Latitudinal variation of aerosol optical depths from Northern Arabian Sea to Antarctica

Vinoj, V. ; Anjan, Anjit ; Sudhakar, M. ; Satheesh, S. K. ; Srinivasan, J. ; Krishna Moorthy, K. (2007) Latitudinal variation of aerosol optical depths from Northern Arabian Sea to Antarctica Geophysical Reseach Letters, 34 . L10807_1-L10807_5. ISSN 0094-8276

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Measurements of the spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) were made over the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Antarctica during a trans-continental cruise experiment conducted during January to April 2006. Our investigations show that AODs (at 500 nm) remain low (≤0.1) and steady in the Southern Indian Ocean (20°S to 40°S). In contrast, large latitudinal gradients exist north of 20°S. The AODs increase nearly exponentially from ∼0.1 near Antarctica to reach a value as high as 0.7 in the northern Arabian Sea (∼15°N). The latitudinal gradients were larger in summer than in winter. The comparison of measured daily optical depths with those retrieved from MODIS satellite sensor showed good agreement (within ∼0.02) for regions north of 40°S. The AODs were higher over remote oceans between 40°S to 60°S (MODIS observations) latitudes as a result of enhanced sea-salt production due to high winds associated with the ‘Roaring Forties'.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Geophysical Union.
Keywords:Aerosols; Optical Depths; Southern Ocean
ID Code:69282
Deposited On:12 Nov 2011 04:15
Last Modified:08 Apr 2015 12:03

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