestic containers and rubber tyres (χ2 = 11.86; P<0.01; RR=3.61)among sundry/rainfilled containers. Interpretation & conclusion: Established Ae aegypti prevalence in the urban settlements during dry and wet seasons and its scattered distribution in a rural settlement spell risk of dengue infection at macro-level. In the residential areas nature and types of the households, tap water supply and storage and communities' attitude and practices contribute to sustained meso-level risk of Ae aegypti prevalence dependant DEN. The non-residential areas offer transient meso-level risk as Ae aegypti prevalence was seasonally unstable and monsoon dependent. Risk at micro-level was due to the preferred larval habitats of Ae aegypti breeding viz., residential plastic-ware and tyres, and transport tyres in non-residential areas.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Council of Medical Research.
Keywords:Aedes aegypti; Dengue; Geographic Information System; Prevalence Indices
ID Code:73598
Deposited On:06 Dec 2011 11:02
Last Modified:18 May 2016 18:21

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