Electrochemical organization of monolayer protected gold nanoclusters on single-walled carbon nanotubes: significantly enhanced double layer capacitance

Mahima, S. ; Chaki, N. K. ; Sharma, J. ; Kakade, B. A. ; Pasricha, R. ; Rao, A. M. ; Vijayamohanan, K. (2006) Electrochemical organization of monolayer protected gold nanoclusters on single-walled carbon nanotubes: significantly enhanced double layer capacitance Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 6 (5). pp. 1387-1391. ISSN 1533-4880

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Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2006.323


This paper reports a novel electrochemical route for anchoring monolayer protected gold nanoclusters (size 8± 0.2 nm) on single-walled carbon nanotube bundles, resulting in the formation of hybrid materials. Monolayer protected gold nanoclusters prepared by modified Brust synthesis route were organized on SWNT bundles by cycling the potential in dichloromethane between -1 to +1 V at a scan rate of 50 mV/s. Monolayer protected nanoclusters in electrolyte solutions possess ionic space charge around them (double layer charging), making them suitable for organization on nanotube bundles, by tuning the electrostatic interactions. More significantly, analysis of the double layer capacitance of these hybrid materials shows almost ten times increase in capacitance compared to that of bare SWNT bundles. We believe that these hybrid materials are potentially useful in nanoelectronics.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Scientific Publishers.
Keywords:Double Layer Charging; Double Layer Capacitance; Monolayer Protected Gold Nanoclusters; Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes; Hybrid Materials
ID Code:68923
Deposited On:08 Nov 2011 04:40
Last Modified:08 Nov 2011 04:40

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