Molecular and crystal structures of a class of push-pull quinonoid compounds with potential nonlinear optical applications

Ravi, M. ; Cohen, Shmuel ; Agranat, Israel ; Radhakrishnan, T. P. (1996) Molecular and crystal structures of a class of push-pull quinonoid compounds with potential nonlinear optical applications Structural Chemistry, 7 (3). pp. 225-232. ISSN 1040-0400

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Molecular and crystal structures of three compounds with electron donor-conjugation unit-electron acceptor framework are reported where the conjugation unit is formally a quinonoid ring. Semiempirical quantum chemical calculations indicate large hyperpolarizabilities in these push-pull molecules. Since all the crystal structures are found to belong to centrosymmetric space groups, modifications are necessary for quadratic nonlinear optical applications.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
Keywords:Push-pull Quinonoids; Nonlinear Optics; Crystal Structures; Hyperpolarizability
ID Code:65934
Deposited On:19 Oct 2011 14:24
Last Modified:19 Oct 2011 14:24

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