Geographic and ethnic distribution of β-Thalassemia mutations in Uttar Pradesh, India

Agarwal, S. ; Pradhan, M. ; Gupta, U. R. ; Samai, S. ; Agarwal, S. S. (2000) Geographic and ethnic distribution of β-Thalassemia mutations in Uttar Pradesh, India Hemoglobin, 24 (2). pp. 89-97. ISSN 0363-0269

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We have studied the geographic and ethinic distribution of mutations in 376 subjects who were carriers of β -thalassemia, and identified the mutations in 365 chromosomes. The majority of the β-thalassemia carriers were of Uttar Pradesh (India) origin. Their pattern of mutations differed from the other states of India and from those families who had migrated from Pakistan. The frequency of the NS-I-5 (G→C) and 619 bp deletion mutations were 64.3 and 2.5%, respectively, among families originating from Uttar Pradesh, compared to a prevalence of 37.5 and 27.5%, respectively in the population of Pakistani immigrants. Of the 10 common Asian Indian mutations, only eight were observed in subjects studied from different parts of India. By use of the amplification refractory mutation system along with DNA sequencing techniques, the mutations were successfully identified in 97.1% of subjects, while 11 cases (2.9%) still remain to be characterized by single strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing analyses. The application of this knowledge has facilitated the successful implementation of the program of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis of β -tbalassemia, thus helping to avoid the birth of an affected child in India.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Informa Healthcare.
ID Code:68
Deposited On:16 Sep 2010 10:47
Last Modified:12 May 2011 03:38

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