Osmotropotaxis in larvae of Drosophila melanogster

Bala, Avinash Deep Sing ; Panchal, Punita ; Siddiqi, Obaid (1998) Osmotropotaxis in larvae of Drosophila melanogster Current Science, 75 (1). pp. 48-51. ISSN 0011-3891

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The larvae of Drosophila exhibit osmotropotaxis. At high concentrations of the odorant, chemotactic response is strongly oriented. At low concentrations oriented crawl is replaced by quasi-random turning. If the olfactory sensillum is ablated unilaterally, the larvae turn so as to present the ablated side to the odour source.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Current Science Association.
ID Code:72728
Deposited On:29 Nov 2011 04:55
Last Modified:18 May 2016 17:51

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